Chapter 9

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Locking himself in the bathroom in the living room, Carter was shell-shocked and distressed after having believed his childhood friend was a sweet and kind girl before. Only to find out that she is actually a sadistic psychopath who enjoys torturing her enemies.

The bathroom was spacious, clean, and pristine; it had a sink, toilet, and a large walk-in shower that was decorated with soft white tiles. The lighting was dim and peaceful, giving the entire room a calming and relaxing atmosphere.

It wasn't calming for him however as Carter sat on the toilet seat; his head was hanging low and his hands were covering his face while his elbows were resting on his knees. His shoulders were trembling, and his chest was heaving from how terrified he was.

Was he living with a murderous psycho the whole time? Ever since he met her when they were children, he didn't have the energy or desire to analyze her behavior and actions in depth. He merely accepted her kindness and acted accordingly.

In addition, he didn't have his memories until reaching a specific age, as mentioned before. Although he is still grateful that he was raised in such a loving environment, despite the fact that his parents died in a tragedy that took them except their own son.

But that wasn't the point, Yumi; his childhood friend, the girl who is his loyal servant and potential girlfriend, is really nothing more than a lunatic murderer. How can this be? He wondered in his mind, questioning himself if he had the right to run away in fear and hide in the bathroom, locking himself in until the sun rose.

Carter's mind was a blank void, unable to comprehend what he had discovered at the horrifying sight. Was she doing this the whole time? Was she lying to him the whole time they spent together? No, that couldn't be it unless he spoke with her first.

Face to face, but he's terrified and scared. After losing so much and being tortured for an extremely long time, it's a wonder why his psyche is messed up. He is likely not severely mentally ill or unstable, but he does have a tendency to avoid deadly situations as a result of his fear of dying again and being sent back to hell.

God, what the hell is wrong with him? He's a grown man; he should be able to deal with his issues on his own or at least ask for help. Perhaps he's still the fearful boy from his previous life. A terrifying reminder that the mental scars are still fresh on his mind; it's almost like he's reliving them.

One of his legs was also shivering, and he felt the cold sweat dripping down his body with his heartbeat pounding in his ears. He was panicking; his face was pale, and his eyes were wide with terror. The shock and dread of his situation were too much for him to handle.

Tapping his foot on the ground in a continuous manner, the sound of his shoe hitting the floor created a rhythmic pattern. He wasn't feeling any better; if anything, he was getting worse. Breathing hard, he forced himself to calm down and sort his thoughts out.

Think of something, Carter! He shouted in his mind, angrily trying to get a grip on himself. What can he do in this situation? What possible action is he supposed to take? He doesn't know, and he doesn't understand why he's suddenly having a panic attack. "Dammit!"

He couldn't think straight; his mind was a mess, and his emotions were a swirling cacophony of chaos. Everything was spiraling out of control; he couldn't take it anymore. His body shook uncontrollably, and his breaths came out as frantic gasps.

Just when he was about to collapse from the overexertion of stress he was getting, a gentle knock was then heard from the other side of the door, causing him to immediately stop his panicking session. "Master," Yumi spoke; her voice was gentle, as if trying to comfort him. "I want to apologize," she continued.

He wasn't sure how to respond, but whatever she did, he seemed to snap out of his frustrated trance as he slowly removed his hands, seeing the light shining from the cracks of the door illuminate in front of his face. Deeply inhaling, he held his breath for a few seconds and exhaled, "Apologize for killing those men?" Carter spoke softly, "for scaring the hell out of me?"

He added, wanting to express his disappointment through his words, "Yeah," his servant replied, hearing her voice stutter in nervousness, "I was simply doing my duty, master. They entered without your permission; I had no choice," Yumi explained, referring to this mansion getting broken into. "They were likely going to kill you," she continued.

His emotions were conflicted, unsure whether to be relieved or upset about this because she has every right to defend herself from an intruder entering someone's property without permission. But still, seeing the loss of life and promising his parents to be good people by becoming philanthropists, this incident is hurting him deeply.

Shaking his head, the young man sighed in disappointment, asking, "Was there truly no other way to handle this situation?" He asked in a low tone, "I mean," he paused for a moment, "were you able to non-lethally incapacitate them without having to resort to brutally killing these people?"

The maid didn't respond as if contemplating what to say. "I'm not disappointed in what you did," Carter stated calmly, "just the way you did it." As much as he couldn't stand the action, it had to be done. "You simply went over the top, Yumi," his words were stern.

"I understand, master," she replied without hesitation; not even bothered to defend herself. "I will accept any form of punishment you will give me. It's what I deserve," she said, willingly giving up her own life in exchange for pleasing him in any way possible.

Hearing this makes him feel guilty; he never intended to punish her even if he wanted to. "It's fine," he responded, clenching his hands into fists. "Just," he took a moment before continuing, "promise me one thing," he requested, "at least next time, try to be reasonable and only kill at last resorts."

"Of course, master, I will do whatever you command!" Jovially shouting in enthusiasm, the girl was glad that she wasn't going to be punished. "But can I ask you something very important?" She inquired, a moment of silence having occurred before speaking up, "Do you hate me?"

Freezing in his spot, the word echoed in his mind for a second, "hate is a strong word, Yumi," replied back in was calming display, "I'm merely disappointed at how your handling the situation," he explained in slight hesitation, "however," pausing for a moment, his eyebrows furrowed, "I don't hate you," the young man pointed out at the obvious.

