Chapter 72

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"This is a violation of my privilege! The very person who brought this to me was you, who destroyed everything I built it on! Everything I worked so hard for as an idol is all coming tumbling down because some asshole decided to ruin it all! Can't you see that all of this destruction you created is going to destroy my popularity? All my efforts to become the eye of attention are gone! Is everything over because you did this? I can't stand what you did to me. It's unforgivable. This is an outrage that makes me want to kill myself with a knife in front of everyone until all my fans and viewers around the world come see what I have done for their enjoyment! Why is it that people like you won't give a clue about how much trouble you caused me?

Did I ever do anything to offend you? Oh no, I bet that is it, right? You're pissed that I am an idol and famous person because I'm a fucking person in society with my life set straight from the very start of becoming an idol to entertain millions of fans that have supported me, right?! Jealously is a disease, you know. If you can't take seeing me as this successful and famous person because you lack the talent for what I have, then why not suck it up and get over it? I wonder how many of my fans you had in mind when you planned to destroy this city with your insane amount of mass genocide. The sheer scale of this tragedy is beyond imagination as I see it! To think that someone as low as you can be capable of causing this level of damage. Well, screw you! How dare you have the nerve to insult me in such a way with that face of yours that needs to be puked on? Disgusting. Insulting. Ugly.

Even just standing and seeing you pisses me off so much that I want to just kill you right now. But because this is society, we don't do that crap; no, that would be criminal; what we do is give criminals the chance by putting them into prison for these scumbags to rot in hell. I think this is the fate you deserve; after all the chaos you caused in the city and probably the world, this is karma in returning to you like the bitch it is! Karma is a bitch, as well as an eye for an eye. Not only did you hurt me, but everyone in this city and this world—even this country is facing your wrath just for one man! What kind of god are you?

The insane tyrant king of all psychopaths with delusions of grandeur is who you are! At least I am sane enough to know what is right and wrong, something that your old fart brain is incapable of comprehending, so sit back and enjoy your imprisonment in that jail cell or wherever the police decide to bring you into a high security facility that could hold someone like you, and we will see to it that you are punished for everything you have done. Furthermore, I am not one to be trifled with because I will kick your ass in all matters of law and order; that is what they teach us. Remember that in the back of your mind when they bring you to justice for everything that has happened up to this day, and hopefully the next that awaits our generation, is that clear? Because if not, then prepare to eat your words and choke on them!

Are you sleeping? Wake up! This is the real world, you retarded old piece of shit, this isn't a dream, and you can't get rid of me that easily as I am in charge of making sure you pay for this crime because this is not a game anymore; this is a war of crime against us, and you are on the losing side with outdated technology that belongs in the scrapyard with that sword you have because it is no match for advanced technology we have today and in the future, and I know for fact that everyone agrees with me when I said that you are nothing more than pathetic little man trying to make an impression in the world.

I cannot comprehend in the slightest that we are different people, despite the obvious difference between us in our biology and society, which is that I'm the good guy while you are the villain. It's not really difficult to understand where I am getting at if you have a brain to use and utilize when thinking of the many possibilities and outcomes of whatever is going through your brain. I never even understood that these two morons were defeated by the likes of you. I find it a joke to even think that someone as weak as them would be beaten by you, unless you're a dirty cheater who uses cheap tricks that work like a charm while being an effective strategy in the face of someone strong like them.

Perhaps it is just all luck, the false sense of security that they are the best of the best that has the power to take down anyone regardless of strength, the arrogant, cocky attitude, and all that, only to be proven wrong by a powerful foe like you to put them back into reality and teach them the meaning of true humility and respect. But I'm no hypocrite; unlike them, I actually earn my strength and skills through training and studying the many disciplines throughout my career.

Instead of getting the things you want, you should put more effort into achieving what you want while trying harder to be a decent person, huh? Oh, look! You're not even trying anymore; it's just you letting others do the hard work while you just stay here and enjoy the show. Is that it? Why do you even exist in the first place? Why do you exist? Nothing about you makes any sense to me, and I'm trying my hardest to make an explanation as to why you are the way you are. This is the reason why I hate people like you! I see myself as a perfect and flawless being, while you are just a broken record that never stops repeating the same damn song over and over again until I get tired and just tune you out for good. Do you want to know the reason why?

