Chapter 51

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Yumi took no chances in showing mercy against the very men and women she is currently hunting down, always ending their miserable lives with a slash of her knife and then pulling out her MP5 to gun down any reinforcements. The smell of blood, bodies, and decay wafted through the air as she slaughtered countless criminals throughout the hallway.

Red lights flickered through the factory, with corpses laid everywhere on the floor, filling the air with the scent of fresh blood, while bullet holes riddled the walls. Gunpowder smoke lingered, coating the area in a misty cloud. Some of the deceased were missing limbs and heads, with pools of blood forming beneath them, and others were dismembered beyond recognition.

Standing here is a crazed and merciless blood-soaked murderer, smirking maniacally before licking her lips hungrily. Blood dripped from her clothing and face, as well as from her knife, making her look more like a bloodthirsty beast than a human.

Although Yumi wasn't one to complain about such a thing, in truth, she enjoys killing, seeing it as a source of fun. And it gives her the greatest satisfaction to eliminate those who dared to oppose her or threaten her, including the man she loved dearly.

Strapping the MP5 around her, she calmly walked forward at this bloody sight, carrying her knife in hand as her shoes splashed through the crimson water with the alarm blaring throughout the whole building. "I wonder how long those bastards can keep up with me after I find them?" She mused to herself, grinning eagerly for her revenge in avenging the man she cherished most in life.

Her manic behavior would make her seem unfazed by all the killing that's occurred in this building. With hundreds of people dead on the floors, it is no surprise that any sane person would be terrified even at the thought of having to end a life.

But she has no care about what others think, or anyone really, because to her, none of them matter anyway; as far as she is concerned, they are just obstacles in her way of rescuing Carter from this hell hole. And those who stand in her way will receive no mercy.

Even if they beg on their knees or beg forgiveness for their sins, Yumi would cut them down regardless if they are crying children or adults who have families to return home to too; she'd do it anyways for the sake of her beloved master.

To him, she means everything in the world. He is her life, her happiness, and her dream come true. Carter means so much to her, and nothing in the world could change that, not even death itself. So if someone or something ever tries to hurt him or separate them apart, Yumi will not hesitate to kill whoever gets in her way.

As she moved forward a bit, the murderous maid noticed a single gray-colored door from a distance away, a sign that said 'Employees Only' with a key card lock system underneath it. "I wonder what's inside it?" Tilting her head in confusion, wondering what possible secrets this storage room might contain within the depths.

Finding it alluring for some reason, she decided to check it out, only to be met with the expected realization that it is indeed locked, requiring a said keycard to open the door of its contents. It looks like I can't go any further unless I find some way of entering this room, Disappointed, she folded her arms, taking a step back before glancing around.

"It's possible one of these bodies has the key to open it, but..."

Hundreds of brutally killed corpses are scattered everywhere, and having to find the right one would take forever, in her opinion. "Better not waste any more time doing this," Yumi shrugged, figuring she could always come back to see what's in this storage later after she deals with the main threat.

Before she left, however, she noticed a fireaxe placed on the wall underneath a glass of display. "Maybe that'll work," she suggested, throwing the knife aside as she took it off from its holster. "With enough force, I can tear that stupid door into smithereens with well-placed swings," imagining herself brutally hacking apart the metal entrance like a savage.

With a smile on her face, Yumi headed back towards the direction of the door with an axe in hand, ready to put her plan into motion. "Ready or not, here I come!" She declared with great excitement in her voice, bringing the axe down hard.

A loud crack echoed through the hallway, followed by the sound of crashing noises as sparks flew. It took several seconds until eventually the metal door itself was cut in half by the immense force she exerted with her weapon. Slowly, the broken door fell in half, revealing the hidden interior.

Within the confines of this underground facility, Yumi encountered a group of shocked and surprised armed thugs who were clearly unaware of her presence until they spotted her. Gazing upon the sight, she noticed that the room itself looked like a laboratory with advanced equipment and machinery all around the place, including various chemicals and drugs stored on shelves, desks, and computers that lined the walls.

At the very corner of the room is an elevator shaft that leads down even further into the earth, no doubt connected to another location that holds far more dangerous criminal activity that may help fasten the rescue of getting her beloved back.

