Chapter 50

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Locking themselves in another office room, Nomi and Sato sat on couch as they watched the panicked corrupt politician, frantically pacing around in this dim lit place; sweat drenching his body in cold shiver as fear was clearly present on his face of what is to come.

With his head down and fingers over his own temples, he can't believe that he had trusted them in actually believing they could succeeded this, let alone having them hold Randolph Carter longer than he thought they would. Perhaps the whole reason behind it was because they didn't expect anyone would be capable of finding their base of operations so soon.

The screams of gunfire and chaos echoed throughout the factory; the sounds of splashes and clanging of blades colliding in each other followed afterwards, accompanied by gruesome noise of people screeching in agony before silenced by no other than that crazed pink bitch.

"Its all your fucking fault!"

Turning to face the two teens, "this wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you two," glaring furiously at them, feeling anger rising up his veins while pointing a finger at them accusingly, "it's all your damn fault that this whole plan ended up being ruined like this, and because of it, I'm screwed now!"

If word gets out if they see him occupying with the likes of these lowlifes, his reputation will be damaged irreversibly. As much as he hated it, it seems like he's no choice but to accept this reality of his, after all, there is no way out of it for him. He just wishes he never signed up for this shit.

Displeased, Sato held his girlfriend's hand before answering with annoyed tone at the politician's blame, "we told you to just kill him than keeping him as prisoner, but you had to keep him to torture him out of personal vendetta. If you did that in the beginning, none of this would've happened," frowning disappointingly at him, "all this is because of you, not us."

Irritated, the politician gritted his teeth at this, wanting nothing more than to strangle both of them and have their corpses sold to the black market, "my life is fucking ruined!" James screamed at top of his lungs, livid at them for what he just witnessed earlier, "I'm never coming back to this, not after today, I swear to god I will never do this shit again!" He promised himself while slamming his fist against wall with bruising strength.

"Its to late to turn back," Nomi responded indifferently without even sparing glance at the man, not giving a care less about what happens to him anymore after all that has transpired between them, "you accepted this role regardless of knowing who I am and what I'm capable of, its to late for you to complain," adding with sinister smile as she glared directly to him.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, James straightened his tie as he regains composure from having to dealt with those two brats, "alright," narrowing his eyes at the young girl, "tell me, brat," approaching closer to them before towering over the two, "do you have a way of making all this mess goes away? Cause if you do, then spill it. Spill it!" Raising his voice at the end with growing impatience in his tone, wanting answers right now.

Having anticipated his question, Nomi responded with her answer in mind, "there is one way, but it'll require us to be working together," nodding slowly while squeezing her boyfriend's hand gently, "in order to escape this building, we the there of us to act together as team for this to work. Is that clear, mister James?" Stressing importance in her sentence, she emphasized every word to make sure he understands clearly.

Upon hearing this, his eyes widened in shock for a moment, stunned of her declaration, he quickly regained his composure shortly afterwards and sighed in defeat, "alright, fine. I'll play along with your games," reluctantly agreeing to their terms as he sat on nearby chair.

"I still can't believe we are getting our asses handed to ourselves by that deranged, maid of his," mentioning Carter's trusted servant and bodyguard who appeared like demon that came straight out from hell, "did you see she managed to kill them in the blink of eye?" Having witnessed through the monitors of her impressive use in various martial arts and use of many weapons she loots from her enemies.

Nomi's usual happy go face turned deadly serious after being reminded by his words, "she is simply mere human, nothing to worry about," informing him in calm, almost scary manner, "if she stands in our way, I will kill her without much trouble," claiming confidently as she gripped her lover's hand, "that pinkie bitch doesn't stand chance against someone like me," proudly stating her mysterious nature.

Sato wanted to believe her with all his heart, he knows that she isn't human to begin with after she revealed her true nature to him but having seen that intruder who single handedly managed to massacre so many of those thugs sent to stop them, it makes him think if she truly can defeat monster that easily.

However, James doubted the young girl's words like it's bullshit, "not a chance," he snarled, "that psycho is capable of tearing apart several people apart and kill them with ease. She also managed to took down a group of veterans that had twenty years of combat experience combined. Not to mention she moves so damn fast that we barely can keep up with her movements," describing the horrors he observed from the security footage.

Fear had begun to emerge from his being as he realizes how dangerous the situation had gotten, having being backed into corner, he has no way of escaping this predicament. He needs to get out of this place with his life attached.

Not only is his life and reputation was on the line, but so was his family. Despite being piece of shit, he still has wife and kids to raise them as lovingly father. And he intends to do exactly that when all this is over, never returning to this horrible place ever again.

But right now, the main problem is how in the world are they going to make it out of here alive after having encounter that crazy, psychopathic maid. Even with all the powerful thugs and guards on his side, there is no doubt in his mind that none of them can even

Noticing how troubled the politician was, she let of her lover's hand and stood up with tired sigh, "the longer we wait, the faster she and the police gets to us," telling him plainly before extending her hands outwards in offer, "so, shall we get going mister James?" Giving a suggestion as to whether they start their escape or not.

After a short moment of silence, he sighed heavily and grasped her hand firmly before pulling himself up from his sit. With determined glare, he spoke through gritted teeth, "looks like we got no choice, so I guess I'll have to cooperate with you two until the very end," making it clear he's only doing this in order to ensure he doesn't meet a gruesome demise from that lunatic in pink uniform.

