Chapter 39

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Exiting his bedroom after good night sleep, Carter yawned drowsily as he proceeded to head downstairs in the living room, intending to make a delicious breakfast for himself after the eventful night yesterday that took all of his energy and time.

Once reaching the living room, he became perplexed when he sees his butler and maid calmly conversing with one another in non hostile manner despite how she despise Sebastian for stealing her spotlight in getting the man she loved so dearly.

Though, Carter brushed off those thoughts aside as he assumed they had reached some sort of compromise in tolerating each other in order to ensure they wouldn't make a mess for him to clean in the future, "seems like you two are getting along," approaching them with smile on his face.

Yumi immediately turn to face her, her cold and unfeeling expression quickly changed into her usual, kind self; "master!" She said happily, her eyes closed before saying another word, "good morning, how did you sleep?" Inquiring in politeness, though her eyes had opened back to gaze at him with loving affection.

As much she hated the other one competing for her Carter, she cannot deny the butler was rather handsome and hardworking individual who managed to find his place in this household, "it was fine, nothing out of the ordinary as always," responded from her master.

Sebastian greeted him next with subtle smile, "good morning, Carter, did you enjoy your rest?" He asked cordially, although Yumi eyed him with animosity after knowing how he has romantic interest to another man of all places, "because you deserve it."

Noticing her heated gaze on him, Sebastian took a short glance at the maid before shifting his focus to his master, "shall I prepare you coffee, sir?" Taking the initiative to fulfill his job, "anything specific that you would prefer?" As he patiently waited for his response.

Before Carter could answer, his maid rudely moved towards him as she grabbed his hand, "I'll cook for master today," not wanting him to accept the butler's offer as she began dragging him towards kitchen, "please, just wait on table until its done, okay?" Looking over her shoulder, flashing a devious grin at her rival.

The handsome haired butler sighed in response, feeling bitter yet unsurprised, "very well, as you wish, miss Yumi," he said politely, watching the love of life being dragged by that vile woman who wanted nothing more than to keep him to herself; not allowing the world to have him, "hope you enjoy your breakfast."

Carter could only respond of the sudden turn in events with look of confusion and bewildered as they entered the kitchen with his maid dragging him like if he was mere doll for her to control while the unfortunate butler could only watch them in disappointment as they disappear from his sight.

Sighing, Sebastian decidedly to exit the mansion through the entrance, smelling the fresh air that rejuvenated his mood while relaxing his muscles and brain altogether; closing his eyes for a couple seconds as enjoyed this peaceful weather that had arrived in the early dawn.

Slowly opening them, he caught glimpse of birds moving about in the clear blue skies with trees swaying gently in the cool breeze, hearing the noises of busy vehicles outside of Carter's private estate while nearby wildlife filled the environment with delightful music and songs, "nice day..." commenting in amusement, feeling slight satisfaction in seeing such lovely scenery before him.

Being as organized as he is, the butler can only smile from this beautiful scenery and tranquility that surrounded him, allowing his mind to wonder and roam freely as he briefly glanced over his shoulder, wondering if he should also bring his master with him to watch the skies together.

Its the least he can do to vengefully get back at the woman that stole the love of his life from him, however, after pondering on that thought for awhile, he concluded that it would be meaningless attempt as his master would never reciprocate his feelings in this manner, "perhaps not today, but maybe tomorrow," reassured himself.

Despite having the ability to see futures within thoughts alone, Sebastian has off and on switch he can use in order to view countless alternate timelines and realities from futures whenever it is necessary to use such as facing hostile situation.

Although, during relaxing moments like this; he prefers to have it off for the time being, never really liking when he has to deal with all these complicated decisions and consequences in front of him as it drains most of his brainpower and strength from within, "I think a nice walk outside will do just nicely."

However, his attention came short lived when he see the sudden small track of mailman parking outside of Carter's property, heading towards his home with clipboard in hand, "morning!" The delivery person waved at him in courtesy, "a bit cloudy isn't it? Today, I mean, no biggie though, its better than the rain anyways."

The man wore long sleeved red and white sweater underneath his signature light blue outfit and red hat, not appearing like typical American one that he had seen previously but rather appeared more similar to Japanese ones.

"Welcome to master Carter residence, good sir, I presume you are delivering him his daily newspaper and messages as always," the butler said in politeness, observing him closely while wearing professional expression on his face, "what brings you here exactly?"

Showing a smile on his own face, the mailman took out his said clipboard, "well, for starters, I have special letter in regards to our city, including Japan as a whole," the man stated as he pulled out a medium sized envelope before handing it over to him, "invitation for party that is taking place in this city," continued as he passed it over to him.

Taking the document into hands, Sebastian peered at the man skeptically, "party you say?" Glancing down to the closed envelope, "to what occasion or purpose are you hosting this, if I may ask?" Finding it unusual to hear news like this, especially this soon.

Seemingly as if expecting this type of response from him, the mailman laughed sheepishly, scratching his cheek as he replied, "ah well, I don't know about that sort of things. I'm only messenger, and this was assigned to me, meaning I don't have anything much to do besides passing on this thing to anyone who receives it."