"SHIT!" One of the men exclaimed, instantly grabbing his shotgun off the table near him as he began to point it towards her, "ITS HER!" He ordered his comrades, firing the first round of bullets out of frustration at having been caught off guard by a lone woman, "Don't just stand there! Fire your weapons, damn it!"

Sixteen guys are in this very room, all of them possessing their own unique weapons with no shortage of ammunition, each equipped with bulletproof vests that protect their vital areas, including their heads, necks, and chests. The number of rounds available to them far outnumbers any other regular-sized magazine in existence.

With that many firearms and men in one place, a person would simply surrender, for it is inhumanely impossible to kill all of them with her weapon alone. But having brought a fireaxe to the gunfight, she'd say that the odds of victory aren't impossible when she is Yumi herself.


They were too slow—far too slow for the likes of a professional assassin like herself. Even when a barrage of gunfire filled the air with the sounds of rapid, repetitive pops, her superhuman speed allowed her to effortlessly dodge the bullets with ease, while her agile reflexes allowed her to counterattack and cut them all down as she rushed at them at blinding speeds.

For every man she killed, another one would appear in place, replacing the dead, but it matters not; her killing spree continued with incredible ferocity and the glee of doing what she loved the most. Which is killing these pricks that tortured Carter.

"What should we do!?" Woman screamed, watching in horror as her companions were being decimated by this mad swinging axe maid, "We can't even stop her or outrun her!" Pointing her uzi at the approaching maid, "Just look at how she moves! Its monster!" Firing a hail of bullets towards the psychotic woman in an attempt to kill or slow her down, he said, "Screw this, I'm outta here!"

The unfortunate woman tried to run at the shaft in hopes of escaping this madness, only to feel the sudden fireaxe stabbing behind her head in brutal fashion, causing blood to fly out and brain matter to splash at the steel floor, making an audible squishing sound as her limp body fell forward dead.

A spark of crimson red glinted in the fluorescent lights above. A twisted smile crept up upon Yumi's face as she stood on top of the table with the remaining frightened survivors trembling at her sight.

"Did any of you really think running away from me would do any good?"

She taunted him them a mocking smirk, shaking her head in amusement. Laughing hysterically before holding a severed head in her hand, "Do you really believe I would spare any one of you scumbags after what you did to my master?" She spat, growling viciously, before tossing it aside like trash onto the ground.

Seeing how hopeless the situation is, the surviving thugs charged at her blindly, firing their guns wildly in a desperate effort of survival or revenge, shooting all of their clips in rapid succession and wasting all their ammo in a pointless act of desperation.

As if predicting such a futile attack beforehand, Yumi leaped forward, twisting around to dodge incoming projectiles and easily weaving between them. When they fired out their final shots, she instead used her martial arts skills to kick two of them straight in the gut, causing their stomachs to burst out from sheer strength of impact, spewing out fluids and intestines on the floor.

As the other man nearby turned to look at his fallen comrade, shocked by what he had just done, she immediately snapped his neck like a twig before flinging his body against another charging henchman, sending him flying towards another goon standing by.

This resulted in both of them getting knocked to the ground in a tangled heap, struggling to untangle themselves from each other, making them the perfect target for Yumi to finish them off. With one quick punch on their throats, crushing their windpipes with ease as they left them gasping for air like fish out of water before their timely deaths from lack of oxygen.

Only three remained, huddled together with knives and pipes at the ready, as she turned to face them with her maniacal smile. The pinkette could easily gun them down with her MP5, but she didn't; she wanted to enjoy and savor this moment of carnage and slaughter, the rush of adrenaline pumping throughout her veins and into her heart.

"Are you going to do this or what?" One of the three survivors shouted nervously, clutching his switchblade tightly, "She's distracted! We better act or else she'll kill us right away!" Trying to encourage himself as much as his fellow partners.

Another one with a metal pipe gripped tightly in his hands nodded his head in agreement, saying, "We've got to kill her for our fallen friends and siblings; let's not waste any more time already! "He replied before charging at Yumi without thinking ahead.

Right behind him are the other two accomplices, following at their supposed leader, screaming at the top of their lungs against this very monster that threatens their organization's authority, wanting no more to avenge the people they lost, for despite being outcasts of society, they still hold bonds of their own in friendship, love, and brotherhood.


