Chapter 40

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The two young men patiently stood outside of the bedroom, waiting for Yumi to finish changing her attire. He leaned against the wall with a relaxed posture, while his butler simply observed his surroundings with crossed arms and a neutral expression, occasionally glancing at the door leading to the bedroom.

A little bit impatient at this point, Carter wonders if she is going to take longer than he anticipated. Deciding to end his waiting, he pushed himself forward to knock against the door with his hand and say, "Come on, Yumi, we're not getting any younger in here; how long do you plan to keep us waiting like this?" Questioning in a tone of concern and slight frustration.

Instantly, his patience rewarded him with the sound of the door clicking open, with Yumi appearing to him, clad in a long pink dress that hugged her body perfectly as she twirled around in front of him, wearing a happy smile on her face. "What do you think, master?"

He could only stare in awe for a couple moments, admiring her beauty with approval as he lightly cleared his throat before regaining composure and saying, "You look rather pretty."He gave an honest compliment, unaware of how much that simple statement made her heart flutter.

"R-really?!" She squeaked in excitement, jumping in place as she wrapped her arms around him with a crushing hug. "That means so much to me; I will try to be even prettier for you!" Announced proudly, showering him with kisses, to which Carter frowned in response, trying to peel her off.

Sebastian chuckled wholeheartedly at this scene. "I'm sorry to interrupt, master Carter," he said, "but we should really go now if we want to get there on time." He gestured to them, "I shall be the one to drive you, sir," he suggested with a smile.

Remembering how he is always the one driving, "right, you do that." Nodding, he looked back to Yumi and asked, "Is that fine with you?" Turning to her, seeing the pink maid's eagerness, she responded in kind, "Yeah, I don't mind as long as it's with Carter." Admitting with an affectionate look, still clinging onto him as they followed the butler.

Heading into the garage after leaving both the second floor and living room, they can see the large and spacious garage as always, spanning many types of vehicles ranging from limos, buses, bikes, and many others, all in expensive designs and colors, with one being reserved solely for this mansion itself.

An orange vehicle resembling a long Lamborghini that is most likely one of a kind, painted lavender while being quite wide as it also sports an extra seat due to being convertible, "How about that, sir?" Pointing towards this unique car, "it is rather convenient and also provides an easy passage through the city. Suggested to Carter as the butler walked past him while motioning for his hand to follow after.

Shrugging nonchalantly, "alright, why not?" Allowing his trusty friend to lead them towards the vehicle before opening the back door for them, seeing him enter inside the back with Yumi following after. After they both settled themselves comfortably inside the back, they waited for the butler to climb to the driver's seat, starting the engine after a couple tries as it roared to life; the doors closed themselves on their own after that.

Cranking the engine, Sebastian carefully backed away from the parked car, leaving the garage and driving through the calm roads of their neighboring neighborhood, occasionally riding past pedestrians and drivers alike as they marveled at the sight of this large, luxury vehicle.

Tapping her fingers on her lap, the pink maid stared outside of the window beside her, watching as the scenery changed into numerous buildings and apartment complexes, growing in numbers as they entered the busy city of Tokyo, Japan.

Carter and Yumi sat next to each other, looking out of their windows to see the many crowds of people walking down the streets or crossing the crosswalk, cars racing past them to their destinations. A city full of life with a never-ending stream of traffic and pedestrians in the midst of their own activities.

"Our destination will take a while, master Carter," Sebastian said in a polite tone. "Do you wish for the radio to turn on, sir?" He offered as his gaze averted to the rear mirror to see his master's response, waiting for his command.

Resting his cheek on the palm of his hand and staring lazily to the ceiling of the car, he said, "Hmm, do whatever; I'm not picky when it comes to these kinds of things; as long as you stay focused on the road and avoid crashing, that's all I need you to do, Sebastian," telling him what's important to him while enjoying the calm silence in the back of their transport.

Facing back to the front, Sebastian did as ordered, flipping the switch on the radio, which emitted a loud ringing noise that lasted only a few seconds before music began playing as lyrics in Japanese were sung by a man singing with passion. The soft instrumentals of the piano and strings of violins mixing together with the harmonious tune of his voice soothe everyone's mind and soul.

