Chapter 14

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Arriving in a crowded house with many police vehicles and officers surrounding it, Randolph Carter stepped out of his car parked in the middle of the streets, exiting his car with Yumi at his side as they approached Koyoshi, who was currently speaking with a detective in regards to the investigation of a recent murder in this very place.

Seeing the both of them, the detective, wearing his blue uniform jacket unbuttoned as he greeted the young man with grey trench coat, "Commissioner Carter! What a pleasant surprise!" He exclaimed in delight as they shake their hands with one another, "What brings you here today, sir?" His curiosity was peaked by his presence, and he wondered why their commissioner would be here at this time of day. "If there is something I could do to help, I am willing to do so."

Before Carter could say any further, Koyoshi politely butted in the conversation to directly speak with the commissioner, saying, "I apologize for the sudden intrusion, detective, but may I speak with Carter alone?" He asked, gesturing his hand over his shoulder to the crime scene at their side, "We have some important matters to attend to," informing the detective in blue of the situation.

The detective blinked and said, "Ah, of course!" He nodded in understanding, saying, "I understand; please go ahead and proceed with the investigation," giving the green light to the commissioner and his assistant while stepping away from them to give the both of them some space.

"What happened?" Carter inquired of his trusted comrade. "I was informed that you needed me to be here," he said, glancing at his side to see several of his officers entering and exiting the house in this quiet neighborhood. Observing the situation, he couldn't help but wonder what they were doing when they headed inside.

The house is two-story with a garage and driveway. There are bushes and trees planted in front of the entrance, while the backyard has a pool and garden. The front lawn has flower beds and fences around it, making it look neat and cozy. The windows are opened, and there are visible lights or sounds coming from inside. The front door is wide open, and there are no signs of forced entry.

"Why don't I show you, commissioner?" Koyoshi said before leading the both of them inside the house where they encountered many broken and destroyed pieces of furniture scattered all around along with blood stains on the floor and walls as well as slash marks in the walls themselves: "As you can see," he began with a serious expression, "there has been a break-in and robbery, commissioner," explaining what has occurred here, "and to my knowledge, they had a camera to show who did it."

Sighing sadly with a nod, she said, "Let me guess, The Killing Bunny?" Answering the obvious question, "She must have done this, correct?" He said this as they continued to walk through the main living room, passing through the kitchen where officers were investigating the place.

"Unfortunately yes, commissioner," Koyoshi replied with a frown on his face, "while we have a lot of clues and evidence, there is still a problem that we can't figure out how to solve," pointing out a major flaw in the investigation. "The Killing Bunny is known for her brutality; however, this is different," he added.

Carter raised an eyebrow at this statement: "different you said?" He questioned, curious about how exactly the killer managed to pull off this murder without leaving an answer behind. "What makes you think so?" Asking his colleague, wishing to hear an explanation from him.

The blue officer suddenly stopped, causing the two to follow suit as he looked down in shame at what he had to say, carefully thinking through this before turning to them. "I hope you two have the stomach for it because there is a body upstairs," he said bluntly with a grim expression on his face. "And I mean a real bloody, gory mess up there," he clarified.

"I see..." He muttered, crossing his arms over his chest before nodding, "Alright then, let's go see it," not wasting any more time standing around. "Lead the way, officer," they ordered him as they followed after him up the stairs and through the hallway, where there were officers inspecting every single room, looking for any sign of evidence left behind.

Once they arrived at the bedroom, Koyoshi gestured his hand over to the dead body of a woman with her fetus lying right next to her. Her eyes are wide open as there is a strong sign of struggle, indicating the poor victim tried her very best to protect her baby from danger until death took her. Her clothes are torn and ripped apart, showing many cuts across her whole body.

The worst part was her stomach, with her intestines spilling out and blood pooling around her corpse; it was a truly horrific sight for anyone who would see such a thing. However, despite how gruesome the scene is, Carter remained calm and collected as he approached the body, while Yumi, on the other hand, was unbothered by this, having witnessed bloodshed before throughout her life growing up.

Kneeling down, he gazed at the woman's body before glancing at the fetus with its umbilical cord still attached to the mother's insides, causing him to stand up and close his eyes for a moment as his brain created quadrillion scenarios of how the scene played out.

Watching his own mind work in processing every detail within mere seconds as if he were watching an old movie reel, Carter opened his eyes, having figured out how this all happened by picking the best and likely choice, "Koyoshi," he addressed, turning to his fellow officer, "when did these killings happen and where did they transpire?" Asking him directly.

The officer answered immediately, "Every night, commissioner, every single night since the first murder of that monster," revealing that there were previous cases before this one, "the killings started happening about three weeks ago in random places throughout the city," explaining the situation in greater detail before adding on, "However, it always leads up in calm neighborhoods like this."

"I see," he nodded his head with interest, "aside from that, does this killer only use blades and have a thing for attacking defenseless victims?" Inquiring more on what he knows about The Killing Bunny, "because if that were the case, then we were dealing with someone who either had a background of being a mercenary or an assassin specialized in the use of sharp-bladed weapons," he stated his theory based on his observation alone.

