Chapter 79

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The metal doors slid open, allowing him to step out of the shaft as he saw everyone turning their heads to the person who brought them here: Randolph Carter, the famous billionaire who went above and beyond by being the philanthropist he is.

This gathering wasn't made for random people to gather in one place, but rather for a particular reason that involved an important subject that will change the world in itself. That is what he believes, and this is what he is going to do, for there is no guarantee of the future when he knows what kind of potential threat exists beyond his planet and galaxy.


Several of the surprised police officers, Misa, Koyoshi, and even the delighted Yumi, were gathered in the spacious lobby with perplexed expressions on their faces, seeing no other than the original standing at the center of their attention as they sat on their respective seats around the large table.

His maid sprinted towards him with open arms; her tearful smile appeared while she tightly embraced the man who brought her life happiness. "You really came!" She squealed in delight while enjoying the affectionate hug her master had returned to her.

Letting go of their embrace, he nodded with a smile on his face. "See, I am not lying when I said I would be back," he said, making her giggle before she stepped back, allowing her to bow in an apologetic manner. "I'm sorry for having to worry about you the whole time." Seeing the apologetic look on her maid's face, Carter patted her head, making her blush in the process.

"Hey, it's okay. Why don't we get the meeting started already?" Motioning for her to take a seat with the rest of the guests that have been patiently waiting, Yumi nodded and went back to where she was sitting, causing Carter to sigh tiredly before wiping his mouth with a sleeve from the cigar that he smoked awhile ago.

A sound of his throat being cleared drew his attention as he noticed one of his friends, Koyoshi, now standing from his seat, making his way through the crowd. "Where the hell were you?" He demanded with a scowl on his face; however, his concern and worry showed on his features.

"It's complicated and hard to explain in words that you can understand," he bluntly said to his acquaintance, making the young officer narrow his eyes in suspicion. "If it helps, I will tell you after we are done with what I have to say." Offering that as compensation, Koyoshi pursed his lips as he remained silent, still staring at him with his usual glare.


Together, the respected blue-clad officer returned to his seat while Carter sat on the chair reserved for him at the opposite end of the long table, glancing at the angry Karen who was tied to the chair with her mouth still taped shut. "Thanks for joining us today, everyone," started his speech as he adjusted his position, getting himself comfortable to be here with them.

"The reason why I have called you all is because of one asshole that was responsible for attacking not only our city but also the country in itself," seeing their relaxed and quiet expressions displayed on their faces except the idol.

Yumi was having trouble holding her excitement over seeing her beloved Carter back, restraining herself from going up to him, snuggling in his chest, and making him hers for eternity. Sebastian and the rest, however, are quietly having their own thoughts on this situation.

Wondering what the commissioner is going to reveal to them that can't be discussed through their phone or in private conversations, it must be very important to go limb to limb in getting everyone together if they are not busy with their own tasks and duties.

"Please keep in mind that what I'm going to tell you should never be spoken to anyone else except the very people in this room, because if word gets out," he narrowed with words striking in their minds, "people will start asking questions, and soon, mass hysteria will happen," earning murmurs of confusion from them except Karen, who is still trying to speak through her tape.

Misa Namioka raised his arm, wanting to know about the subject that Carter is speaking about. "So what is this important announcement?" He asked, giving the commissioner a serious and inquisitive gaze, "Is it related to what had transpired earlier?" Seeing the nods from the others as they awaited the answer from him, they wondered the same.

Breathing in, Carter eyed all of them and said, "Definitely, it is all linked to that event and everything that will happen from here on out." Leaning forward as the whole atmosphere grew intense, everyone held their breaths for the anticipation and dread they would learn from this revelation that may determine their fate in this conflict. "I spoke with Zeus, the person responsible for staging the invasion," everyone in the room gasped in shock. "I'm aware that all of you know have knowledge in regards to the Greek pantheon."

