Chapter 37

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Standing between his servants with Koyoshi and Misa in front of them as they exchange information on each other while the night of this busy scene played out rather smoothly before their eyes. Carter, however, was not in a pleasant mood when he realized there was an actual crime involved with two culprits instead of one, having at least hoped to only have one problem to deal with.

Regardless, he and his two companions say their goodbyes with them after they agreed to stay here a bit longer to talk with any witnesses around this urban area, starting from the crowd behind the yellow tape separating the civilians and officers.

With Koyoshi and Misa staying behind on the crime scene. Sebastian and Yumi followed their master outside of this enclosed place, leaving him in company with his trusted butler and maid to get home safe and soundly. As the three of them got far enough from the said area, they turned their sides and proceeded to head back into the black sedan he parked on the curb of someone's driveway.

Walking on the sidewalk in this quiet neighborhood with dark clouds hovering above them as the sky inevitably becomes gray, not long after a thundering storm was beginning to arrive throughout the sky, signifying that rainfall will soon occur sooner or later, "perhaps we should take shelter somewhere safe before we can head home safely," Carter suggested after pondering upon the current weather.

Noticing the condition of the atmosphere himself, Sebastian expressed his agreement by giving a silent nod to his suggestion: "Indeed, sir, it's better we hurry our pace lest the rain showers all over us," taking his recommendation with great care.

Upon hearing these words, he sighed tiredly before sprinting to his vehicle, not wanting to waste more time outside in this uncomfortable climate as they followed suit. "Wait up, master!" Yumi yelled after him as she dashed behind his footsteps.

In less than a minute, they eventually reached their vehicle as Carter tried to catch his breath from all that running, his hands placed onto his knees as his heart beat rapidly throughout his chest. I didn't know...running can be so exhausting," he admitted exhaustively, wondering if his body is out of shape and needs more exercise.

He barely does exercises and spends most of his time drinking and smoking on the couch, lazing around in his mansion. It's obvious why his body feels this way after having a lack of motivation to do such strenuous activity. "Sorry..." he apologized between each breath he took.

His breathing was heavy with sweat dripping down his forehead after having made such an effortless attempt to get into the car as fast as possible. It's alright, master Carter," Sebastian reassured as he smiled softly, "it must've been difficult for you to do something like this, especially considering your lack of athleticism," patting his shoulder gently in order to comfort him.

Yumi, on the other hand, hurriedly moved towards his side with a look of concern written all over her face. "M-master, are you okay?" She asked worriedly about his health as he slowly recuperated, "Do you want me to take you back to the mansion instead?" Continuing with questions until he calmed down eventually.

"I'm fine," he assured them with a smile while straightening himself out, "just need to get back home, that's all," wanting nothing more than to get home so he could go to bed, "well? Get in, let's go." Gesturing them to hop inside after unlocking the door open with his keys, opening his driver's door, and getting inside just as he started the ignition and closed the door shut,

Turning the key, the engine roared to life, allowing them to depart immediately, pulling off from their position, then heading straight into the direction of their destination. "It shouldn't take long for us to get back," Carter informed them, "at best, maybe fifteen minutes or so depending on the traffic lights."

Leaving their previous location behind, the incoming storm then decided to drop its precipitation, and I heard its pitter-patter sounds coming down on the rooftop of the car while driving at this moderate pace, increasing its intensity over time as it started becoming harder to see anything on the road due to the water splashing underneath his windshield.

Thunder and lightning illuminated across the whole city, forcing him to slow down the vehicle into a gentle stroll as he continued onwards. "I hate the storm," he commented under his breath as Yumi sat in the front passenger seat with him.

Listening to his comment with an attentive ear, she leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Aw, don't be that way, master," she said, giggling playfully as her mirthful smile widen upon seeing his expression. "Cheer up! Here, I'll help you feel better! Yumi proclaimed happily as she stretched her arms up and proceeded to wrap her fingers around his shoulders, massaging them in a relaxing circular motion.

At first, he was going to tell her off about it until he started feeling the effects of her massage on his stressed muscles, causing him to lean back and enjoy this soothing treatment better." She inquired eagerly, enjoying every reaction from him.

"You shouldn't disturb me when I'm driving," he chastised lightly in regards to safety measures, not wanting to cause any accident despite the slow pace he was going, "although, it does feel much better, thanks," giving her a warm smile of gratitude before continuing with driving ahead.

Taking his words seriously, she withdrew her hands and put them back on her lap, saying, "Sorry, master Carter. I'll remember that for next time." She apologized sincerely while looking downward with eyes lowered, disappointed in herself.

Carter had noticed this behavior of hers right away, especially since she seemed to be genuinely remorseful: "Don't worry about it, your" How would he put it without being mean? "Silly girl," finally finding the right words after struggling a bit, "you're always so cheerful, that's all," assuring her that no harm has come from her actions.

Seemingly perked up a bit from his statement, she smiled brightly at him and said, "Really?!" She exclaimed in disbelief, not quite believing herself, "I'm actually silly?" Hesitating on the last part, "Is that good or bad, though?" Wanting to know for sure if she was considered dumb.

"Well, being a bit funny isn't all that bad, I guess?" He answered ambiguously, shrugging his shoulders while not knowing what else to say: "Just do not take it personally, alright? Besides, it's not like you're really dumb or anything," he said as he patted her head in a playful manner.

Grinning sheepishly in return, Yumi's face blushed lightly as she responded with soft thankfulness, "Thank you so much, master Carter; I'm really glad to hear that," showing her appreciation for his honesty with a small grin. Then, her grin morphed into a frown. "Say, master Carter..." Calling his attention as she then changed the topic of the discussion, she said, "Have you ever experienced losing someone close to you?" Asking inquisitively due to curiosity about how much he cared for others, "someone so important to you that you just can't live without them by your side anymore?"

