Chapter 22

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Here stood one of his childhood friends back when he was living in the united states; Sebastian, the cyan short haired young man along with his strands of hair entirely covering his right eye and white suit as his neatly tie tucked underneath white vest.


Carter said in surprise, still astonished to see a person whom he hadn't seen since he moved back to Japan years ago with his parents, "you look different but I know when its someone I recognize," he remarked, surprised at seeing his friend again with relief while staring into his ocean irises.

The cyan haired butler placed one hand on his own stomach before proceeding to bow with his other arm grabbing Carter's hand as he gently kissed the top of it, "it certainly has been awhile since last saw you, Randolph Carter," he said with genuine tone while maintaining a charming aura around himself, "you seem quite busy recently."

"W-w-what are you doing?!" Carter shouted in embarrassment, retracting his hand hastily as his face became bright red from being kissed like that, "you don't need to—" He was quickly interrupted mid sentence by the sudden response.

"I'm here in behalf of your parents wishes," Sebastian told, his fixed graceful smile never wavering an inch, "and I'm glad to know your safe and sound," he said honestly, appearing to be happy to see Carter in good health, "you haven't change one bit."

"Mom and dad," Carter repeated quietly, he wasn't expecting this kind of visit at all, "they...they sent you to me? Why?" Asking confused about whole situation, "not that I mind seeing you again, just why all this?" Inquired with uncertainty lingering on his tongue.

Friendly laugh escaped his lips, "always so concerned about everyone else," he teased affectionately while giving off the impression of genuinely caring about Carter well-being, "I made a promise with them when I was child to protect you," Sebastian responded truthfully before holding out his arm invitingly, "perhaps a tour of my new residence is in order, wouldn't you agree?"

With his thoughts filled with numerous questions, he eventually nods accepting the proposal regardless of his doubts. Giving him a handshake, "glad to have you over, please come in," he motion him to come in with his other hand, gesturing him inside his house while trying not be rude towards him, "New servant in my humble abode," commenting under his breath as he shut the doors.

Sebastian chuckled softly, glancing around the house in amazement at how decorated beautifully and spacious, "a beautiful mansion indeed," he commented while admiring the place, "although, I never thought you would actually own something like this," complimented as he turns toward his friend who smiled appreciatively.

"Thank you," Carter thanked him gratefully for the kind gesture, "its just surprise to see you again like this, I mean; what happened to you in all this time?" Inquisitively asked while having curiosity of wanting to know what changes occurred during those past years that separated them both, "there's so much catching up to do..."

"Master Carter!" Yumi's voice suddenly called out loudly from distance, rushing hurriedly over towards the duo, "who is this man who stands before you? Has he come to harm you or cause trouble in our household?" She questioned sternly while eyeing suspiciously at newcomer, her sharp pink irises glared threateningly at him.

"Yumi, " he placed himself in front of his butler, "this is my childhood friend, Sebastian," trying to calm her nerves down to prevent any form of conflict between the house, "he isn't gonna hurt anyone, don't worry," reassuringly assured her.

Frowning in displeasure, she huffed while crossing arms, "Sebastian, right?" Her eyes narrowed dangerously behind her master, "what is your purpose here? Tell me!" The pinkette's tone was menacing as she spoke harshly towards stranger who intruded her territory unannounced.

Despite being hostile, he maintained calm composure and answered smoothly, looking straight the maid with her pink outfit, "my business here is solely to reunite with old friend that I haven't seen since long ago," he replied with beaming smile despite being threatened, "I'm going to stay here indefinitely as I await further orders from master Carter."

Her demeanor deepened harder, suspicion and distrust in seeing other than her and Carter in this home. She doesn't want anyone near her beloved, let alone having someone living in the same roof under them, "indefinite," Yumi echoed softly, glaring angrily at Sebastian, "unacceptable! Out of question!" She exclaimed furiously.

Sebastian raised a brow at her reaction, "is it not you who makes the decisions of who enters the premises or not? Do tell, how long will you deny the simple request when its his home to begin with?" He countered smoothly as her scowl darkened at those words.

"Why you..." she growled angrily at him while grinding her teeth only to have Carter blocked her from attacking him. "Calm yourself, Yumi." He commanded authoritatively if he was ordering police officers under his command, "there is no need for violence," Staring directly into her eyes that remained resolute and full conviction, "allow me explain myself," he demanded before taking step backwards.

Landing himself between them, "this is Sebastian, my butler and childhood friend," gesturing to his companion who nodded respectfully, "and Yumi is also my maid and childhood friend as well," introducing them both to each other while allowing them to analyze themselves thoroughly, "we grew up together in the united states and since he has came here all the way from that place, he has come here seeking shelter and job. Would you allow him to stay, Yumi?"

She tightly closed her fists, staring at the ground down with conflicted feelings running rampant throughout her mind. Seeing as she wouldn't speak, Carter reached for her shoulder reassuringly, causing her to look up at the man she loved, meeting his gaze, "please, do it for me as my friend?" He asked kindly, placing a hand on her cheek and brushing hair aside tenderly as she flushed red from such action.

