Chapter 45

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The exhausted group finally exited this forsaken cavern, where the once morning sky is now dusk when the sun is setting, painting the sky a red color while clouds floated through. The cool breeze blew through Seth's messy hair. He was glad to be outside again, especially seeing the beautiful outdoors once more.

Its trees and plants sway gently in the wind as if it were caressing their clothes, like the chirping birds flying through the world above. The gentle warmth of the fading sunlight gave everyone a sense of warmth, comfort, and relief that they would finally be able to rest after a long day's journey through a nightmare.

"We're out," Seth stated in a tired but delighted voice, smiling happily in relief at leaving that awful place. The fresh air and beautiful view are indeed what they needed after that horrible experience in there. "Thank goodness..." Muttering in pure happiness.

Looking back, the entrance of the cave had once emitted eeriness; however, it mysteriously lessened after having defeated that monster who lived there. Whether the young teen should have offered mercy rather than death for what the thing did is something he is uncertain about, but Guan Yu didn't think twice about slaughtering it.

They have no choice in the matter; Seth knows the monster they faced felt like it had already lost something far more precious than anything they had. Which is empathy themselves; the very source of humanity is what truly makes them alive.

With a shake of the head, he decided not to dwell on this anymore, instead of focusing on the present moment, such as heading home. Bringing them to safety is what they must do, and he will not allow the chance of them getting hurt to slip by.

Guan Yu smiled at the change of scenery from the long time spent inside the darkened cavern from behind them. "Ready to go home, young one?" He asked the boy who looked up, "It's about time we rest our weary bodies and have a decent meal," mentioning the aftermath while he carried Morgan in piggyback and held both of their weapons with one hand.

Nodding happily, Seth returned the smile: "I'm ready!" Joyfully responded before feeling his own stomach grumble, "It's been so long since we last ate," getting a bit excited about it, "I can't wait to eat some delicious food," imagining meals and desserts he'll have once they arrive home.

Laughing from the response, Guan Yu then proceeded forward: "Then let's go," glancing briefly at the boy. "Follow my lead, for we are finally heading home," he said in an optimistic voice. Not wanting to waste another moment by delaying the group's trip back.

Walking across the road, the old warrior didn't pay attention to Seth, who was carrying the unconscious Billy as he followed behind, under the impression that the whole events of their fight for survival had ended, thanks to the help of God and the man's experience in the many battles he went through.

Sometimes, he himself wonders if he can become like his father figure, using a weapon to defend himself so the people around him won't get hurt anymore. After all his praying, he has realized that God alone is not enough to protect others, especially when their enemies are ruthless and merciless.

But does he even have enemies to begin with? No, in fact, he doesn't. Because Seth does not hate anyone, he does not wish others harm or even desire their deaths. Though he wished the evildoers would repent in order to be saved from their destructive paths,

For God is merciful, full of compassion and kindness; it's just that sometimes he finds it unfair that the almighty does not interfere in helping his chosen people, let alone say anything whenever one tries to speak with him. Then again, maybe there is a reason for it. Perhaps the Lord is too incomprehensible for human interpretation.

It makes sense since if God created everything, then not only is he outside of creation, but he is also nearly impossible to comprehend. On the other hand, according to the Bible, there were moments when he did show up, and most describe him as almost humanoid in appearance or something like that.

Sighing tiredly, he looked down at the ground while deep in thought. Seth still believes in God and the good acts he does, but something tells me there is more to it, like a hidden agenda behind the scenes. All of this is some kind of play, but on a grander scale, what purpose is this for?

If spirits, demons, and magic exist, then it is not in the realm of possibility that the creator himself is real all the time. However, the troubling question is the reason for it—for what reason was it created, or worse, to suffer from endless hardships? And most importantly, if aliens are proven to be facts, then they have different views on him as well.

Scowling in frustration, he cannot believe how complex this issue is; the different religions all claim that they have the right answer. But how does one choose the correct path when every single religion claims to be right? What is the truth when all these answers contradict each other?

"Look around you," Guan Yu's sudden immediate response caught the troubled teen's full attention. "Nature itself is beautiful," he said, glancing around with his head. "Behold the beautiful green fields, the blooming flowers that smell wonderful," he said, pausing in his words as if in trying to find a better explanation. "Focus on what is ahead, young one," he said, turning his head to the teen with a smile.

Seth didn't speak, but he found himself agreeing to what the old warrior said. The nature of this world really is beautiful if they can pass through the disgusting parts of it, from diseases to dangerous plants and whatnot, something he cannot get his mind erased off.

