Chapter 47

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Arriving in the park with so many police vehicles outside the entrance of fence that leads into  swamp, there stood many members of the special operation division, conversing with each other and walking around just to pass the time of awaiting further orders from the dispatcher.

They were wearing light blue tactical combat armored suits that consisted of a shared helmet with visor, a bulletproof vest with a logo behind it that says SAT as short for their police tactical unit's name, knee pads, heavy boots, and black cargo pants, all equipped with deadly rifles that carried high-caliber bullets capable of killing an average man instantly.

Koyoshi drove their police car alongside the other police cars into the scene and pulled over near one of the officers cars in front of him, which allowed them to exit safely out of the vehicle as the rain and storm finally calmed down with the exception of grey clouds still hovering over their heads.

The fence in question was old and rustic, with weeds growing on top of it; its design consisted of horizontal wires woven together with vertical wires attached to the posts that formed the structure. The material of the wire used is unknown, but it seems to be made out of metal judging by its dull metallic sheen.

Vehicles were allowed to be parked outside of the fence, which makes sense considering its size and purpose. Besides, no one would want to drive through a rickety-looking structure that has an open center meant for human passage, not vehicles.

The rainstorm had already died down, although the rumble of thunder still reverberated throughout the gray clouds and sky while occasionally showing a flash of lightning. Yet, despite this, many of the confused SAT waited for further orders from the dispatcher until one of them noticed a blue-clad officer.

"You there!"

One of the SAT's members approached him in surprise and asked, "Are you the one who ordered the dispatcher?" Asked a large, bulky man with a chiseled chin and jawline while wearing the same tactical suit as everyone else, his hand on the grip of an assault rifle strapped behind his back.

Nodding his head, he stepped forward and spoke loudly enough for everyone nearby to hear him: "I am, my name is Officer Koyoshi, and my friend here was the one who managed to track his location," glancing at Sebastian from behind in assurance.

SAT forces gathered in group formation around them and remained silent. The sounds of wind blowing, rustling leaves, birds chirping, and other ambient noises filled the air as everyone stayed quiet, waiting patiently for the police officer to continue.

Slowly raising his right hand and pointing toward the swamp behind the fence, "in there is the place where he's held in, and it's an abandoned factory and power plant," he announced with determination as he took a step back while crossing his arms.

Instantly, there was uproar amongst the group, with many speaking among themselves with mixed feelings ranging from confusion, shock, concern, skepticism, and so much more. Some of them even demanded to know why no one had ever heard of this place and if it was really true.

A sudden heavy pat on his left shoulder brought his attention back to reality as he looked at his side and saw the butler standing there with a smile. Then, without warning, he started to speak on his behalf: "My name is Sebastian. loyal servant of Randolph Carter, or as many of you refer to him, commissioner," explaining his identity and relationship to the philanthropist billionaire, "you must forgive me for interrupting, but I need to state facts clearly; no doubt many of you are confused at the moment."

In a manner that was both calm and formal, he gestured towards the direction where Randolph Carter is believed to be in, "we are talking about a base, located near the the center of that vast swamp; my master is being held by group of armed criminals and the person who had organized those people are no other than oversea politician," he concluded with conviction while smiling politely as he watched several individuals exchanged looks between one another; as though trying to verify what he just said.

It didn't take long until one of them raised his hand, asking the questions everyone else wants to know, "so if what you're telling us is true then what are we waiting for?" Getting straight to the point of finishing their rescue mission, "we should start moving and rescue him, right?" Looking at everyone else who nodded their heads in agreement.

Many of them seemed eager to finally have their job done and over with as well as find out if this whole story about a secret base comprised of dangerous criminals truly does exist, which made Sebastian chuckle lightly at their reactions.

"But I hadn't told anyone yet about how they already knew our arrival," catching everyone by surprise with this new revelation, "they have some hidden cameras around the swamp, and unfortunately, they managed to catch a glimpse of police sirens, which triggered an alarm. Meaning that we will have to watch our backs for potential ambushes," he informed the whole team while putting a finger on his lip.

Upon hearing this news, there came murmurs throughout the crowd as everyone whispered among themselves; this caused Sebastian to tilt his head slightly, a gesture that implied he had picked up their whispers, and he asked them with a polite tone, "what is the problem, I may ask?"

The man whom Sebastian took notice of earlier quickly spoke up, "it's just that..." he hesitated to finish the sentence. He took a deep breath before continuing, "there is only thirty of us and we don't know how many they have nor what booby traps are laid out in place to prevent us intruders from entering. Also, we can't bring helicopters since this whole place is heavily dense and difficult to see," expressing his honest opinion about this entire situation.

However, he instead laughed it off like no big deal; "ah!" The handsome cyan haired man exclaimed in amusement as he raised his finger in excitement, "no one is going to die on my watch. Rest assured that as long as you all follow my commands and orders, this mission will go smoothly and without complications," confidently declared the butler as he walked past by them and headed toward the entrance that marked the end of their path, "now let us move, master Carter is waiting for us after all," Sebastian stated with confidence as he moved towards the fence with folded arms.

