Chapter 5

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Arriving at the department, what stood before them was the tallest tower built within Tokyo, the HPD Headquarters. where the majority of the police force stationed their location, having all the information and technology needed to help keep the city safe from further harm. In addition, his office is located on the topmost floor of the skyscraper, as many employees are seen entering or exiting in front of them.

If they were on the moon, the sight of this world's massive structure could be seen from afar, making this the world's tallest human structure by far. "Wow," she couldn't help but stare at the sight before her eyes in complete awe, "this place is huge!" Yumi exclaimed in utter disbelief, having never came with him during his work before until now.

"Yeah," he agreed with a slight nod of his head, "it's impressive, isn't it?" Having read every book out there, including mastering every field of studies and skills when he was still a child, Carter is gifted with extraordinary knowledge and wisdom beyond compare. "With my help, the department was able to improve itself in many ways," he explained before walking towards the entrance.

"Really?" She asked in curiosity, unable to hide the excitement from her voice as she continued to cling onto his arm, "How?" The girl was always curious about her master's work and how he manages the police force to maintain peace throughout the country.

"Well," he began, taking a deep breath before exhaling. "I've managed to improve the department in many ways," Carter said, his tone calm and collected. "By providing them with advanced technologies and equipment needed to help keep the city safe from further harm," the young man answered after entering inside.

The interior of the tower is sleek and modern, with a touch of professionalism and efficiency. The walls are painted white, while the floors are polished to shine like diamonds. There are dozens of police officers walking around, each wearing their own blue uniform.

Some who saw him saluted or waved out of respect, while others greeted them with smiles on their faces. "Hello, commissioner," one of them said in a friendly tone before walking past him. "Good day to you too," another one greeted with a slight smile on his face.

Waving back at them with a smile as he and the maid traversed through the busy hallway, "it's good to see my men are doing their jobs well," he commented in slight amusement. "They're hard workers, and I'm glad they're doing their best in helping me keep this city safe," his voice was filled with pride.

Yumi, who still had her arms around his, couldn't help but smile at him while feeling proud of the master's accomplishments. "I'm so proud of you, master," she said in absolute delight. "You're such a hardworking man," the girl complimented with a slight blush on her face.

"You think so?" He asked with a slight chuckle, "I'm flattered by your kind words." The young man replied in amusement before they finally reached inside the elevator, pressing on the button leading towards his office on the topmost floor.

The doors closed shut as the elevator began to ascend upwards. "Yes, I do," Yumi replied with a nod of her head. "You're an amazing person, master." Her voice was filled with admiration and affection. "I love everything about you, and I couldn't be any happier than this."

Every time she praises him like that, Carter can't help in feeling embarrassed all the time. He's not used to being praised or complimented in a continuous manner that often causes him to feel bashful about himself. "Thank you," he said with sincere gratitude.

Noticing his embarrassment, she couldn't hide the amusement from her expression, finding her master's shy demeanor cute and adorable altogether. "Its not a problem, master," Yumi reassured him with a smile before the elevator stopped and finally arrived towards his destination.

They exited as Carter opened the door leading towards his supposed office. But instead of any ordinary local center, it was a wide and spacious laboratory, containing all sorts of equipment, machinery, and tools needed for research and development purposes. There were dozens of scientists working on their individual projects, while others are seen discussing with each other their findings or discoveries.

The atmosphere is calm and quiet as the scientists are diligently working on their research, not wanting to disturb others from their work. In addition, there are also security guards patrolling the lab to prevent any unauthorized personnel from entering or taking anything without permission.

In the center of the laboratory is a large computer screen displaying various data and information related to the recent case of murders and mutilations throughout Tokyo, investigating the recent string of murders and mutilations happening throughout the city.

"What's this?" Yumi couldn't help but ask in confusion, having never seen this place before as she continued to observe her surroundings in curiosity, "This isn't your office?" The maid stated the obvious while tilting her head to the side: "Where are we?"

Smirking from this notion, "This is my office, but," he paused for a moment as the young man took a deep breath before exhaling. "Not the one you're thinking of," Carter replied with a slight shrug of his shoulders. "Instead, this very room is a laboratory of mine that we're using to research our current case," he explained with a serious tone.

"Oh," she muttered with a slight nod of her head. "Okay," the girl couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by her previous question. "That makes sense," Yumi said, her voice confused and yet trying to put an innocent face on the matter.

"Anyway," he changed the subject, deciding to ignore the situation between them. "You should let me go of my arm; I need to talk to my men about our recent case," Carter said with a slight smile on his face. "You can explore the place if you want to," offering the suggestion in hopes of giving her a break for once. "It'll give you a chance to see how my job works."

"Of course!" She agreed without hesitation before letting his arm go. "I'll try not to bother you," Yumi said in a sweet tone. "And I'll try to stay out of your way," the girl added before walking away from him. "Enjoy your time with your fellow colleagues." She then waved back at him with a mirthful display.

Nodding with a smile, "Thanks, Yumi." With that, he left as she stayed on her spot, unmoving and frozen to the ground. She watched her master walk away from her as he disappeared within the crowds of scientists and guards, waiting for the moment when he would return to her.

Taking a deep breath, the young man walked through the lab, navigating through the crowds of scientists and guards as some greeted him with a friendly comment or remark. He headed towards where a door is located on his left.