"...Alright," reluctantly agreeing to it, much to the butler's amusement. Yumi silently nodded with reluctance and defeat, "he can stay," she declared as a frown formed upon her face while biting back angry retort, "however, should he even think of betraying us or hurting master Carter in any way; then he will pay dearly," promising that her threats aren't empty, scowling at the rather handsome young man dressed in white.

Giving out a charming laugh, Sebastian bowed in gratitude, "I appreciate that, I truly do," he expressed his honest thanks in gaining her permission of living in this place, "it makes things so much easier for everyone involved," he added, raising his head up while straightening posture, "would you care to show me around this place, master Carter?"

"Let me," Yumi interrupted him again, not wanting to have her beloved be with this suspicious person she doesn't trust fully, "after all, I know this house better than anyone else except for master Carter." She declared confidently, casting side glance at her rival of winning the affection of the man she cherishes more than anything in this world.

Feeling uncertain about this decision, he scratched his head for moment before sighing in acceptance, "okay, just make sure to not hurt him when I'm away," requested to his stubborn maid, making her snorted disdainfully at his words.

"Fine," she muttered spitefully in undertone, "just make sure to behave and do not try anything funny while master isn't around to witness such actions or else you'll regret it deeply," glaring daggers at this white haired butler, hoping to scare him into submission.

Instead, what she did was the complete opposite as he laughed once more from this threat, "I'll make sure not to anger you again then," Sebastian remarked amusingly while maintaining his charming personality intact, "if you'll excuse me," he politely addressed her with a small curtsy before moving aside, "the tour please, miss Yumi," he politely requested.

"Follow me," her glare intensified, stomping past him without wasting any seconds as she moved around the living room while forcing herself to be polite as possible. Glancing back at Carter who waved goodbye, she managed a smile at him and nodded back to acknowledge it.

First they went to the living room and then the kitchen after that, the two visited the laundry room located in this very floor close to the main bathroom. Afterward, they proceed upstairs; comprising long hallway with frames of art on the walls, window glasses to allow the outside light shine through them and carpet flooring extending beneath their feet as they continue their way forward.

Each door leads to different rooms: guest bedroom, a large and magnificent bathroom, the second floor balcony and a guest bedroom. Walking along the corridors, Yumi described each one in detail while the white haired young man listened attentively and curiously, asking questions only to have it ignored.

"May I see Carter's bedroom?" Politely asking, he hoped to have a chance to view his friend's most private areas without any hesitation in mind, "I'd like to know where to find him whenever necessary." Explaining himself patiently despite the growing irritation of this pink maid.

Annoyed at his presence, she simply refused to accept any other demands he might have, "master's room is forbidden," she stated firmly, "only I am allowed to tell you where he is located whenever you need him." She crossed her arms, staring straight into his visible pupils that shone brightly.

He hummed curiously with smile, playfully tapping index finger against lips. He contemplated her offer, "why not?" Challenging her words and authority, he found this intriguing and enjoyable of having sensed her frustration building up rapidly.

"Don't mock me," she snarled glaringly, swiftly grabbing his tie as their faces inches apart, "if you do so much as try anything against him or attempt escape from this place without being escorted; I will make you suffer tenfold worse than hell itself." Her promise wasn't empty, she meant every single word and if anything happens to Carter because of this man's actions, she will rip him apart piece by piece till nothing remains but a bloody mess of flesh, organs and bones scattered around in

"Your man's hottie."

He smirked devilishly from this, causing the once spiteful maid to be taken back by this answer as her entire face formed into mixture of surprise, shock and disgust at this proclamation coming from person whom share the same gender with Carter.

Lessening her grip from this sudden response, Sebastian casually took a step back with his charming smile still plastered on his face, amused and delighted in this turn of events, "that's alright if you do not wish to show me, miss Yumi," he reassured, shrugging slightly while flashing her another wink as if making fun of her by indirectly insinuating their relationship with each other.

Yumi could stand in shell shocked silence at those words spoken from him, "are you..." She isn't sure if this person has some romantic feelings to her master, let alone being guy of all places. It doesn't make sense unless his simply messing with her that is.

"Wait a minute—"

She was quickly ignored as Sebastian walked away to the opposite direction, "now if you don't mind, I will go see how Carter is doing," casually announcing himself without letting the girl finish her sentence, "let's see what he is doing without you by his side," he teased playfully over his shoulders.

"Hey!" She snapped, running after him, "don't get smart with me!" She warned dangerously while Sebastian hummed in amusement, smiling widely at having successfully frustrated her for his own benefit, "come back here right now!" Demanding forcefully only to be ignored once again.

His ears was plagued by the angry and spiteful threats of Yumi's insults with the only thing in his mind is seeing Carter again, his beautiful and attractive features, his alluring scent and those gorgeous brown eyes that stares intensely with utmost intensity that would be impossible to match.

There is no denying, his infatuated with him.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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