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This is Randolph Carter, currently typing as I speak in this private room within my own home. All these years spent being the man I am. There is a worrying case of the chance that my new team can go rogue if ever such things occur. As I grew to bond with them, I began to see them as family of my own, but as much as I hate saying this, I proposed contingency plans in case any of my teammates going rogue.

Starting with Akito, I hope my fellow colleague will be the last person to go bad due to his noble desire for justice that I grow to respect. In the end, there will be times when even good people succumb to their dark sides due to desperate situations, circumstances, or even their morals conflicting with each other.

His passive ability to absorb kinetic energy whenever he physically gets hit makes him more stronger, worrying to say the least as I'm concern about what will happen if he decides to abuse such power in the first place. Especially when there is a possibility that one day someone might turn him into a mind-controlled puppet with enough psychological and mental torture. It will not matter what he believes in or his own beliefs and ideology.

If he ever becomes a threat to the world at large, the counter to his unstoppable defenses is through the use of magic, as whatever attack he tries to withstand would become useless because his power doesn't work against it. However, he is still capable of handling them head on, so it would be wise to do a powerful one time surprise attack in completely neutralizing him.


Yasuke, also known by many as the black swordsman, is feared by the criminal world and respected by people because of his actions and dark reputation. It is a wonder how such a person with a sense of honor exists in our world nowadays.

Based on my knowledge of how he fights, he relies on planning and stealth to defeat his targets instead of going full assault or direct confrontation. His swordsmanship and notably, speed, can drive  anyone's head spin, making him the fastest post human across the world.

I have admired for his mission of getting rid of crime rather than outright killing them, which is fitting for a heroic ronin like him. But what will happen if he ever fight on opposing sides? While stealth is his preference, direct confrontation is still extremely dangerous.

At full speed, all it takes is zero seconds to end any fight he engages in. And when he does decide to confront you directly, your only option would be to become unpredictable to the degree that Yasuke becomes confused, allowing any surprise attack to finish him off before he can recover but even then that requires careful strategizing and luck to pull it off.

The other alternative is trapping him in a maze with nothing but mirrors, making it easier to confuse and slow him down while giving someone the advantage of keeping distance away from him, or psychology tricking him into thinking he's surrounded. Another strategy would be to manufacture confusing traps that can cause him to stumble, slip, or even fall to his death if he's not careful.


Herculean is the granddaughter of Zeus, the honorable and strong Amazon; she is someone I started to consider a very good friend and were lucky to have demigod on our side. However, if she ever goes rogue, her warrior instincts can be exploited to bring her down. In spite of her brawn, she has a huge weakness for engaging with tricksters and illusions.

The use of drugs is highly recommended, placing hallucinogens in her food and drinks that cause her to experience vivid colors and sounds. resulting from these illusions, an unending fight between her imaginary opponents would cause her impending demise from exhaustion.


Sebastian is a very dear friend of mine and someone I never dream of fighting against. But if it must be done, the way to counter his never-ending ability to see the future and avoid anything thrown at him is to get him drunk. Making his power to see the future useless, leaving him vulnerable to attacks that come to him without any warning.

Nausea or dizziness can disrupt his power, making him incapable of focusing; seeing what may come is completely useless in the state of being dizzy. Not only that, being intoxicated allows others to take advantage of this fight. Giving them the chance to apprehend him or even kill him.

At the moment, I am currently finding alternative solutions to non-lethally knock them out, as my intentions are not to kill them but to subdue them until they realize that their actions and decisions are not the best in life.


Someone who I also consider to be a dangerous threat is Yumi. I never thought this would come, but if she ever goes rogue, gets mind controlled, or decides to stop being loyal anymore, circumstances can become deadly due to how much of a threat she is like the rest.

Her unparalleled skills and impressive use of various weaponry or martial arts make her someone who can easily kill hundreds of soldiers in a blink of an eye. Let alone her inhuman strength and endurance, which would allow her to withstand impossible wounds.

Direct or stealth is no go; the maid's enhanced senses can detect impending threats around her even if she is unaware of them. The best way to stop her is by luring her into the building before nuking the entire place with amnestic gas.


Karen is a special type of person. I wouldn't think of ever stepping foot on the battlefield unless I was prepared for the worst. I have been studying her powers, her personality, her weaknesses, and her strengths; she's a perfect example of a powerful person who can destroy someone without much hassle.

Her use of gravity manipulation is something not to be looked over, despite being the weakest of the fundamental forces of the universe; she is nonetheless capable of doing a lot more damage than the others. Attacking her is completely useless due to the fact that anything that gets close to her will completely freeze up or get crushed into nothingness.

The only way to take her down is to make her feel like shes losing, have her give up willingly, or stroke her ego to the point where she will be distracted by her own self-glory for countermeasures. I have to admit, she can be really stubborn, but I'll just have to be even more persistent than her in finding out more about her abilities.


Lastly, Randolph Carter With all his smarts, intelligence, and power to manipulate the plot, his preference to talk, use allies, and plan instead of facing head-on is a weakness he cannot hide from. The use of kidnapping, peer pressure from other people, and threats from those he cares about can drive him to the brink of madness.

The more he loses those Carter cares about, his willpower will inevitably slowly break him from inside. His lack of using his powers to their maximum stems from the pessimistic nature of his inabilities, which also prevents him from using them to their full potential.

Utilizing any supernatural powers is useless against him, for the plot itself protects him from any danger. Still, psychological warfare is the only option to utilize in this possible fight of taking him down for good. Forcing him to feel fear, sadness, and grief that results in insanity.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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