Chapter 20

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The brooding, infamous black swordsman stood in top of rooftop at secluded area, watching the criminals gathering near old warehouse on one of street corners; being all too familiar with such hideout thanks to previous encounters he had with these fools long ago. It makes sense why such shady dealings takes place during late hours of night rather than during daytime, not only because these vermins don't want to risk exposing themselves into the public.

Yasuke with his trusted sheathed katana being held on his hand along with having right blue eye and brown on the left from heterochromia. The vigilante had spent long period of time researching all of the crime syndicate that existed in Tokyo, going as far as collecting and gathering intel information about these groups throughout months of investigation and studying the criminal organizations.

And so far, nearly all of them are foreigners or other criminal elements of Japan. From Yakuza, Mafia, Triad, Russian, Chinese and even small time gangs scattered all across the city. This isn't just ordinary business, he understood immediately.

Yasuke noted the location, analyzing the area while also trying to figure out any traps or ambushes that might occur when he attempts to infiltrate the hideout. It was vital to take advantage of his sensory abilities, heightened speed, and stealth to slip past any guards or sentries placed on lookout.

There could be an armed guard or two hiding in wait, ready to strike when he least expects it. Knowing this, he mentally prepared for any unexpected surprises, calculating any potential outcome in his head before going into the fray.

Jumping down from one hundred feet tall building, he unsheathed his sword as he stabbed it on the building; minimizing the damage and sound as much as possible while hanging on tight before sliding down on the concrete floor gracefully, landing on his feet in matter of seconds.

Looking around the area at this very spacious warehouse, he can clearly see the goons patrolling around like they own the place; all armed to the teeth with weapons ranging from assault rifles to even machine guns, knowing full well that their bosses would prefer having his territory heavily guarded all the time.

They wore dark clothing consisting of mostly jackets, jeans and boots; each member having their faces concealed by balaclavas to hide their identities. Most of them were standing or sitting idly, talking amongst themselves while drinking beers and smoking cigarettes.

Cowardly lots who rely on numbers and weapons, resorting to cowardice methods just to intimidate their foes while Yasuke knew their tricks all too well. He's not intimidated in slightest by their crude tactics, in fact; it is him they should be afraid of.

The warehouse is approximately 600 square meters with metal walls and ceilings, reinforced with iron bars and locks. The layout is basic and simplistic with no furniture or objects, excluding several crates filled with possible weapons and ammunition or drugs altogether.

With his expertise in stealth and the darkness, it will be easy for him to slip past their security measures without being detected, having been ronin and ninja while mastering the way of the blade to perfection. Even though it has been years since he has taken life of another human being, he hasn't lost his touch with swordplay in the slightest.

With his quick speed and grace, he moved faster than the human eye can see; approaching one of the thugs that were currently conversing with other three before giving small cut on the unexpected person with his blade, causing him to immediately fall down on the ground; aware of his surroundings but unable to move and speak for hour.

Good, now that's dealt with; Yasuke then continued on his way while slipping past each and every single one of them like ghost. These people are so absorbed in their own activities to notice something out of ordinary happening right in front of their eyes, acting oblivious towards reality all around them.

Easily leaped up onto the top of stacked wooden crates, surveying his surroundings with sharp eyes. He waited patiently, observing his prey from afar. Once everyone settled in their position, he moved in to incapacitate them in non lethal manner, keeping his killing intent under control while performing swift cuts whenever his targets come into range.

After everything is said and done, he sneaked near the entrance that lacked gate or door, where men in business suits and their goons are gathered inside to discuss their business transactions. With so many people present, it would be difficult for him to execute a sneak attack but he has second idea of what to do as he observes them quietly.

One of the businessmen stood idly, surrounded by other men in expensive-looking suits and ties. He was dressed in a white button-up shirt with a blue tie, while his suit jacket hung on a nearby coat rack. His hair was slicked back, and he had a beard.

Another man stood beside him, leaning against the back of the desk with his arms crossed. He had a scowl on his face and wore a grey suit with a white collared shirt underneath.

The man in the white shirt and blue tie gestured the others, "the shipment of weapons and drugs will make us rich. Our products will soon be distributed throughout throughout the west," he declared loudly for all to hear, "everyone must follow instructions accordingly to ensure successful delivery of goods while eliminating all those who interfere with our affairs!" He reminded them, pointing finger at everyone in the room.

This only brought nods and agreement from each and every single one of them, a clear sign that they approve his words. But their joy is short-lived when person with gray hair wearing fancy coat and blue pants, "what about the black swordsman? He has been giving us troublesome," One of the goons pointed out, holding his gun firmly, "will it be wise to allow such person to continue threatening our operations?" He questioned him, looking directly in his eyes.

Raising his hand to stop his men from shooting at the guy, the man in blue suit chuckled, "if its that infamous vigilante then don't worry about him," he said coolly, smiling confidently, "our informants are aware that his only one man, however dangerous or skill he maybe, he'll be eliminated when the opportunity presents itself," reassuring his followers that they need not to worry about such triviality.

