Chapter 48

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Kicking the air vent in the secluded, dirty closet before softly landing on her two feet as she stood upright, breathing in the fresh air, she said, "Yumi is coming to save you, my love," whispering quietly to herself while taking careful steps toward the door that leads into the hallways of this factory.

Crouching close to the floor, she pushed the door open gently enough to avoid making unnecessary noise and peered outside. Fortunately, the coast seemed clear as far as she could see. Without delay, Yumi proceeded to exit the closet, carefully shutting it behind her as she stealthily prowled around the empty hall.

The hallway itself was dimly lit by a series of flickering lights above her, causing her to squint her eyes to adjust her vision. The walls were covered in mold and grime, and there was a faint smell of rot in the air. The floors were littered with debris, such as broken pieces.

It seems these criminals weren't really keen on maintaining their surroundings, which is typical. A disgraceful lot indeed. This whole place reeks of filth and disgust—nothing surprising in a hideout occupied by trash such as those uneducated morons roaming around in every corner of this damnation.

Slowly making her way through the winding corridors and corners of this power plant, her silent footsteps echoed along until she noticed an elevator nearby with its doors opened, where several armed men and women wearing kevlar armor exited the shaft, conversing about recent events as one of them shouted loudly, "Get in position everyone! They will soon arrive at the main entrance in a matter of minutes; make sure all defenses are fully functional!" Shouted a woman in a commanding voice before running off with other groups to different locations.

With haste, she climbed onto the walls before sticking herself at the ceiling as the thugs dispersed in every direction, some even carrying boxes with them containing supplies such as ammo magazines. However, some decided to patrol the whole place, while others were busy checking the equipment around them.

She simply observed their actions patiently, waiting for the right opportunity to attack them when everyone isn't paying attention; perhaps right now is good timing since many of them have turned their backs on her.

Staying out of their sights, Yumi quietly followed after some individuals who ended up traveling on their own rather than being part of a larger group, probably either on guard duty or with other tasks to complete.

It appears that some of them have split up and separated themselves into smaller sections of the building. If they truly are trying to prevent intruders from approaching this place, then surely someone is bound to take advantage of their carelessness at some point or another, even if it means utilizing deception, subterfuge, and deceit to achieve one's goals.

"Idiots," she whispered quietly, making her way along the ceiling before crawling down back to the floor without alerting anyone nearby.

In front of her is an armed man with an assault rifle staring into empty space, whistling a song, with no idea that an intruder is right behind him. Taking this opportunity, she takes careful steps towards him as she grabs his head from behind with one hand and reaches out with another. Snapping his neck sideways with a swift motion and twisting his whole body violently with great force.


The man's spine cracked at the impact of his vertebrae breaking apart due to the sheer amount of pressure applied on him, dropping on the cold floor, but before it could happen, Yumi caught his corpse with her other arm in order to prevent a loud sound from echoing through these halls. "Time for me to have a new change of clothing," she muttered as she began stripping the man of his outfit.

Taking off his clothes, she wore a blue t-shirt and pants with a black baseball cap and a white face mask to conceal her identity, leaving the man's body lying on the floor next to the wall with her own dress next to his. "Hm, I look good in everything, she said, complimenting herself on how good she appeared in her disguise.

Grabbing his rifle, she casually left the quieter hallways while her eyes frantically searched for hidden cameras that might be monitoring this whole place. Knowing that she won't have much time to stay here any longer as the body will be soon discovered, Yumi scanned the whole vicinity with a vigilant gaze in search of any abnormalities, signs of suspicion, or anything at all.

Then she saw four armed men standing near a box filled with ammunition and spare weapons like grenades, pistols, automatic rifles, shotguns, submachine guns, explosives, and other useful tools, including binoculars and radio devices.

Without thinking twice, Yumi moved closer to them, still wearing her disguise, and casually approached the thugs, who were simply talking among themselves and laughing about the whole situation until they mentioned Carter.

"Have you seen that poor bastard?"

An overweight man asks as he holds his rifle tightly, "I tell you, that guy is something else alright!" Chuckling with a smug expression, "It serves him right for being a douche billionaire," as the other three nodded their heads in agreement.

Another guy replies to him, "Yeah, guy is fucking lucky to have all that wealth; the rest of us peasants are just living in poverty while he is living a good life with women at his beck and call," spitting his saliva on the ground angrily.

His friends simply laughed along, finding humor in the young man's suffering as the fat man continued, "placing him in a white room cell to starve and suffer has been amusing since the past week; I wonder what else can be done with that cocksucker."

The skinny man on the left scoffed, "Who knows, maybe the boss wants to torture him some more by chopping off his fingers or cutting off his tongue with pliers and burning it in the fireplace, just to send a message to the rich dickheads that nobody can mess with us."

Hearing this discussion between them enraged Yumi from learning what they had done to the very man she loved since they were children and having to hear from them about inflicting horrendous acts of cruelty on Carter, making them all worthy victims of her wrath.

Stopping in front of them, she faked a friendly demeanor even though Yumi was ready to kill them right away without caring about being discovered anymore. Her mind is set on making them all suffer a painful and gruesome death as they should: "Hey, how's the situation? Have any juicy information or news that happened recently?" She asked them politely, forcing a fake smile onto her face underneath the mask as she temporarily controlled the urge to not shoot them right away.

"Woah!" The fourth guy spoke out with a wide grin, "It's about time we got a woman among our group; it's good to see more attractive faces around here," thrilled to have company from a female for once instead of being constantly occupied by men.

