Chapter 66

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Five months has passed since their commissioner and philanthropist billionaire have disappeared, marking concern of Japan's society as whole when the media had announced the disappearance of their beloved, controversial benefactor. Mixed citizens comprised of different background either rejoiced, sadden or were neutral about the whole situation.

But most were deeply concerned and sadden by the news because of his favorable changes that improved the lives of many, even those in poverty or homeless who lacked proper healthcare or food, now having jobs or homes to stay in while given chance for education that improves their overall quality of life.

Not to mention the HPD felt directionless for the first time of lacking a leader to guide and manage them, having no clue of what to do because the commissioner in charge is secretly dead, fearful of what will happen next; all the while being forced to continue to uphold law and order throughout the city to prevent any chaos from happening.

Inside of Misa Namioka's office is the righteous blue uniformed officer; Koyoshi who was clearly upset of this whole ordeal as he pace around the room in frustrated state while the concerned detective sat at his desk, sharing the same sentiment of what happened, "you believe he's gone?" The cross dressing man asked, his brows furrowed from the worrisome subject of discussing, "either dead or perhaps lost somewhere?"

Letting out a sigh of despair, Koyoshi turned to face him; his arms remained folded on his chest while appearing to be furious at this predicament, "the situation isn't helping when dumb idiots across the internet tries to stir up more problems for us by adding conspiracy theories to fuel flames and worsen public outrage," rubbing his temple, "some are even suggesting that this could've been planned all along to test us to see if we would be capable of doing our duties without him being in charge of running things, as if he was just testing to see if we were worth the trouble in setting it all up," groaning at such accusations.

This really isn't good.

Not good at all, this is exactly the kind of thing that would cause people to lose faith in the system. With rumors spreading and the public on edge, there's a real danger of unrest and panic, not to mention that without Randolph Carter helping their public image, some nutcase would use this opportunity to defund the police without having someone to defend them.

Misa sighed tiredly, knowing all of this from the get-go, "that wasn't my question," raising his index finger towards the fellow officer, he corrected the other officer's statement, "I was asking if he's lost somewhere or dead, " hoping to bring light at the situation.

Moving towards his desk before sitting down on one of the two available chairs facing towards the detective, he begin to contemplative such possible scenario before coming up with answer, "sad to say, it's the former rather than the latter," Koyoshi explained, recalling back the time of their last mission where everything went awry, "truthfully, I don't think we'll see him anytime soon."

Much to his surprise, the detective shook his head in disagreement, "I wouldn't be so sure," opening the drawer underneath the table, he took out the blaster that Sato Makotori against them, placing it on the top of his desk with caution not to accidentally trigger it, "do you remember this gun?" Questioning him in regards to the mysterious weapon.

Staring at the strange firearm, the officer made a hesitant nod, remembering well that day of what transpired, "of course," he answered, his voice certain and disturbed at the same time of seeing this very gun that killed their commissioner, "what is this supposed to mean?" Not quite understanding why Misa brought this topic to discussion.

"This so called 'gun,' isn't merely weapon that kills someone," waving his hand towards the pistol as if pointing at it, "instead, it's much more valuable and complex than simple firearms designed for killing purpose," the detective continued explaining, his eyes stared directly at him as he elaborated the truth behind this blaster.

Frowning from this answer, "this weapon doesn't kill? Every weapon can harm and kill someone," Koyoshi reasoned in response, wondering what he means by saying that it's much more than mere gun, "didn't you see with your own eyes? We saw the three vanished out of thin after that psycho shot him on the back," he expressed with emphasis while remaining calm, not wanting to lose his cool due to personal experience in being far from home and friends.

Huffing, the detective brought out a document containing report and photograph that he used to track the origin of the weapon that murdered the commissioner, "forgive me, for not telling this earlier, but it might shed some light on this situation," he showed him the files by passing it on to the officer, "the scientists in this building was able to easily reverse engineer to get better understanding of what it's truly capable of."

