Chapter 42

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Yumi wasn't having any fun at this grand party, especially when many older guys in their sixties or forties tried to flirt with her, attempting to charm and seduce the helpless woman in hopes of being able to take her as their own. Mistaking her for a pretty damsel in distress when, in fact, she is far more dangerous than them.

Sebastian, on the other hand, was having a blast, speaking to some of the women who seem to find his charming nature and appearance rather attractive, having conversations with him, and introducing themselves to him, in which he complimented them as they all giggled, finding his words to be flattering and meaningful.

An older gentleman in his fifties wearing a blue tuxedo with glasses and graying hair approached her with a glass of wine and asked, "Want to have a dance with me, young lady?" He said it in a courteous, kindly manner, offering his free hand while the other was holding a glass of wine.

With a sharp glare of distaste, she scoffed, rudely rejecting his offer, "not with someone like you," visibly getting exhausted of being hit on by so many old men in this club to the point she wonders if all of them are having a midlife crisis and resorted to having affairs with a young woman in hopes of reliving their youth.

Many of them do not hide their intentions, seeing her as just a trophy to display on their wall or a status symbol to their peers; they are not at all interested in what she has to say and only seek her body for carnal desires. In a way, the maid didn't blame them; if anything, she hates their guts and would gladly murder them if not for the fact that Carter wouldn't want her to do such a thing.

So for now, she can only tolerate their existence, wishing that master could just end this celebration already and take her away from this place, but still, she is surprised he has yet to return, even when this rambling idiot still continued to try and persuade her to join him for a dance.

The man appears to be extremely stubborn and determined, not even giving up, which annoyed her greatly as she wanted to get away from him, making him more persistent. "I can pay you a million dollars if you spend the night with me," he said with a genuine and hopeful look, perhaps thinking money would make a difference to a young lady like her.

In his defense, the amount he is willing to give her is the largest sum of cash one can receive for such a night with an old man who might die of a heart attack at any time, although she has no interest in being romantically involved with creeps like him.

Looking away, she instead focused on the crowd around her, bored out of her mind as Yumi merely stood there like a statue and observed the party that unfolded in the building. All around, there were many wealthy and normal people alike that danced together on the dance floor while others watched with smiles on their faces, enjoying the moment of serenity.

But something else caught her full attention: a drowsy and presumably drunk Carter being dragged around through the crowd by a young girl who is seemingly out of place. If anything, Yumi can tell by her suspicious vibe that she isn't of a good nature and probably trying to lure her beloved master to somewhere dangerous.

Passing through the man who tried to ask her for a dance or one-night stand, the maid ignored the shocked and confused look of the man before he shook his head in disbelief of being rejected by a younger woman once again; nonetheless, he continued to mingle with other ladies, hoping that his money could convince them to dance and even sleep with him.

She followed them with growing worry, able to easily tell that her master is having trouble standing up without swaying like a tree in the wind, though the girl seems to have no issue supporting his weight with ease as she continues to drag him towards the passing crowd of people around them.

Rudely pushing past every individual that got in her way, Yumi still failed to reach the two, being too far ahead, while the young man seemed to struggle in resisting the girl; he even tried to push her off, but alas, his drunken state hindered his strength and ability to fight back.

A part of her knew that she should've not let him wander around without her or Sebastian, blaming herself for not being vigilant enough for having allowed her beloved to be in danger because of her own carelessness and ignorance in trusting what he had to say.

As they continued this little chase, she was suddenly grabbed from the shoulder by a hand, turning her head, only to see a different man with an unusable expression plastered on his face saying, "Going somewhere? He said, trying to sound normal as she pushed his arm aside in annoyance.

"No," she hissed out with narrowed eyes, looking him up and down with a judging look before her gaze hardened into a glare, "I'm busy with something, and if you don't mind to—" Her sentence quickly stopped when she felt the barrel of the pistol being placed on her abdomen.

He looks like any ordinary person at this grand party, having black hair that is combed backwards neatly and a goatee around his chin. He is wearing an expensive tuxedo that makes him look like a celebrity of some sort. But seeing the way he presents himself, including the gun in his possession, she knew that he wasn't just a normal guy who came to this party for drink and dance.

"Speak another word and I'll shoot you in the belly," his rough, husky voice warned with a harsh whisper, looking at the people around them with careful and calculative eyes that didn't even dare to blink at the sight of her as he spoke, "stay quiet and follow me."

