Chapter 15

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Coming back to his sweet home as the sun had already set for the day, Carter drove inside his garage after it automatically opened itself before closing, parking at the spot he remembered as he exited out with Yumi, heading towards the door where they entered the spacious living room.

"I'm so glad were home, master," she said with a joyful tone of hers. "I love it here, especially when you're with me!" Her eyes shined brightly, expressing her happiness at returning from the long journey they had taken together: "I wish we could stay here forever..."

He chuckled for a brief moment as he turned to her at his side and said, "Yeah, I would, but, uh, let's go watch some television and rest while we wait for my men to call me." Saying with a casual smile as they made their way through the hall and into the living room, where the both of them sat down next to each other on a couch in front of a flat-screen TV mounted upon the wall, where the remote lay at the couch arm on his left.

However, just as they sat, Yumi immediately snuggled up against his body, pressing her cheek onto his right shoulder with a merry smile while giggling in delight. "Master is always so kind," she commented softly before closing her eyes peacefully. "I'm happy to be by his side forever and always," blushing lightly as she enjoyed his warmth and scent that she loved so very much.

Carter couldn't help but laugh awkwardly in response to her actions, but nonetheless, he didn't mind her closeness and allowed the maid to do whatever she wished. "I'm glad to hear that," he said with visible embarrassment on his part.

They remained there for what felt like hours before his own hand was gently grabbed by hers. "Master..." Yumi murmured under her breath, opening her eyes to gaze at his handsome face. "I love you, Carter," she whispered before planting her lips on his cheek in a passionate kiss.

He froze momentarily in shock; his entire face turned crimson red as steam escaped through his ears, causing him to turn his head away in embarrassment. "Yumi, please, not now," he mumbled quietly while avoiding eye contact with her. "L-l-lets just watch some commercial or something, okay?" Fumbling his own words from the sudden display of affection from his maid

She giggled cutely at the sight. "Okay," she said, smiling brightly at his flustered appearance, "whatever makes master comfortable." Her hand moved away while her head was still rested on his shoulder, allowing him to gather his bearings and get the remote.

After a while, Carter managed to calm himself down as he turned to the television in front of him and turned it on, revealing a news broadcast of the latest events happening around the city with a reporter talking over it.

"Good evening, folks."

Man in his late thirties with a brown suit greeted the viewers, holding his microphone as he spoke. "I'm your host for tonight, Watase," he announced before continuing on with the story. And today we are going to talk about how our beloved superhero and symbol of justice, Akito, had saved the day yet again. The camera zoomed in to show loved ones being safely escorted by police officers from a recent bank robbery.

"As you can see, the hostage crisis has been resolved thanks to his efforts," the camera focused back to Watase, who was standing in front of a growing crowd of people in the morning, "and I am proud to say that Akito was able to save these innocent people before any harm could come to them."

Carter had heard of this so-called 'Akito,' before. He remembered him across the newspaper and television for his heroics in saving countless lives; however, he had never met him personally before. But judging from how everyone talks about him, it was safe to assume that he was indeed someone worth looking into. "I wonder how this Akito guy is doing?" Quietly saying to himself.

There is one thing he knows about superheroes: they are both beneficial for his country and dangerous if one of them ever goes rogue. The thought scares him greatly, but he's sure that they have good hearts, especially this hero.

Kagume walked into view, standing at the reporter's side before placing his own arm over the unexpected Watase's shoulders. "That kid is a true hero!" He said proudly before laughing and patting his shoulder roughly, "The guy is the real deal, I tell you. If any of you ever meet him, make sure to have the kids sign an autograph or something," he suggested jokingly. "Heh, you know how kids these days are. They're always looking at their favorite heroes in those comic books and whatnot," he added, causing the reporter to nervously chuckle at his words.

"Sorry for the intrusion, everyone," Watase apologized before moving away from him, taking a few steps forward before clearing his throat as the cameraman zoomed him in his direction. "In regards to the hostage situation, we have gotten reports from police officials that there were no more than twenty criminals involved in this incident. All of whom have been arrested successfully without anyone being injured," he informed everyone watching the broadcast.

It's amazing to know these superheroes are really out there protecting humanity from dangers, Carter thought, leaning against the couch arm with his elbow resting on its surface. His other hand held onto the remote control as he watched with interest.

The whole thing of this world having superheroes and supervillains is seemingly like some sort of fantasy story, but seeing them around after being reincarnated into this strange world makes him learn to appreciate how it's brighter than the previous life he was born in.

This very world, or presumably an alternative dimension, has different rules and laws. Like magic and science existing simultaneously, making the whole concept feel surreal to him. To be frank, this was no brainier, as in his previous life, he also had these types of things.

Nonetheless, he is happy that he can finally live in a world that isn't filled with endless snow and merciless winters that will never go away. It's as if the world itself was trapped in eternal winter. A world without seasons, only white coldness covering everything around him.

