Chapter 76

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Sebastian's bedroom is neat and tidy, with a full-sized bed and a window that overlooks the vast city outside. The walls are painted a pale blue and decorated with several paintings of landscapes, all framed in black metal. He has a desk with a computer and a bookshelf that contains books from all sorts of genres, ranging from fiction to non-fiction.

He also has a wardrobe where he keeps his clothes neatly folded and organized, and he has a dressing mirror that he uses every day to ensure his appearance is up to standards. There is also a small sitting area with a couch and a coffee table, where he usually reads or does his paperwork while enjoying the view from the balcony that opens out to the city below.

Along with the balcony being long and spacious, including railing that extends far out. It's shaded by a canopy of leaves from the plants that adorn the edge, making it a perfect place for him to relax and watch the sun descend from the horizon. It's a soothing place, one that he often finds himself in when he needs to take his mind off.

Having his arms placed on top of his knee, it didn't take long when the sky turned night. He enjoyed the scene of the stars, moons, and galaxies above him, fascinated by its beauty as he observed the heavens above. His gaze turned to the city where he lived, witnessing how every clone of his master was living their daily life in routine, making him return to the topic regarding his childhood friend.

Randolph Carter told him he will have a 'visit' with the god responsible for starting the declaration of war to his beloved city, their homeland, and that they improved through labor, devotion, and time. While he understands the reason behind it, the notion doesn't sit well with him.

What would happen? There is a change that a tyrant would outright hurt him or even kill Carter, but his master didn't want to get anyone involved in that matter, even though he needs at least someone to protect him if things went sour.

But the billionaire didn't want someone to occupy him; in fact, he wanted his trusted friend in believing him, having full faith that everything will be according to plan into speaking with the mad god responsible for invading their people.

Statement that the butler himself wanted to believe in, not wanting his childhood friend to come to harm, and if he had perished, everything Carter has ever created and made would follow him into oblivion.

The only option is to pray that his master will come home unharmed, resulting in him distracting himself from the troubling thoughts, knowing that, as a butler, he has to comply with the order given to him without any question or doubt about denying such a request.

Although it still pains him to think about the possible danger and harm that is to come to his dear friend, However, all he can do is have hope that he will return safely from his venture. Probably everything will be fine afterwards after he finishes a discussion with the so-called King of Olympus.

The door immediately slammed open, revealing a panting and exhausted Yumi, looking in his direction. She stumbled toward him, "Sebby," calling to his name to catch his attention, "Where is he?" Grabbing his shoulders to the point he can feel his own bones slowly cracking, desperately wanting to know of the master's whereabouts, "where is Carter-sama?" Demanding for him to answer, almost crushing his bones.

Cracking a nervous smile, he sighed with the thought of coming up with an excuse for this situation: "he's away at the moment," trying his best to answer honestly without revealing the situation that his master is currently in, "he'll be back shortly," making a lie by assuring the maid that her darling will return shortly while being forced to endure the painful grip.

In his past of being long-time spy, he experienced pain is a daily occurrence, and for him, this is just child play compared to what he has been through during his time. But that doesn't make it any less agonizing; nonetheless, it isn't troublesome to the degree of wanting to shove the maid out of his way to cease the emotional suffering he is going through.

A disappointed expression can be seen on her face; however, it quickly changed to that of relief. "Is that so?" The obsessive maid let go of him, allowing the butler to finally relax his muscles. "I see; hopefully he will return home soon," she said, giving a soft chuckle in response.

Raising an eyebrow, he looked at her with an uncertain display, not getting a clue as to why they were talking together when the two were rivals fighting over Carter's heart. Apparently, it appears that she isn't even aware of her love rival's absence at the moment, seeing no indication of suspicion or anger from the maid.

Moreover, it is rare to actually start having an ordinary conversation when they are together; this is indeed an event he is not expecting to happen, considering the type of personality the maid had displayed in the past.

After all, the woman is deludedly in love with his friend, always seeking attention, affection, and validation, and she just wants to be a part of Carter's life while making sure that nobody gets in between them.

To have her this calm and docile is unexpected. Perhaps the maid isn't aware of the situation or simply doesn't care as long as Carter returns to her, which is a likely scenario seeing how insanely obsessed the maid is. Placing a hand over her shoulder, he smiled warmly.

"Master Carter has a few errands to run at the moment," he said in convincing lie, putting on a friendly facade to ease the situation, hoping that her behavior wouldn't escalate or, worse, ruin their good impression with his friend. "He'll be back soon, so just be patient while he is gone." His comforting words almost made her blush in embarrassment.

Stumbling her words, she rubbed her forehead as she struggled to keep herself calm. "A-ah, if you say so." After a brief pause of feeling embarrassed with the way she reacted from having the inner turmoil of mixed emotions and confusion within. Her mind then wonders else than this.

Why is her heart pounding? And how come she is not being rude or dismissive this time? She doesn't understand what just happened; maybe it was due to the stress of constantly worrying for her beloved. That seems to be the only reasonable explanation for this reaction.