Silence returned for a while, unknowing if it was her being silent or surprised by his response; either way, Carter was about to say something before being interrupted again by the likes of her, "I'm so glad!" Tearfully shouting in joy, Yumi had sounded the happiest and most emotional he has ever seen: "I am drowning in so much love in the very bottom of my pounding heart; I just don't care about anything except you," he declared lovingly, causing him to simply stare at the door in shock.

"So please, master, forgive me if I can't control my emotions or act rationally," the maid cried, her voice full of warmth and adoration. "Because I really love you, Master Carter." The statement brought him out of his despair, but he was left speechless. "A lot," she said.

Blinking his eyes a few times, Carter slowly stood up from the toilet seat and walked towards the door, looking at it with a calm gaze. "Yumi," he slowly placed a palm on the door knob, lightly brushing his hand against the surface, "if I open this door, you won't harm me, right?"

"Never," Yumi replied with a sad but stern tone, "there's no way I would ever lay a finger on you. You're like a God to me who descended from heaven, and if I ever hurt you, I will kill myself of knowing this guilt," her words screamed with genuine honesty, filled with so much passion and tenderness.

There is no doubt what she said has no lies or half truth behind it from the mere glance of hearing her tone; allowing himself to breathe a sigh of relief in knowing he is not going to die by an insane and obsessive psychopathic maid who has overwhelming desire to have him all for herself.

Twisting the door knob open, Carter carefully cracked the door open and peeked through the gap, only to see his beloved servant on her knees and hands with her head now looking up at him; her face was covered with tears from having to see him being afraid of her actions.

There was no sight of the blood on her body, but her pitiful form gave him a strong tinge of guilt in his heart. "Yumi..." The young man's voice trailed off as she looked so desperate, so helpless, so needy, and so depressed altogether. The poor maid was heartbroken, even though she was relieved to know her master still loved her.

Without a second to spare, the pink-haired girl lunged at him with a sudden embrace, sobbing happily of being forgiven. "I'm so sorry, master," she sniffled, her face buried into his chest. "I won't do anything like that again, I promise," she murmured in reassurance.

He felt conflicted about how to react; should he push her away or return the gesture by embracing her? Should he simply let it all out or keep his emotions bottled up inside his broken mind and broken heart? Carter doesn't know anymore; he just can't at this point.

"I love you." Just as she said those words, her lips were inches from his, giving the girl a chance to take a kiss without his approval. But she didn't; instead, she rubbed her face affectionately against his chest. "You're my entire world, Master Carter," Yumi added, smiling coyly. "You're the only one who matters to me. And when I saw those filthy intruders nearing you, I couldn't take it," her tear-stained face was lit up with such delight, "the thought of seeing you dead made me lose control of my senses, and the only thing I could think of was to ensure your safety."

A forced, wary smile formed on his face as he looked down at her with an incredulous look and said, "Your insane," chuckling lightly from being apprehensive of her, "Your literally insane." His laughter was laced with nervousness and incredulity, unable to believe the sheer insanity he is currently dealing with in his current life.

"Maybe," the pink-haired girl giggled playfully, smiling and beaming with happiness, "but I'm your insane, so that's fine, right?" She asked with a hopeful tone, hoping to win him over, "Crazy about someone isn't bad." Continuing while pouting cutely; her eyes were filled with so much love that a mere person could become lovesick. "right, master?"

Shaking his head at her antics, he sighed with a small smile. "Yes, Yumi, being crazy about someone is not bad," he replied, hugging her back and patting her hair. "As long as you don't hurt anyone, it's perfectly fine," the young man assured with sincere comfort. "Now," he gestured for her to release her grip, "the corpses aren't going to clean themselves," he commented.

Yumi released her embrace with a big smile on her face, giggling. "Oh, I have already taken care of them," she stated matter-of-factly. "I can't have that filth in our home, can I?" Looking at him with adorable eyes, unable to bear the thought of being away from him, her voice was light and cheerful.

"That's good," Carter nodded, appearing relieved at her words, "those guys were troublesome enough for me; imagine the problems they would give us if they were found lying around the house and starting rot," he joked in this rather grim situation, trying to light up the mood.

"One thing, master," Yumi interjected, surprising him at her abruptness. "Actually, two things," she corrected herself, sounding slightly unsure. He raised an eyebrow at her and waited for her to continue.

"Alright, lay them out to me," Carter responded patiently. "What's on your mind, Yumi?" Curious to know the answer, her behavior wasn't consistent, which is rare for him to see.

In the moment of his confusion, she gave him a quick kiss on the lips, causing the scene around him to almost freeze in his perception, surprising the young man with the sudden action as this was their first kiss, and causing the both of them to blush from the unexpected contact.

Although the kiss was brief, no longer than a second before pulling away, it was sweet and refreshing, gentle and warm, passionate and loving, and everything she could have hoped for. They were both lost in the bliss of their minds at this very moment, wanting nothing more than to deepen the kiss and never stop.

"Um...M-Master..." She managed to stutter out in pure embarrassment; her face was bright red and her chest was racing. "Could I use the bathroom?" Her request made him realize what she meant.

"Sure," the young man said, equally flustered and embarrassed. Carter found himself gazing into pink and blue eyes, mesmerized by the beauty of them. "I'm going to leave now," he awkwardly replied back, "take care, I guess," moving past her as he exited the bathroom.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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