Chapter 63

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The sun is low in the sky, and an orange hue illuminates the city of Planet X in a beautiful sunset as dusk sets in upon everyone, signaling their preparation for good rest after long work in their jobs. But for the two of them with their underwear only, the duo stayed close together in the middle of the large circle of water at this peaceful lake house.

Sebastian and Carter allowed themselves to float in slow and gentle waves while having their faces relaxed peacefully, making occasional small talk whenever something crossed their minds to discuss; much to their pleasure, neither of them felt uncomfortable at all being next to one another. "It's wonderful, isn't it, sir?"

Murmuring silently, the young man nodded along with his agreement, "Yeah, it truly is. This place is like heaven on earth." Closing his eyes shut, he released his pent-up tension throughout his body while letting out a satisfied sigh afterwards. "It's like all the stresses and worries just fade away after minutes of floating around lazily like this," he admitted honestly with a smile.

Suddenly, the entire lake starts to boil at a warm temperature, much to the relief of Carter as he opened his eyes, "It reminds me of when we used to play on the beach together. Remember those days?" Reminiscing about their childhood days fondly with nostalgia in mind, "brings back memories for me," he murmured contently while turning his face towards the sky, "nothing beats bathing during hot summer days, don't you agree?"

Nodding to show his approval of that statement, he was curious to ask something else peculiar: "What made the lake start to boil, master Carter?" Sebastian questioned in interest, not recalling how it's even possible for water to heat up in lakes or oceans that aren't public swimming pools in the first place.

Chuckling slightly from his response, "these microscopic machines that are the size of an atom are linked to the collective consciousness of me acting as the administration, and the clones are like my employers, if that makes any sense to you," explaining carefully to ensure his friend understands everything he means by that while ignoring the obvious raised eyebrow he received from him afterward, "I could command these little things to manipulate the environment by making them alter molecules."

Interest spawned on the butler's face, intrigued by such fantastical technology that his friend has invented with his own hands and mind. "It is like something straight out of sci-fi novels," exclaimed the butler, astonished by what he is hearing right now. "No one back on earth is capable of not only terraforming an entire dwarf planet to one's liking but also creating machines that are microscopic in size to manipulate the world itself," speaking of how impressed he is by his inhuman intellect.

"Pretty much," Carter agreed nonchalantly from this, "my intelligence and ingenuity allow me to create any inventions at will so long I put enough effort into them and understand their basics of their mechanics or science," describing what it is like to be a genius, "you can say that I am a mad scientist of sorts that uses my intellect and knowledge in order to improve society itself at my own image," finishing his explanation with a heavy sigh escaping through his lips.

Repeatedly blinking at him, Sebastian commented seriously, "Your talents are quite unique and exceptional, master Carter," praising his friend in regards to such talent he possesses, which very few people possess in a world full of greedy and selfish people, "I must admit, I have always admired that quality of yours to the core; it never ceases to impress me," complimenting him proudly without shame or hesitance whatsoever, "not any millionaire or billionaire would go so far in fixing societal problems than they originally planned just to fulfill their own ideals; they are often known for their pride and arrogance," informing him of their egotistical natures.

Smiling gratefully for the compliment, the young man blushed bashfully upon hearing such high praise from someone who knows him best in the whole planet. "Ah, quit it already," he said, brushing it off with a wave of his hand. "You know I am just doing this to honor my parents legacy, right?" Wanting to inform his childhood friend that his goal isn't for bragging rights or glory.

Laughing at his humble behavior, the handsome cyan-haired man countered lightheartedly, "Even if that may be true, it's still no excuse to dismiss what you have done for their world, sir. What matters is the actions you take, not the words themselves; actions speak louder than words after all," he said, delivering his message perfectly without fail. "Remember that well," he finished.

Silence descended on them once again while they allowed the silence to envelope themselves in peace for the next couple moments as the remaining light source the two had in the sky was replaced with a beautiful night sky with a fake moon shining above their heads and multiple stars lighting up the darkness.

Hearts beating rapidly within their chests in each other's presence as both of them start to shift closer until eventually their shoulders brush against one another with their bare skin touching each other's, causing them to blush brightly in the process.

While Sebastian was about to respond to this sudden change of atmosphere, he noticed how quiet his blushing friend had gotten all of sudden; seemingly lost in his thoughts, he tried reaching for his hand only for Carter to snap it away abruptly as if he were burnt. "Hm?"Is there anything wrong?" Worried that he may have upset him in some way.

"N-nothing," he answered with a trembling voice, not wanting to reveal that he feels his heart rate increasing to a rapid pace at the slightest touch between them. "It's nothing to be concerned about; please pay no heed to it," reassuring him hastily with a slight nervous chuckle while rubbing his back of his head timidly. "Don't worry, everything is fine."

Both then stared at each other intensely, their cheeks burning brighter than fire. Neither dared break eye contact for even a millisecond. Feeling themselves slowly approaching each other, neither of them moved an inch as they neared each other until only inches remained separating them from becoming lovers.