Leaning over to retrieve the documents, Koyoshi unfolded the pages to read its contents while also taking a good look at the reports taken by the scientists, "by studying it, we came to discovery that it doesn't work like normal guns," continuing where he left off, the detective motioned his hand over one peculiar picture that depicted the gun's structure and anatomy.

"From our analysis, we've discovered that it sends people to random places than outright killing them," he pointed at the page that showed its design while also bringing back the memory of their encounter with Sato Makotori, "turns out it was device that functions of transporting others to different worlds, time and dimensions in random order."

Continuing his long speech as he brought out another file to show him, "based on our answer, it isn't a lethal weapon more so of utility but is unfinished prototype that had yet to be completed," he made a small snicker, understanding how futile and desperate people can be when discarding such remarkable invention, "had it not been tampered with, I doubt we'd have this issue, in short, it isn't made to murder anyone, it's a way of travel for others to get around with, that is until this gadget made its way through their hands."

He was loss of words; on one hand, he felt hope and relief of learning that they can find his friend and those two with the help of other smart scientists. Yet, on the other hand, Koyoshi couldn't help but feel somewhat foolish for not recognizing it sooner, that maybe, just maybe, Randolph Carter is still alive and well out there somewhere, possibly lost in some world and dimension that's far more alien than this one.

Aside from that, the detective's explanation of how the device works did shed some light on the situation. While he does not fully understand the concept of transportation through interdimensional travel, he knew enough to realize that such technology could potentially be extremely dangerous if used improperly.

Regardless, what mattered the most was that the possibility of Randolph Carter being alive brings salvation or atleast calming sense of relief in him, "does this mean—" As he was about to finish his sentence, the detective raised his palm, interrupting him halfway before he does so, "there is one problem about this issue, which is the biggest threat," causing the respected officer to grow suspicious of what he meant by this.

Cocking his eyebrow from the suspense, Koyoshi awaited his response, praying that it will not be as concerning as the previous, "problem?" He inquired, "and that is?" The thought of having more problems than he already have at his current circumstances isn't reassuring for someone whose trying to do their job at maintaining order like good police should.

But the detective only remain silent, gazing downward while in his thoughts with his fists clench, unable to tell whether or not it would be wise to continue to reveal the truth or hide it from the likes of him, "in simple term, something noticed out presence after that utility cadged was activated, setting a ripple through the space time continuum," letting out a weary breath, growing apprehensive of what will happen next when all of this will be over.

Furrowing his brow from the worrying declaration, "something?" Koyoshi questioned, curious as to what the man before him meant by this, "what do you mean by something?" He asked again, feeling more worry than before as he doesn't like the sound of it.

Many ideas entered his mind from hearing that name; ranging from an unknown supervillain who is preparing to conquer the world, to a mysterious entity that will destroy their planet, but one thing remains clear—something is a potential threat, a massive danger that he cannot allow himself to underestimate.

And to make matters worse, there is no way of knowing what this entity is or where it resides; it's like trying to stop a shadow that he cannot see or hear. However, as hard as it is to admit, he must wait for proper answer than jumping to silly conclusions.

Without evidence or concrete understanding, this worrying thoughts should be discarded as nothing more than the mind creating elaborate fantasy tales; it is important for an individual to maintain rationality during these stressful situations.

The door that leads inside this office was suddenly opened wide, revealing a panting cop with their signature blue uniform and black hair that was combed to the side. His heavy and rapid breathing along with panicked face alerted both of them, alerting them to come at the scene to witness whatever the man in front of them has to show them.

"Whats the matter?" Asked the detective, confused by the sudden intrusion.

Taking a short moment to catch his breath, the man stood straight after managing to recompose himself, his eyes widen as he tried to make himself understandable despite his throat hurting, "were...were being invaded in broad daylight," the sentence alone alarmed everyone.