Smiling from their newfound determination of escaping this mess, Sato to stood up before pulling out a handheld blaster of sorts that is seemingly modified in some way. Clicking the trigger multiple times, the machine gave off humming noises as a light emerged from the barrel.

The handheld blaster is a modified handgun that has been shaped into a box like device, with a metal structure to support its weight and a handle that can be held firmly by the user. The trigger is located on the underside of the barrel, allowing for easy firing from both the front and back. There is also a small screen on the side that shows the amount of ammunition left in the clip.

"What the hell is that?" James stared at the seemingly alien firearm being held by the boy, "where did you get that?" Asking in bewilderment towards this mysterious gadget, curious to know its origin or where it actually came from.

All he got was shrug, "found it from one of your shipments," he said before pointing it towards him, "let's try this bad boy out on you and see what happens," grinning like a madman as his finger tightened its grip over the trigger, "ready to experience its effects first hand?" Smirking smugly as he continues aiming the weapon at him.

Seeing such sudden action made James extremely nervous, raising his arms in surrendering gesture, "w-what are you doing?! I thought we were on the same team?!" Shouting at the teenager as he started trembling all over while backing away slowly, "We all agreed that we needed to stick together for this, right?!" But his pleas were left unheard as Sato walked towards him, placing the barrel at his forehead.

"Say goodnight."

James widen his eyes, feeling wet liquid dripping down from his crotch from seeing such horror from the boy before him, "wait, hold on! Just g-give me a sec..." His voice trembled while sweating profusely in cold sweat, seeing how this teen is going to shoot him right here and there.

What he didn't expect was the blaster being moved to the left, aiming towards a desk with computer before Sato finally pressed the trigger; releasing a blue circle-like beam at it and disintegrates the entire object from existence.

Confused, James slowly lowered his arms to see what happened and was left utterly dumbfounded with what he just saw. His eyes widened in complete disbelief from such a sight, "what... the... fuck...?" He couldn't find the words to describe how it happened.

Nomi on the other hand, placed her hand over her own mouth, laughing uncontrollably if she had saw the most hilarious thing in her life. Causing him to see her that way, it just makes it worse for him even more, "stop laughing, god dammit!"

Meanwhile, Sato laughed at how terrified he reacted, "just kidding," waving his hand as he lowered the other, "I was just messing around man," laughing heartily with his tongue sticking out, "well, it was funny while lasted, take it as comeback for putting the blame on us for your mistakes," giving his own piece of mind to him.

Red with fury, James growled with rage at them for embarrassing him in such shameful manner, "you little shits...!!" Wanting to lunge at them for making a fool out of him, "if it weren't for the situation we landed ourselves into, I would have send you brats to the torture chamber right now!!" Threateningly them with his clenched his fists as he bared his teeth at them.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Sato yawned as he waved his free hand dismissively, "can't we just focus on finding a way to escape before things than dealing with your pride and ego?" Glancing at him with uninterested stare, "honestly, it's quite boring to hear someone talk about their pride when they can't even do anything to prove it to anyone. All bark no bite, if you ask me."

As much as he hates to admit it, the brat was right, now is not the time to argue with him over his dignity; the most important thing right now is for all of them to figure out a way to escape the building. Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he inhaled and exhaled with eyes closed, "alright, alright, there is secret exit in the third basement we can use to head into the sewers and escape there," finally proposing an idea of his.

"Excellent," Nomi clapped her hands in delight, pleased of the sudden cooperation from their opponent, "now that's the spirit, mister James," complimenting his progress in their escape, "and after all this is over, I won't hold a grudge against you for what you tried to do to us or even the lives that have been taken because of it," smiling innocently as she gave thumbs up, "I give you my word on that."

Blinking blankly at the girl's words, James merely chuckled in response with hand scratching his cheek awkwardly, "ah, I see. Glad to know that you'll forget about our past matters when this is done and over with, good to know," he answered, feeling somewhat relieved to hear that she isn't angry about what he did to them earlier.

When the time comes, they will return back to their former lives like nothing had happened and continued being themselves. Wish fulfillment of returning to normalcy, if they can call it that when the three of them are essentially crooks working in different goals.

"What about you? Don't you also need weapon encase if we encounter them?" Sato asked James of weapon for their upcoming escape through the basement level, "come on, don't tell me you don't have gun or anything, cause if you don't, then that makes things real complicated for us here."

Shaking his head, he denied it, "sadly, no," stupid mistake if he must say, "I didn't had the time to even think of getting one in the first place," grimacing upon admitting his own lack of preparedness for this situation. Seeing how things went from bad to worst, Nomi hummed as she turns to her lover, "how about we gave him your gun, love? We have to give him something to defend himself otherwise, he's a goner," suggesting to lend their own weapon to the older man, "surely, he knows how to fire one, right?"

"What? No, how could I protect you Nomi?" He immediately declined while refusing to part away his weapon, "there is no way I'm giving up my only weapon to this idiot," refusing to lend his weapon to someone like corrupt politician that waste all his life doing shady business.

James quietly growled at this answer but nonetheless, he accepted it with a sigh, "alright, fine. Do whatever you want, I don't care," letting out another defeated sigh, "when we leave this room, please don't let that psycho bitch catch me. Otherwise, we're all doomed," explaining to the couple their grand escape.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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