Herculean felt uncomfortable hearing this, already having a clue of what the man was about to say. "Their not all bad," she quietly murmured in response, for despite how most of her family are cruel and unjust, they are still her siblings and parents altogether.

Koyoshi took the opportunity to speak about it, saying, "That explains a lot." Seeing those invaders with their primitive weapons and armor that was made by hand in ancient times, there is no doubt in his mind that whoever they are, the weapons they possess are all low class. "I'm sure you have a plan for it."

Releasing a loud, exasperated sigh, "Yes, I do, and I made an offer with him," making them all gasp in horror and anger at what the commissioner had just said, "Listen, even when we can win against another war, they have gods on their side, and the addition of suffering many causalities is inevitable," he hoped for them to understand the difficult decision he made in their best interest.

The detective slammed his fist on the desk. "What did you agree on? What are we going to do? Sit and wait while you deal with all this by yourself?"Accused in anger, causing the situation to grew grim as everyone else starts conversing with each other in differing opinions.

Closing his eyes, he breathed through his nostrils before reopening his eyelids. "I gave them the schematics of cloning and inter-dimensional travel to other underdeveloped planets for the promise of leaving earth alone," he said, telling the truth in front of their eyes, not wanting to lie anymore, for he knew full well what kind of consequences would occur.

"Your insane to do something like that," the amazon disappointingly told him while shaking her head in dismay. Seeing the anger on her face made his heart sink. "Though you're perhaps the smartest man in here, even you cannot comprehend the amount of deaths this might cause in the long run," reasoning with him and on behalf of his allies, trying to persuade their leader in rethinking this awful decision.

Carter shook his head. "It is why I brought all of you here," revealing the main topic of discussion he has set up for this specific day, "because that madman might return whenever he decides to come and invade earth again." The mention of the name 'Zeus' has made everyone quiet down, focused their attention on their commissioner.

Akito decided to speak. "How could you do this?" His expression showed despair and disbelief at what he heard from the man: "There had to be another way than resorting to something this drastic; you can't honestly expect people to allow such madness to exist." He argued against the man, giving his own perspective on the matter.

However, Yasuke defended the commissioner, understanding the reason behind it: "it is a necessary sacrifice in order to protect this planet from the enemy," disagreeing with his partner's optimistic ideals in regards to the situation: "even I would have agreed to this compromise because our main priority is protecting our people; it is the greater good of mankind we all fought for."

In one quick motion, Akito stood up from his seat, glaring at his new friend in shock. "There is always a way to do things without putting everyone in danger!" He yelled out, his tone sounding offended in regards to Yasuke's attitude and logic: "For heaven's sake, every life is precious, especially innocent ones!"

Slapping his own palm on the table, Carter earned the others attention, "I know..." remorsefully muttering as his comrades listened, "What is done is done; and as much as I wanted to turn back time and change my choices, I can't, and what's most important is everyone's safety in their home," maintaining his calm demeanor and trying to convince the rest of them of his genuine intentions.

The two sat back on their seats, one unhappy with the situation and the other accepting, "Excuse me, but if I may have a say in this?" Sebastian politely raised his hand to ask for permission to speak, to which his master nodded in approval.

"Perhaps there is a way to do both sides of this situation?" Getting the attention of everyone else, including the billionaire himself, "what I meant to say is, instead of allowing them to colonize other planets that do not wish to be exploited and enslaved, I suggest forming a secret alliance with whatever alien culture wants to join our cause to bring peace across the universe from oppression and tyranny."

Remaining silent in his spot, Carter began to ponder the butler's idea for a moment before he slowly began to nod in agreement, "We can certainly try it," approving the suggestion, "it will help them to build up necessary defenses in fending off such threats as well as allow them to improve their culture and way of living as a whole," showing a faint of hope in their faces, smiling when they understood the meaning behind it.