Opening it, what stood before him was a large conference room with walls decorated with pictures and posters of previous cases solved and the history of the department's accomplishments. Large table in the center of the room with many chairs and a screen for presentations. The atmosphere is calm and quiet, as everyone is waiting for the commissioner to arrive.

There are a few of the cops already sitting in their respective chairs; one of them is the very person he placed his trust in: Koyoshi, his best comrade and partner, the one who was always by his side whenever things got tough. He's a hardworking individual, having been always loyal to his boss since the beginning of their careers.

Carter's comrade bolted from his chair before giving a salute, "Commissioner!" Koyoshi said in absolute delight, "It's nice to see you here again, sir!" The cop exclaimed with a smile on his face, feeling delighted to see their commander's presence.

"Likewise, Koyoshi Torobei," Carter replied with a slight chuckle as the rest of his men followed suit, saluting their superior with respect and admiration. They were all hardworking individuals, and he could count on them whenever he needed assistance with something.

"Alright, everyone," addressing the group with authority in his tone. "You can all relax," he instructed in a calm tone. "We need to focus on this meeting." His expression was serious, and his eyes showed nothing. But in getting this over with, "as you know, there has been a recent string of murders and mutilations throughout Tokyo," he began with a frown on his face.

The men sat down, listening to their boss with rapt attention. Some of them were nervous, while others were calm and collected as they tried to maintain their composure in this situation. They all had one common trait: the desire to protect their city and keep it safe from further harm.

Walking in front of them, he stopped before giving a loud sigh. "I've called this meeting because of the growing murders revolving around one person." The tone of his voice was sharp, and his expression was grim. "That's right," Carter stated in a serious manner. "We're dealing with a serial killer," the young man declared.

"Serial killer!?" One of them couldn't help but exclaim in utter disbelief, "Are you serious, sir?" Japan is considered the safest place on earth thanks to the influence of this billionaire, but a serial killer who committed many murders is rather uncommon or even rare to find; "we haven't had one in decades!" The cop exclaimed in bewilderment.

"I know," the young man acknowledged with a slight nod of his head, "and I'm afraid we can't afford to take chances." His eyes narrowed into slits as his expression turned to one of sternness. "The thing is, our current individual always leaves out her appearance and never leaves any evidence behind," he began. His tone was full of seriousness.

"What are you suggesting, commissioner?" Koyoshi asked with curiosity, "Do we have a clue as to who's the culprit behind these murders and mutilations?" His growing determination in stopping these crimes from further happening

"Unfortunately, no," Carter answered before taking a deep breath and exhaling. "We're lacking in finding any solid leads on this one," the young man frowned as he crossed his arms, "but I have something to show you, gentlemen." Walking to the nearby desk, he pulled out a remote from the cabinet before turning it on.

Resulting holographic projection to spawn in the middle of their table, revealing an image of their recent suspect, "this," he began, pointing at the image before continuing his explanation, "is our suspect's picture?" His tone was calm and his expression was serious. "The Killer Rabbit, as the survivors and witnesses called her."

A lone woman wearing a red cloak covering her entire body with a hood up as a bunny mask covered her face is what was shown in the hologram. "Killer Rabbit?" One of them couldn't help but ask in confusion, "That sounds ridiculous, sir," the man commented with a slight chuckle, "who would name themselves that?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow, "Not to be frank, but shouldn't she be more of a supervillain than a serial killer?"

Shaking his head in disappointment, "It doesn't matter who or what she is; this individual is responsible for the many murders and mutilations happening around the city," Carter stated with a stern tone. "We cannot afford to take any chances." His expression was serious, and his eyes showed nothing but resolve in stopping these crimes.

"Commissioner," Koyoshi stood up before placing his open palms on the table, turning his head in their boss's direction, "may we see the victims?" Requesting permission to see the gruesome images and pictures of these individuals.

"As you wish," with a press of the bottom, the images of the victims appeared in the middle of the table, showing the state of their brutalized corpses; their bodies were horribly mangled and mutilated. However, there are some that only slice around their bodies.

"This is..." A seemingly young cop with black hair and round glasses was disgusted by this sight, almost to the point that he wanted to puke his guts out. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, nor could he believe that such a person as this would commit such heinous acts against innocent lives.

Koyoshi was, however, outraged by this sight. More so, innocent children and the elderly were among the list. "This," the cop couldn't believe it; his voice was filled with pure hatred and rage. "This is unacceptable!" He slammed the table, causing the rest of his colleagues to turn their attention towards him in surprise. "Whoever this person is, I will not forgive them for their actions!" Declaring in righteous fury.

"I agree," Carter responded in a nonchalant tone, concerned of keeping his city safe and making his parents proud than caring about what happened to those unfortunate folks. "That is why I called this meeting after all." At first, he thought this serial killer would be caught without much issue, but he soon learned that it wasn't the case. "I tried to find her myself, but I'm afraid; she's always one step ahead of us," admitted his fault. "She knows where to hide, and she knows how to escape."

"Then, what should we do, sir?" The one with glasses asked in concern, "If we can't stop this killer, then what's our next move?" He was nervous and unsure of their current situation. "What if she strikes again?" A terrible thought crossed his mind: "We need to stop her before it's too late!"

Looking away for a moment, he turned back his focus on them. "I need one of you to call me when there is a recent murder that links to her," Carter ordered with a serious tone, "and when I arrive, I will investigate the area." His eyes showed his will to do his duty. "In addition, I need one of you to gather more information about her."

"Yes sir!"

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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