Looking at him with surprise, "but the problem here is how we catch this killer," Koyoshi replied before frowning at him, "she is known for being extremely brutal and merciless in her kills." He persisted at this notion, "not only that, but she also has a sadistic side that enjoys inflicting pain onto others before ending their lives, making her one of the most dangerous criminals we know."

"That's why we must stop her before she hurts anyone else again," Carter said firmly with determination in his eyes, clenching his fists tightly, "and based on the woman's death, this killer likely took her time inflicting as much pain as possible, giving me another clue to my answer." He narrowed his eyes at him before turning his head back to the corpse, "and I think I got it figured out on who this killer really is."

Koyoshi blinked. "What?" Confused at his response, "But we haven't got a clue who this person is," he argued back in disbelief, "No offense, commissioner, but are you absolutely sure you know who the killer is by simply showing you the body?" He asked with uncertainty.

"Of course I am," Carter replied with confidence, looking back over at Yumi with a knowing smile, "and I know how to stop her too." He stated firmly as he turned back to his officer, "I had run through quadrillion possible scenarios in my tiny brain of finding out how this happened, and the best one is that The Killing Bunny is nothing but nobody who dedicated their whole life to being the person they are." His words caused further confusion and desperation for Koyoshi in trying to understand him.

"But how do we stop a person who doesn't exist?" The officer asked, raising his hand to scratch his chin thoughtfully, "If this killer has no identity, then how can we lure this monster out?" Trying to make sense of what his commissioner is saying.

"Tell me, are the neighborhoods she goes to random or is there some set of coordination in play?" Inquiring the important question as the blue-clad young man blinked in realization, wanting to confirm if his choice is right so that he can finally put an end to this madness, "I want you to answer this, and I expect you to answer me honestly." His tone became stern while looking directly at him.

Koyoshi nodded with understanding. "Yes, commissioner," he answered, "all of the places she killed were located at specific coordinates." He revealed this before taking out a paper from his own pocket and handing it over to him.

Taking hold of the paper, Carter scanned through every single circled coordinate of each location she had murdered in cold blood before stopping at one of them and saying, "I see..." This killer moves to different areas every time she commits her killings, "so this person moves from west to east for every night she kills only to go random during weekends and some days, clever but not very smart," he noted, looking over the information given before him.

Yumi praised her master with a bright smile, saying, "Carter is so smart!" She said happily, staring at him with her sparkling pink eyes of pure admiration towards him, "He figured it out in just less than minute!" Proudly stating, causing her to blush slightly as her eyes still gleamed towards him while standing near the officer's side.

Koyoshi was astonished at how quickly his boss had solved the case. "I...then what does that mean? This is the west neighborhood of the city; which specific east suburb is she going to?" Wanting to know the exact location so that he can relay the message to other officers in order to capture her.

Smirking at this revelation, "the drawn circles on this map are the areas she have already visit," Carter said before pointing at a particular circle on the map.

"The next one will surely happen around my suburb neighborhood due to the fact she likes targeting peaceful areas," he explained in confidence, "because this person is nothing more than nobody who wishes to be somebody," turning over to the corpse, "and the only way to stop them is to show them how wrong they are in what they are doing," declaring boldly at this.

His maid clapped together in amazement: "My master is so cool!" She cheered loudly while hopping up and down, "I'm so glad to serve him!" Blushing heavily at the mere thought of serving under someone like him, whom she adored very much.

Meanwhile, Koyoshi sweated furiously from what he heard from his superior: "What do you mean by showing them that what they were doing was wrong?" He asked, confused at what he meant exactly, "And why is this person doing this anyway? Why did the killer target random civilians and their family members? I just don't understand," he said with frustration.

"It is simple really," Carter answered in return, "this individual just enjoys the thrill of killing, and it was only a matter of time before she got bored with it; one of the reasons why this freak doesn't bother even hiding her crimes in the first place." He elaborated on the reason behind this, "she wants us to stop her, but she doesn't want to stop herself because she enjoys hurting others."

Koyoshi frowned, feeling disgusted at such a person who enjoys hurting others. "So that is how it is..." He murmured under his breath before shaking his head with a sigh, "Well, if what you're saying is true, then how are you so sure that she's going to strike at the place you live in?" Asking the question that has been bugging him this whole time, "And what makes you think that she's not going to run away once we corner her?"

"Because Yumi will stop her if that's the case," Carter said, walking over to the window before opening it, "and why would she strike at my place?" He asked back before turning his head over to him.

"Simple really," his eyes narrowed dangerously at the officer, "not only does she want more attention from a well-known figure like myself but to also begin terrorizing a neighborhood that is considered to be one of the safest places to live in Tokyo. Composed of mostly families and elderly or sick people," he explained his deduction.

"That's how she is willing to go far in getting a new thrill," he said, finishing with that sentence before turning back to the window where the once blue sky is slowly turning orange and yellow as the sun begins to descend from above. "Now if you excuse me,"as begin to leave the scene with his servant, Yumi, following right at his side.

"We have killer to catch and Koyoshi." Stopping at the opened door with Yumi, he then said, "have the men patrol around my whole neighborhood after the sun sets down; if any of them spot her or have suspicious encounter, call me right away."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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