The boy looked up to him, nodding his head slowly, "Yeah, it is really nice to be out here," awkwardly agreeing with him, having not deliver a good response from this sudden conversation, "Is this your way of making things easier to accept the horrors around us?" Raising an eyebrow in confusion.

But he soon smiled, "You are not wrong," chuckling in amusement, "that is part of the reason I said that," shaking his head lightly, "but also because you always are worried about everything, even when we had this conversation a long time ago," reminding the child about their past, "sometimes it's best to focus on what is happening now, for we never know what the future holds."

Seth remembered that memory as clearly as day, recalling it while it was still vivid in his mind. "Right," he said, nodding his head, "sorry about that," apologizing again before his cheeks turned red from realization of what he said, "oh, I said it again." Disappointment showed on his face.

Laughter escaped from the elderly man's lips, shaking his head with a smile, "It's quite fine," dismissing it casually, "for I will always tell you, Seth, I am never going to judge you for what or who you are," kindly saying in a calm tone of voice.

Blushing in embarrassment for accidentally doing that again, "I know, but I just wanted to be sure," confirming his mentor's words, "thanks for your advice," lowering his head down while closing his eyes, "it always helps me when you are there," finding comfort in talking to his father figure.

This only caused more laughter: "Why thank you," offering him the compliment as he slowed his speed until they were side by side; "You are a good child," patting the boy's hair in affection; "Never forget the empathy you have towards others," telling him of what makes him different; "It is a blessing that makes you different from the other children who are sometimes uncaring, selfish, or even cruel," stating the facts.

Opening his eyes, he looked over the older man with surprise in his eyes and said, "Oh, well, thank you!" Speaking unsurely while he felt a strange warmth in his chest, "I think that is what makes us people," suggesting in his words, "they might seem bad and unkind, but everyone has good within them," saying that out loud, "for even the devil himself had been an angel once upon a time," mentioning that in himself.

For a moment, Guan Yu widens his eyes a bit from hearing the devil before staring straight ahead with contemplation, changing his thought to something else: "hmm, interesting," stroking his beard in thoughtful look, "maybe there is some truth in that statement," giving his input of such, "but never forget to find the answer you longing for within your soul and heart," leaving out a cryptic message that made Seth quiet throughout their walk.

There is silence between them; there is no sound except their footsteps upon the grassy field with beautiful skies and a gentle breeze, along with birds and a few mammals running about. Everything seems normal, like nothing out of the ordinary happened. As if nothing else mattered to the world but their journey back home.

It feels nice when he focuses on the present moment; tranquility or peace is what appeared before him when his mentor instructed him to do that. Pleasant and serene are the feelings he obtained; the calmness of their surroundings is what Seth has desired for some time now.

The calm forest is never a place to worry; nature itself is a powerful force that could kill people with its many deadly secrets. The very same woods that are lush and filled with life and mysterious creatures of unknown origin are home to creatures that can kill anyone with a single bite or claw if one is not careful.

In other words, it is an amazing sight to behold whenever they have a chance. He found himself appreciating it even more; every second counts, and every passing moment is precious, for this very moment itself is rare due to their constant exposure to stressful situations.

Eventually, they finally reached home in this clearing, the cottage standing just a short distance away from the woods, telling them to return back to the cozy fireplace and rest their weary bodies. This is the end of their little adventure and also the beginning of a new tomorrow.

What's more, night has arrived; its sky has now blackened into an abyss dotted with stars, glittering across the firmament above them. It's a night of peace, a night to rest after a tiring adventure. For tonight, they will recover and continue their fight against what life has to throw at them.

But as they continued walking with the moon acting as their source of light in their way, Guan Yu was quick to realize something or something was approaching; stopping immediately in his tracks with eyes narrowing intensely, "don't move," he whispered to his charges in command.

Seth stopped in surprise at his words, "What?" The teen asked in confusion, clearly confused by the warrior's strange behavior, "What do you mean by—" It was late. He felt a strong gust of wind, followed by a blur that passed through his side, causing him to quickly check on the man himself.

Gone, vanished out of existence. However, this shock completely switched to horror and disbelief when he heard a loud vibration of a shockwave reverberating throughout the area, starting from where their home is, resulting in Seth being far ahead.

Gasping in pure terror, he never would have imagined that the rabbit man had managed to still live after having its own head and torso cleaved off from the body, now seemingly attached back together along with new visible scars from the injuries it had suffered.

