Chapter 70

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The mighty Zeus, King of Olympus, and Sky-Father hovered above the destroyed streets with clouds of dust swirling beneath him while the stormy winds blew furiously through his white-maned hair. Despite looking menacing in his current state, the Lord of Lightning is not just some random deity with powers that rivals a single god himself; rather, he's one that rules above them all.

Hovering with his throne chair, seeing the ants around them as nothing more than corpses laid all over the place as if someone had dumped them like trash and left them there to rot—something that brings great satisfaction to him because this is just what they deserve after refusing to bow down to him or show respect, being blind to their own hubris.

How long has it been since he last visited the mortal realm? Was it centuries, eons, or perhaps much longer than that? It doesn't matter anymore because the corpses laid before him were comprised of mostly civilians, some armed and others not, being slain mercilessly when they refused to obey his words.

"Insolence of these mortals," his voice gravelly and serious, not showing any signs of sympathy for those below, "they dared to stand against me and refused to bend their knee despite the warnings of punishment to those who defy my authority." Eyes gleaming with rage while he clenched his fists tightly, shaking them uncontrollably in anger while gazing down upon his enemies below with absolute hate.

He had arrived in this foreign country from Olympus to be graced by these mortals and remembered by history for their devotion. None had the sacrifices, gifts, offerings, or prayers were ever shown.

They all ignored him the moment he showed up, like he was nothing but a nuisance for them to deal with, rather than worshiping him for his deeds, for being one who provides shelter to the weak and protects the innocent.

And now they have the audacity to ask for forgiveness for their insolence. That makes him furious because if they want forgiveness, then why didn't they ask in the first place? Is it because he demands unwavering loyalty to be rewarded, which seems like a reasonable request when one thinks about it, seeing as how his benevolence should be rewarded accordingly by his prowess and influence alone?

Several rains of bullets suddenly ricocheted from behind, causing further annoyance and rage as he turned to see six groups of identical soldiers with their noticeable visors glowing orange. "Who dares interrupt my judgment?" Demanding an explanation only to be continued shot by them as the projectiles harmlessly bounced off his durable skin.

Conventional weapons made by mortal hands are incapable of hurting a god, let alone killing one, without the use of magic. Zeus, however, cares little of this known information as he is insulted once again, fuming in anger when the barrage of gunfire continues, his temper becoming shorter with each passing second.

His eyes glow with a bright blue aura of electricity. "Foolish insects! You dare attack your God!" Roaring louder than the loudest of thunder, he projected a blue beam made of magic from his sight alone, hitting them immediately without having a chance to defend themselves, eviscerating them within an instant, completely turning them into ashes before they even realized what's happening.

Another satisfaction was seeing the infidels being turned into ash, being wiped out by his awesome power, and feeling ever more confident and proud of his own status as the king of all gods. The unstoppable ruler of Olympus, the wielder of lightning, the almighty lord who reigns above them all

Having shown them an example of why one should never disobey his rule, Zeus ascended upwards with his throne, seeing the entire city in ruins from his handiwork, smirking maliciously at what he has accomplished so far before taking notice of all the remaining humans near his area, fleeing in terror at sight of him hovering in the sky, laughing in triumphant glory while admiring himself in victory against those who oppose him.

"Glorious!" He declared with delight, spreading his arms wide open like wings while breathing in deeply, savoring the taste of fresh air in his lungs, relishing in being able to see his kingdom, being able to witness his own achievement, "Oh glorious indeed!" Crowing victoriously over his own accomplishments, watching these worms flee from his power

"Ever since without my presence, humanity is still one step back to rivaling the power of my family in Mount Olympus," chuckling arrogantly when thinking about his peers back in his homeland; his pride being fed with admiration of such words alone, "a pity it had to end like this," he expressed in feign sadness when seeing their desperation in surviving his wrath.

"Are you responsible for this?"

The voice of the young man alerted him, causing Zeus to look in, seeing no other than someone that he himself sees no interest in even acknowledging such a mongrel. "Answer me! Are you responsible for this madness!?"Akito seethed while pointing his index finger directly at the god of thunder.

At first, Zeus wanted to punish him just like any of the other fools that did exactly the same thing as those people did before, but this child does pique his interest a little bit from the way he dresses, hovering just below the ground and in distant proximity, in case this fool dared to try something funny.

"Who are you, child?" He demanded an answer from his boy, curious and somewhat interested in the young man: "Speak respectfully or else your tongue will be taken from that full mouth of yours," glaring threateningly at him, preparing himself if this child chose to attack him. "This is not a game, I warn you. Speak now, or die. There is no third option available at this moment," he ordered sternly with a firm tone.

Unlike the other mortals, Akito stood steadfast without fear or regret showing on his face at all, refusing to back down after seeing such destruction brought about by this arrogant god. "I asked you a question: Are you the one responsible for this? Answer it clearly!" Snapped the young man.

"I am," bluntly admitting his crimes openly, having no reason to deny them as he has full intention of punishing these mortals for being disrespectful to their rightful God and King. "What of it?" Smugly asking him while he awaits his reply, seeing that the boy doesn't show any signs of weapons that might pose a threat to him.

Clenching his fists, righteous anger showed on Akito's face, glaring daggers at the tyrannical god. "Why?! These people did nothing wrong!" Demanding an explanation, knowing full well that his words will fall on deaf ears but still needing to say something regardless.

