Chapter 32

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Driving from his home to the streets of Tokyo city with his servants, the scenery flew by as he saw countless civilians minding their own business with their daily lives. Watching cars driving by on the other side of the road as the vehicles shared the path.

As always, Yumi was in the front passenger seat while Sebastian was in the back, casually smiling like usual as he gazed out the window of his right side to see the view of the city unfold before his eyes. The trip to his work was peaceful; not a single word was exchanged between them, only the sounds of a car driving down the road.

Parking at the edge of the sidewalk in front of his workplace, he and his servants step out of the black sedan with keys in hand before locking it up. Proceeding to the main building where his office was located. Walking past a row of bystanders, the three of them eventually reach their entrance.

On entering the building, his fellow staff were moving about in the main lobby of the building, talking to one another with smiles on their faces while occasionally glancing at passing employers. Some greeted or wave to their commissioner.

Moving to the nearest available elevator, they pressed the button while waiting patiently for it to arrive. Silence consumed the trio when the elevator doors slid open, prompting the two servants to allow their master to enter first before them, with Yumi following after with her hand now around her master's arm as the doors closed behind them.

Sebastian patiently kept his hands behind his back, intrigued by the place he saw. "This is the building you work in, master Carter?" He asked politely, not expecting the enormous tower standing tall over the globe itself to be his master's headquarters.

Carter nodded in confirmation. "It took a few years to build and get things going, but we've managed to achieve a great deal so far," he stated casually while gazing at the button panel of various floors listed; "in fact, this building is the current tallest structure in the world," boosting himself proudly, causing a small chuckle from his maid.

"Is that so?"

The butler was intrigued at this, never would have expected it to be that large nor that tall, "very impressive indeed, sir Carter," commenting with a humble smile of admiration, "I would have never guessed such incredible feat could be accomplished within years of hardwork."

Yumi chimed in, "He worked extra hard to make the dreams a reality; he even gave everyone good jobs and a better paycheck than other companies," praising her potential husband while wrapping her entire arms around his left, leaning closer to his shoulder for a hug.

In response, he appeared a bit embarrassed by their comments once more, saying, "Thanks, I, uh, appreciate the support." Chuckling sheepishly with his cheeks becoming a shade of red, he returned their compliments, saying, "But really, it's not only me who should be praised for."

"Hm?" The two servants spoke in union.

Shaking his head with a smile, he said, "The people who helped my little project of mine did most of the work. They are the ones who should be praised for in achieving this success in the first place, not me; because of their hard labor, dedication, and contribution, my dreams became reality, and so do many others."

Both were awed by what their master said: "such humble words from our own master," Sebastian stated in shock. Though he didn't show any emotion or change in his face, he still sounded impressed regardless. Yumi, on the other hand, felt even more enamored by this.

"The Great Carter is a humble man after all; no wonder many people admire you," she cooed, clinging to her darling more like a giant teddy bear she adores. Smiling in the warmth she's giving, her presence soothes him like a loving pillow.

Bewildered by the name "The Great Carter?" He raised an eyebrow, unfamiliar with the peculiar nickname, before laughing softly. "I'm really not that great, Yumi," he insisted embarrassingly. "It makes me sound like some kind of celebrity or something."

"Because you are!"

The pinkette defended, squeezing her own arms around his to emphasize how serious she is: "Just admit it, Master, you're great and amazing as you are!" Pointing it out to him, like a child scolding a parent for being wrong, she was not going to leave him alone about this matter. "Without you, society as a whole would be degrading into despair and injustice!"

Being told of these things, he didn't know what to say at this point: "Really?" Are you sure this isn't going overboard, Yumi?" Asked uncertainly, looking at them back and forth, hoping they were exaggerating, only to have Sebastian agree with her take.

"Miss Yumi is indeed correct; without your efforts and deeds, this country would remain stagnant, not progressing like you had envisioned, sir Carter; perhaps that is the reason why so many people respect or admire you, master." Speaking in her favor, he simply cannot deny this argument any further: "Everyone acknowledges your kindness, wisdom, and leadership. Surely, this couldn't possibly be wrong?"

Even the people who worked under his command would agree with his servants, all because of his previous life that shaped the man he is today, including his parents. An idea that is not only foreign but also unprecedented. It still baffled him to see the changes he brought to society, knowing his actions could potentially change the future.

Just as he was about to speak, the doors immediately opened, allowing them to see the laboratory in front of them. They stepped forward together, leaving the confines of the lift as they entered the spacious room. Many people were doing their assigned tasks at their respective stations; each was operating numerous monitors in doing so.

Sebastian however, was marveled by this sight; "this is...your office?" He asked in awe as he surveyed the place. There were countless rows of advanced computers and machinery scattered about with employees performing their daily routines. "Quite spacious and advanced, isn't it, sir Carter?"

