Chapter 27

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Seth was now falling asleep from the exhaustion that took a toll on him, while the ride on her back was tiring as well, in addition to the injury to his leg, which was a factor in having fallen into unconsciousness due to a lack of food, water, or proper rest.

Billy and Morgan walked side by side in silence as the atmosphere around them became lively when the sun began to ascend from the far horizon, resulting in the night sky becoming orange because of the light that shines through the vast plains.

With birds taking appearance across the atmosphere in these dense woods, he was happy to know that morning has finally arrived after dealing with these monsters last night. Right now, they are heading back to where Billy left the old man.

I was praying that the geezer didn't die while he was away, hoping the man was alright from having to deal with those monsters all by himself without his assistance. Having left Guan Yu just to save his own skin was definitely a bad move on his part, especially in his case of abandoning his companion for self-preservation.

He felt rather awful about it, wishing that the old man was okay after his departure; it wasn't easy for him to leave like that when he felt some bond during their fight against those things. In fact, he started to like him because of the man's impressive use of his weapon.

Having respect for strong people, he appreciated the old man's use of skill with such mastery and expertise of his chosen weapon, despite his age of being in the middle of the seventies. If anything, Billy was rather impressed that Guan Yu was able to fend himself against so many desperate monsters.

Although the witch on his right was different as he glanced at her beautiful appearance, the woman's relaxed smile made him frown in discontent. Especially with his friend Seth sleeping on her back, unaware of their current predicament and the danger of being close to her.

The young cowboy saw what she had done, using her magic to easily kill those predators. He was impressed and terrified at the same time, wondering what kind of things she could pull off aside from stopping time entirely. It is dangerous for a person to have that kind of ability.

Therefore, Billy can't trust her or even feel safe when she is around. This woman is capable of performing feats that are borderline supernatural. No normal human being can do that, let alone kill their enemies in the most simple of ways without batting an eye.

In addition to having his revolver completely destroyed, he felt defenseless from being around this dangerous being that has abilities he is unable to comprehend, much less understand. No man can take her on in a straight-up fist fight and expect to win.

Because one thing he knows about magic is how unpredictable and mysterious it truly is. This woman is a living proof of that; he hasn't seen anything like her before and probably won't see anything like her ever again. At least in his lifetime anyway.

"I never got your name, boy," Morgan spoke up while still wearing that amused smile on her face. "Mine is Morgan," she said with the sweetest tone of voice. "Care to tell me yours?" The witch asked him politely without sounding too pushy or rude.

Billy gave her a long glare with his blue eyes. "Why do you care?" He wondered what game she was playing. The two of them shared a long glance with one another for a good while before finally opening his mouth. "Billy the kid is the name, and don't wear it out," the young boy stated his identity.

Morgan laughed at the childish joke he pulled out of the hat: "Really? I'm curious where you got that name from," the witch commented in interest. "I assume it's the meaning of having 'kid' in it," the woman chuckled.

The two of them were quiet for a few seconds until Billy realized what the witch had said: "Really funny, miss." He gave an awkward laugh at the comment. The woman's remark left a small bruise on his pride: "It's a nickname that people call me for being young."

Nodding in understanding, her smile didn't falter at all. "Interesting. What made you get that nickname then?" She sounded rather curious upon hearing such a name for a boy: "It must be a good reason for you to be called that."

What is he doing? He shouldn't be comfortable with a woman who has magical powers. Yet she seems to have a charm that is very disarming and calming. For some odd reason, he found himself able to open up to this witch more easily than others: "If I told you, you would think I'm crazy," a fair assessment that is accurate in anyone's perception.

Claiming to be from a different world or universe entirely, an ordinary person would think him insane for having lost their marbles or something similar to that. But from her perspective, the witch was curious about his story; perhaps he'll give a little bit of an explanation of his past. "It is a long story, but let us just say I'm from a different land," he told her with ambiguity.

Her smile brightened upon learning of his background: "Different land? That sounds interesting; is it desert?" She guessed, "Or is it an island?" The woman questioned him once more, wanting to know his origins during their walk in the wilderness of this forest.

Shaking his head, the boy decided to explain his world a little bit more in detail. Although he is certain that she will be surprised by what he has to tell her, "In my land, magic is nonexistent and monsters don't exist. Humans are the only living things that exist along with animals and plants," he said, detailing his world to her.

Frowning in confusion from hearing this, her eyebrows narrowed in scrutiny of his words: "Magic and monsters are nonexistent in your land." She repeated, with disbelief at how absurd it sounded, "What was your role there?" Morgan asked out of curiosity, "Were you a musketeer or archer?"

Musketeer...? Oh, he heard about that in some history books. Apparently, muskets were used during the 16th century as revolutionary weapons against other armies before they were replaced by more advanced firearms in later centuries.

