Chapter 78

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Within bright flash, he reappeared back to his bedroom; standing on drawn sigil at the ground with its circle containing multiple patterns and runes while its middle had a pentagram and triangle pattern with many smaller circles and different symbols. Randolph Carter exhaled in relief as the encounter was finally over, allowing himself to think of things on his own.

Peace and quiet is what greeted in this room, glancing on the windows to see the moonlight shine brightly through it. Now that asshole has been dealt with, he can finally allow his mind to relax as he headed into the bathroom to wash up after what happened in Olympus.

For him, dealing with gods is equally worse as demons, holding deep hatred against them for many centuries ever since his previous life as Adam. Perhaps its good thing that his still fueled with distrust on those who possess divinity because he never is the type of believing fairy tales.

Shutting the door behind him, he turn on the light and went over the sink, placing his hands onto the cold, smooth surface as he stared into mirror with blank, dull eyes. Wincing when he remembered the experience of almost having his nose broken, although not anything life threatening, it still hurt like hell while trying his hardest not to scream.

Examining his damaged face in the mirror; the bruises were noticeable with swelling seemingly had reduced significantly, though it still stung whenever he tried to touch them. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, remembering his their deal with him.

There is no mistaken that prick will target my home planet after Zeus gotten tired will the conquering worlds and stuff; speaking of that, he can't forgive himself of dooming many lives of the universe that are currently vulnerable, hoping whatever hero they have in defending their homes and themselves won't be too late in averting that potential disaster.

He had to, never liked what he needs to do but it is necessary to protect those he loved. Especially when after making promise with his dead parents. Still, it still hurts of knowing that his responsible for giving his knowledge to him.

So many atrociousness in war will happen; he knows all too well whenever that happens. All because he is doing his duty of being Randolph Carter, this is how he lives. Although, he hates that he has to lie to the ones he cared about.

Regardless, his no hero nor the intention of protecting humanity wasn't his goal; more off in honoring his parents legacy, having loved ones back there and moreover, if humanity dies; he will die alongside them from either lack of social interactions or natural causes. That is what he wants; living to the fullest while getting to know others that he trusts.

Opening his eyes, he begin to wash his face by turning on the water from the faucet, splattering the cold liquid all over his cheeks and forehead to freshen himself after a long day of work just to keep his mind ready for the gathering he set up.

Seeing his beloved city being invaded like that, he know now that Carter needs more than his clones; team that he can fund and make to have the people know that their safety will never be compromised from threats outside of their homes.

As he washed himself with clean water, he slowly breathed out, feeling refreshed after reaching for the towel hanging nearby. Using it to wipe off excess water dripping from his face, Carter put his hand to his forehead, touching the sensitive areas while wincing when he felt the familiar sharp sensation of pain spreading throughout his mind.

"This is gonna leave bruise for a while..." He muttered to himself, groaning softly in discomfort, "I'm lucky I didn't have bone or nerve fracture," commenting how much pain he is going through. Atleast it is camouflage with his skin, nobody can see it unless they touch it themselves.

Just then a unexpected knock appeared outside of his door, surprising him from the sound while also hearing a familiar voice, "hey you in there?" Asking the individual stood outside his bedroom, awaiting for him to respond back to them.

Its one of his clones.

"Give me a minute," finding it strange of why they would do this after having telepathically messaged them already, knowing full well that they would disobey such order, "alright, what is it you want?" He said loudly as he moved towards the door, grabbing the door knob as he quickly pulled it downwards.

Opening the door wide open, he was met with another version of him wearing the exact same clothing as he is, causing Carter to become bewildered by this sight because no clone are allowed to have the exact attire the original is wearing.

His eyes widen in disbelief, "why are you here and why your dressed like me?" He asked, not understanding why his clone is there and even dressing themselves exactly like him. The last time he remembered, his clones are supposed to obey his every command; to them, his words are absolute and have to listen to him at all cost even though he gave them free will.

Smile graced the mysterious visitor as he lifted his wrist, showing strange watch with purple hourglass symbol on its display, "I'm from the future," the future Carter said in blunt tone, confusing the original in how that was even possible.

To be frank, time travel isn't surprising since his clones had built one to travel across space and time just to simply investigate alien life form or explore their ruins when no one was looking. But the fact that his future self is traveling back in time to have a talk with him is, in his mind, definitely strange.

