Chapter 7

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Takashi and his four friends cautiously parked outside of the billionaire's home, wearing their all-black suits and masks. Holding a crowbar in his gloved hands while his friends had similar weapons of their own, including handheld pistols strapped around their waists.

The five of them have been planning this ever since they failed to lure Randolph Carter into a secluded area. "Let's do this," he stated with a wicked smile underneath his mask. "I bet this bastard has tons of money we can get our hands on." The man chuckled darkly while his friends laughed alongside him. "Were going to rob this rich son of a bitch!"

As the driver and his friends in the back trunk exited their vehicle, they were more than ready to find some valuable items around and sell them in the black market. "Hopefully, his maid doesn't get in the way of our plan," the masked man grumbled under his breath. "Someone like her shouldn't be an issue to be dealt with."

Walking inside together in group while keeping their eye on the open door in case any guards or authorities show up, the gang slowly approached the locked door as one of his buddies pulled out a lockpick before inserting it inside the keyhole.

"What's taking so long?" The driver asked, keeping an eye out for their surroundings, making sure if there was any unwanted presence nearby, "Can you open the door already? We don't have all night." Impatience began filling over each other within themselves.

"Almost got it," the man responded, twisting the tool around in the keyhole. "Just give me a minute." His voice was full of determination, focused on fiddling with the lock as he desperately tried to unlock the door. "I'm trying to do it as fast as I can." His voice was more strained than ever.

Minutes passed, and a quiet but audible click could be heard, causing the gang to smirk underneath their masks and say, "You did it?" The driver questioned him, turning his head towards his partner. "Open the damn door," he demanded, pointing his crowbar at him.

"Shut up already," the man retorted in irritation. "I'm getting to it." His tone was sharp and cold. "Give me a sec." Grinning his teeth in frustration, he twisted the doorknob, opening it as the door opened with ease while carefully not making any loud sound that would attract unwanted attention.

"Finally," the driver scoffed, rolling his eyes, "took you long enough," mumbling under his breath as they all entered the billionaire's mansion, closing the door from behind before deciding their next course of action in succeeding their task.

But their eyes were caught by the pitch black, spacious interior, the expensive and clean floors that seemed to be freshly waxed, and the variety of paintings along with the furniture that seemed to be worth millions. "Wow," one of them exclaimed in whispering tone, amazed by the rich environment, "this guy is fucking loaded."

Takashi, however, is more happy and thrilled about becoming the richest person in all of Japan. He was so tired of being poor and having a mediocre life that he wanted to experience what it's like to be filthy rich and live the life of a king. And now this is his chance.

And yet, as his friends conversed quietly, he thought for a moment about whether he should share the wealth with them or keep it for himself. His greed has gotten the better of him, and he has decided to leave his so-called "friends" behind and rob the rich man by himself when the time comes.

"Okay," their leader finally spoke, "we need to split up and search for anything valuable," ordering his gang to spread out and search through the mansion. "Look in every nook and cranny," he instructed, "because anything here could be worth thousands."

They nodded in agreement. "Will do," one of them replied. "Let's hurry up and get this over with; I don't want to waste anymore time getting the hell out of here," another said, wanting to go home and finally live the life they always wanted to have.

As the group separated, they all went their separate ways, taking careful steps in order to reduce as much noise as possible. Meanwhile, he was still in the large living room, thrilled at carefully inspecting each and every thing he had set his eyes on. "Oh," gasping in awe, "these paintings are worth a fortune," he muttered, eyeing the artwork with an adoring stare.

There were frames of pictures that were seemingly worth millions. Every single frame contained portraits of this guy's parents, including their history and accomplishments throughout the years. "I should take these," his face was filled with glee, "this will be worth a fortune!" he exclaimed.

But before he decides to, Takashi should focus on finding the little things first that can fit in his pockets; he wouldn't want to be caught with the big things that could lead the police to catch him. Taking a quick glance at the living room, he notices the abundance of objects that are surely going to get him the money he needs.

He saw a couple of expensive-looking pieces of jewelry scattered across the coffee table. From rings to necklaces, they all looked like they cost a lot of money. "Perfect," he mumbled to himself, "this should be enough." Gripping the items from the table, he shoved them into his pockets.

Feeling the touch of these valuables, his heart swells with excitement and satisfaction. The knowledge of getting what he desired the most after living miserably was over. However, the thief did not expect to hear a loud scream from the floor, and immediately he jolted into alertness.

This isn't good.

Just as he instinctively turned his head to the left, he saw the pink-haired maid holding his friend's lifeless corpse around the neck. Her eyes glowed red through the darkness, and a wide grin was seen across her face with her other available hand holding a bloody kitchen knife.

"What the—" he yelled out in shock, grabbing his pistol from his waist before opening fire within his gripped hand, aiming directly at her. But she manages to easily slice the bullets while slowly walking towards him in creepy fashion, all without even blinking as if she were some sort of supernatural monster.

Wasting no time in continuing the fight, he turned and ran as fast as he could while she laughed sinisterly from behind, a loud, insane laugh echoing throughout the large home. Seeing this as a game of sorts rather than a chase to death, the psychotic girl still held his friend's corpse while ominously staring at him from behind.

