Chapter 13

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In the midst of the morning streets lies a bloody standstill between cops and masked robbers. A bank was targeted by the group of criminals, who were wearing masks and had guns in their possession. The robbery didn't go as planned, causing the HPD to ambush them from the outside just in time before they got the chance to leave.

While the police vehicles were blocking the roads from left to right, having numerous armed officers in their sight. Although it would have been a simple matter of a hostage situation, there was an unexpected addition that has complicated things.

Standing in the middle of the streets was a middle-aged man, a bald-headed cop with a black beard, and a handheld speaker, having tried everything to make them peacefully leave the hostages alone and have the criminals arrested without further conflict. But to no avail, the masked robbers weren't willing to comply with their demands.

That changed when a loud crash at their side suddenly made an entrance to the chaotic event, resulting in everyone staring at the source as smoke covered the spot while a familiar figure was seen going through the thick dust and emerging out of the wreckage.

All of the officers froze in their spots, their eyes widening at the person they were seeing as an athletic build, a young man with combed brown hair and a red headband, brown eyes, a white shirt, blue pants, and bandaged arms. white shirt with bandages and a red cape that seemingly billow around him—the mysterious man, the superhero, the symbol of justice, and the number one hero in Japan.

Akito Montashe.

"Its him!" One of the officers smiled from seeing the legendary hero and said, "It's the legendary superhero!" Another officer couldn't hide his excitement, causing every law enforcer to run to him with wide eyes and huge smiles, seeing the superhero of their own country, as comments were thrown around.

"Yeah, that's what we're talking about!"

"We're saved!"

"Justice has finally arrived!"

Akito could only let out a heroic pose, smiling at the whole crowd and saying, "hey guys!" He waved at them with friendly gesture, "I heard there's a bunch of robbers, so I'm here to help out," trying to sound tough while carrying his relaxed attitude, "mind if I assist?" The superhero asked.

"It would be an honor, sir!" One of the policemen said, while the rest cheered, their morale is now at an all-time high and the situation has turned for the better. They were determined to see this through to the end, as the attention was then shifted to the person holding the speaker.

"We're glad you just came in time, Akito," Kagume said, causing his fellow officers to look at him with sparkling eyes of hope. Clearly, the captain has respect for superheroes, especially someone like this young man who is known to have done a lot of good for people.

"Anything for the community!" Holding his raised, clenched fist over his chest, he said, "I will handle this," giving them assurance, "leave it to me," lowering his fist down while his cape appeared to flow in the air as he began to explain, "just make sure your men stand back safely," he said to the captain with seriousness in his voice.

Kagume nodded with a smile and said, "You heard him, men! Retreat to your posts!" Turning to his fellow officers with command in his voice, he then said, "We shall stay guard and stand back unless necessary while Mr. Akito here deals with the situation," putting down his hands on his sides as his subordinates saluted obediently, following his order without question.

"Alright, let me take it from here," a smirk formed on Akito's lips. "I won't let you down," he said in determination before heading straight forward the bank building, unbothered by the fact that these robbers are armed with the teeth. Having used hostage negotiation with this group to no avail, it appears he will have to deal with these guys by force.

"What's wrong with this kid...?"

A thug mumbles underneath his mask, confused about what is going on: "Why isn't he scared?" He's never seen someone this stupid before, unless this idiot thinks that they'll hesitate in opening fire on a teenager that is going straight up to their faces with bold confidence in his eyes, asking, "Is he suicidal or what?"

His friends turn their heads to each other before shrugging nonchalantly, "Who knows? Probably a superhero or something? Never heard of the guy," he muttered underneath his breath, "but one thing for sure, there's no way that guy is going to scare us by simply charging right in like that," pulling out a firearm with his buddies doing the same, "well, I suppose he deserves a nice bullet to the head."

Inside the bank, it was huge and spacious, designed for the comfort of its customers, with a line of chairs and tables along the walls, multiple teller counters, and security cameras above them. However, due to the hostage situation and armed robberies, the once calm and tranquil building became a complete chaos as hostages were forced to lay down on the ground by the group of masked criminals while the employees were in the corner, terrified for their lives.

Stepping through the main entrance, Akito stopped in his tracks, seeing these robbers visibly hiding behind a corner while others were in the open, aiming directly at him with their weapon ready to shoot on sight. "Come any closer, kid!" Thug threatens with confidence, "Or we're going to open fire between your eyes!" His threat was pointless because he had no clue who he was dealing with.