Seeing the man's reply as reasonable, Sebastian accepted this with a nod, "understood, I appreciate your assistance on behalf of sir Carter," smiling a bit before slightly bowing in gratitude, "but can you be so kind and enlighten me of who sent this invitation exactly?"

The man shook his head apologetically, "unfortunately, I'm afraid I cannot provide the information, please don't take it the wrong way; I have no intention in keeping this a secret or anything. Its just that I'm not authorized to tell anyone else besides those who received this package," explaining himself in most sincere tone, "you know, privacy and confidentiality, right?"

Knowing not to argue with the mailman who has no authority nor power to reveal this information to him, he merely shrugged indifferently, "of course, no problems on that. Just curious is all, thank you again and have good day," raising his hand in farewell.

Nodding his head, the delivery man began to leave while waving back, "thanks, and goodbye, hope you and your friends enjoy the celebration of peace and unity, especially that billionaire guy himself," finishing his speech as he jogged back to his vehicle before speeding away to the next house.

Looking down at his hand holding the letter, he analyzed it carefully with his thoughts seeing through possible alternative futures only to realize it was simply normal letter with no left over chemical or hidden materials, just simple white piece of paper with black ink inside.

Closing his eyes with smile, he turned and headed inside; his eyes opened when he can smell the alluring aroma of pancakes and bacon that is being cooked by his rival, 'how bothersome.' He thought silently as he neared his way to the dining area, intent on seeing them.

There, Randolph Carter enjoying his delicious breakfast with fork and spoon, prepared by no other than Yumi herself who is currently sitting close to him, her smile warm and welcoming towards her beloved Carter as she watch him consume her homemade food in pure delight.

Thinking if he should intervene this moment of solidarity; Carter quickly noticed the presence of his butler, turned his attention to him with look of surprise, "oh, Sebastian, where were you?" The question he was waiting for, "did you just recently got back from somewhere?" Inquired as he resumed to continue eating his meal.

Seeing the opportunity to get back at her, "yes, I did," the butler nodded, "and I brought something with me that will benefit both of us," raising the envelop in the air, "invitation to party that is occurring in lunch hours," added on before showing the object to them, "I believe this will be excellent opportunity in expanding your horizons further, sir."

Yumi scoffed in annoyance while crossing her arms, "so what? Why should we care about some stupid party that we don't have any idea who this is coming from?" Frowning at him as she glared at him, "this could be trap for all we know, meaning we shouldn't—"


The young man stopped his eating, looking up towards him with curious look, "may I see the letter, Sebastian?" He asked politely, extending his hand for him to hand him the invitation, which his trusted servant complied without hesitation.

"As you wish, master Carter," said, approaching to his side before dropping the item on the table next to him. Not even bothered by the displeased frowns directed at him by his adversary, he felt victory by seeing the dismayed look on her face from Carter's willingness to see this letter.

Removing the tape with ease, he gently grabbed and read the content written on the piece of paper; Carter's eyes widening in surprise as he finished reading, "wow, inviting all philanthropists like me to a grand party in celebration of peace and unity..." rereading the message out loud, "sounds good to me."

Don't get him wrong, Carter isn't really people person, especially since he's more interested in solitude than being amongst people as they can easily affect him; their emotions and desires make it difficult to for him to understand, seeing no value nor importance of their company to himself unless he knows them personally.

But seeing how it would benefit both his reputation and influence; there is no reason for him to refuse such a golden opportunity, "might as well attend," Smiling confidently as he took the last bite of his meal, "besides, I can take another day off, no harm in that. This city can wait, nothing much happens in mornings after all," his attention shifted to Yumi who didn't hide her disappointment in the slightest.

Reasoning to him it might be dangerous or risky; "but Carter, what about the risks associated with this! Going into place that was poorly investigated is bad idea, you don't even know who this person is, what if they want to hurt you!" Exclaimed in distress, wanting nothing more than to prevent him from being in potential danger.

Taking the last sip of water from the glass of water, he laughed it off, "you worry too much," wiping the droplet of liquid running down the corner of his lips, "nothing wrong with meeting new people or being invited to some place," turning to his butler who is always behind him, "don't you agree, Sebastian?"

Said individual smiled in return, "of course, anything for your well being, sir." He said with utmost honesty, ignoring Yumi who scowled at him from the corner of her eye, "perhaps a preparation for appropriate uniform and attire is needed. Any preference you have in mind?" Inquired amicably.

Standing up from his chair while dusting his clothes before sighing towards him with smile, "nah, I'm comfortable with what I'm wearing," shaking his head, "we'll just straight there right now, from what I heard; its going to take us a few hours to reach there," reasoning to them, "just a precaution is all, don't want to arrive late in my own party, do I?" Chuckled humorously.

Then it was Yumi's turn to speak up, "then...I would like to change my clothes, do you mind if you wait for me outside of your room, master?" Her reddened face gave hints of embarrassment, "if it is not much trouble for you."

Though, the young billionaire understood what she meant as he saw no problem with it, saying in response, "sure, no issues with that, take all the time you need, I'll be waiting."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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