"How are you so sure?" One of them asked, "just because you claim to know this Randolph Carter's location, doesn't mean we can just walk right on into that swamp," replied another. Then second one piped up, "those people are scum and who knows what type weapons they carry too!" Clearly skeptical about following blindly through unknown territory without proper knowledge.

Koyoshi stepped in the conversation, having placed his trust upon the butler's word of mouth, "boys, Sebastian is trustworthy person and someone who I can depend upon. We should listen to him," gesturing towards him to emphasize his words, "I know that it seems risky going in but there is reason why I brought you all here; because what he said about the not dying part, he meant every word of it, despite how cliche it may sound," he reassured all of them.

He continued, "trust me on this, we are trained professionals and capable of handling ourselves even against large numbers; with or without a plan in mind, just follow your instincts and fight like hell for yourself as we are all in this together."

Taking his words seriously, the two SAT who challenged Sebastian and questioned his intentions bowed in respect, apologizing for their behavior, "you are right about that, sir. Forgive us if we offended you, " a tall, buff man wearing helmet with balaclava underneath apologized sincerely, "its just that, I have seen too many deaths during missions and it makes me uncomfortable to think that we might end up like them if we continue with this crazy rescue attempt," he added sadly as he glanced downward, eyes staring at the ground.

Sebastian chuckled, waving his hand dismissively, "think nothing of it. In fact, it makes perfect sense for you to feel that way because it's natural human reaction and everyone has different views of how situations should work out, however," giving them advice in a subtle manner while looking up at them with small grin, "for all those who wish to give up, you are free to leave, I'm not going to stop anyone from quitting midway through this rescue mission," he stated firmly yet amicably; knowing full well that he doesn't expect anyone to agree with him nor will try coercing others into doing things they don't want.

Suddenly, there was movement among the ranks of people linking up their guns, turning off their safety switches, and preparing to use their firearms at potential targets; some even looked nervous as despite how trained and professional they are.

At the end of the day, these grown men have loved ones waiting for them and are still human beings outside of their duty, living in the real world, not inside brainwashed mindsets of silent soldiers living only to protect those who pay them or have authority over others, and despite all that, everyone in here still has their own beliefs, motivations, and dreams that make them unique in their own way.

And because of that, the handsome butler promised he will keep his word of not having anyone die under his watch, intending to end this situation in a clean and simple way without their deaths, using necessary lethal force to take down any of the hidden attackers in the shadows with minimum casualties just to get their boss back to safety, that was the plan.

Looking around him, everyone's expressions revealed nothing but determination as they stood quietly. Suddenly, Misa approached them with hands inside his pocket, "no use in wasting time chatting like this, lets go rescue the commissioner and get the hell out of this dump of a place," commenting on this entire situation.

Breathing deeply, Koyoshi slowly exhaled and prepared himself for the task ahead as he to approached before walking up to Sebastian; face to face with display of confidence, "ready to get the show in the road?" He inquired casually while readying himself to head off into dangerous swamp.

Raising a brow in response, he calmly grinned at the blue clad officer, "you don't have to ask, officer Koyoshi," turning around to take a few steps forward, Sebastian stopped when he got close enough to the gate's bars; "Misa and Koyoshi stand near my shoulders," ordering them to get next to him as he awaited patiently, "everyone else, follow behind in line and remember that there can only be one row behind the person in front of them, any more than that and it'll just cause chaos among yourselves," reminding them with strict tone as everyone else began obeying his directions.

Without hesitation, each member of the squad lined up behind him, prepared and ready for whatever awaits them inside that place. Most of them seemed determined to accomplish their goal no matter the cost while the others appeared still nervous if they are going to actually die this time.

Regardless, no one moved or said anything else because Sebastian already instructed them otherwise, which resulted in total silence filling the air surrounding them for awhile now. The quietness lasted longer than usual until the butler spoke up again.

This time, a loud sigh escaped from his lips, "very good, let us begin. Follow after me gentlemen," Sebastian informed before entering inside this barrier and stepping onto the soil underneath him, taking slow steps one after another into deeper parts of this large swamp as the water level eventually reached up to their knees.

The ambience of this place was thick with humidity and moisture, making it difficult to breathe properly at times. There were various species of plants and animals that inhabited this particular place, from insects and frogs to lizards and snakes, and even bats and rodents.

In addition of the smell being earthy and damp, with traces of mud and moss emanating from the ground. The sun's rays filtered through the trees and vegetation, casting shadows on the ground. On the other hand, there were no signs of human activity or interference within this area except for a few oddities such as the rusty pipes and metal fences that poked out from beneath the muddy waters.

Overall, the ambiance of this place was eerie and foreboding, making it hard for anyone to feel at ease within this environment when any of this lowlifes are hiding in the shadows ready to ambush them or worse, grab them from the waters to be drowned.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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