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After the long meeting came to end, Carter was able to return back into his bedroom; exhausted and worn from the recent event that just occurred, his mind filled with anxious thoughts about what would happen if the situation becomes worse and worrisome in regards to the impending arrival of their enemies in the distant future.

Nothing to eat for the time being, the weary young man lay on his bed with closed eyes, breathing slowly, his muscles ached, requiring a long rest from his fatigue. Rolling over onto his stomach, his face buried against the pillow; allowing his body to sink into the soft mattress of comfort.

His mind drift into the worrying thoughts that began to build up in his head, uncertain of the future and possibilities that may lead to disaster for everyone involved. He still felt deep remorse of sacrificing so many lives from other worlds for that tyrannical madman.

It is why after all, he created this team of superheroes in fending off any would be attackers that dared to come close to earth again and any other threats that may come next. Yes, it is indeed important for mankind to fight and prove their strength through hardship.

But is this truly the right path he needed to take? Perhaps there is another way without having to lose some many lives in the process of conflict. Sighing tiredly, the billionaire shifted his position, resting his cheek on the pillow that his face was pressed on while looking blankly at the window, gazing at the shining stars and beautiful moonlight above, listening to the silence and calming ambiance of his surroundings.

Carter did what he has to do, nothing more to add about the matter, whatever happens from this point onward, he and the rest will be ready for anything that will come next, whatever the threat is; he is confident that the outcome of the battle will be in their favor, having all of their greatest forces combined to defeat the enemy.

He doesn't have to like the things needs to do, but it is necessary to achieve the goals of doing what must be needed after all. His not a villain nor hero, just a human who believes in the best for others in continuing their peaceful lives without much problems afterward.

Of course, bad things will always happened because it is life. Bad things happens everywhere in every aspect and circumstance, both good and bad. And this is why he cannot completely change something to be good all the time, and in the long run, having to experience those bad things in life is one of the fundamentals in person's growth.

Even if it cruel or harsh, nothing in the world will always be rainbow and sunshine; the lesson he learned the hard way, having to endure endless torture in hell and experiencing awful human beings in his past life, a fact that cannot be avoided in the end.

Time passed as he continued staring at the starry sky, its beautiful horizon, the cold winds blowing outside while he watched in awe of the beautiful scenery; he really did miss such beauty and nostalgia of watching the wonderful horizon, lying down on his bed with nothing but himself.

For some reason, he doesn't feel sleepy; probably because his mind is too active with thoughts of what he plans to do in the future. While he should focus on the present moment, passionate feelings can sometimes overtake logical thinking altogether, becoming difficult to balance the two in one's own psyche.

His human after all, flaws and etc. Closing his eyes once more, he allowed himself to relax and try to sleep; not wanting to let the time pass and waste his energy with these pointless ideas, a nagging thought at the back of his mind as he drifted into slumber, his eyelids falling heavy while he released a small, tired yawn from his mouth.

Letting his body fall on the comfortable bed, his mind entering a state of relaxation; but no matter how much he tried, his own mind wouldn't let him get any shut eye for the time being. Thinking that maybe, some fresh air would the trick in snapping out whatever is keeping him awake.

Shifting his body to the direction of where the windows are, he placed his feet at the floor while sitting at the edge of his bed; looking down with uncertain impression plastered on his face. Rubbing his cheeks and face with his hands, he quietly sighs from his incapable of getting proper sleep.

Sometimes, he just wants to disappear from the world and not deal with crap like this; however, Carter knows that he must keep moving, whether he likes it or not. For someone who loves the simple life, the young man only wants to live in peace, not by having to solve mysteries and not getting into problems involving otherworldly threats like this.

In this moment, his feeling like the purpose he is currently seeking is becoming questionable; asking himself the point of doing anything, "sometimes, I wonder why I even bother of trying..." he muttered, sighing as he remained sitting, not having the will to do anything else besides that.

And yet, his still here; trying to find the meaning of his existence in being here; to be honest, he didn't see the point of this charade or having to fight evildoers just to do his duty. Carter admits of being proud what he does but the same time; he still feel empty regardless.

Straightening his back, he opened his eyes and put hand over where his heart is; feeling its slow rhythmic beat of his pulse, "hah... I'm pathetic," he said to himself, expressing his pessimistic thoughts that seems to plague him a lot lately, "such a worthless coward..." pinching his temples in hopes to clear his mind from troubling thoughts that keeps bugging him.

That is when a dreadful voice broke the silence of his mind, "why the sad face?" Ominous tone that is familiar to him, not liking the sound of it at all as he recognized the owner of that voice; turning his head around, he saw the one who said it.

Sitting next to him is Nya, that abominable freak with her nonchalant and amused expression, "surprised to see me?" She said, smirking in amusement while giving him a knowing look that screams of mockery, resulting the young man to look away from her.