"Why don't we have sit?" His future version suggested as he gestured his hand over to the side of his bed, walking towards together, they sat down side by side, "you have questions for me?" He asked the young adult as he raised his eyebrow in curiosity.

Swallowing dryly, Carter nod while crossing his arms, "yes, yes I do," his eyebrows furrowed, "since when did you decided to visit at time like this?" Not getting why his future self would travel back in time just to simply see his younger self in a conversation like this, "is there important message you want to send to me? Or you just want to take a glance at past because this is one of things your not capable of doing?"

Future Carter snorted, rolling his eyes while smirking, "not exactly," taking out a cigar pack, he took out one for himself, placing it on his own mouth, getting lighter from his pockets to lit it, "I came here just to give you advice about something," blowing out a puff of smoke, he shook his head, "not what you were expecting is it?"

Grumbling, the current Randolph Carter could only scratched his head before he also followed suit by smoking with his own cigar, "to be honest, no," he admitted, making his future self chuckle lightly, "but hey, its nice to see yourself in a conversation like this with another self in flesh and blood," this earned him another round of laughter from his future self.

Taking the cigar out of his mouth, the future him smiled, "things has gotten better since one year passed," he commented as he reminisce about the time he spent with his family and friends, "luckily, everyone in this place is still alive and well," this caused his younger self to be relieved in hearing it, "your worrying of not being with them isn't the only thing you need to concern about Carter."

The original stared at him for a moment before lowering his head, staring at his feet, "yeah, I guess so," agreeing with the man, "but can you just get straight to the point already?" Wanting to know the reason why his future self had taken the effort into visiting this time period, "did something happen?"

Looking at him with a knowing smile, future Carter took out the cigar from his mouth, flicking the burned remains on the floor, "sort of, I first need to give you advice though," he grinned cheekily at his younger self as he placed his own arm over the present self's shoulders, "your not alone," he told the young adult as he saw the baffled look on his face, "everyone is fighting their own battles, including yours."

Young Randolph Carter sighed in defeat, "why do you seem happy?" Curious to know why his older self is wearing a relaxed smile on his face, "don't get me wrong, its just...surprising, how come you can stay so calm in telling this to me when there is many things that is been bothering me this whole time?"

Future Carter glanced at him, the grin faded, placing his hand over his back neck while keeping eye contact, massaging it gently, "its because there is—" His sentence was cut short when he felt his body fading out of existence, "crap, guess it is time to go," he revealed in irritated tone when seeing the confused and worried look on his past self's face.

"Wait, what were you trying to say?" He asked, to curious in learning about the other him had to say only to receive a shrug as he disappeared, leaving no trace than his own remembrance in this situation. Frowning when realizing his future self is gone, he stood up frustratingly from the whole ordeal.

Scratching his head once again, he sighed exhaustively before exiting his bedroom; walking towards the long hallway deep within his thoughts; trying to piece together what his future self had told him, moreover the advice that was given to him.

"Not alone?"

He has been alone for so long, especially trying his damn hardest in living up to everyone's expectations, a task that always stressed him out to the core. And not to mention of having to maintain his relationship with others, including his guilt of letting that god, tyrannical madman, having access to technology and science that may or may not have lead to the demise of countless people in the cosmos.

So many problems on his plate and he had to solve them all; no one else can do it except for him. The fate of this world and humans themselves are depending on his decisions. Because its what he is, just being the man he was destined to become.

Something he both hates and loved because while doing his own thing, he still hold sense of honor in upholding his beliefs while trying to help those he loved and cherished. In addition to improving the lives of so many people that are lucky enough to live under his home.

Entering the opened elevator, he pressed ground floor as the metal doors slid shut in front of him, moving downwards, allowing him to lean his back on the wall with contemplative display; "what am I saying? Of course I am not alone," smile crept on his face while knowing the truth, "there is people out there that still cares for me," seeing glimpses of memories he held dear with the parents, friends and those that cheered for him.

"But..." His once hopeful smile turned to frown of doubt and pessimism, for when there is happiness in his life; tragedy follows alongside them, like an incurable plague that can't be eradicated, forced to endure just for the sake of pushing away the obstacles that life throws him.

An new reminder that he needs to remember for with all his comrades and friends that he has; there is one thing that oppose their bond and connection to one another; something everyone must realize that when good things happen, expect the bad that will come.

Putting on a saddened expression on his face, he let out an exasperated sigh before spilling the words Carter needed to make himself realize of how imperfect of himself and the world around him.

"I have many enemies."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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