Carter gulped thickly. He swallowed hard at this unexpected closeness between them; having to stare deep into his friend's eyes directly made him shiver internally as their body language gave out what they truly desired for one another without exchanging words or anything else.

He was not truly the type of guy interested in other men, more so in having a preference for females. But something about this situation makes him want to explore these unknown territories by experimenting with having relations with his friend, whom he shares a close bond with. "Uh...umm, what should we do?" Asking embarrassingly what he thinks they should do in order to solve this problem of theirs.

"About what?" Sebastian replied uncertainly, "That we shouldn't kiss?" Straight to the point of answering bluntly, "because master Carter," a bright smile crossed his handsome face, "it's up to you; we can do anything as long as we're in love with one another," he told him bluntly, earning another loud gasp from the nervous young man.

A loud splash of water in front interrupted them, expecting them to see someone ahead, only to realize that no one was present except their clothes closed to the wooden bench they were sitting on earlier prior to jumping in this body of water.

"Did you hear that?" Carter asked curiously, still scanning for anything unusual yet failing to spot anything nearby, "I thought I heard someone jumping into the lake out here," turning his head back towards his companion, who was currently swimming beside him with his head held high.

Instead of his usual smile, the butler appeared to be frowning at something bothering him at the moment. "I'm afraid she found us," he said, answering in a tone filled with defeat. Confusion reflected on his friend's face in the sudden change of attitude from cheerful to worried. "Miss Yumi," Sebastian added cautiously, "has found us having fun while being unaware of our situation here."


Realization dawned on him of what he was trying to imply here: "Yumi huh?" Sighing tiredly from this change of events before a smile cracked across his lips, he said, "Well, I can't say that I wasn't expecting this to happen sooner or later," commenting on her timing, "It's better now than never, am I right?" Trying to lift the moods of his friend after witnessing him look sad from this revelation

Before she could put out any honey words to calm Sebastian down, the zealous maid burst out of the waters behind him with nothing but her pink bra and undergarments; her arms then wrapped around his torso, who hadn't had a chance to prepare himself for her tackle.

"There you are, master!"

She greeted him affectionately, filled with happiness at having finally found him, making him yelped in fright of getting caught in her sudden embrace. "You scared me," he blinked, gazing at her smiling face from his left shoulder with a stunned expression. "Don't surprise me like that, Yumi." Not enjoying being tackled without warning like this while holding his heart, which almost jumped out of his rib cage due to that shock, he said, "You know that I could die from that, right?"

Immediately hearing his last sentence, Yumi let go and moved step back with shame all over her face, "I'm sorry..." tearfully apologizing for her mistake, "I didn't know you could die from being surprised," she sobbed, not wanting to see her love get hurt in any shape or form, "I promise to be more careful next time!" sincerely apologized to her beloved master.

Turning around to meet her gaze, he gently placed his on her head, patting it softly in an attempt to reassure her that she had done nothing wrong to begin with. "Don't cry, Yumi. It's okay really," showing her that he is not mad or angry at all, "just warn me the next time you plan to hug me like that again," advising her with a comforting smile plastered on his face, "alright?"

She wiped her tears away with her arm, nodding to his terms and conditions of not attacking him from behind like that again. "Thank you, master," she sniffed. "I won't do that anymore, but..." Her expression quickly changed into suspicion when her focus turned to Sebastian: "Why are you here?" Eyeing the cyan-haired butler carefully.

"Miss Yumi," a smirk grew across Sebastian's handsome face as he stared directly at her, "fancy meeting you here on such a lovely time," greeting in a polite tone, "especially when this is meant to be romantic between him and I," bluntly informing her of their intentions together as Yumi frowned heavily upon hearing this, "we were spending our time together, just having some good old-fashioned bonding session in the middle of nowhere," chuckling amusingly.

She huffed angrily at Sebastian for having the nerve to even claim him as his lover while she's been in love with him since they were children: "That's impossible because Master Carter is my boyfriend and nobody else's but mine!"

Glaring furiously at him for making such baseless claims on what is rightfully hers, she said, "I will not tolerate any of your lies in regards to having an affair with him!" Yelling loudly at her rival.

Crossing arms underneath his chest, the butler laughed at her silly remarks: "I beg to differ, Miss Yumi, since I already know he is secretly in love with me even before you confessed your feelings for him," he scoffed in a mocking tone, "not that it matters anyways when you do not have the same voluptuous body shape you once had," pointing out her changes from spending so much time in physical work.

Humiliated, embarrassed, and mocked, steam exited out of her ears as she pouted at Sebastian with a look that screamed murder: "Take that back, jerk!" Without hesitation, she lunged at him before firmly pinching his cheek in irritation: "Who do you think you are, acting all superior on me!" Bellowing with rage, much to the amusement of both the butler and master alike.

Randolph Carter can't help but stare at his beloved friends, reminding himself of the life he has now and how lucky he is to meet this type of people. He smiles happily on the sidelines as he watches this ridiculous scene play before his eyes.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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