It didn't take long until his lungs gave out from running, "huff...huff..." Panting and wheezing after what felt like forever. Turning his head around, Takashi noticed the psychotic woman nowhere to be found; however, the good thing is that she is alive, standing just in front of the entrance.

He needs to get out of here! The man is terrified, fear coursing through his body, threatening to overwhelm him; this isn't supposed to happen; this wasn't part of his plan. "I must've picked the wrong house," he whispered to himself in a trembling voice, "that goddamn freak," he gritted his teeth in anger, "I can't believe that maid was actually psycho."

This doesn't matter now; he will live another day and plot revenge for this whole situation later on. What he cares about right now is getting back into his van and leaving this crazy place for good. "I have to go!" He stated underneath his breath, glancing back behind him in paranoia, "Now!"

Adjusting himself, he approached and placed his hand on the knob only to realize it wasn't turning. "Shit!" confusion was evident in his face as his brows furrowed, "did somebody lock this?" He mumbled, confused as to why such a thing happened, "Don't tell me that bitch was the one who locked it."

Then he heard the casual footsteps from his back, causing all his hair to rise like a porcupine from the mere fact someone was approaching him. Turning his head around, he was met with the psychotic maid who held the same knife she used to kill his friend, blood now dripping from her hands as she stared at him with her wicked smile.

She is playing with him! The only thing he can do is run and find somewhere safe to hide, the timing being, "I have to get out of here!" He yelled, turning around to sprint away from the insane woman. But before he even took a step forward, he was suddenly grabbed by his right leg, causing him to fall face first on the floor with a loud thud.

"Get off me!" Screaming loudly to no avail, her inhumane strength was too much for him as he struggled to get away from her grasp. "Let go of me, you psycho!" He yelled out in anger and desperation, trying his best to break free from her hold.

No matter how much he begged or screamed, Yumi stayed silent the whole time, her face twitching in excitement as she stared at him like a predator watching its prey. "Please," he whimpered, tears streaming down his cheeks, "don't kill me." Takashi pleaded, "I have a family."

His words had fallen on deft ears as she dragged him to the kitchen, ignoring his pleas and cries for help as if they were nothing but mere whispers. Once inside the large kitchen, he was thrown against the floor, causing him to hit his head hard before landing on the cold floor.

Still conscious, he stood up straight with his back as his pained expression under the mask switched to horror. Seeing his friends around him dead and lifeless, their corpses were covered in blood as their eyes were still open. "Oh god," he whispered in shock, "this can't be real." The thief muttered to himself, "this is all just a nightmare."

Some of them had their limbs torn off or even removed entirely. While the others had their heads bashed in and a few had stab wounds, "this isn't happening," Takashi said in disbelief. "This can't be real!" He yelled out loud, his voice echoing throughout the kitchen.

"You tried to take him away from me, he said, his attention switching to the crazed maid staring in front of him. "You tried to kill my master," she said with a smile on her face, "and you thought you could get away with it?" Yumi questioned, tilting her head as her eyes narrowed at the terrified man.

"Please let me go," he said, slowly pushing himself to move back. "I'll do anything! Just please don't kill me!" He begged, his voice trembling in fear as he stared at the psychotic woman with wide eyes. "I'll do anything you want," the man offered, "just let me go!"

Staring at him for a moment before giggling to herself, the maid smiled devilishly at him. "I don't think so," she stated in an amused voice, shaking her head. "I'm going to kill you and make sure that you'll never hurt him again," she told him with a bright smile on her face as if she was having fun.

"No! It wasn't my idea!" He shouted, begging her to reconsider her actions, "It wasn't me! They're the ones who decided to rob your home!" The thief claimed in despair, "They were the ones who started all this mess!" Placing the blame on his friends, he desperately tried to reason with the maid.

His back was then stopped on nearby cabinet, placing him at a disadvantage against her. "Please," he cried again, tears falling down as his mask wetted from the amount of water coming from his eyes. "It's not my fault," he pleaded desperately again.

She inspected her knife, lightly dragging her fingertip across the blade as it began to cut through her flesh. Crimson liquid was oozing from her fingertips, but she didn't even react from pain; she simply laughed and smirked at him instead. "It doesn't matter whose fault it is," she said without care of the world, "the moment you entered, your fates were sealed."

Wearing the same evil smile and deranged face, she began approaching him with a playful stride. "There's no escape from your fate," she stated ominously with a creepy expression. "No matter where you go or hide," the maid told him while reaching forward, grabbing onto his shirt collar with one hand, pulling him towards her while raising the knife in preparation. "You'll end up dead either way," Yumi said with joy as she sliced his chest deeply, dropping him on the floor before stabbing his stomach multiple times.

He screamed in agony as blood spilled from his wounds and mouth. Continuous laughter escaped from her lips with her murderous eyes glowing bright red. "Help," the word came out softly from his mouth before the dying man coughed out, "he...lp." he couldn't finish his sentence as he coughed out more blood.

"Help me."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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