Carter simply shrugged, "I guess so." He walked with confidence while his maid latched to his arm, Sebastian following behind, intending to go into the meeting room only to have Officer Koyoshi call out to them from the very center of this place.

"Commissioner!" The blue-clad officer shouted with a relieved smile, running to their side as he got there. Panting a bit while resting his hands on his knees, he explained in a rather exhausted tone, "I have some important news to inform you in regards to an extremely important case," before breathing deeply. "It's an emergency, commissioner," he exclaimed.

Listening closely, Carter raised an eyebrow and asked, "Did something happen while I was gone?" He questioned in concern, wondering if there had been an incident that occurred during his time in the manor: "If it's about the previous case, then—"

"It's not that, sir," Koyoshi cut off while shaking his head, "but I wish to have you meet someone." His eyes then focused on the maid and butler. "However, I'm afraid they have to wait here as it's sensitive information." The blue officer's expression changed to serious, making Carter feel uneasy by this.

"Yumi, Sebastian," turning his focus on each of them, "wait for me until I return," commanding them to remain in the laboratory as he and his officer were intending to move secluded place, leaving his servants behind to speak of important matters in regards to something he has yet to know.

"Very well, I shall await your return," Sebastian simply replied. While Yumi was displeased that she would not be following her dear master, she simply smiled in order to hide her emotions from him and said, "Be sure to stay safe, beloved. I don't want anything bad happening to you," her words spoken in sweetness, sounding like she means it genuinely.

As she let go of his arm, Carter's trusted comrade motioned for him to come to him, saying, "Follow me; I must show you right away." The urgency in his voice was evident, making him follow his words without questioning anymore.

The two young men walked further into the laboratory, where new areas have yet to be explored. Each lab tech was busy typing on the computer monitors, talking amongst themselves, and discussing amongst themselves while being occupied by their work.

It wasn't long before they reached a vacant elevator meant to travel to a different part of this lab; both of them then entered as Koyoshi pressed the buttons on the control panel with his finger. Carter simply observed as the metal doors slid shut with his coworker standing beside him, his eyes fixed on the floor numbers displayed above.

"Is there anything you can tell me about this person?" Carter asked calmly, wanting to break the silence between them while being curious to know who he meant: "Do I know them personally or something?" Noticing his friend's slight nervousness, Koyoshi noticed that it was unusual for him to react this way, especially when there isn't much to stress out about.

"It's not about the person I'm worried about," admitting his anxiety. "It is the case I am concerned about, Commissioner," he said in a low whisper, averting his eyes off the former. "I wish to tell you right away, but it would be better if he told you about it."

Carter wanted to force the information out of him but didn't, as it wouldn't sound morally right to do so, especially to someone he considers his closest comrade and perhaps even friend. He instead relented to his judgment and waited until they reached their destination as they arrived at their stop.

The elevator opened, and they came out on the other side, stepping foot in the hallway with steel walls. Multiple lights are illuminating the pathway while many doors with numbers are engraved onto them; they then proceed onward in this seemingly empty place.

Walking side by side, he hadn't forgotten about this section of the building, where every numbered room is a testing ground or specific office meant only for high-ranking staff and fellow officers. No civilians, especially visitors, are allowed in this area, which is heavily secured by digital locks and an identification card key; in other words, it is a restricted area.

Koyoshi then spoke up, "Who's that blue-haired guy that was with you?" He asked curiously, "I've never seen him before; is he your friend?" The officer wondered aloud, referring to Sebastian, whom he briefly saw back in the lab when he greeted them.

Raising his brows at this question, he said, "You mean Sebastian? He's a friend and butler of mine," the billionaire responded nonchalantly, though a little confused on why he even mentioned him. "Why do you ask?" Curious to know his intentions in asking this.

A hand then stroke his own chin, "not everyday do I see someone like him dressed in a suit like that." Koyoshi chuckled while the commissioner joined in, smiling slightly. "Must be expensive too," he joked, nudging his arm with his elbow playfully.

Laughing a little, "I suppose so; he's the best in the field, what can I say?" The young man chuckled, agreeing with his colleague's statement, "good looks, skills, and loyalty all in one package; although, he's a little bit formal if I do say so myself," he added, giggling nervously at his own remark.

They continued to walk side by side through the hallway, talking about each other and their lives like it was normal conversation, before reaching a specific numbered steel door,  Carter commented by the sign above the door handle.

"Head inside, commissioner," Koyoshi smiled as he moved aside, allowing him to enter the room. "You will understand why this is emergency in the first place," the police officer declared as the boss then sighed tiredly.

"Hope this is worth the trouble of coming here."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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