"Really?" A smile forming on his lips as arms were then crossed together, standing firm in a defensive position, "go ahead," challenging them, "shoot me, I dare you, as if a gun can kill me anyway," his sentence caused one of them to angrily reply back.

"You've got a lot of nerve, kid!" One of the thugs said with a rifle in his hand, "to come waltzing in front of us, completely unafraid by the firearms were carrying," he remarked, with the rest nodding in agreement, "and you know what we do with idiots like you?" Several of his buddies chuckled at that.

"Were going to have your brains blown off!"

Hell broke loose as they opened fire at him without mercy, and yet Akito nonchalantly stood at his spot. The hero's ears felt nothing but noise from the constant shooting coming from their firearms as bullets harmlessly made impact with his skin before falling to the ground.

Their eyes widened in shock after witnessing the sight of their adversary casually walking towards them without taking even a single scratch. While on the outside, the police officers cheered on, amazed at how their number one hero stood bravely against the enemy, waiting for him to retaliate back in glorious fashion.

"How is this possible?" A terrified robber said in shock at this display, "You can't be ordinary guy!" He cried out, "Our bullets aren't working!" They turned their heads and saw him coming right at them without breaking a sweat.

"Kill this bastard!"

They charged him head-on with fists ready, dropping their weapons while the few who were hiding behind a corner started to open fire at Akito; it didn't matter how many of these thugs there were. No bullet was making its mark while the rest began to jump into the air and attempt to slam fists onto him with furious yells, hoping to injure him even slightly.

Only to have the force of their kinetic energy instantly absorbed into his, physically making him stronger and more durable every time he gets hit. The hero started to punch back at them while restraining his increasing strength to avoid severally harming or killing them outright.

When Akito swung his bandaged fist, the sheer power behind it caused three robbers to fly backward in the air before being sent crashing against the wall of the bank, unable to get back up again as he moved to the next batch of enemies, enduring their pitiful strikes until eventually he grabbed one by the arm, flipping him over on his back before using his elbow to knock out another thug from his feet.

Turning to his side, sensing movement, he blocked two punches before counterattacking with an uppercut that sent one flying overhead and landing right beside him, completely knocked out, while the other struggled to get back up until a third one came from behind, swinging his blunt object at Akito's face in an attempt to stun him.

The blunt object immediately broke from impact, causing the robber to blink in surprise before a hard slap to his cheek sends him stumbling to the floor with his friends. Looking around, he saw more than twenty of these guys lying on the ground in daze and pain, with only a few remaining as they aimed their guns at him, intending to open fire.

However, they stop as they slowly realize that his clothes are completely fine with no signs of damage while he stares directly at them with confidence. Their confidence shattered after being defeated and easily outmatched by a mere guy who took them without much issue.

Dropping their weapons, they raised their arms up in the air, surrendering themselves before the immovable hero who came to save the day. "We surrender," they said in a defeated tone of voice as their defeat caused them to bitterly complain with low spirits of how this ended up in a humiliating manner.

Standing up straight with his own two feet, smiling Akito gave them thumbs up, "wise decision!" He said this in a cheery voice as the police then came rushing inside the bank, resulting in the remaining robbers being cuffed tightly to their hands after having been relieved of capturing the group of dangerous, armed individuals.

As the hostages got up from their ground, checking their loved ones to see if they were okay and unharmed, some of them proceeded to hug each other in relief of seeing the nightmare being put to an end, leaving a content hero standing in the middle of this mess, gazing over these people as a job well done, until the captain placed his hand over his shoulder.

"You did good job," Kagume commends the action with pride, patting on his shoulder with a joyous expression, "you definitely deserve this title of yours," giving him praise for his selfless act of bravery, "of being called a hero and symbol of justice," looking over to him with admiralty in his eyes, "although I may be just a regular police officer, I deeply believe in the symbolism and philosophy behind your actions and the meaning it brings towards others," stating the ideology and value it brings to society.

"It's my pleasure captain," Akito answered back before turning around as the man then retreated his hand from his shoulder. "Though I was a little late to the party, I was on my way and saw what was happening before making my appearance," he said, rubbing his own head in a sheepish manner, "I'm glad to know I made it before it was too late."

