Chapter 17

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The mysterious serial killer removed her red blanket and mask, revealing her full appearance as a young, attractive, short-haired, red-haired woman with crimson-piercing eyes that seemed to stare right into his own soul, sending chills down his spine as the two looked directly into each other.

Standing at a distance from each other, Carter could only try to control his own breathing in order to calm himself down; he couldn't believe how this psychopath managed to sneak up on him without making the slightest noise. "You..." he spoke up, clenching fists while staring daggers at this woman with anger and disgust written all across his face, "why did you do this?" He demanded answers: "Why did you kill my men?" He questioned angrily, "Tell me!" Roaring loudly at her.

The woman merely tilted her head to one side with a curious expression on her face. "Your men?" Her curious face soon changed into one of realization as she realized what exactly she had meant: "Ah! You mean those cops?" She asked with a cheerful tone in her voice, pointing towards the body near him with her finger: "Because it's exciting to see the blood of others flowing out like a river," she giggled cutely, "and also because I wanted to see their reaction of bleeding horribly."

"What are you going to do about it, handsome?" She asked with a teasing grin on her lips, "You can't fight, you can't kill, and even if somehow you do manage to land a single hit on me, then it won't matter since you can't even touch me without getting yourself killed in the process."

Carter remained speechless for a moment, knowing what this lunatic had said to him was true and that there was absolutely nothing he could do to save himself or anyone else. But that doesn't mean he's wholly defenseless in a situation like this.

Forcing a smirk as sweat nervously poured down from his face, he took out a cigar and lit it up with a lighter from his pockets before inhaling a deep breath and saying, "You got me there," admitting defeat as he exhaled smoke from his mouth, "But don't you think this is a little bit of overkill?" The question raised an eyebrow or two.

Curious to know what he was saying, she then placed her hand over her own chin while thinking for a second. Then, after a minute, she snapped out her fingers as she came up with the idea, "Oh, I get it!" She exclaimed with excitement, clapping hands together, "You're trying to stall me, aren't you?" The madwoman was accused.

Her accusation caused him to freeze momentarily only to then laugh afterwards, "stall you?" Spreading his arms like bird, he said, "Don't you think it's pointless for me to do that? I mean, I'm already dead man by the looks of it, and you're here still standing in front of me," listening to what he have to say, sneaking subliminal, hypnotic messaging into his speech. "I'm just trying to understand why someone as pretty as you does such things."

"P-pretty?" Her face redden from this compliment as the young man's hypnotic words began to take effect within her own mind: "No one ever told me that before," giggling like a teenage girl, "thank you for telling me that." The woman said this, smiling brightly at it.

However, this was only a brief moment of happiness; "however," her expression then turned to a menacing smile, "I still have a job to fulfill," she stated coldly, raising her index finger up, "and you're going to be my main target starting now."

"Me? Seriously?" He asked sarcastically with a raised brow, "Why? What did I ever do wrong in life for me to end up being killed by you?" Carter asked in fake confusion, trying to hide his own fear, "What is the point of killing me when there is a special connection between us?" Deep within his mind, he couldn't fathom saying this type of things, let alone to a criminal in all places.

"Hmm?" The red-headed woman had her intention of killing this man over and over, but for some reason, his words had managed to make her reconsider it: "special connection?" Repeating those words in question, "What is it that you are implying, Randolph Carter?" she teased, winking at him playfully with a mischievous smirk.

Puffing smoke out of his mouth, he smiled confidently as he answered, "Well, we both know what I'm talking about; don't pretend like we don't know what I mean." Pausing momentarily, he said, "I mean, I can tell how excited you are just from hearing me talk with you," silently cringing himself for saying that last part.

"Oh, really? How so?" She challenged with a playful smile on her face, "Tell me, how do you know that, handsome?" Challenging him to prove his theory correct, "go on," she coaxed seductively, wanting to hear his explanation of this so-called special connection.

"Well, it's pretty obvious to see from your face that you enjoy hearing me talk to you," he explained, "but it's not just that, you're getting aroused just by listening to what I say," continuing with fake confidence in his display, "and I know exactly what you are thinking of doing to me right now," he added, "you want to make sure I suffer and scream until you see every cut on my body, but there is one thing you are missing," pausing once again, "what if there were something else than that?"