However, this world has different sessions and whatnot. In addition to that, there aren't any mutants or psykers around, making things weirder for him as he has to get adjusted to society. And because of this notion, after his past memories returned, he had a hard time trying to comprehend the fact that he was now a completely different person.

Being too occupied by his own intrusive thoughts, he laid his neck over the back rest, staring above the ceiling while questioning his own existence in this strange new reality. The sound of the television was nothing but faint murmuring to his ears, causing him to close his eyes as he relaxed himself. He could feel his own heart beating within his chest.

Unbothered by it but by the growing existential crisis that plagued him for years, he sighed tiredly while wondering about his future. The future of Randolph Carter, billionaire philanthropist and scientist, is researching new technology for the betterment of mankind alongside his trusted servant, Yumi. Who he now cherishes dearly despite her quirky and psychopathic behavior.

Is everything he does going to make any significant difference after he grows old and dies? Are there any points in living up to his parents expectations and being the man he was raised to be? He doesn't know anymore; all he knew was that he was lost, lost in his own life and purpose as a human being.

All he ever did was work, eat, drink, and sleep. Aside from donating to charity and doing good to his city, Carter isn't a good man, as he has said to himself many times before. Even though he is rather selfish, he still wishes to find some meaning in his current life other than what he has now.

Perhaps he should start thinking about spending more time finding the things he likes than worrying about his city's problems. "I guess I need a break," Carter said with a yawn, stretching his arms before grabbing the remote and turning off the television. "I've been so busy lately," he complained, rubbing his forehead with his fingers.

Placing the remote on the arm rest, he glances to his right to see her sleeping calmly with her head resting on his shoulder, smiling softly at this and looking at the clock behind him. Seeing that it was already midnight, he decided to close his eyes for a moment, allowing his body to relax as the fatigue began to settle in.

The sweet sensation of drowsiness slowly washed over him; his eyelids felt heavy as he struggled to keep them up. The darkness was welcoming him with a warm embrace, beckoning him to enter the realm of dreams, where he would experience yet another nightmare.

But just as he was about to fall asleep, a telephone suddenly rang from the kitchen, reverberating throughout the house as its loud buzz startled him. Making him open his eyes in shock, "what the..." he mumbled under his breath, looking over to the girl at his own surprise, who was fast asleep.

He sighed, knowing it was time to get started with his plan, as he carefully stood up while positioning her head onto the cushion. "Sorry, Yumi," Carter whispered apologetically, gently stroking her head with his palm before walking away, "but I have a job to do."

Making his way towards the kitchen, he entered and grabbed the wired phone from the wall. "Who is it?" He asked tiredly, wanting whoever it was to cut the crap and tell it straight to him. He is too tired for this, especially when he was about to fall asleep at this time.

"Commissioner, it's Officer Koyoshi." Urgency in voice came from the other line: "The Killer Bunny had been spotted in your area," the officer reported, causing Carter's eyes to widen in shock. This is what he wanted—this very moment that is about to transpire.

His mouth curled upward into a smirk before he chuckled darkly at the information provided. "Alright then, I'll get there right away," Carter responded, "and Koyoshi?" The commissioner said in a pause, "Make sure to have the men return back to base."

"What?!" The young officer couldn't believe what he just heard: "Are you sure?" He asked, wanting to confirm what his superior just said, "I heard you loud and clear of having them return, but why? I don't—" Carter interrupted him, cutting off the conversation short. "Don't argue and do it," he ordered strictly.

Silence followed before he heard a sigh coming from the other side. "Fine, then, commissioner," Koyoshi reluctantly obeyed. "Just make sure to stay safe out there," he warned as he hung up. The phone went silent, causing him to place it back in its original spot on the wall.

"Shit," Carter's shaky voice muttered, placing one arm on the wall near the telephone as he put his forehead at it while staring down on his own two feet nervously. "I'm really nervous to do this," he confessed, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. His heart was racing wildly within his rib cage, threatening to burst out from his chest at any given moment. "I can do this," he encouraged himself, clenching his fists with determination.

Someone has to do it, right? Probably the superheroes or detectives can, but how long will they be able to catch her, let alone find this nobody of a person? No, it has to be done by him; he is the commissioner, and it's part of his job to do this. He has to stop the killer and bring this madwoman to justice.

But why is he so nervous or fearful of his own life all the time when dealing with threats that can easily kill him in seconds? He doesn't know, but he is sure of one thing. Carter is afraid, terrified of death itself, even though he knows that his own life has its ups and downs. He never wants to die but live until the day he finds his meaningful purpose of existing.

"I can do this," repeating those words stuck in his mind, he straightened himself, "I will do this; I have to." He said firmly, despite his whole body shaking, "It will work; I know it." He reassured himself that everything would go according to his plan.

Unbeknownst to him, the door he entered was slightly open, revealing a pair of curious pink eyes peeking from behind. Staring directly at him with the intention of stalking him wherever he goes, her master is always the center of attention in her world, and she's not going to let harm come to him.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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