Morgan lay helplessly near them while the two stood between the house and Seth as the warrior's neck was painfully grabbed in tight grip, struggling to breathe. "Guan Yu?!" The young boy cried out in fear when the old man was unable to use his strength or even break free.

Moona glared up at his former foe with his other hand holding their weapons. "You feel it, don't you?" grin creeping its way on the monster's lips, "Your back is broken," he finally said with malice and delight combined in his voice, "it's no surprise given what you did," moving his free hand towards the guandao, "did you really think I would let this slide?"

Guan Yu can feel immense pain from his spine as he uses his own hands to pull the monster's own arm away from him. "What did you do to me?" Trying to exert his strength, yet all he did was futile, as it seemed more impossible by the second, "Speak, monster! What injury have you inflicted on me??"Demanding with an intense glare.

Smiling manically, the abomination threw their weapons away, "your paralyzed old man," saying that to him as he still held the warrior in his clutches, "now it is time for you to die." With the use of his other hand, he gestured into a flag shape, bringing it up and aiming where the man's supposed to be.

The monster giggled creepily as revenge was now in his grasp, longing to see the old man's lifeless eyes before him; the despair of seeing the man's own failure in defeating him meant he would have his moment of victory at last. No matter how much a person tries, the monster always wins.

"Stop it!"

Instinctively dropping Billy on the ground, he rushed towards them before stopping in a few meters and saying, "Let him go!" Tears, sweat, and mucus mixed in Seth's face while the coldness of the night wind pierced through him. "Leave us alone!" Shouting at the top of his lungs in desperation, "Just leave us alone..." Fumblingly, in fear, he held his crucifix harder than before.

"Seth..." Moona dropped the man onto the ground as he stared at him with widening eyes. "Is that you, Seth?" giggling madly at this prospect, "What are you going to do, kitten? Cry in the corner and expect others to rescue you."Making a mockery out of him.

"Run, boy!" Guan Yu begged as he still struggled to move but failed once again, "Go and hide!" Advised in fear of seeing him in danger. He tried to reach out, but he couldn't. "Do not listen to him; leave!" His eyesight slightly blurred.Please, "young one, run now while you still have a chance," knowing it was the only option left.

The boy refused to move, shaking uncontrollably from this. The teen then gritted his teeth in frustration at how cowardly he is being. Looking down at his right hand, where the crucifix gleams in this stressful night they are having at the moment, "I'm not scared of you," his hands started to shake.

Slowly, he creepily tiptoed to the terrified boy, mouth dripping with saliva as hunger for devouring child again increased. "You aren't?" He taunted in a sinister tone, "Then why are you pissing yourself like that, kiddo?" Mockingly asked in question, "Do you want to join the others that badly?" Moving closer and closer, "do you want to die?"

Raising his head, determination flew through him: "no, I don't," remembering that in focusing on the present, he'll no longer run from this problem but face it. "I'm not going to be a victim anymore," whispering his words, "I will protect the ones that I love," staring him with eyes streaming with fear, hope, and sadness, "because God is there for me," emphasizing what matters to him.

"God?" Amusement came from the monster, "his dead," asserting his claim on what he knew, "don't you see, he left you a long time ago," mentioning God's abandonment of humans, "the devil has finally won, for he is the true god in this world, and there is nothing you can do," revealing the shocking information.

Tears flowing down from his eyes, raising his cross towards the direction of where this monster is, channeling his faith and hope within his spirit, "he still lives within us, through the hearts and souls of his creation!" The light from his weapon rapidly burned the monster's skin as he staggered backward in agony. "You lie, for God still lives!" Declared in faith in the light itself.

"No! Argh...AHHHH!" Moona roared in pure agonized pain, stumbling onto the ground before falling on the ground as flames ate himself alive. "Fuck! FUCKING SHIT!" Flailing in pain as his own flesh and soul burned from the holy fire itself, "d-damn you, brat," dying before the teen, "I will come back..."

Then, within less than ten seconds, Moona turned into ash, the wind carrying it far, far away until not even a trace of his body remained. Where the creature once existed is now gone, leaving behind the charred ground of the once monstrous entity.

Dropping his crucifix, he fell down on his knees with pure exhaustion. "It's over." Breathing heavily while watching the pile of ashes that once belonged to their assailant, "it's finally over..." I sighed in relief, having survived another deadly encounter in life.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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