Carter's jaw tensed up, resisting himself in the urge to call security even though they can't do jack shit to someone like that, "what the hell do you want from me this time?" He asked, annoyed in having to see her again in moment like this, "because if you came here to make fun of me again, then get out of my sight," giving her the cold shoulder by facing the other way, wanting nothing to do with the monster beside him.

He couldn't tell if he is simply too tired to care or his just numb to feel anything else for now. Shaking his head, he glanced at her that is sitting so casually beside him; crossing his arms with a frown, he waited for the creature to answer.

Nyarlathotep merely chuckled at the human's reaction, "you're still upset from earlier?" She playfully pointed out, appearing to have sensed his disdain in seeing her again, "nothing wrong with trying to reach out for help, silly human," she calmly pointed out, humming to herself.

Though he did not respond, his eyes averted as he focused his gaze at the window instead, "that's bullshit," someone like her wouldn't know anything about sympathy or the sort, "get to the point already," feeling irritated of her antics, trying to calm his nerves, the human snapped, "just what do you want from me?!"

His fucking tired of this, what does this freaks want from him? Can't they all leave him alone to his own devices?! He just wants to be left alone in peace and quiet, to live his life how he wants it to be, isn't that too hard for man like him? The nerve of these fiends to interfere with his life.

Noticing how annoyed he is, the avatar of chaos finds his expression quite humorous; a smile appearing on her face, she reached over and patted the young man's back with her hand, "relax, I mean you no harm; if I did..." The girl's face turned gruesomely demonic, her smile widening with sharp teeth that replaced her previous normal set, "you would've been dead along with your little friends."

Smiling again, she poke at his sweating and tired face teasingly with her index finger, "I simply want to leave you an parting gift that might pique your interest," her eyes locked onto the human's, "it will be worth the while, I promise," she finished, grinning with her teeth.

Slapping her hand away from him, he angrily responded, "save it; whatever you want to say, I'm not interested in hearing someone who is walking calamity," Carter sharply replied, he's not stupid to fall for such tricks, especially coming from eldritch god.

In flash, anger instantly appeared on her face from being slapped away; her eyes completely turned black as it drip with tears of dark ink while her entire body twitch violently for few seconds before suddenly, she returned to normal; shocking him from witnessing the terrifying visage of monster.

Once she regain her composure, Nya cleared her throat, returning her mirthful persona, "I almost lost my cool there for a moment, it's a good thing I remembered that it's not worth my time," she uttered in fake laugh, playing it off with a false cheerful grin, "if I really wanted to, I would have killed you in a second for that rude gesture you just did, but; as I have stated previously, I am more interested in keeping you alive than dead," the statement disturbed him to his core but nonetheless shrugged off with sigh.

"Whatever," he answered, brushing off her warning with a wave of his hand, the young man had grown accustomed to these types of people in the past. The longer he remains with these monsters, the more it is likely that he becomes numb in the head.

"You have son."

His entire body, soul, emotions and perception of the world around him froze from hearing what she said, "what..." uttering the words in pure disbelief, Carter stared at her with wide eyes, "my...son...?" hearing what she had spoke, causing the human's expression to become twisted in confusion and disbelief, "what the hell are you talking about?"

Smirking at his confused expression, she yawned as she stretch her arms, " all of this chatter is getting boring, I just wanna go home and drink a nice cup of coffee or two," pretending to act like the situation is a problem in her own opinion, she acted like an impatient customer waiting in a line of a store.

Except that she got his full attention, "what did you say?!" Demanding her to repeat herself, he was growing frustrated with the antics, not wanting to play her games, Carter shouted again of his demand, "since when I had son?!" His tone sounded desperate, wanting to know what she meant by her words.

Shrugging at his response, "now and then; don't you know?" She informed, noticing his genuine bewilderment and surprise, finding the human's ignorance to be funny, "his out there, somewhere; not in this world though, far away but alive," her ambiguous answer was confusing the human to no end.

He wants to stand up because of how much his whole body is aching to be moved, but the more he heard her words, the less he finds himself capable of even standing. Clenching his fists, Carter sighed while staring at his feet, "for fuck sake, can you give me a straight answer for once?!" Snapping at the eldritch abomination sitting right next to him.

Putting her index finger between her lips, she swing her legs if she was actual human child, "who knows?" Her playful eyes narrowed, a small smirk appearing on her face, "you're the smart one here, why not figure it out by yourself, mister detective?"

Without responding back, he merely shook his head; rubbing his face with his hands, trying to comprehend what she is telling him, "I can't believe this..." murmuring to himself, Carter sighed in frustration, "what is it with you gods and vague answers of things that don't make sense?" Questioning her, hoping to get his answer or some form of clarity to what she meant.

But as he turned to her direction, she was already gone; vanished out of his sight, "shit..." he allowed himself to drop his back on the bed, looking at the ceiling with blank eyes; his mind processing what he had heard. Even though he is unsure if what he had heard is true or not, Carter cannot simply shrug it off because of how much of a possibility it is.

"I need to find him, my son..."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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