Chapter 54

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"Shit, shit, shit, shit!"

James frantically ran through the hallways of this basement, praying he could find the elevator needed to escaped this place before either the HPD or that psychopathic bitch could get her grubbily little hands on his neck, terror that kept creeping on him every step of the way he took.

There weren't any bodies in this level, which is a relief for him as he wouldn't have the stomach to check if some of them were his former colleagues or friends that he met, would he really care though? He might, maybe, but at this moment, the only thing that mattered to him is leaving with his own life intact.

For what seems like minutes of running, he soon found a elevator located at the corner of the hallway as he sprint as fast as his legs would carry him; going in full throttle after reaching to it with hopefulness plastering in his face.

Pressing the button, he waited for the shaft to arrive as he turned around to check for anything suspicious, not finding anyone behind him. Turning his attention back to the doors, the elevator has yet to come, making him evermore anxious of what to do; tapping his foot against the concrete floor, biting his lower lip and beads of sweat started dripping down his face, trembling in horror of the chance that they would get him.

The intruders aren't the only people he should be worrying about, betraying those two brats is death sentence to him and if they have survive the whole ordeal or worst, escape alive and encounter him; he prays that his soul won't be send to hell for selling the both of them out, it's not his fault, it was either them or him and he would gladly sacrifice anyone for his own life.

Stupid, arrogant, idiotic and naive bunch, thinking that these dumb teenagers can even think of facing someone like her; Yumi was someone who shouldn't be trifled with after seeing her through the cameras of their security room, seeing how she manages to slaughters people twice her size within short period of time, regardless how many there are.

They may be the two strongest individuals he ever knew or heard, but when it comes to pure killing prowess, she wins by landslide in comparison to these two simple brats, what makes her even more dangerous is how their men reported of how she went crazy all of a sudden as if she is a totally different person after losing her master.

Not that he is concerned of right now as he is too busy leaving this place alive, not hearing or even seeing any signs of them anywhere in this facility as he patiently waited for the elevator to reach, clicking the button continuously to make it faster.

When the sound of the elevators slowly began to creak while making a faint beeping noise as the doors slid open, inviting him to board the empty compartment, taking several cautious glances side to side before stepping inside it.

Although, the interior design of this elevator was rather creepy in James opinion, with the metal walls and rustic metallic bars in the background, the walls seem to be flickering due to the flashing red lights that illuminated throughout the elevator, giving off a rather eerie atmosphere in his perspective.

Nevertheless, this feeling of creepiness was ignored altogether as he pressed one of the buttons with the number one on it, hoping that this would be enough to reach his destination. Soon enough, the doors closed behind him and the elevator began ascending upwards, sending him in the surface of this factory.

Crossing his arms, he stared blankly at the reflection of the doors before sighing in relief; "I'm going to be safe..." He muttered to himself as he continued staring at his own face, "once I leave this place, I will get out of this fucking country and head back home to my family," not even caring about the losses of lives and all that with his main priority is surviving.

A new life awaits, he thought, smiling to himself of how he was able to successfully made it this far, without any hassle at all in this building, if only things were simpler, he would've investigate the background of that maid, including how she was so skilled in using brutal tactics to take down dozens of his people.

"I need to get information out of her," he sighed, wanting to assist his fellow colleagues, "if our whole operation is discovered by the public, I'm sure everyone linked to the criminal underground would be targeted and prosecuted, and I want nothing to do with that. However..." he thought as the elevator doors opened, revealing hallways of blaring alarms and red flashing lights.

But as he stepped out, James can finally see in his very two own eyes of the corpses that litter the halls of the first floor and all over the place, seeing some of his comrades on the ground, unmoving and dead. He stood there in awe, utterly horrified of the scene unfolding around him; he can't believe what his very own eyes are seeing.

Some had their throat slit or stabbed, others were shot, dismembered or blown up and others brutally impaled by objects such as knives, stakes and steel rods. In addition, some had their skulls bashed in, eyes popped out and all sorts of wounds from being burned alive.

To make things worse, the sprinklers weren't on, which meant this massacre happened when the sprinklers were turned off. At the very least, that's what he gathered from this bloody massacre, "holy fuck," his knees weak and buckled when he nearly tripped himself while standing up.

She managed to single-handedly kill all of his goons stationed here in less than couple of hours, impressive and terrifying at the same time; such a shame that Yumi wasn't on their side as he would have definitely used this sort of skillset to his own advantage.

"Forget them," looking around his fallen people, "I need to get out of here," commenting under his breath as he steadily take a couple of steps forward, making less noise as possible to avoid getting detected by anyone present here; using his hand to cover his mouth to prevent making any sort of sound that would reveal himself.

Shivers ran through his spine, heart thumping in his chest and his breathing became short and ragged while scanning his surroundings to find anyone close to him, finding none but corpses. It doesn't change the fact that the sight of those he considers to be once friends is dead on the floor, serving as reminder for the tragedy that has befallen on them.

