Chapter 46

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Exiting outside with them, Sebastian entered the back seat of their police vehicle recently parked outside of their home before fastening his seat belts and driving off into busy morning as the once bright sky rapidly shifted into grey clouds. A sign of an incoming storm that will befall them upon arrival of the destination.

With Koyoshi being the driver and turning on his emergency lights, steering wheel as he sped through red lights without much hesitation. Tires screeching and skidding against the pavement while heading towards their destination with urgency, all thanks to Sebastian and his assistance, which gave them a huge boost in getting their back.

Quickly turning on the police radio at the dashboard, Koyoshi leaned forward while speaking on it, "Attention all officers in the vicinity of the southwest district. This is Officer Koyoshi, I am calling in on a situation of a high importance and will need backup to support me along with Detective Namioka in taking care of it, requesting emergency assistance," he pressed down on the button as he waited for their response.

They patiently wait and listened; watching as the police scanner crackled with static, followed by garbled voice, "What seems to be the problem, Koyoshi?" They heard the dispatcher say, sounding slightly confused, "please describe the situation to me as clearly as possible and identify the type of situation. Do you need The Special Operation Division? If so, give us a code for it. Please reply if you hear me, over."

Taking the hand-held receiver from the console between him and Misa, Koyoshi picked it up and answered back, "code #902-1 at the northwest corner of the city at the swamp area where I'm currently heading, repeat, this is officer Koyoshi. There's a group of organized criminals holding Commissioner Carter as hostage and requires immediate help! Requesting immediate dispatch for this mission, over!"

There was a momentary silence from the other end, then came another burst of static noise, followed by a muffled, hurriedly spoken message, "We got it. We'll send as many units as your way, sir. Just stay safe and prepare yourself for anything."

Putting down the transmitter on its place, he began to focus his attention on the road once more as he continued driving straight forward, leaving everyone else to remain silent throughout their ride. It didn't take long before the sound of storm erupted behind them with booming thunder and powerful lightning bolts that crashed onto the ground and buildings from distance away.

Forcing him to slow down the vehicle as heavy rain began to pour, drenching their surroundings while obscuring visibility through foggy windshield as he stopped at red traffic light and sighed heavily. Trying his best in waiting patiently for it turn green; wishing that the rain would stop pouring out so that they can arrive safely.

Sebastian looked out of the window, seeing barely any cars or bystanders on the streets and roads as the heavy, thundering storm still continues its rampage. Luckily, there were no signs of accidents nor injuries yet, but it wasn't surprising since it would be safer if no one dared to be outside during such heavy weather conditions like these.

Knowing how much they are willingly to risk in saving Randolph Carter from whatever evil plans they have prepared in store for him, those concerns would be futile and unnecessary worries for them. Because nothing would stop them from rescuing their commissioner or accomplishing their objective to fulfill their duty, no matter the costs and consequences that await them.

He knew this very well because of what he saw in many of his visions was getting his master out alive albeit severally malnourished and psychology damaged beyond repair but alive nonetheless. Even if he weren't one who liked seeing people suffer or hurt, he couldn't deny the fact that he felt a strong animosity of those people responsible for harming his best friend.

Although, he wondered whether this outcome was predetermined or if there's still a chance of changing the future into a better one, he tried not to dwell on such thoughts for long; seeing no point in wondering about things that could change anyway. For now, he just needed to keep quiet and stay calm like he always does in making this future as accurate as possible.

The traffic light then turned green, allowing Koyoshi to accelerate back into highway and continue driving, ignoring the ongoing storm while paying full attention to the road ahead. Raindrops splashing against his windshield, leaving wipes all over it. Fortunately, it didn't obstruct his vision much.

Misa blankly stared at the road ahead, deep in thoughts of what else to do than being here. He is simply detective, not trained cop meant to deal with dangerous criminals like those ones. But he decided against saying anything as he already accepted the task that had been assigned to him and didn't want to disappoint his superiors by refusing them.

Wondering if there is anything else he can do or contribute other than just staying put and not acting rashly, he remembered that he needed to contemplate thoroughly about this mission. He needed to ensure that every preparation, every step, every choice that will lead up to their ultimate goal is done correctly and thoroughly; making sure there won't be any mistakes of solving his case.

His not someone that is worried about some philanthropist billionaire being held against his own will but bringing those responsible in justice and getting those two murderous teens into custody; he realized that he didn't care if that happened, or rather, he wouldn't allow it to happen, especially not to their commissioner. Not in this lifetime or any other lifetimes to come.

Its his duty as detective to punish the guilty and protect the innocent; a goal that he always strive to achieve, no matter the circumstances. He may not have much experience in his career, but he was determined to prove himself worthy of his position as one of top detectives in Japan.

As for Koyoshi, his mind was ringing with worrying thoughts in regards to his commissioner; the very man who he looked up as role model for their fellow comrades within their precinct. Despite how confident he may seem to the rest of the world, deep inside he was afraid that his superior may not return back alive; terrified that Carter may die because he failed to act fast enough.