She remained in her spot, unflinching from the weapon that was pressed against her stomach, glaring daggers at the stranger that dared to threaten her and pull such a stunt in a place where they would be immediately caught for such illegal action.

"Who are you people?"

Getting straight to the point in a demanding tone, keeping her arms down and her narrowed eyes still directed at him, the man gives her no answer except for his silence, in which the maid curses mentally, deciding to resort to threatening him: "Tell me what your goal is or I will kill you," she threatens with no remorse, being fully prepared to do so if her beloved is in danger.

Instead of reluctance, he proudly displayed a slight smirk; having expected the maid to act hostile from the first second, he even spoke to her, "Carter?" His gun is still aimed at her stomach, and the people around them don't even notice the danger that is happening next to them. "Nothing much other than we're going to kidnap him and hold him hostage for ransom," he said without missing a beat.

"You're going to kidnap him?" She asked bluntly, not angry, fearful, or surprised, only appearing to be indifferent and curious about the situation. "Is that all?" Stating if that is really the only goal they want to achieve.

He chuckled, having a hard time believing she was still remaining calm and collected even after hearing about the possibility of her beloved master being held captive. "Yes, it is all," he answered with confidence, believing her not to be a threat.

Unexpectedly, she smiled genuinely at him, confusing the man further. "I'm glad to hear that," she said calmly with a happy, relieved look while gazing at him with a loving look that the man doesn't understand in the slightest bit, "that means I don't have to hold myself back from killing every single one of you."

Her fist struck out swiftly and unexpectedly, hitting the man square on the chest with a swift but firm blow before grabbing his pistol from his hand, shooting him at his leg in such a way that the bullet went straight through his kneecap, causing the man to scream in agonizing pain as he fell on the ground, writhing in agony while clutching his broken limb.

In a flash in this turn of events, the once jovial and relaxed crowd turned to chaos upon hearing the gunshot that pierced through the loud music.

Fear spread throughout the party as people found the nearest exist as possible, while others did their best to avoid getting in the way of her, in which they cowardly cowered in the back of the room.

Bending downwards to get on the same level as the suffering man, she smiled like a lunatic and asked, "didn't you know?" She leaned in closer to his ear, whispering in a mocking and sarcastic tone, "I hate it when people lay their filthy hands on what belongs to me, especially touching those who aren't yours." She grinned maniacally, gripping the gun before putting it inside his mouth.

"I'm going to send you to hell now, tell your friends there I sent you," her smile only grew wider as her hand pressed on the trigger, blowing the man's entire head open in a sea of blood and brain matter, splattering it all over the ground, "and then the others," as she stood up, sensing the approaching of woman with katana in hand.

Hearing the whistling sounds of a blade cutting through the air, the crazed pinkette sidestepped just in time when the katana swing passed by her, being able to avoid the weapon before Yumi inserted a bullet inside the woman's ear as she then violently pushed the side of her face down the ground.

Causing her entire body to fall along with the mentioned bullet entering straight into her brain, killing her instantly from the force of impact as she crumpled dead on the ground, lying lifeless with blank eyes.

Yumi glanced around, noticing other attackers with firearms in their hands.

Tossing the pistol aside, she grabbed the katana from the ground and the wakizashi that was tightly wrapped around the dead woman's waists, holding them with her hands as she turned to face them, ready to use them on whoever gets in her way of reaching her beloved while smiling madly.

"Now where were we?"

One of them screamed, enraged at seeing his fallen friend, "Kill that pink-haired bitch!" He yelled in a mix of fury and anger, aiming his sub machine gun at her and beginning firing while the others followed suit, pointing their pistols, shotguns, or rifles at her and opening fire without hesitation.

Not letting their bullets reach her, Yumi sprinted towards them in a dance of death and close combat, dodging and jumping sideways from the rain of bullets while at the same time slashing all those who got in her way of progress in eliminating anyone who dared to obstruct her.

Swinging her wakizashi, the tip of the blade sliced a man's throat cleanly as blood violently erupted from his severed artery. His limp body instantly fell to the ground with dying expression holding a mixture of shock and horror at his hown demise.