"Idiot," the maid could mumble under her breath as she took off her hat, slightly impressed with them charging at her without having an inkling of doubt or fear, "all fools rushing to their deaths," looking at their reckless nature of dying, "they should've stayed put and surrendered themselves willingly, which makes it easier for me to kill them all and get it over with."

Grinning widely, she then threw her flat headgear at the person between his comrades, temporarily blinding him for a bit before grabbing her own gun and violently shooting him right in the face, instantly exploding his cranium.

Much to their surprise and shock, they saw their own partner mercilessly executed right in front of them, resulting in the remaining two thugs freezing in horror as their friend dropped dead on the ground if it wasn't for the sound of another gunshot going off, which snapped them back into reality.

"Have you dumb asses ever learned to never bring a melee weapon into a gunfight?" Her laughter rang in their ears as they gazed upon her with terrified expressions written all over them. "You shouldn't charge at a person with a gun and expect to survive, she said, shaking her head once more in disappointment. "Honestly, it's like none of you have any common sense of combat experience whatsoever."

"You....YOU BITCH!" One of the two screamed madly as they both charged with knives ready, causing Yumi to laugh at their pathetic attempt at stopping her: "STAY STILL AND DIE!" He shouted, raising his weapon high up over her head, bringing it down while hoping to sever it clean off.

Managing to catch his hand and twisting it backward with a sickening crunch while the other thug tried to backstab her from behind, only to miss as she sidestepped him and stabbed his weapon into his head, killing the poor bastard instantly.

Now it was just the two of them; their entire squad was wiped out in less than a few minutes of battle in this very room. Two versus one, one knife against the master of all forms of combat known to man—if anyone bet on this fight, the odds of winning would be astronomically low in favor of a simple criminal.

Gritting his teeth, he knows this is a losing battle and that it's useless trying to fight back. But he refused to give up as long as he got to at least see an injury from this crazy bitch, even if he died afterwards. Even so, if he's going to meet his death today, he will take her with him too.

Yawning tiredly, Yumi kicked the corpse out of her way before completely switching her attention to the remaining survivor left in this bloodshed. "You can go," she said in a bored tone, bewildering the man from being spared death, "if you wish to live then leave this place," staring him down with cold eyes, "otherwise I will kill you."

Shivering uncontrollably, he lowered his dagger, staring at the dead bodies laying around him who used to be his friends. It all seemed unreal to him, and he knows that it's better to wait another day for revenge than die knowing he will never get to kill her.

Moving towards the destroyed doorway leading outside the lab. "I'm going, but this isn't the last time you will see of me or the others," threatening the person who caused all of this, swearing vengeance upon the loss of his friends.

"Hmm," her voice sounded calm and composed yet held some edge, forcing him to nervously spin in motion, causing a chill to go through him at the coldness of it when he realized that Yumi was now directly aiming at him with her loaded MP5, pointing it directly at his chest, "ehh, I'll just shoot you dead instead of letting you leave alive, spares the trouble of being hunted down and having to kill all of you later," smiling kindly with no hint of compassion.

Before he even had the chance to speak, rain of gunfire struck his body, shredding apart his skin and bones to pieces, slowly ripping him into minced meat with no end. His screams of pain filled the halls as he cried helplessly against this merciless onslaught of bullets pelting his body in an endless barrage of agony, blood, flesh, and gore spraying all over while struggling to remain on his own two feet.


Bullets after bullets, never relenting against his suffering as his eyes rolled up in his head, collapsing backwards. However, it didn't stop as his body was being continuously riddled with bullets, bouncing him in midair with every impact hitting his frame as if someone were repeatedly kicking a dead corpse on pavement, making his body dance.

When his mangled torso hit the ground with a loud thump, a pool of crimson liquid formed underneath his unmoving carcass as if the floor were a canvas for red paint, painted by an artist whose palette was nothing more than human blood, with puddles seeping out of his flesh.

A cloud of smoke emitted from the barrel, fading away from the cool air before she released the grip of her weapon and put the leather strap back around her chest. "That takes care of the problem," she muttered, nodding in satisfaction that she had solved one obstacle before turning to walk away towards the shaft.

"Now... it's time to go see if this will take me to my beloved."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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