The symbol of justice was satisfied in hearing that, "while I do not approve of you in making that deal, I still appreciate how you are willingly to give them a fighting chance in defending themselves and their world from any other invader who seeks to exploit them." Admitting it to the speaker, his bitter taste for the situation is still evident.

He nodded in response, "Thank you for having understanding in regards to my decision," expressing gratitude to his comrade for accepting his choice. After everyone settled down, Herculean raised her hand, wanting to add one more thing to her statement: "Do not misunderstand what I have to say, but the gods on Mount Olympus will see this as an act of betrayal if word goes out that you are helping the enemy." As much as she wants to help mankind in their endeavor, having a negative repercussion is another problem for them to deal with.

Taking the time to respond, Carter knew the situation could be disastrous if such an information is leaked out, "this is also the reason why I brought you all here," his eyes roamed at their individual gazes, "everyone here have special power and responsibility in doing the right thing," he said to them, catching them by surprise of the request, "and because of this, I propose making an team with incredible people that will stand more than group but actual superheroes that will defend humanity from harm, a symbol that can be seen all over the world and have people hope on it; heroes that will protect what matters to them most," emphasizing the last few words of his proposal, having his comrades consider what he had in mind.

"Superhero...?" Koyoshi muttered the words, a faint smile on his lips, "I like that idea, commissioner," raising his hand in high spirit, showing how keen he was on the concept that "it will not only boost people's morale and encourage them to do the right thing but also make criminals rethink their actions." He was delighted to see everyone in agreement with this, a sign of encouragement.

Everyone nodded their heads in unison. Carter smiled at them, pleased to see the acceptance of this concept. "I am glad to hear that from everyone," feeling glad and thankful for their cooperation in this. "Well then, with that being said, what name should we call our little group here?" Everyone glanced at each other in curiosity at this question.

Herculean grinned and slammed her mighty fists together. "The League of Justice!" She announced while imagining a logo of LJ imprinted on their flag and emblem, "I like it! We shall be the force of justice that will protect all innocents from evil villains seeking to threaten humanity's peace and security."A small tear glistened as her chest tightened in emotion, excited about the possible adventure ahead of them.

Seeing her enthusiasm for joining, Carter smiled and shook his head in amusement. "I don't think certain copyright holders will like that," he said, rejecting her suggestion, which caused the dejected young woman to slump her shoulders in disappointment.

Akito raised his hand, smiling like a kid as he tried to come up with a great one: "How about the New Defenders?" He proposed, much to the others' amusement. Carter laughed while rubbing his chin, considering it "not a bad name, but it doesn't seem fitting in comparison to other teams that existed in the past."

Yasuke raised his hand, having an interesting name he made: "Dark Savers?" He suggested to the group, making some cringe at the edgy of a somewhat sinister name.

"Reminds me of a video game I played when I was a kid," Akito commented, scratching the back of his head from wincing by the bizarre choice of names.

Karen wanted to speak, glancing at others in hopes of getting their attention, but to no avail, knowing that if they removed her tape, she would release a string of insults and unending curses to everyone around here, resulting in torturous punishment if she kept going at it.

Sebastian had an interesting one he would like to share with everyone: "Elite Seven sounds like a good name," offering a humble suggestion to the committee and receiving nods and smiles of approval.

"That actually sound nice," Yumi happily commented in praise of his suggestion.

"Actually," tapping his fingers on the holographic table to get their attention, "why don't we call ourselves The Republic of Heroes?" Carter mentioned with a content smile on his face, earning looks of doubt and acceptance, that "it has a nice ring to it and also represents us as a whole in terms of protecting the citizens and our country itself from dangers that will arrive in the near future, a symbol of unity that will exist when people see us," he proudly said as he crossed his arms, showing pride for the title.

One by one, they agreed, seeing the meaning and importance of it in their roles, the message it conveys, and what it will represent in the world that they live in. "Alright, The Republic of Heroes it is," everyone gave their thumbs up, some smiling while others chuckled, including their leader.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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