While he is talking, Yasuke takes advantage of the distraction to head inside and quietly destroy an electrical panel on a wall with his sword; causing the whole lights inside this warehouse to sadly flicker off, leaving them in sudden darkness while having light from moon shining brightly in pitch black, illuminating the inside of warehouse just barely enough that they can make out their surroundings.

"What the hell?! Did someone cut the lights?" Someone shouted in frustration.

"Turn those damn things back on! We can't see a thing!" Another yelled angrily.

Several gunshots rang out throughout the place followed by screams, panic ensues when they begin firing randomly at each other rather than focusing on real threat as they suddenly hear running footsteps in the darkness, crashing sounds, shouting and cries of pain resounding all around as chaos ensues.

Easily knocking out several of them people with well-placed cuts, causing them to immediately fall down on ground without making a sound; unaware that someone is picking off their ranks one by one with his blade. This would prove problematic when majority of them are scared idiots, relying on cheap tactics in shooting in every direction instead of actually thinking properly while desperately trying to see anything through such abysmal darkness that surrounded them.

It was too easy, having nearly paralyzed no more than fifty men in this ground with the only remaining one was obese old fart with overweight belly and white grey hair while being completely bald, wearing his suit like the other corrupt men who hold sufficient power in wealth.

"S-someone! H-help me! I'm being attacked by someone in here!" The fat man pleaded for anyone to save him as only darkness was everywhere he looked, terrified of what exactly is happening in this place. Where did all his bodyguards go and what about the rest of them? Did the mysterious attacker killed them all without barely making sound?!

"You eaten well," Yasuke's voice reverberated throughout the place as he hid and remained in the darkness, "having used your status and power to do whatever you wanted, carelessly squandering all of it by selling harmful substance and weapons throughout the world that took countless lives of innocent people, even children and the elderly," he expressed in grim tone.

"Where the hell are you?!" Screaming fearfully, "stop playing games with me you freak!" He demanded with shaky voice, "if you think your going to get away with this then—"

Yasuke interrupted him, "not only that, you contributed in human trafficking for your own greedy goals," revealing more truth behind this man's sins while feeling anger rising up inside of him, "those who has lost families or friends due to your crimes, this is only fitting punishment for those who caused so much harm and suffering upon others," he says coldly, concealing his presence within the shadow as he took his steps closer from behind.

The obese man's breathing became heavy as his heartbeat increased rapidly, sweat pouring down his forehead, looking around frantically in hopes of finding the person, trying to remain calm by taking deep breathes while feeling sheer terror in being left defenseless due to the absence of any sort of lighting whatsoever, "w-whoever you are, y-you can't win against the likes of me," he stuttered, trying to hide how fearful he is.

"Turn around."

Taking a gulp, the corpulent old man slowly rotated himself while facing nothingness; except hearing subtle shifting sounds behind his back, making his eyes widen in realization as he was pushed down to the ground with extreme forced, creating loud thud from the impact.

"Get up," Yasuke commanded, seeing his fallen target struggling to even lift himself due to immense weight, "move." He ordered harshly, unrelenting to the man's cries and pleas while placing his sword by side of the man's neck, threatening to slit his throat if he resists further, "stand up and look at me in the eyes," he commanded sternly.

Meekly obeying his demand, the overweight man forced his enormous frame up from ground before turning around, meeting face to face with the terrifying man, "y-you!" The obese businessman gasped in disbelief, recognizing the face of infamous vigilante, "n-no..." He mumbled to himself, petrified beyond belief as he took of steps backwards before falling down on his ass.

"The black swordsman!" The obese man said in horror as he raised both of his trembling arms in feeble attempt to protect himself, "p-please d-don't hurt me, I-I promise to g-give you money if you want!" He begged the intimidating man in front of him while being too scared to even stand back up.

Without even warning, he punched the corpulent man's nose with his fist, causing the criminal to have broken, bloody and swollen nose. Yasuke then proceeded to grab the criminal's wrist, pulling him upwards before kicking him in gut with tremendous force, knocking wind out of his lungs as he collapsed helplessly on ground.

Grabbing the man by collar of his shirt, he lifts him up in air effortlessly like lifting up feather, "do you fear pain?" Threatening him with his sword by piercing tip of his blade onto man's stomach, "because I know pain, I know pain," he repeats once more while staring deeply into those eyes, "pain is a part of life, it will always be with you wherever you go," he stated gravely, looking him dead in the eyes.

"And when this pain still remains inside you, the darkness will take over you heart," his words sounded like ominous whispers, "the darkness will devour you alive and feed on you until nothing is left of what you used to be, the same happens to all of mankind who commits cruel actions towards innocent lives," he explained sinisterly, showing no remorse whatsoever as he places his weapon by the man's cheek; tracing along the edge of steel that lightly brushed against the surface of his skin.

Tears trickled down the businessman's cheeks as he shivered uncontrollably, "p-please s-stop," he begged, hoping that this nightmare would end, "I—" after single blink, the vigilante instantly disappeared as he fall down on the ground, unable to scream or call for help.

As the fat man lie still on his back, bleeding profusely from broken nose and having bruised body, he could only sob in mess as the darkness consumed him whole. Eventually passing out cold, completely exhausted and defeated.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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