"Is something wrong, Miss Yumi?" He asked, having noticed the maid's expression, concerned that the maid is having inner conflict with herself, "If there is anything on your mind, you can tell me." Even though they are rivals, the two are still servants and friends under Sir Carter's employ, willing to lend a hand in whatever the other might need.

For a moment, she gave one look at him in surprise before her face contorted into and at the thought of having feelings for another man than her love, "What? I'm definitively fine," shaking her head and dismissively waving her hand to the concern, "nothing is wrong with me," showing an irritated look, trying to make sure that absolutely nothing is wrong with her.

Though Sebastian isn't entirely convinced of her statement, seeing through her act and being in denial of herself makes him curious. But he had a question in mind that might help them keep themselves occupied in the meantime: "Would you like to have some tea or coffee while waiting for Carter's return?"

She instead shook her head, annoyed from her rival as she sighs before answering, "No, I want you to follow me because one of the clones wanted us to have a meeting with the rest of the guests that arrived." Her sharp eyes stared at his own, "For what reason, I don't know," shrugging with disinterest as she was more eager to spend time with Carter than listen to his boring speeches. "So just hurry up and let's go."

Her reply didn't exactly pique his interest, but it is an order coming from him, so it is better not to disappoint him, even if it is a copy of the original. "Very well, Miss Yumi, lead the way." Straightening his tie, the butler nodded with a smile as they headed out of his room and into the hallway.

"Humph," she huffed, leading with her arms crossed. Yumi is reluctant to walk side by side with him as they are enemies over who gets Carter as husband; walking close to him is against her ideals, preferring to only think about her beloved master.

Who needs anyone else other than the person she loves? There is no point in making friends, having allies, or working along with others unless it concerns her beloved. Because her heart solely belongs to her master and her life is tied to his existence, she is unable to survive or exist without him by her side.

Without him, there would be no point to her existence. Every aspect of her life revolves around him and him alone. The maid wants to spend the rest of her life with Carter to the bitter end, wanting to stay by his side even in death. Thus, she believes that having other people interfere with this dream of hers is simply unacceptable; no one must take her rightful place as the one and only woman in her darling's life.

However, there is one thing that she can tolerate the most, which is having friends, and even then, she doesn't know if they will betray her. As for all the times she trusted someone, in the end, those people turned their backs on her. She learned her lesson during her long career as an assassin.

Yumi saw many of her superiors and allies alike speak with false promises of friendship, offering gifts and rewards in exchange for her loyalty and servitude; the others often belittled her and viewed her as inferior, worthless, weak, and naive. Even when she killed many people for them, they still treated her with disdain.

They labeled her as nothing but a monster, a tool to be used and tossed aside once she was no longer of any use to them. They made her kill those who were close to her, such as her fake friends, before finally abandoning her in the end. She had no one until he came into her life.

The only one who actually saw her as equal, not as a monster nor a slave to do his bidding, but as a friend, a partner, and eventually a lover. From her experience, people are untrustworthy, disloyal, and only see others as a means to their own ends. Only one person is trustworthy to her, and that is him.

Randolph Carter is her one true love. No one else, not even his doppelgangers, can compare to her feelings for him. It is like he is her one and only soulmate. Despite these clones linked to collective consciousness, she doesn't outright believe them to be actually her beloved.

He watched her from behind, wondering if he felt hatred or jealousy towards the maid, but nothing surfaced within him because Sebastian never disliked her, finding the girl simply amusing to lash him out whenever he decided to tease her a bit.

Not to mention, he too is intrigued by the dynamic between the three of them—her, Master Carter, and himself. To see his friend and him going to lengths in pursuing the same woman to marry him while seeing each other as rivals, despite the master himself likely having no romantic feelings for either of them.

It makes him rather curious about the entire relationship dynamic; he finds the subject interesting to think about when he has spare time and opportunity. It doesn't bother him, and neither does it affect him personally, so he isn't too worried about it.

Because being concerned with trivial things is a waste of his time. As long as it doesn't involve anything dangerous that concerns each other's safety, he isn't going to waste his time worrying about their antics. And he was surely unbothered by it.

While the two walked silently through the empty corridor, he couldn't help but notice how quiet Yumi had become. It was odd, he thought, since she normally would've started an argument by now or at least had a conversation.

However, what he got was not what he expected: "Are you really in love with him?" She asked suddenly, catching him off guard with such a question that made the both of them freeze in their tracks, "Or are you faking it?" Clutching her right hand into fist for demanding an honest answer, she turned around to have him met with her own serious expression.

Sebastian stared at hers for a while, blankly contemplating an answer, unsure how to respond to such an inquiry, before replying with a firm tone, "Of course, I love him, and my feelings for him are real." There was no hesitation or doubt in his answer, making her frown.

Looking at the ground, she fiddled with her fingers in deep thought. Although this is the first time she has questioned their rivalry, it seems that her heart might be changing, even though it took her a long time to finally admit it to herself.

Loving someone else besides her beloved She can't believe what she is going to say, for it is hard enough to confess her love to Randolph Carter while admitting to someone else that she truly cares about another man. She just can't allow herself to fall in love again, not after what happened last time.

So with that in mind, she looked up at him and opened her confession.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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