She listened carefully to his words, finding herself becoming more intrigued by this young man's words to the point of having dedicated her whole work and philosophy in being the way she is to this man in front of her. "And what is that exactly?" She inquired curiously while tilting her head slightly to the side, with interest shown through her eyes.

Carter took one final puff from his cigar, throwing it on the ground as he stepped on it with his shoe, "because you know that no matter how much you love to see a cut and see the blood flow out of it, the truth in getting that complete exhilaration is nothing more than an illusion that you created within yourself," he explained. "The real joy in seeing others suffer isn't from watching someone bleed to death or being tortured. No, the real pleasure is seeing how they will react to it, and I know exactly how you feel," saying in a low whisper.

Continuing his onslaught of words, "your twisted way of living is based upon one sole purpose and desire for you to obtain fulfillment that will never give you that final satisfaction you so desired," breaking piece by piece of the woman's viewpoint as her shocked face showed signs of doubt in herself, "that's the reason why you're still here, talking to me, isn't it?"

Nodding silently with agreement, she tapped her finger underneath her chin thoughtfully and said, "Tell me, Carter, how could I achieve this final satisfaction you speak of?" Asking him questions and waiting eagerly for his answer, giving her a new way to taste the true essence of reaching new heights.

"Simple really; it's all about perspective in how you see things," he replied. "For example," gesturing his hand towards himself, "let's say that you want me to slice me up just to see my colorful blood, correct?" She nodded her head, indicating for him to continue, "And you want me to feel as much pain as possible during this process, but the only problem is that this will always remain the same thing."

Her eyes widen from this. "Then what should I do?" Desiring to find something that is more exhilarating than what she does on a daily basis, she says, "Tell me!" She commanded, demanding that he tell her the answer she sought so she could get what she truly desired.

Carter shrugged his shoulders casually with hands inside his pocket. "Jail," he answered bluntly while grinning confidently at this murderous individual, "that way, you'll get to experience new things other than what you have; wouldn't it be a treat to try something new for once?" That was the last straw for her view to change completely.

"Jail?" A smile grew on her lips, licking devilishly at this, "very well." Finally convinced by this proposal, she continued, "I accept your offer, Randolph Carter." Excited to see new things in prison that she hasn't seen before after being lectured by such a handsome young man.

"Good...good," a sigh of relief escaped his lips thanks to his knowledge of the human psychology, "now then, I have one question," pointing a finger directly at this redheaded woman, "do me a favor, will you? Tell me your name," he requested politely with a kind smile. "I want to at least know who it is that I have talked with," he asked bluntly.

The woman giggled cutely at his nonchalant attitude, "My name is Roza Inaba, but you can call me The Killer Rabbit," introducing herself with a cheerful expression, "Pleasure to meet you, Carter." Her teasing nature still lingered in her tone.

Raising his eyebrow at this, he decided not to pay it any heed and said, "The same to you too, Roza Inaba," nodding in greeting with a friendly smile. "I guess," he said with a pause as he began to walk toward her direction, "you're under arrest," stating the obviousness of his voice.

Just as he passed her, Roza called his name from behind, "Carter-san," her animated voice echoing through the dark, "there is one final request I have," resulting in him stopping in his truck with a noticeable, tired sigh from his mouth.

"Yes? What is it now?" Asked with a hint of annoyance, turning around to face her. But just when he did, she suddenly lunged to kiss him passionately on the lips, eyes closed. This sudden action caused his eyes to widen in surprise as his whole body froze up from shock. After a couple seconds, the mischievous woman broke away, licking her own lips hungrily.

She grinned at him with a seductive expression written all over his face: "I'm all yours, handsome." Roza's voice whispered into his ear, sending a shiver up his spine. She giggled cutely at his nervous behavior while gently rubbing her hand against her chest. "Aww, are you shy?"

He doesn't know what to do in this situation other than awkwardly stare at her in a conflicted manner. While he is content in bringing her to justice after what she did to his men, this sudden turn of events made his whole body tense up.

