Chapter 38

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"I'm telling you, we should focus on this black swordsman guy!"

James Gill sat boredly on his black chair behind the desk; his adult body remained seated on the plush cushions with his elbows placed upon the wooden surface. His eyes were staring at the two individuals standing in front of him, and his expression showed the sight of growing irritation as his underling complained about this issue.

The room is spacious and lined with modern furniture, including a large black desk with a laptop, phone, and other electronic devices such as a printer and scanner, two comfortable leather chairs facing his direction, and walls covered in artwork.

Residing in a building comprised of hired bodyguards working for various criminal organizations, James is one of the oversea politicians working for both his country and acting as a foreign negotiator for the nation of Japan while secretly having ties with illegal shipments and goods of drugs or weaponry.

Having his office on the third floor of the building, he is currently discussing with his trusted assistant, Hiroshi, a middle-aged Japanese man wearing formal clothes and having close ties to the Yakuza and triad organizations, acting as a diplomat or negotiator whenever needed, including supplying them weapons in exchange for protection and funds.

Impatiently tapping his fingers on the table, "it's only one man with a sword," disbelief evident within his tone as he rolled his eyes, "sure, maybe his posthuman or something, but we have the numbers advantage here," dismissing all of those facts about the vigilante's abilities with a simple wave of his hand, "that psycho wouldn't be able to topple our entire empire so easily."

Hiroshi remained calm as usual while silently sitting in the opposite direction of him, studying their boss' demeanor. "So what do you suggest we do then, James?" Inquiring him politely while having serious, calm composure at all times, "If you continue doing nothing, it's only a matter of time before he or the authorities come knocking on our doorstep," cautioning him to take precautions early just in case, "we cannot afford to be careless here."

Unimpressed, he simply scoffed at him, "If you're worried about some cops, you can start by training your men harder," stating bluntly, "they don't have the experience compared to our mercenaries and soldiers whom I have to you tell had experience in wars," clearly dismissive of the danger posed by those pesky heroes running around.

However, the Japanese man didn't let up yet. "Don't underestimate the HPD; they aren't like any cop back in your country," reprimanded him sternly. "Unlike them, they are very efficient in what they do and are considered to have barely any corrupt officers at all in their ranks, unlike most police forces in your country."

Waving his hand at him once more, James showed no concern whatsoever about the law enforcers in that country. Well, it's all irrelevant to me at this point, so I don't care anymore; in fact, why not just ignore that guy and get back to what we were talking about earlier, okay?" Concluding his piece without care of what others might say.

He was unable to believe what he heard. Hiroshi wanted to yell at his face for being so dismissive and stupid, but he held it back, knowing full well that would not accomplish anything at all. "You know, if this keeps going on any longer, there's a good chance that the whole organization will fall into ruin, right?" He pointed it out in exasperation, wondering how someone can be so stubborn.

"This can't continue forever."

The uncaring, selfish politician could only scuff angrily at his subordinate, his mood souring the more he listened to his advice and suggestions: "Can't you just shut up already? You're getting on my nerves with all this yapping," he said, throwing daggers with a glare. "Not everything is going to end up in ruins, so stop worrying over it, jeez," scoffing in annoyance.

"You Japanese are really something else; all this talk about honor, loyalty, and duty or whatever crap those samurai and samurais fought for, its all meaningless and bullshit if you ask me, totally redundant in this day and age," spouted the Caucasian man as he snorted with a smirk. "It's amazing how people still believe in fairy tales like that nowadays."

Appalled and shocked at the gall of his boss, Hiroshi couldn't help but gape in utter disbelief, "How dare you!" Angrily slammed hands down onto the desk while shouting out loud in anger, "We have fought and died countless times against our enemies so that we can maintain balance and stability among our homeland, so don't insult our culture like that ever again!" Demanding respect from the racist man who looked upon him and his ancestors as inferior.