Zeus sighed heavily. He can't believe that he has to explain himself to a child just to prove his own reasons: "Their actions alone and refusal to bend the knee show their own blatant disregard of my authority; this is punishment for them being insolent in disregarding a God's existence!" Explaining passionately to him as he gestured at the destruction around them, "This is justice for them committing this sacrilege; do you not agree boy?" Asking rhetorically at him.

Shaking his head vigorously in disapproval, he remained calm despite the strong urge to lash out at this tyrant: "There is no reason for their deaths," declaring resolutely to him, "And how could you call this justice?" motioning his arms around the destruction of the city, "This isn't justice; this is senseless murder and genocide!" Reprimanded the young man, visibly angry at the deity, "You speak of justice when this isn't what justice looks like!"

Scoffing mockingly, Zeus dismissively waved his hand, "Only the gods can decide what justice truly means; mere mortals have no place judging their betters when their actions have done nothing but show their incompetence in the eyes of others," condescendingly remarking him as he eyed the hero, "Besides, how can someone like you who lacks comprehension understand the nature of justice when I am one to begin with?" He sneered spiritedly at this notion.

The mortals have truly lost their way since his absence. It is disappointing to say this, but he must correct their error one way or another, by any means necessary, no matter how brutal or vicious it may sound, because at the end of the day, all of them must be guided back into his idea of order and peace once more.

"No, that's not how you do it," the young man protested adamantly. "Forcing others to follow your rule is not how it works, for everyone has their own principles and morals to abide by; as such, they can choose whatever path they desire as long as they do not interfere with others' actions, unless, of course, those choices will bring harm to those innocent," he countered back in his speech.

Then another voice entered the fray. "I would just fight him if I were you," Yasuke sarcastically spoke out from their right, standing over the rubble of the destroyed building as his katana's sheath rested in his grasp. "The guy won't listen to anyone other than himself anyways," he said, sighing at Akito for this pointless discussion that will go nowhere.

Unimpressed, Zeus rolled his eyes with disgust. "Another pest wanting to defy my authority, how amusing," he snarled, giving them both an indifferent glare. "I see that you both are challenging my might; it is not surprising since your kind refuses to learn their lesson, especially with children like you trying to stop what is inevitable for what's to come."

"What are you planning?" Akito took a step forward, his fists ready to fight. "If it involves murdering more lives or ruling them with fear, then I will stop you!" His words were filled with confidence, determination, and righteous fury.

Witnessing his opponent's spirit, Zeus cannot help but be impressed at the boy's courage to challenge him, knowing how outclassed the child is. "Hmm, bold answer for one who speaks false words," he commended his bravery. "However, if you want to die this badly," his eyes then glow blue with electrical sparks circling in them, "then I shall grant your wish gladly."

Faster than the boy could see, the mighty god projected a blue beam filled with powerful magic as it hit straight at his chest, expecting Akito to be completely obliterated by it, but to his surprise, the hero was only thrown away several meters in distance before landing hard on the ground, rolling over unconscious with his clothes still intact.

Shocked by what he witnessed, he couldn't help but comment on this turn of events: "Impossible; a mere blast of my infinity beams would completely obliterate a person's existence." The mighty Zeus looked over the unconscious boy, not sure what happened or what to do. "I wonder if the other one is as durable as he is."

He turned to where Yasuke was standing, only to see him gone as he looked around, seeing no one that resembled him other than a bunch of corpses, "hiding in the shadows like a coward, I see. A smart decision on your part," acknowledging this tactic to him in particular, "I will show you what it means to face against God like myself and live to tell the tale."

The sudden noise of glass breaking from his side immediately made Zeus react in alarm, turning to see no one much in his confusion and growing annoyance. "Perhaps it was—" Out of nowhere, a sharp orange blade was then embedded in his left shoulder, causing him to grit his teeth in pain.

"What treachery is this!?"

Yasuke, the black swordsman known by the crime underworld, had his unsheathed katana stabbed deeply in the shoulder, bleeding profusely from his wound. "I can see that you've gotten hurt by my blade; there's no need to act all tough and manly when you're losing a lot of blood, grumps," he teased tauntingly with a monotone voice, still gripping his sword's handle.

"You...." Veins appeared all over the angered Zeus for being hurt by a mere mortal for the first time in his life since the day he was bored, completely shocking and enraging him to the core, "impertinent insect!" He shouted furiously, his eyes glowing once again as he let out a beam just to pass through him.

"Afterimage!?" He exclaimed in bewilderment, having the black swordsman vanished in thin air if he was just an illusion all this time, leaving him dumbfounded and frustrated that his opponent is playing tricks on him, narrowing his eyes from this display of speed. "Fascinating," he mused curiously.

Turning his head forward, he saw his opponent standing near the unconscious boy while staring at him with barely any emotion showing other than seriousness written all over his face. "Is that all you can do? Shoot laser beams out of your eyes."Yasuke retorted, ridiculing him.

Having had enough of hearing these words, the deity growled ever more angrier at this level of disrespect being shown in front of him: "I will hang you in Tartarus by your innards for this filthy cur!" He thundered angrily, his hands flowing with electricity.

Then something unexpected happened; he couldn't lift his arm up much, much to his confusion. "What is this!" Yelling loudly from his immobility, looking at his own left arm from being paralyzed, "Is this your doing?" Turning to look at the smirking vigilante, which continued to angered him once more.

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