Despite his reluctance, he continues moving forward, passing through the blood bath without hesitation; though, his expression morphed into disturbed and unnerved when the sight of what happens when one encounters Yumi up close is all too real.

Moving through this body strewn hallway, he saw what remained of the unfortunate souls who had gotten in the pink haired maid's way; they must have put up an admirable defense, considering that many of them seem to have been caught by surprise, judging by the many gunshot and stab wounds littered all over their bodies.

It also adds the fact that with the loud alarm ranging throughout the facility including red flashing lights, the scene makes it if a horror movie where they suddenly experience something horrifying or terrible. He then stopped to examine the body of a dead colleague, noticing knife embedded deeply on their abdomen; their face twisted in a state of utter terror, the skin so pale and almost grayish and their lifeless, empty eyes, it's clear that they died in an agonizing death, with no chance to recover.

To be fair, he was responsible for managing human trafficking overseas for various services from labor, prostitution and slavery to even organ harvesting for transplant. Though he didn't care what happened to them as long money flows in and that the whole ordeal goes unnoticed, there isn't a single speck of sympathy from him who has his hands tainted with sin.

It is the way of life when the powerful and wealthy can do anything they want as long it doesn't involve with those they care about, of course. His greed and wealth blinded him, resulting for this bloody massacre to happen and having to pay the price by losing his subordinates.

But his never comfortable of seeing this atrocities in first hand; preferring to simply stay out of it and watch from his office as his underlings carried the dirty work in his behalf. Maybe if he spent less time ordering them around, he may have prevented this catastrophe, although in his eyes, they're expendable in the end.

For money and power is far greater than human life; there is no greater goal than attaining power and wealth at the cost of others' lives. The notion of obtaining money for himself and his family was all too tempting to ignore and abandon; besides, those criminals, gangsters, serial killers or the homeless don't have anything valuable he can exploit for his benefit, even if he had to become a human trafficker to gain it.

"Pitiful, truly pitiful," saying with no remorse of his actions or betrayal of his people as they are nothing more than fodder for him, "you idiots, all of you got killed for no reason while I am alive and well," grin formed on his lips of this chance in escaping without scratch, "I'm glad to have chosen the smart way out in siding with those two and not becoming one of them," patting his own shoulder in job well done.

Feeling proud of his situation in not ending up like them, he confidently walked forward to find the nearest exit while having big smile on his face; if he was given the opportunity to change his decision of choosing to join sides with those two kids, he did and later betrayed them to save his own skin.

"I wonder what happened to them in the third basement," chuckling cruelly from his victory, "if I'm lucky, they are still fighting her and this makes my escape evermore easier without worry of getting involved in the mess those two kids created, if anything, I hope that maid slaughtered them all. Hell, the more that pink haired bitch kills, the better it is for me to leave this country and return back to my country."

He never liked Japan, the country is to boring with barely any corrupt businessmen or law enforcers for him to exploit or use to his benefit, although oversea criminal operations do exist in such peaceful country but they are practically forced to keep it secret.

Its frustrating to say the least, not having the influence in the criminal underworld, having to act like a good citizen in order to not raise any suspicion whatsoever in avoiding the attention of police and other government officials, having to be in the dark like this is rather disappointing.

In any normal country, the government is basically useless if a powerful politician or member of wealthy organization has a firm grasp in the streets and influence over the media in general, whether its blackmail, bribery and/or murder. There is literally no consequence of what one can do, as long they are powerful enough to suppress and kill anyone that stands against them.

But Japan? They don't have anything like that, its clean, almost corrupt free and is probably one of the most peaceful countries in the world, meaning scum like himself have to lay low in order to not draw attention from authorities. A terrific place to hide, a nightmare to any lowlife wanting to make a fortune.

That is why he is excited to leave this country, his hopes and dreams of returning in doing what he does best is just at the palm of his hand; exploiting innocents and trading them for personal gain while having to operate in the dark from the law and police.

His grin widen when he finally saw the exit in front of him; large closed gate that matched the color and appearance of the wall, along with keypad at the left and right, waiting for him to type the code and thus, leading him out of this place for good, his freedom.

Without much thought, he approaches the large entrance that leads to the outside, touching the left keypad while dialing the password to make his escape, watching the numbers appear in green while typing the required sequence in his mind; waiting for the sound of beep and buzz to indicate him of success.

The entrance rapidly open, his heart beaming with excitement and hope of escape this hellhole as the doors shifted into bridge to walk upon the waters that surrounds the power plant, making him ever more confident to make his way out of the building.

But what greeted in front of him is HPD members, especially the SAT armed units who was directly aiming their weapons at him. In addition, they were blocking him the bridge outside and with them standing between the building, and the swamp altogether.

"Put your fucking hands up where we can see them!"

James Gill can only comply as he felt his entire world crashed into pieces when his chances of escape vanished in thin air, knowing fully well that he is utterly screwed. Perhaps karma has come back to bite him in the ass for his crimes in life.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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