Slashing another one at his face with the katana, the maid then bent downward and kicked his leg, breaking his bone in the process, causing him to stumble down, shrieking in pain while she grabbed him by the head and slammed him down on the table with great force, cracking the table and his skull into pieces as more blood spilled.

"What the hell is she?" A woman wearing a purple dress gaped in pure astonishment, seeing the psychopath mercilessly cut everyone with such unbelievable and inhumane agility: "No human can move like that!" She shouted, feeling shivers of dread running up and down her spine, realizing how outclassed and outmatched they all were in comparison.

However, the man standing next to her is having none of that, as he angrily shouted at them, "She may be strong, but that doesn't mean she can kill us all! He said in a fit of rage, "That fucking bitch has to pay for what she did to our friends!"

His anger was short lived when Yumi's eyes shifted towards the two, her lips and eyes twitching violently along of having her swords dripping with blood. She smiled psychotically, walking in their direction, saying, "Aw, thank you for reminding me to not forget you two!" She said cheerfully, ready to tear them apart at a moment's notice.

"What are you waiting for, Jeff?" The woman with the purple dress said to him, "Shoot it already! She cried out in panic when she saw how close Yumi was to them. Jeff responded, cocking his assault rifle in hand with trembling fingers due to how nervous and afraid he was.

"Just shut up and cover me!" He replied to his partner, bracing himself to fire as he closed his eyes and pointed the gun in the direction of the enemy, preparing to shoot until her body was filled with holes, "Here goes nothing!" His finger moved towards the trigger, with a rain of bullets going forward.

Fortunately for Yumi, the katana that she is wielding is sharp and sturdy enough to not only defend against firearms but also reflect the bullets with its flat edge, successfully cutting all the raining bullets and counterattacking with a throw of the sword directly to the shooter's face.

"AHHH!" Jeff's head was immediately pierced by the blade that was thrown with perfect precision, sending him falling to the ground with the loud music still playing throughout the area, leaving his only companion to watch in pure terror as Yumi gleefully picked up her sword from the corpse.

The woman in the purple dress yelped in terror, raising her pistol to aim and firing directly at the maid only to have the pinkette vanish out of thin air before her eyes. "Eh?!" Her head slightly tilted upwards to see Yumi sitting on top of the chandelier above, swinging back and forth like a child on a playground.

Yumi watched the poor woman beneath her with a wide grin that revealed her pearly white teeth and sharp fangs. Having found amusement and delight in seeing her current reaction, "time to die, bitch," without warning, she jumped down to the floor, using her as a cushion of landing before  stabbing her own sword in her forehead, piercing her brain in the process.

Pulling the bloody blade out of her skull, the maid took a moment to enjoy the bloodshed she created. Grinning at how fun and fulfilling it was compared to the boring events earlier, she darted her tongue out to lick the blood from her lips.

Unbeknownst to her, Jeff managed to retain a moment of consciousness even when he was stabbed through the brain; cautiously grabbing the pistol near him, "this is for everyone you murdered," his shaky hand gripping the weapon steadily until he finally pulled the trigger.

The bullet didn't come out as Jeff was immediately shot in the face multiple times by Sebastian with a revolver at hand, making the man's body fall limp. "I'm sorry for this," The cyan-haired butler regretfully apologized for having to resort to violence.

Frowning, Sebastian stared at the multitude of corpses that scattered on the ground around them; some were hers while others were his; in the end, none of this matters when their master is currently endangered by these would-be attackers. "I see you have no trouble dealing with them by yourself," he commented while dusting dusted himself.

Snapping out of her tranquility from his voice, she turned to face him with a worried look and said, "We need to find him! They took Carter!" Yumi urgently exclaimed, completely ignoring all the bodies around the room and even the horrified the party attendees who witnessed everything that happened in the place.

Despite her plea, Sebastian gave no response as his eyes peered through the dead bodies, silently analyzing all the wounds inflicted on them. "They were all armed yet," he slowly stated in confusion, "none of them show me a future in being the one responsible for kidnapping Master Carter." Worry is present in his words.

Yumi stood there, having a hard time understanding what the butler was saying as she gave him a perplexed look. "What is that supposed to mean?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows, not liking the fact that these guys might have an advantage over them.

A look of sadness and horror splashed him when he looked directly into her eyes. "It means I can't find the right person that would cause this to happen," he lamented deeply in anguish.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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