However, he isn't too fond of this boring song. "Can you find more hip-hop-like music?" Asking his faithful butler politely, seeing no harm in changing the station to whatever suits his tastes better, as with a single tap of Sebastian's finger on the screen, the channel was changed.

"How about this, sir?" Switching to another channel, where it's characterized by the use of high bass, cowbells, and distorted sounds that give strong beats and rhythm that are most pleasant to his ear, as the chorus came, a man in the background began to sing rap lyrics in English.

Phonk music—that's what they called it. Subgenre hip-hop and trap music, as many have said, is rather unique as it is one of the few that isn't so common or known to many, like hardstyle and electro dance, but it still remains well known, much to his delight.

They listen to the beats of this song, enjoying every moment as the beat drops in intensity while the singer raps their verse. Every lyric matches the music greatly, making it a wonderful composition to the ear and pleasing every individual listening to this wonderful display of modern art.

"What's the song's name?" Carter asked while enjoying the beat of this song, liking how the words fit into his mood, "Is this the latest hit song or something like that?" Curiously, he inquired with a question, wanting to know its title in case he was interested in searching for the artist or album of this.

His inquiry wasn't left unanswered, as Sebastian took the liberty of providing him the information he wanted: "It is called 'Mystical Midnight by Reed Blankenship." He answered dutifully while keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him, passing through the city while weaving past the traffic smoothly and avoiding causing a crash.

Listening to the song's name, the young man committed it to memory, already thinking of downloading this track later on through his laptop or computer, perhaps even buying the whole album if he likes the rest of the songs within. "Understood, thanks Sebastian." He finished his conversation, deciding to indulge himself in the melody as the two drove deeper into the busy city.

An hour passed before cautiously driving to the gas station, where there is little to no traffic or pedestrians to cause accidents. Thankfully, finding a free spot to park next to the pump, the butler glanced back at his master and companion.

Noticing his eyes on him, Carter met his gaze and asked, "Ran out of gas?" Answering his  question with a raised eyebrow, "because I can do this if you don't mind," offering him a way out of filling the tank as he is the only one that can afford the gas.

Sebastian shook his head, declining his offer with gratitude, saying, "It's fine, sir; I will not let my incompetence ruin this lovely morning; if you do not mind, please relax as much as you can," he said, climbing out of the vehicle after shutting the engine.

"Hey Yumi," turning his head to the maid, the young man eyed her patiently, "mind staying here? I'm going to buy some cigarettes," he said, referring to his needs as he gave a tired yawn, stretching his arms while groaning slightly from the long trip.

As usual, she wanted to go with him for his own protection, saying, "I'll come with you; it's unwise to leave you behind unguarded," giving a valid reason to protect him, which her beloved master finds annoying on most days as he is capable of going by himself without someone babysitting him nearly every waking moment of his life.

"Just stay here for once, Yumi?" He said tiredly, "For me, please? I'm not going anywhere; we are in public after all, and I doubt someone would have the guts to attack me in the middle of the day like this," he explained to her with a small, pleading smile, hoping she wouldn't argue back and just obey his request for once.

For what felt like a minute of staring at each other awkwardly, she finally nodded in compliance, saying, "Very well, but if someone lays their hands on you, please call out to me. I will not hesitate to rip their arms apart if necessary." She warned with a stern yet concerned look, causing him to chuckle nervously at her declaration of violence, silently wishing that no one dares test her temper.

Unlocking the door as it automatically swung up, the young man climbed down from his luxurious vehicle, seeing a couple of passing bystanders staring at him and his car in awe by how impressive the size and quality of this luxury limousine as they likely had never seen before in their lifetime, he chose to ignore them altogether, finding it unimportant to talk to anyone who wasn't significant to him or his goal.

In front of him is typical for any store in a gas station, standing out like a sore thumb as it looks different from the surrounding structures in the city. There is a large sign on the top that displays the brand of the gas station and service center in bright, fluorescent colors, blinding those who see it from a distance.