"You can say that," not wanting to give out his past for some reason, "say, do you know anyone that is a gunsmith?" Having lost his only weapon, he considered acquiring a new one should he stumble upon one during his stay in this realm.

She nodded with a faint smile. "Yes, there is one I know of, but it will take awhile for you to meet him." Her gaze softened from his sudden change of topic: "You can consider asking him about that. Maybe he can help you make one if you have the coin," she suggested.

Grunting in disappointment, he frowns in knowing that he has to rely on an outdated model of gun that has terrible accuracy and misfires the most, as in this world, they have backward firearms with inefficient design; firing a bullet straight into a person's chest wouldn't be an easy task, for a musket has poor aim when it comes to aiming at one specific target.

At least bows have better accuracy and reliability in firing at multiple targets from a distance; however, arrows are extremely inexpensive, and he has no skill in using a bow in all places. So for now, he has to rely on a musket, which he doesn't even have with him at the moment.

But a gun is a gun, no matter how outdated it is; he will still use it to shoot some assholes who tried to provoke him in any way possible. Because having a flintlock in his hand to hold on to brings him comfort and familiarity in this foreign world that is filled with strange monsters and magic.

A sense of normality despite his abnormal circumstances; at least it is reassuring for him to have a weapon by his side. The problem is how he can find gunsmiths when they are in the middle of a forest with no civilization at sight that is likely kilometers away from where he is currently.

Right now, he needed to focus on the present rather than the past or future; if he kept on worrying, then it'd cause him stress in his state of being, and more problems would pile on top of him. It is best if he calms down and goes with the flow without panicking in the process.

After a while of walking in silence, they came across a clearing where the dead bodies of those hideous monsters lay on the ground, mutilated bodies that had missing limbs and heads, with pools of blood coating the ground with red liquid.

Billy widened his eyes in shock when he saw how gruesome it was. "Holy shit!" He yelled in shock at the carnage; he never would have expected this to happen. There were so many corpses that they filled the entire area, creating a bloody landscape with these ugly, disgusting creatures as the sole residents.

Morgan had her attention elsewhere, focusing on the sleeping warrior who was sitting on top of his body with his eyes closed, firmly holding the weapon with a strong grip while breathing calmly in the perpendicular situation they landed themselves in.

She froze at her spot, too interested in the man covered in blood and having a peaceful expression despite the stench of death surrounding him. "Is he the person you're looking for?" Commenting on Guan Yu's current appearance to Billy.

Giving a quick nod, his face displayed worry about the warrior's condition. "Yeah, that's him!" Sprinting towards him to check the elderly man's body for wounds, she said, "Hey old timer! Can you hear me?" Billy patted the warrior's shoulder and asked, "Are you alright?"

He doesn't understand why he's worried about someone like him; shouldn't he be less concerned? Probably because he felt bad about leaving him behind. Perhaps it was his guilt eating at him for doing such a cowardly act during that time of being cornered.

Either way, he doesn't care because they needed him. This elderly man is their key and hope for successfully defeating the dark lord. Without him, their quest will likely be hopeless, and everything will be over in mere moments of their arrival at that place.

The woman approached them with the unconscious Seth on her back. "His alive," her sudden answer startled Billy. "Don't worry so much," she assured him of Guan Yu's current state while smiling amusingly. "He just took a nap, that's all."

Slowly, the old man's eyes opened, assuring his fellow comrades of his survival. "It seems the night is over and morning has arrived," the old general said with a faint smile before getting back up on his feet, wiping away the blood on his forehead and eyes with a sleeve. "Who is this woman, Billy?" He inquired.

For a few seconds, the old man stared at her with a curious look and said, "She looks like a normal woman, but her presentation is unusual," giving a comment to the young cowboy with his guando still in hand: "If not for the clothes she wears, then I would say her appearance is peculiar. She gives an odd feeling that is hard to describe," stroking his beard in curiosity.

Billy took a step back before sighing in exhaustion, "It's a long story, but she saved us from getting killed by those things," answering the elderly man's question while looking around, expressing discomfort from the disturbing view of the mutilated bodies of those monsters that were once a threat to them.

Furrowing his brows, Guan Yu turned to Billy with suspicion and asked, "Saved? How did she save you from being killed by those creatures?" The warrior asked in bewilderment at the young boy's statement, wanting to get to the bottom of this in regards to their safety.

Seeing this opportunity to introduce herself, Morgan then went ahead and spoke first to the elderly warrior in front of her. "My name is Morgan le fay," the woman greeted with polite curtsy and smile, "a witch who also want to assist in destroying the dark lord once and for all," giving reason for her being here.

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