Knowing full well that his words affected his subordinates deeply, the man smirked and said, "Watch your tone or else you'll find yourself thrown out of this building faster than you can blink, got that?" Warning him subtly, "Don't try to pick a fight with me unless you want to end up dead alongside everyone else."

But Hiroshi wasn't backing down just yet. "Just listen to the reason for—"

Suddenly, gunshots and screams reverberated throughout the entire building as a stampede of hired mercenaries and criminals began rushing past the doors leading straight toward the stairs or elevators with firearms in hand.

Their attire consisted of mostly dark clothing, including hats, jackets, shirts, jeans, boots, and shoes, while wielding heavy assault rifles, machine guns, pistols, shotguns, and SMG's or even assault rifles with an underbarrel grenade launcher mounted beneath while lacking a mask or hood to cover their faces.

"What the hell is going on out there?" James shouted in surprise, unable to believe what he was seeing right now, "Tell me what is happening?" Asking frantically with a nervous expression, wanting to know the reason for this disturbance.

Hiroshi pulled a revolver from his holister, standing up with a look of seriousness on his face. "I told you, James! We should focus more on this damn vigilante!" He exclaimed as he took careful steps towards the wooden door, ready to leave their shared office, "We need to get out of here," signaling his boss to follow him.

"Then lead the way," James called over his shoulder while pulling the briefcase that was placed on his side, swiftly opening it as he rummaged through the contents hidden within it. "Shit! SHIT!" Realization hit him like a brick wall as he swore under breath when he noticed the object he was looking for was nowhere in sight. "Where the fuck is it?"

Turning around, he sees how panicked his boss looked, frowning in confusion. "What are you doing, James? Get moving before that manic burst through the door and bring the both of us down," he reminded him urgently while stepping closer to aid him in whatever he was doing.

Fully aware that their lives are in grave danger, the man continued scavenging through his luggage like a madman, ignoring his question altogether: "I remember placing my goddamn gun right in this case...but it's nowhere to be found!"

Just as Hiroshi was ready to open his mouth, the door was then mysteriously thrown off its hinges, heading straight to them at tremendous speed. But luckily for him, the politician was able to fall to the ground with his hands covering his head.

However, his underling wasn't so long as the thrown door pushed him onto the wall, knocking Hiroshi cold and injuring him severely from his now broken bones. "I told you..." he said, grunting weakly in pain before closing his eyes into deep slumber.

Peeking out of his cover, he saw the black smoke from the entrance blocking any visage from the outside. "Hiroshi!" Cried out in fright, turning around to see the door glued to his unconscious body that lay motionless at the cracked wall, "Oh no...fuck! Fuck! FUCK!" He groans in distress while knowing fully well that there's no way he can drag himself to safety and escape without some assistance.

Looking back, the smoke rapidly cleared, slowly revealing two figures from this dissipating smoke: "who...?" Jame's eyes narrowed in anticipation, confusion, and wariness of the strangers that emerged from the black clouds; before him stood side by side.

Two teens, Sato holding a rifle and Nomi with fleshy arms comprised of long blade tentacles protruding from her back and shoulders, seemingly if she herself were some monster from a horror movie, "it always feels so good to stretch my limbs a bit, wouldn't you agree, Sato-kun~?" Cheerfully giggled along with a small smile on her pale complexion, gazing upon her beloved with an amused yet evil grin spreading across her lips, "Isn't it so exciting!?"

"Bunch of kids?" James cautiously stood up behind his desk, looking at them in disbelief. "Hey, whatever it is that you kids came here for, whatever you do, don't do anything that you'll regret," he said, trying to reason with them without being forced to use lethal methods as it would tarnish his reputation greatly. "Whatever you want, just name it and it will be yours," he said, grinning nervously to convince them to leave the premises.

Tilting her head, she took a step forward while humming cheerfully, "You have something we want...actually." Her eyes stared in his direction with a predatory gleam as she then used her tentacles to pierce through the shoulders and legs of the corrupt politician.