Entering the building, they were selling various snacks, drinks, and other miscellaneous items, from chips to bubble gum. The interior is sleek and clean, with neatly organized shelves and colorful posters adorning the walls.

Few high school students are seemingly skipping classes as they hang out in the building, casually buying stuff and wasting their time on the internet from their phones or laptops; none of them have paid much attention to him.

Hoping to find a cash machine to pay for the cigars, his eyes then spotted a peculiar machine near the entrance. It appeared to be one for taking someone's money from their personal bank. Able to easily swipe credit cards and connect to accounts to withdraw money from this device, or put the numbers of their accounts there if they can remember them.

Suffice to say, Carter headed there without much issue and entered his card's numbers. He is capable of remembering anything by storing information inside his mind palace, a personal ability of his. Afterwards, he took out more than the amount of yen required for him.

Hi, the voice of a high school student spoke from behind, making him turn his head to see three of them. Three girls are wearing the standard high school girl uniform with long, short, and mid-length skirts. The middle one is particularly smiling as she addresses him, "Sorry to bother you. Are you Randolph Carter, by any chance?" She asked calmly, appearing to be rather polite, though her friend on the left snickered under her breath.

Blinking once or twice at them, he then scratched his chin thoughtfully before answering with a sigh, "Yes, what do you want?"

She clapped her hands in joy and said, "Oh, so it's really true!" Giving praise, she said, "I didn't know Randolph Carter would visit a gas station like a normal person." She giggled to herself, "So, I don't know if this is inappropriate, but..." Her friends then whispered something to each other, looking amused for some reason.

It made him only irritated by this obvious trap; he knows what these skunks are planning and is not interested in any way or form. "No," he said in a blunt tone before passing through them, entering a shelf consisting of snacks and food in hopes of finding a pack of cigars.

She pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, following after him along with her friends. "Wait a minute," she whined, "why can't you just talk with us for a while? My friends wanted to spend our free time with the great Randolph Carter himself; it would mean a lot to us if you could at least hang here with us for a couple minutes," he said sweetly with convincing words, believing he would fall for their tricks.

Carter ignored her as he inevitably found a pack of cigars at the very bottom of the shelf, crouching down to pick it up while completely forgetting her existence. "Don't you ignore me!" She yelled, stomping her foot on the ground angrily, "How rude can you get?" Exclaiming in anger.

He didn't care nor acknowledge their existence, just going on with his daily life without much concern as he then headed towards the counter while the three girls followed behind like a bunch of angry chihuahuas, barking loudly to get their attention.

An older clerk wearing a grey vest and white shirt greeted him kindly before raising an eyebrow at him, surprised to see a wealthy billionaire visiting his store and the high school students tagging along like groupies. "Good morning, how are you today?" Starting a casual conversation.

Taking the opportunity, a blonde girl from the trio decidedly jumped in, saying, "Hey, I'm his—" Before she could even respond, the young man caught her off guard mid-sentence in a rude manner, not wanting to get associated with some random teenager.

"Just some cigars," he said, putting one pack of cigars on the table as the cashier grabbed them with his old, wrinkled hand, scanning them through the machine to determine price. Seeing no one behind him, the old man then announced the price, "Sixty-four, seventy-two, and thirty-two fifty, combined total for seventy-four hundred and forty-two yen."

To the old man's surprise, what he got was a rather large amount: 14622500 of yen dollars from the billionaire's own pockets, which in America equaled roughly 100,000 U.S. dollars. His jaw nearly dropped when he saw such fortune being held by someone in his twenties.


Even the girls were shocked to see someone handing over such a large amount of cash; they couldn't believe someone their age would be this generous, especially since tipping is considered rude in Japan. "I'm sorry, but I can't—"

Carter left without a word as the four shell shocked from what they witnessed could only watch in bewilderment, confused and unsure whether what had happened was just their imagination or not, wondering how on earth they were able to see a billionaire this generous and willing to give on such high amounts of yen to old geezer like him.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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