He almost froze from his seat in hearing this unexpected question, having no idea why she would even ask such a thing in the first place: "Oh, why do you ask that?" He responded with a question, trying to get more details in hopes of learning how she came up with it.

"Because I'm curious," she said honestly as she stared at him, "after seeing a couple of dead bodies with you, I wonder how it makes you feel?" Her gaze never leaving his, "seeing people get murdered in horrible ways, watching them having die right in front of you while knowing full well there's nothing you can do about it other than stand there helplessly..." Pausing with a sad and hurtful look flashing through her, she asked, "Do you ever feel their pain as if you were experiencing it yourself?"

The moment those words left her lips, an unbearable feeling of sadness filled him as he thought back on his previous life. Of course, there was no way he could ever forget those traumatic experiences or memories. But somehow, those same memories aren't enough to make him shed a single tear after having gotten used to these types of grievances.

"In a way, yes, I do feel their pain sometimes, even though there was nothing I could've done to prevent them from happening," he admitted with a blank expression. "With every blink of my eyes, all I see is brief moment of darkness covering everything in sight, a void of endless suffering and hopelessness as despair threatens to consume all that stands in its path, leaving behind nothing but emptiness that never goes away no matter how much time passes by or how many years go by." He trailed off sadly: "Does this answer your question, Yumi?"

However, this response made her feel confused. Why does it seem like Carter is talking about himself instead of some stranger he just met on the street? It's almost like he knows exactly what it's like to watch people die right before his very eyes. "Is that true? She probed further, trying to understand what he meant.

Suddenly, he chuckled wryly, though the pinkette doesn't understand why: "Of course not; there's no point crying over spilled milk. After all, who wants someone crying over something insignificant like that anyway? A person you never met or even knew the name of?"

Realizing she may have touched a nerve by mentioning such a sensitive topic, she went quiet momentarily while considering how to respond to that remark. Finally deciding on an appropriate answer, she spoke up firmly: "Are you saying not to care about someone's life?" Shaking her head at this notion, "it sounds—"

"Ridiculous and cruel," Carter finished for her as he turned to look directly at her, his eyes full of conviction. "I know Yumi, but sometimes you gotta realize there's nothing worth feeling sad over in this world, not unless it affects someone you know and love dearly, then its definitely worth mourning over, even if only briefly," he explained solemnly, "but if you want to mourn or be kind for stranger's life then be what it is. A kind, loving person who cares about people regardless of whether or not you know them."

"In the end, I'm always going to do what I want to do, and that includes caring about others and protecting those dear to me because that is who I am, Yumi, someone who does whatever it takes to keep his loved ones and the city safe regardless of the cost or consequences."

For a long time, she listened quietly to what he said, thinking over his words carefully in an attempt to decipher their meaning. Eventually, after digesting everything, she finally understood what Carter meant and smiled in satisfaction, saying, "Be who I wanted to be and follow my own destiny?" She whispered to herself, reflecting upon Carter's speech as she took in those words.

A smile graced the young man's lips after observing his companion contemplating upon his words, "I might not know anything else other than being commissioner of the HPD or an aspiring business tycoon, but I do know one thing for certain: as long as we stay true to ourselves and learn from our mistakes to become better version of ourselves, everything will work itself out in due time," reassuring her in his own little way while turning his head forward, focusing solely on the road.

Sitting in the backseat, Sebastian watched the two interact with one another while listening closely to their conversation with keen interest. "Very wise words indeed, master Carter," he complimented earnestly with pride swelling up in his voice. "I admire your interesting take on your outlook on life despite the questionable morality issues therein."

Nodding in agreement with him, the young man agreed wholeheartedly as he spoke confidently, "I'm not forcing people to share my beliefs with me," he stated flatly, "that's their choice alone and mine as well; I only speak what I believe and think for myself. Nothing else," he said, returning his focus back to the streets ahead as his eyes narrowed sharply.

"Do you regret the things you've done, sir? The handsome butler inquired, curious to know if Carter has any regrets regarding his past deeds, "perhaps anything at all?" Not wanting to push his master too much on this sensitive subject.

Turning his head slightly, he glanced over at him from behind while sighing loudly, "What do you think, Sebastian? Do I seem like some heartless monster to you or something?" He retorted rhetorically, raising an eyebrow at him before smiling, "Yes, I do have some regrets, and they still bother me to this day, but who doesn't have a few skeletons in their closet every now and then, eh?" Chuckling half-heartedly at that remark

After a while, Yumi turned around and gazed at Carter with a curious, wide-eyed stare as she studied his profile intently. "What about your parents, master Carter? What do they think of you?" Questioning him on his parents' perspective of him, especially on his views about him being a serial killer or not,


Carter said, "to tell you the truth, they are always the best parents one can wish to have in this world. No matter what happens, they will always stick by your side and support whatever decisions or choices you make, even if they are wrong or right." He responded without hesitation, "And when it comes to their son, who became a philanthropist billionaire in this country? They were nothing but supportive, proud, and loving as ever." A single tear formed within his left eye as he felt touched by his own words.

"You really miss them, master." She murmured sympathetically at him; seeing him like this brought warmth and deep sorrow to her heart. Knowing fully well just how much her beloved meant to them after witnessing firsthand how much his parents loved and cared about him, she said, "You can cry if you want," offering him a chance to release his emotions that had been bottling up inside of him.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he struggled to contain his sobs; his grip tightened around the steering wheel, knuckles turning white due to strain. "Dammit..."Sniffling under breath, he then said, "all of those feelings are coming back again," shaking his head weakly before wiping away the salty droplets that lingered on his face as he turned to her with a smile of his own.

"Thanks, Yumi."

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