"Ra-ahh!" He screamed in agony, feeling sharp, searing pains surge through his nerves like electrical current while he watched the young girl play around with him like a toy. "Stop! Jesus, it hurts! It hurts so bad!" Desperately begging her to end this torture already.

His pleas fell deaf to her ears, enjoying every minute of it while relishing the sight of a suffering man writhe under her powerful influence as she continued to gaze at him with sadistic lust. "Hmm? I almost forgot something," turning her eyes to Sato, "is he perhaps the one to help us?"

The young boy nodded and said, "I believe so," giving a short answer, "although I doubt that he has what we want," pointing out to her quietly, "Can you bring him closer to us? I need to see if it's truly him we've been seeking."

Following his request, she lifted the man into the air before painfully bringing him closer to them until they were a few meters away. "All done!" Nomi smiled brightly, as if pleased with her accomplishment of helping her boyfriend out.

Coughing blood from his throat, he groaned miserably while peering at the pair of lovers. "What do you want? Money? Mercenaries? Women? Food? Clothes? Weapons? Drugs?" Grunting in pain from the blades of those tentacles, "Just tell me already!

"I want to know your name and the importance of being here."

Confused by this inquiry, the man answered anyway, "J-james Gill, one of the oversee politicians from America here on business..." He stopped momentarily as he breathed heavily to ease up his pain. "And for what I do here? Nothing much besides being innocent—"

"His lying," Nomi interrupted him suddenly, making James look over to see her sneering viciously. "The last sentence was a lie." Blood drained all the man's face from realizing this as he glared at the two. His eyes widened as he clenched his teeth together. "Shut the hell up, bitch! You don't know what you're talking about!" Throwing a tantrum as he yelled out to defend himself.

"You're going to pay for killing my guys!" James hissed in hateful anger, remembering how those kids massacred his subordinates and workers that resided in this building. "Once I'm free from this shit, I'll fucking bring you two to your knees!" Promising them a painful future to come.

Unaffected by his threat, Sato merely looked upon him with a blank stare. "James Gill," he began softly as if finding some sort of solace within his own mind, "we didn't kill all your men, only..." glancing at Nomi for confirmation, "some," nodding his head gently when she returned the gesture, "we made sure to spare those that surrendered themselves peacefully to us without putting up much resistance."

That statement surprised him: "Resistance? What are you talking about, kid?" Frantic yet confused by the situation, he shook his head weakly. " spare them? So what?" Becoming skeptic by his words, "Even if you let some of my boys live, it doesn't change the fact that you barged into our building and attacked everyone like this without warning!"

Sighing, "Listen, are you really a politician with many connections to the criminal underground?" Sato questioned him, having some doubts over his claim but trusting that this guy will tell him the truth: "Because we need some help in killing Randolph Carter." The sentence almost made their hostage hearts stop beating.

Randolph Carter, the richest man in all of Japan and an important figure on top of it, wouldn't dream of trying to kill him as it would bring a lot of attention. "Are you out of your fucking mind, kid?" Giving him a bewildered look, "Randolph Carter is practically untouchable; we can't possibly reach him without arousing suspicion, especially police. It would be suicide for both our business and repeution."

Scowling at his words, Sato dropped the gun on the floor as he crossed his arms impatiently, "either that or suffer a horrible fate," snarling at him like an animal, "choose wisely or die; simple as that." The intense hostility radiating from him was enough for James to feel fear as the cold sweat trickled down his skin, "our patience is not unlimited."

After much thinking, he knew he had no other choice. "Fine," he said, groaning as he exhaled through his nose in defeat, "I'll help you on one condition." Stating this answer, Nomi decided to let him go, removing her bladed tentacles from his body and causing him to fall to the ground.

Straightening his posture despite some moderate injuries, James turned his attention to them with an unreadable expression: "One, you two work for me now. And two, were going to kidnap that billionaire in hopes of getting his wealth," elaborating his plan while knowing it was going to be risky, "holding him as our hostage, we can easily gain control of his stuff and grow our empire stronger than ever."


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