"What the hell is your problem?"

Furrowing his brows in annoyance, he pushed her with enough force to make her stumble backward slightly from his strength. "Don't ever do that again!" He scolded angrily with clenched teeth, not liking the fact that mere stranger placed their hands on him for no reason.

Just when she was to respond, a loud, wrathful screech bellowed behind him as they turned around to see furious Yumi with her cheeks madly flustered red, holding a knife with a blade coated in stained blood, screaming, "Die!" Directly at Roza as she leaped in the air.

Roza was quick to dodge Yumi's first strike with grace and elegance, sidestepping away while avoiding her next few attacks with relative ease. She laughed at her opponent's attempts: "You're not even a match for me," she mocked with an amused expression on her face as the red-headed woman instantly summoned machetes on each hand out of her own imagination.

Yumi was unfazed by her taunting: "I'm not afraid of you, bitch!" She spat angrily, swinging her knife with ferocious speed as she attempted to cut off the other woman's limbs, only for her to block it with her own weapon with a loud clashing sound. "Do you think I will allow you to steal him from me?" Her anger rose to new levels, causing her to increase the pressure of her attacks.

Being taken back by this sudden burst of power, "Well, this is interesting," Roza remarked as she parried each blow with her own skill and expertise, showing how much more skilled she was compared to the other woman. However, this didn't stop Yumi from trying to land a single hit on her: "Come on, show me what you're made of, honey."

Feeling more humiliated than before, she used a mixture of various knife techniques while anticipating every move Roza made, using it to her advantage as she tried to stab her opponent's throat. But the redheaded woman simply blocked it with both weapons before pushing back. "You are quite impressive," she praised with a sincere expression written across her face. "Are you perhaps an killer like me?"

Carter's maid widens her eyes for a moment before returning them to their enraged state: "Shut up! Just shut up and DIE BITCH!" Jealously and anger fuel the young woman's actions by having someone else steal Carter's love interest right under her nose.

"Why are you so upset? I just complimented you," she said innocently with a confused expression, only to be met with another furious scream.

Yumi's movements become more frantic and desperate as time passes, trying to land any attack whatsoever on Roza's body. Her rage blinded her to the point of becoming reckless in her assault, allowing the redheaded woman to easily dodge each blow without any problems.

But what she didn't expect was the sudden burst of another knife appearing in her other hand. "Oh?" Her eyes widened in surprise at this sight before inevitably being stabbed at the opening when Roza's guard was down. "ahh~" she moaned from the knife, feeling its cold steel penetrate her stomach and flesh altogether. "Amazing..." she whispered with a faint smile on her face as she collapsed on her back.

Seeing this opportunity, Yumi rushed forward towards her target, screeching out everything inside herself. She used her knife to quickly stab every part of the redhead's body from head to toe. Cutting the woman's arms, removing her nose with the blade, and then tearing her eyes out with her own bare hands.

Carter could only watch in horror as this insanity is played before his eyes, having never seen this brutal side of Yumi before. His whole body was trembling uncontrollably from this terrifying scene, and his whole face was covered with terror and disgust.

"Enough!" Rushing towards his maid, he held her over his shoulders while trying to pull her away from Roza's disfigured corpse. "Yumi, that's enough! You've done enough," he shouted at her ears, hoping to bring her back to reality.

Hearing him call his name, her enraged lovesick expression soon returned to normal, having realized what exactly she had done. With tears in her eyes, a sense of fulfillment washed over the girl after succeeded in killing her rival for her master's love.

"I did it Carter!" Turning around with a smile on her face as she hugged him tightly. burying her face into her chest. "I killed the woman who tried to steal you from me," she said, crying out loud with joyful laughter at this revelation.

His eyes widened at what he just heard: "Yumi..." He muttered in disbelief at this revelation, staring in a mix of terror and pitifully at the handiwork she has created. Carter could only stare down in silence as he felt the girl nuzzle her cheek affectionately against him. "I did this all for you," she whispered sweetly with a gentle smile, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

The only thought that entered his mind was the fact that his maid had just slaughtered a human being right in front of him, even though he was supposed to bring her to justice.

"What now?"

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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