Because I don't care about what you have to say, all you ever do is complain about is rule others in fear without even bothering to consider their own feelings; in all honesty, I can't relate to you at all because you are too far gone beyond stupid to even be considered a person. It makes me despise you even more, so just go to hell, okay? Maybe you can take all of this out of your system and maybe get better when the time comes. So everyone who would be different from my option should disappear from this world, especially you!

If you do agree with me, then I suggest going to jail, dumbass! You're likely not going to survive because of how much of a crusty old, disgusting, gross, vexing, boring, stupid, selfish, perverted, twisted, annoying, worthless, awful, slimy, repulsive, bland, plain, vile, irritating, untidy, odorous, shady, criminal, shifty, pitiful, and uncivilized person you are!

Just saying these horrible things makes me heartbroken on the inside. All the bad words that can describe your person—all of them and none of them—will never be enough for me to express my animosity towards you for what you have done to everyone else. However, I definitely do not care about those who despise my works, because they deserve to die at the hands of death. It's embarrassing for them to know how much I hate them for all their negative criticism of me. Although I am saddened by my fans deaths, it is truly devastating for me to know that they died for a just cause like this, and all because of you, you monster.

In other words, if I were to describe a person like you, it would be a crazy person, as well as insane, malicious, ignorant, narrow-minded, chauvinistic, pompous, petty, mean-spirited, weak-minded, unjust, unfair, conceited, hostile, aggressive, nihilistic, distrustful, unpleasant, depressing, and wretched. And yet, for reasons of not being able to tolerate, bear, or endure a single second longer with a person like you, and it is certainly the most horrific experience in my life, dealing with one of the most infamous supervillains of this generation, one who seems to be far more evil than any other criminals in this entire world combined, you are capable of beating the best heroes and villains out there while defeating two of the best superheroes in the process. That still doesn't make you any stronger or more powerful, you prick! I have the ability to control gravity, but you don't see me gloating about it. No, you don't see me using it for selfish reasons.

All I care about is making sure that people like you stop committing crimes, all because your ego and pride blind you to knowing right from wrong and thinking that you are invincible. That is because in this world, there is no such thing as invincibility; we are all capable of experiencing defeat, regardless of how powerful you are. Except myself, because I am the highest woman who should be respected with love and admiration across the entire world. What makes you believe that you are God among insects and are allowed to do whatever you please, like a spoiled brat? This behavior is unacceptable, as well as being a failure of a role model to the people of this country. We once read stories about you, the heroic kind, and now seeing how you have fallen is such a sad, depressing, terrible, melancholic, and miserable view that breaks my heart to know how far you have fallen. All because you let your own powers get ahead of you; there are always consequences to every action. Like all the crimes and people you murdered, for example.

Of course, killing and murdering others isn't something you should do, especially the innocent people of this world. In all seriousness, you should be ashamed of yourself and know to leave the heroism to the heroes, not to criminals like yourself; no matter how powerful you are, you will still fall on your knees when it comes to them.

As a member of this city, I am willing to stop you from continuing any further. What a joke! Who exactly do you think you are walking around like that? My body is beautiful; I'm gorgeous, cute, and lovely, and with it, I can do many things that you wouldn't be capable of, like becoming a millionaire and marrying the person of my dreams with a life of luxury as well. And here you are, sitting on a magical throne that shouldn't belong to someone like you, someone who is vile and ugly and shouldn't exist in this world.

In other words, you are not beautiful or even handsome. No matter how many times you say that you are, it will not change the fact that you are a hideous beast. You disgust me, not only that, but I also loathe tyrants that go against my ideals and beliefs like the rest of the people around the world; however, what makes me furious is how they abuse their powers in such a way that it poses a threat to the innocent civilians of this planet.

That's the reason why they are the villains—because they chose to hurt others for their own enjoyment. They just have no conscience and zero self-control, which makes them a menace to the human race. I wish they did not exist, but it's just a foolish and naive thought. Of course, people like them exist in this world. They are the most dangerous threats in the world because not only are they capable of ending human existence, but they have the strength to do it as well. That's why people like them need to be stopped, starting with you."

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