Chapter 27

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Heading back home with his butler and maid at his side, the descending orange glow of sunset shined on their faces as the sounds of cars and crowds of pedestrians resounded throughout the air, some of whom walking by the commissioner gave him a look of appreciation while others simply gave him no acknowledgment at all.

Since defeating that supervillain, word about Carter has spread fast among the news media and Tokyo, where people see the young man as their hero and savior for having stopped the rampaging ice giant, in addition to being a billionaire philanthropist who is known to have improved the lives of many in all of Japan.

It isn't surprising for someone who has done much good for the public ever since his parents died, gaining many fans and popularity overall, that sometimes it can be overwhelming to him as his intention wasn't out of altruistic reasons but simply to honor his parents.

That is all he did, or rather, what he believes he has done all this time. Because at the end of the day, he is just being himself and making the best of what he has in his life, spending most of his time reading books, enjoying the life he has, and bringing justice to his city while doing all the little things to make others happy, so there is no need to fuss over much.

Finally arriving home, the first thing Carter did was head to the living room where the television is located, sitting down on the comfortable couch and grabbing a remote as he switched on the device, going into multiple channels before it landed on a boring show about some random soap opera about people or something, not interested in it at all.

On the other hand, Yumi and Sebastian moved to separate sections of the house, doing their things as servants of this mansion: cleaning, cooking, and doing chores while he listened to the opera playing on his television, calmly relaxed in this very room.

From one episode to another, hours flew by as dusk turned into night; the moon brightly shone above the sky outside of his home, and stars sparkled in the dark darkness of the sky while clouds moved through the horizon. Calming sounds of rain poured down on the outside grassy environment of his home.

Leaning back on his couch in a sitting position, his eyes open and closed, having to blink once in a while as the noise from the television lulled him to sleep, he lean on the couch as if his mind was on the verge of blacking out from boredom, exhaustion, and fatigue altogether.

He let out a long yawn, rubbing his eyes to fight the drowsiness when his vision became blurry; reaching out with his hand, trying to grab the remote to change channel with little success; trying to get up and stretch a bit before lying back on his comfortable seat; giving up on finding anything entertaining other than going to sleep.

"What should I do now, or is there something I should do at all?" Carter asked himself, pondering whatever activity he should participate in after spending days either staying indoors all the time or going out for shopping. Perhaps he should head to the basement of his own home and find something to do or invent to kill time.

One more day tomorrow, and then he's off to work, thankfully. But one day couldn't hurt, especially since he still needs to unwind from having sacrificed himself to help his beloved city deal with societal problems from the likes of corrupt politicians, mental illness, and other forms of issues that needed to be resolved by him as both commissioner and philanthropist.

Relaxation and indulgence are essential for everyone to perform in everyday life because they rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit, allowing one to refresh oneself after a hard day's worth of stress, angst, and struggle to do anything important.

Hence, it's important to just sleep right now and let the sweet release of darkness take him away, especially to soothe the mind. However, fate had other plans for the billionaire when Yumi appeared from nowhere, jumping over the couch and landing on his crouch, giggling happily at this opportunity. "You can't go to bed just yet! She declared this loudly.

His once drowsy and tired expression immediately went into a flustered red of embarrassment, feeling her clitoral area rub against him, much to the young man's shock. "G-get off me!" He said embarrassingly, trying to push her away, "Not now, Yumi, please; I'm tired," letting out a long exhale of frustration in dealing with his deranged servant's antics.

She then stood up, turning around with her cheeks pouting as she lowered her upper body down to him, her fists touching her own hips and face within inches of his, saying, "Don't be such a party pooper!" She accused him, stating her answer to him, "We can always cuddle together with one another while watching a movie; what do you say about that, Carter-sama?" Proposing the idea of having fun with one another.

Scratching the back of his head, exhausted from all of this, he said, "You want to have sex then?" Bluntly asking to make sure he heard the intention correctly, much to the girl's shock, she straightened herself up before taking a step back, red-faced at what he had just said.

Yumi taps her two index fingers at each other, lowering her head with embarrassment. "S-sex?" The maid muttered, suddenly getting red in the face, "I-I didn't say that, no way, what are you talking about, master?"It's not like I want to do anything like that or anything," she said, denying what she said as she gave him nervous laughter.

Carter chuckled for a moment, dismissing it with a wave of his hand: "Most does it at one point of their lives," stating the truth he learned in his previous life, "but to answer your question, it's the main reason how humans and animals alike reproduce to create offspring." The commissioner explained his view on sex.


Her shocked voice echoed through the halls of the living room, covering her face in utter horror as she blushed crimson red. "Is that how babies are made?" Panickedly glancing at him with worry, not understanding the concept of procreation at all.

Rolling his eyes with a slight smile, Carter placed his palm on his own face in annoyance and said, "You don't know where babies come from?" He asked her with a raised eyebrow, hoping that she was joking or not, It's really quite simple and straightforward; really, all it takes is just sperm to reach the egg before having a kid, but only when both parents are willing to have one."

Her jaw dropped to the floor as she struggled to find words: "So..." holding her bottom skirt firmly, "That is how sex works, right?" Trying to piece together what he was saying, looking straight at him with determination, "If that is the case, then I demand that you make love to me right here and right now, no questions asked!"