"Shut the fuck up, asshole!" The fat man chastised his comrade, glaring at him with hatred while pointing at his face, saying, We've got work to do and not some whore to chat about boring shit; besides, we have to make sure that Carter doesn't leave his—"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bullets pierced through the overweight man's skull and heart as he instantly collapsed, bleeding on the ground lifelessly. Yumi aimed her rifle at the other two's heads and shot both of them on their foreheads repeatedly as blood splattered everywhere. The last remaining one standing looked utterly terrified, realizing that his allies were dead.

"What...why?" The skinny man panicked from this sudden action as he looked at her in the eye, confused but terrified nonetheless. "We were joking around, lady, I— He couldn't finish his sentence when both of his knee caps were shot, resulting in his ass falling to the ground.

"AHHH! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" Grabbing one of his legs with shaky hands, trying to apply pressure to stop the bleeding, he said, "Please don't shoot me anymore!" He cried desperately with tears running down his face as he looked at her, pleading for his life, "I swear, we didn't mean what we said earlier, we didn't!"

Yumi knelt in front of him, glaring at him with a cold, hollow stare while she stared directly into his eyes. "Do you know where Carter is?" She asked him with venom on her tongue, wanting more to inflict pain upon this wretched soul and make him suffer a miserable death; though she needs information on Carter first, she said, "If you want to live, talk and answer all of my questions or else, you will regret it," threatening him in a cruel manner.

After hearing the question, the injured man immediately nodded his head frantically and said, "Yeah, of course, we did beat him to every inch of his life, put him in a white room cell that has a one-way mirror on it, and then..." He trailed off as his mind replayed the memory of Carter being tortured for days on end. "We left him to rot as everyone else laughs at his misery; that's what the boss told us to do anyway," he explained in a hurried tone, wanting to get it over with quickly.

Baring her teeth, she stood up and violently stomped one of his knees with full force, resulting in a bloody mush of meat left in place of bone. "AAAARGH!! FUCKING BITCH!" He screamed in agony as tears poured from his face due to agonizing pain coursing throughout his whole body: "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Demanding angrily, trying to glare back at her.

"Answer my question right or I'm going to do the next one," she threatened him with a sinister smile that sent shivers down his spine; clearly afraid of what might happen to him next, she forced him to sigh in defeat, making him answer with the best of his abilities, "he is in the third basement on the farthest right of this building," revealing weakly with resignation written on his face, wincing from the pain inflicted upon him.

Although satisfied with his answer, Yumi kicked the other one with all of her strength, obliterating his kneecap into a fine paste and making him shriek in torment.


"Is that all you know? She asked in a calm tone, placing her foot against his stomach, "Are there any hidden traps or other secrets that you need to share with me? Her tone remained firm, resolute, and stoic as she patiently watched her victim writhe helplessly on the ground, clutching his wounds for dear life.

"NO!!! NO MORE!" He shouted back with a face drenched in sweat, begging for his life in desperation, "Just please stop hurting me!" Whimpering pitifully at the end of his plea, "It's all I know; I swear of my mother's life! He's in the third basement! Just head to your right from here, take a turn and head to the staircase, walk downstairs, and enter the third floor; the cell should be obvious by its large size in the middle of the room; that's all I know!"

His words brought some comfort to her because there weren't any other relevant details to get them out of him. She felt he no longer possessed anything else to learn, making her withdraw her foot from him with a smile on her face.

"Thank you for your assistance," Yumi said with a fake smile, calming him down from this whole ordeal of almost ending his pitiful life prematurely. However, after gaining the information she required, there was only one thing left to do.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Continuing his mantra of gratitude towards being spared, his teary eyes closed in full relief, believing she would finally leave him alone right then and there. Unfortunately for him, all he got was a bullet straight through his skull with a single shot.

"Third basement..." Repeating those words over and over in her mind, "I'm coming, master; I am coming to save you!" Kneeling down, she grabbed a nearby m67 grenade before tearing one piece of his black hair and wrapping it around the clip, attaching it to his shirt.

Just as she did that, the whole base flickered red lights in alarm with the intercom transmitted throughout the building, following the announcement: "Attention, everyone! We have intruders inside as we speak; take positions and prepare to engage hostiles with heavy firearms; leave no survivors!" The speaker's voice resounded throughout the building.

Echoing sounds of armed thugs sprinting through the hallways from behind: "Over there!" Pointing at the disguised girl, whom they presume is an enemy, they say, "Open fire!" They opened fire in the blazing glory of bullets.

Moving above the speed of sound, she easily dodged them by sprinting in the opposite direction to her right, vanishing out of view if she had simply teleported or simply ran faster than bullets.

"After her!" Most of them followed, despite being slower than her.

Few rookies of their bunch approached the brutally killed corpses; one of them was the presumed skinny guy, who is nothing but bloody paste after his knees were blown to bits. "That bitch is dead!" A young woman gasps at the sight of the massacre, especially seeing her boyfriend being killed at this terrible display.

"Kyler..." Kneeling down, tears rolled down her face from losing someone she loved.

On the other hand, the man next to her crouched and examined Kyler's body, horror written all over his face from the sight of it: "Shit, his knees are completely obliterated." Stunned by the devastating condition of their comrades at such a brutal pace.

Then he noticed a peculiar grenade laying next to her deceased boyfriend; for a moment, he was confused why it was there until horror struck him: "Don't!" He shouted at the top of his lungs, but it was too late, as the moment she embraced him, a single movement was all it needed to activate the grenade.

Resulting in five more bodies added to the list of casualties when the explosion ripped them apart, leaving entrails and guts spilling over. Their scream of death was silenced instantly by a shockwave, leaving only a gory mess on the cold ground.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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