However, having placed his trust into the butler's words; the blue clad officer allowed himself to relax somewhat. Seeing hope that their mission will succeed, however, the looming feeling of dread still looms over his conscience and his heart. Making his stomach churn uneasily at the possibility of his leader meeting such a horrible fate.

It has been more than week since Carter's disappearance and the officer wonders if these thugs did something to him while keeping him hidden in secret. In that moment of reprieve, Koyoshi began contemplating deeply on what they might have done to him.

"Sebastian," glancing at the rear mirror to see the back passenger, "what happened to him after we got Carter out of that place?" Questioning the butler while keeping his eyes locked on the road as he continued driving, "what did you see in those future of yours?"

The handsome butler almost immediately answered, "he was tortured," bluntly said while leaning back against his seat, closing his eyes, "they starved him, left him to rot in the white room torture," the latter of his sentence made the driver instinctively tighten his grip around the steering wheel.

Hearing his words, the detective grimaced inwardly; having idea of what torture Carter might have gone through while being taken captive, although he doubted that it was something as simple as beatings and waterboarding. No, it is much worse than that; perhaps fate worse than death as many call it to be.

Immediately stopping his vehicle in the middle of empty highway as his wheels slide against the wet concrete and slowly halt before switching gear back to neutral and brake, Koyoshi placed both hands on his head and screamed; the intense rage building up inside him reached its boiling point as he slammed his fists repeatedly against the car horn.

All the pent up emotions he kept bottled up in his chest, "tortured!? TORTURED!?" He cried out loud, still pressing on the honk while leaning forward, head resting on the steering wheel with tearful eyes, "how could anyone do such a thing!?" Angrily slamming his palms against the center of the steering wheel, making it vibrate intensely until he eventually calmed down after releasing his fury upon realizing that it won't do much good to express his anger,.

"Sorry, that was unprofessional of me. I lost control of myself and acted recklessly, please forgive me for that. Its just that, he's still our boss after all and deserves better treatment than this," sheepishly explained to them while keeping his eyes low on ground.

Misa simply raised a brow before nodding silently; accepting his apology for losing composure for a moment, "I can't blame you, any sane person would've reacted similarly to you if they found out that someone they cared dearly had suffered immensely like this," he uttered as he looked away, gazing at the outside of their car , "but regardless of what they did to him, we'll bring them in and have justice served to them tenfold. And most importantly, we'll get him back in one piece and treat him with utmost care afterwards. Isn't that right, Sebastian?" He glanced back at the rear of the vehicle to meet his crimson orbs staring back at him.

Sebastian briefly smiled, "that's right. Master Carter is strong man, he can survive anything as long as he believes it. And I truly believe in him as his friend, ally, and most loyal servant. So do not worry about him, we will get him out of that place alive and unharmed," he assured with a reassuring grin even though it pains him to say those things.

"Okay," Koyoshi breathed heavily and sighed in relief; feeling the heavy burden lifted off his shoulders knowing that the butler believes in their superior just as much as he does. It may not change the situation that much, but it certainly helped in calming his nerves, "what is this white room torture?" Curious about this topic despite how morbid it sounded.

Turning his gaze away, the butler narrowed his eyes with his smile almost gone, "the white room is a psychology torture meant to complete sensory deprivation by isolating them in cell painted with all white, sometimes making them also wear clothes matching the color while others, completely naked," his voice carried with firm resolution, "senses are constantly deprived for a certain period of time depending on the individual's endurance before they are exposed to the feeling of isolation again. The constant removal of stimuli increases anxiety levels, leading up to insanity or madness at worst. Leading to death of those who aren't suited for the mental strain or suffering from medical problems beforehand."

Hearing this answer, Koyoshi couldn't believe how anyone could be this cruel, "that is..." he trailed off; the words he wanted to say got stuck in his throat, "sounds...awful." The only words he manage to utter out due to being dumbstruck by the sheer evil of those monsters.

Misa agreed on that take as torture across the world are banned under all circumstances; with Japan banning them to exist altogether. Still, it is not uncommon under close doors that they would happen when someone ends up pissing off the wrong organization or government official, even criminals that have enough influence to commit those acts without consequences.

Sebastian sighed with nod, looking at the side window once again and for brief moment in this thundering stormy day, he saw glimpse of far away, familiar figure standing above rooftop of tall building; looking directly at him with bloodshot pink eyes burning brightly in the darkness, maliciously filled with stoic expression.

Yumi, a sight he never expected to see her in time like this as butler and maid stared at each other from far distant, although, the look of her expression was enough for him to understand she had already been watching them ever since he called them to their mansion.

And with this knowledge, she mysteriously disappeared from his sight after lighting strike hit the ground between them in safe distance. An act that signified their conflicting goals of saving their beloved Carter along with having their own reasons of dealing with those responsible in kidnapping him in the first place.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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