Kagume smiled once more before bowing his head politely, showing respect. "Don't worry about it, we got these guys covered," he reassured, "everything is under control thanks to you," reassuring the young man before deciding to continue, "so go home and get some rest, Akito," giving him permission, "you've earned it."

Smiling back with gratitude, but before he soon makes his leave, a little girl with a sleeved long white dress and admiration in her eyes came running towards him from behind, causing her to trip and fall down as she was about to get back up, only to be stopped as he turned around and walked up to the child, offering a kind smile along with his extended open hand to help her get up.

"You're that superhero, right?" She said happily, her eyes gleaming up at him, "Mister Akito!" Gasping in realization as the child pointed her index finger at him, "you're him!" With no hesitation, she took his bandaged hand firmly with her own, helping the girl to stand on her own two feet, seeing her happy expression, smiling directly right at him.

Gazing back in return, his eyes showed compassion and relief. "Is there something you need?" crouching down to eye level, keeping his distance and respectful of her space. Not wanting to appear intimidating or anything else, he then asked, "Are you lost?" Worried if this girl got separated from her parents in the chaos of the hostage situation, he offered his services by willingly to help her find the child's parents or guardian.

She suddenly embraced him, wrapping her small arms around her beloved hero who risked his life without second thought of his own safety. Tears were dripping down her cheeks as the little girl silently sobbed quietly while in the arms of Akito, "Your my hero..." Her innocent eyes of a child told the story of how she wished to be also superhero, "thank you for saving us from those bad people!"

Her words had struck a cord within him, making him almost tear up from this moment as he returned the embrace: "It's part of being a hero, little one. All I wanted in life is for everyone to live a long and fulfilling life without fear of being threatened," comforting her with the caring tone of his voice, "don't let anyone tell you otherwise, okay?"

Retreating from their hug, she smiled back with a nod, "Okay, Akito! When I grow up, I want to get superpowers like you!" The girl's sudden exclamation caused him to raise an eyebrow in confusion, making him stand up with a thoughtful expression.

"Ehhh..." rubbing his head again while finding the statement to be a bit odd but amusing nonetheless. "Is that so?" It appears the little girl wishes to be like him. "You know," a thoughtful look formed on his face before he smiled down at the would-be heroine, "it's not about having power or fame to become a superhero. When you do good things to others, that is what makes a person a real hero," he said, explaining his own personal views with kindness in his voice, "remember these words."

Advising the future potential heroin with a tender smile of appreciation, hoping to inspire the next generation, he continued saying, "don't feel jealous when someone has superpowers because you can also be a hero by simply being the best person you can ever be!" He pointed his thumb at himself and said, "Now smile and always believe in yourself! That is what being a superhero is all about!" Encouraging her with strong sense of optimism.

Tears stream down from her eyes. "I'm already one? Really?" Her lips began to quiver, and a burst of emotions swelled in her heart as her childhood dream came true—to be a superhero like him. "I'll ask my parents about this! Thank you, mister Akito!" She ran off to her mom and dad, having a nagging feeling that they were somehow behind all of this.

Laughing in delight, he waved at the girl one last time before looking back at the captain with a confident grin. Now that the situation was resolved, Kagume could only shake his head amusingly as some of the officers who had seen the scene couldn't help but laugh and smile at the heartfelt scene.

"You're a true hero," Kagume smiled at him, placing his hand on Akito's shoulder once again. "I would become one hell of proud father if I had son like yourself," he continued the conversation, "but why don't you go home already? It will be sunset before you realize it." He patted him on the back as the both of them laughed warmly to themselves.

"I'll do that, captain," he said, approaching the entrance where he entered earlier, "it was a great pleasure to see you guys," stopping in front of the exit with a bright expression, waving his back hand. Kagume then watches on with a satisfied expression before returning the gesture.

" Come to our building whenever you have the chance! Some of my boys want to get autographs from you for their kids!" His captain responded cheerfully, and some officers who were listening smiled upon hearing that, eager to meet their favorite superhero.

Wearing a confident smirk on his face, Akito turned to them, holding his fingers up against his forehead and saluting him like a soldier, "Sir, yes sir!" Humorously replying to the police captain's offer, causing the others to chuckle merrily while some let out laughter of happiness, feeling excited about meeting him once again someday in the near future.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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