Getting up while the shocked and confused Misa remained on his seat, Koyoshi sprinted towards him before placing his hands on the shoulders of the other cop, "calm down and explain everything in detail!" He demanded with strict tone, wishing to learn everything about their situation as they still lack context of the whole ordeal.

"Look out of the window, sir; you'll understand," he madly responded, causing the curious detective to comply what the frantic cop said as Misa left his desk and approached the glass window next to him to check whatever the policeman had told to them.

To his utter bewilderment when he laid his eyes on the streets, dozens of scattered portals the size of small stores with its appearances resembled a wide crack emits blinding blue electricity aura with clouds of lightning surrounding the portal's rim; while numerous of soldiers with bows and swords alongside of horses rushing out of the portals.

By the mere look of their attire tells him everything; they wore ancient Greek armor: metal greaves that cover their shins, leather boots, round bronze shield, a conical helmet with cheek-guards and crest, a breastplate along of a crimson red cape that is connected on shoulder pauldron.

The horse riders who wields a long spear with distinctive horsehair plume called acontisma and two javelins called dory behind its back, they charged into the city like wild beast as innocent people began screaming in terror from the unexpected invasions; throwing themselves aside and ran in panic when they got in their way, scattering apart like mice under cat's gaze while those brave few attempt to stand in their way with nothing but their bare hands.

Archers followed the cavalry, releasing hundreds of arrows on the unaware citizens who haven't yet caught notice of their enemies' arrival; cutting them down like pieces of meat when their swords are soaked in red liquid; their heads roll down and their bodies slumped on the ground, motionless and lifeless as their soul left them, unable to fight back or runaway in fear when their screams for help and cries of pain have been cut short.

Koyoshi and the cop moved to his opposite sides, also looking down on the carnage below as their eyes lay on the bloody scene of the warzone that is occurring on their homeland; seeing helpless civilians running around in pure chaos while the soldiers chasing them like rabid dogs wanting to tear them apart as some citizens began to drop dead with blood gushing out from their open wounds.

Men, women and children screamed in fear with their legs carrying them like the speed of wind; trying their best to escape their inevitable fate of being cut down or pierced with their weapons as they continue to be slaughtered like cattle in front of hungry wolves.

Children dropped dead in front of their own mother when she tripped on her own feet, struggling to get herself up while the two warriors gazed at them with malicious smile, whispering words to each other before thrusting their lances through her torso; penetrating her flesh, bones and organs altogether when blood spurt from her mouth and stomach; she weakly let out final cry of pain as life in her eyes fade away to nothing.

An old man that has served and protected his country with honor in his younger years as soldier fell to his knees after his leg was pierced through, feeling sharp and numbing sensation traveling throughout his body, his heart rate increased and sweat fall from his forehead, making it difficult for him to even breathe properly.

However, some armed officers and civilians killed some of these invaders but would be eventually overrun by the growing number of their foes and archers raining down deadly projectiles from afar.

The sight was absolutely awful no one can imagine the unimaginable amount of horror the survivors of this massacre will have to live with for the rest of their lives; watching their loved ones and friends being slaughtered like pigs in front of their own eyes while they, themselves are forced to witness it all, with no means to do anything.

Koyoshi bared his teeth in angry, gritting madly as his fists clenched so hard it's almost to the point of breaking the bones of his knuckles, "I need to have call with the president," he murmured in cold, stern tone of his voice, turning away from the bloody sights of this tragedy as he walked pass them while heading his way out of this place.

"Wait!" The other officer cried, quickly pursuing his back from behind, "what are you planning to do?!" He asked with pleading and hopeful tone of voice, "are we going to mobilize the army to reinforce the people?!" The officer demanded with no hesitation, showing determination and conviction unlike the people in front of him.

Not stopping or turning around to face him, "we're going to war," his voice dripped with rage and resolve; Koyoshi then dashed out of the place to confront the attackers, "there will no be no mercy or surrender in this battle, it's all or none," the doors slammed shut as the remaining two remained standing there; silent, not moving an inch from their spot.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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