He almost choked from hearing this; his eyes widened at the sudden declaration, "Hold on a minute!" Bringing up his hands in show of defiance, "we can't just do this right away; isn't it a bit too early?" The billionaire argued, denying her request, much to her dismay.

"Besides, I'm not planning of bringing child into this dangerous world," Carter added, laying down the facts: "First, do you know what diseases can happen from having unprotected sex? Or how about having kids at our age? Do you want to ruin our lives just to satisfy our hormones? Self control is important lesson to prevent overpopulation and the consequences behind it," explaining the logical reasons for this: "Second, I definitely don't want to be responsible for creating a life," as he tried to talk her out of it.

The maid nodded with a frown, understanding the whole thing: "You do have a point..." accepting defeat at this point, having to drop the issue and forget all about it: "But what about when we get married?" She wondered aloud.

Carter looked at her for a moment and asked, "Married? I'm..." This is extremely sudden; he didn't expect that. "Look, if you're proposing to us of becoming husband and wife," he said in pause, "I do care about you," explaining himself properly, "but I don't feel like it's the right time to think all of this when we're still around our early twenties," finishing with a sigh as he observed her heartbroken expression.

Standing up from his seat, the young man then embraced her with a hug, comfortingly patting her back. "It's not like I hate the idea; it's just that marriage is just one big thing that we shouldn't rush or take lightly," he informed with a soft smile. "Marriage is something that will be a life-changing commitment for the rest of our lives; it shouldn't be taken lightly, and we should think about it long and hard." His words may sound cruel, but they hold truth to them.

Yumi sighed, tearfully smiling as she buried her face in his chest. "Okay, I understand," she said, nodding her head, "but I still love you nonetheless, because no matter what happens, you'll always be special in my heart, forever." Speaking with honesty as they parted ways from the embrace, gazing into each other's eyes, she said, "Even if you don't love me the way I do, I will still be by your side to support you," finishing her sentence.

He nodded, agreeing with her sentiment, "yeah..." A nostalgic smile also formed on his face from the fond childhood memories of her that entered his mind. "I guess that is true, in its own way," he responded with a chuckle, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Look, you're an amazing woman and friend to me, and I'll be forever grateful to you for everything." His words managed to make the maid smile happily.

Suddenly, she kissed him on the cheek, resulting in the commissioner blushing heavily at the bold move of hers: "Umm, I almost forgot something important!" The maid remembered something important she had forgotten to tell him: "Would you mind helping me with the preparation for dinner?" Her question caught him off guard, and he wondered if she was being serious or not.

A confused look emerged on his face. "Preparation for dinner?" Repeating what she said, trying to understand, "Isn't that your job to do as the maid of this house?" He inquired with a raised eyebrow.

Shaking her head with a smile of her own, she stared at him as her kind eyes gazed at him. It's not like that at all, see, I just want to spend time with you and—" Carter then cut her off, responding with an answer that pleased her greatly.

"Sure," he said without taking a beat, "I would love to cook again with you." His response made his servant ecstatic to hear him say that as she giggled and gave him a loving gaze before motioning for him to follow her.

They walked away from the couch, unintentionally leaving the television on as they made their way in the kitchen, where, on the spur of the moment, they saw Sebastian already preparing the dinner for everyone by himself, having expected them to arrive here without telling him beforehand, "pleased to see that you can make it here, master," greeted with pleasantries, "and miss Yumi," whose voice carried hints of nonchalance.

The pinkette pulled her tongue out at him, childishly showing a mean streak at him for having to ruin the moment between her and the master she served lovingly. It's a shame that she didn't check with the butler sooner before deciding on this plan of hers.

Waving back at his friend, "hey Sebastian," Carter said happily, thrilled to see one of his best friends since childhood. "We were planning to cook, but it seems plans have changed when you're already finishing up the food for us," he said cheerfully, casually approaching him.

"Wouldn't you two be disappointed to hear that I need some help finishing up my own preparations for this dinner I made for everyone?" The statement was as direct as it could get, with the duo looking at him like he had gone mad before Master Carter burst out with laughter.

"Yeah!" Thrilled by this, he proclaimed, "It's been a long time since all three of us cooked together as one," he proclaimed with pride, smirking happily as his maid joined in with a grunt of her own, "What about you, Yumi? Want to join us in finishing up dinner for tonight?" Looking at the pinkette with happiness over his face, awaiting her response.

Breathing long, she turned away from him with arms crossed, saying, "I don't know... She doesn't like the thought of being with Sebastian of all places; he's her rival, and she doesn't want to have anything to do with him in the first place. However, seeing her beloved being happy and content while having fun with this, she slowly calmed herself with an exhale, saying, "If that is what makes you happy, my love, so be it." This was the perfect answer for everyone in this situation.

As she said her words, Carter and Sebastian laughed wholeheartedly, their joyous noises resounding throughout the walls of this very kitchen. Afterwards, they went to cooking, picking the ingredients they needed for the delicious meal while being guided by the butler of the mansion on what they should do.

This is going to be good night...

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