Chapter 73

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Zeus cannot believe what he just heard; even Yasuke, who is still barely conscious, shares the same sentiment of having to listen to a long, drawn-out speech from a random woman who does not know how to shut her mouth, making the two question how a person is capable of having this much arrogance and egotistical personality.

"Such hubris coming from women." The tyrannical god stared at her with contempt, his hand ready to smash her head like an egg with the least bit of effort, unable to even see her as a real threat. "You are only mortal, mortal. Especially a woman who shouldn't concern herself with matters beyond her capabilities to understand," he glared at her indifferently, almost uninterested in whether the girl was worth his time or not.

Karen doesn't flinch from this intimidating gaze of the tyrant, seeing him as nothing more than a mere pest that needs to be squashed by her own hands. "What the hell did you say to me?" Anger flashed before his eyes as veins appeared from his forehead; her response already irked his nerves to the core.

Without much restraint, she continued once again to speak about violating her privilege in a very long, dragged-out speech, annoying and further provoking the tyrant to get straight to the point of ending this woman's life.

"I have enough of your hubris!" Slamming his fists, his eyes glowed blue once again. "Insect," a cold voice resonated within the environment before projecting a beam of magic towards her, expecting the annoying girl to simply die right at her spot.

Instead, the projection immediately stopped when it reached two inches near her face; the power and energy of his attack were then completely reverted back to his direction, hitting straight at his own face like a boomerang that returned to its master, shocking Zeus by the sudden turn of events.


Ignoring the bewildering result of his own attack and wiping his eyes from the pain that left a mark on his face, Karen used this chance to take advantage of this distraction, pointing her index finger at him as the top of it rapidly manifested a mini black hole, shooting it towards his location at light speeds.

Before Zeus could do anything about it, the thrown projectile launched itself in his direction, much to his surprise, trapping the god within its endless vortex. His body is slowly being swallowed by the destructive force of the black hole while he yells incredulously about feeling something else than this.

Pain?! Him?! How is it possible that a mere human would be able to inflict pain on his being? Impossible; he never experienced pain before, especially coming from an ant that is supposed to be inferior and weaker than him. But his assumption was proven wrong. He looked at himself in his current state, trapped by the gravity force of this merciless attack, while also looking at this woman from the corner of his eyes.

She was folding her arms with a smug face, enraging the mighty Zeus of being humiliated in such a way. "You dare!" Shouting through the violent gravitational forces surrounding his body, he took a deep breath as his body emanated electricity from his eyes, creating a shockwave and thunderbolt of lightning.

"Impudent human! I shall have you grovel in your grave for your insolence!!"

With his eyes wide open, his body exploded in a powerful electromagnetic pulse, blinding Karen and anyone present around her for a few seconds, including the unconscious Akito in his spot.

As she slowly opened her eyes, her expression turned to annoyance and surprise at seeing him break from being violently consumed within a black hole that should've finished him off. "I'm surprised you managed to survive that, even if by a miracle," she said, raising an eyebrow or two, "this isn't going to end the way you expected." She narrowed her eyes with the intent of using her other abilities.

Lashing at him with all her might, Zeus screamed loudly when he felt his muscles twitched, sending the deity himself out of the floating throne as he was telekinetically tossed around in the air by the young woman, crashing into the concrete ground below with a loud thump that cracks the pavement, revealing the impact crater underneath him.

Flying up in the air, she casually floats in his direction with a smile plastered on her lips, witnessing him slowly stagger while trying to balance his body in the proper manner, coughing some blood out of his throat from the ruthless treatment he had received from this seemingly powerful mortal woman who dares to fight against a god.

Being removed from his beloved chair loses his ability to properly control the fates of others and himself, worrying the tyrant of his current status in this place; without it, he couldn't do much in ending the fight right away, which is a problem for him.

Standing up and wiping his bloody mouth with his back hand, he looked in her direction with a smirk that confused her about this change of attitude: "impressive, to be able to injure me in such a manner... quite rare to find such a woman as yourself in such an era as this." Impressed by the woman's potential, Zeus claps his hand to praise her for accomplishing a feat that no one has been able to achieve in centuries.

His words further increased the smugness on her face: "Well, duh? It is natural that someone of my caliber would be capable of this much," boasting her own massive ego from the compliment, "but I'm still going to kick your ass for what you have done," declaring her intentions when she glares daggers at his face, finding it necessary to avenge her followers and fans.

Shaking his head with a sigh, he proposed an offer that any mortal wouldn't reject coming from someone like him. "Be my wife," the elderly, mad god proclaimed his desire, confusing her with the request, "no woman would reject my—"

Laughter emitted from her, floating above him as she looked down with a mocking face. "You kidding, right? I am not into old farts, especially someone who is ant below me." Giggling with a wide smile, her answer immediately triggered Zeus, his pride becoming wounded by this insolent reply from this mortal.

"Do not tempt fate, insect!" He yelled angrily, "For daring to belittle me, you will face eternal suffering when I have my way with you," proclaiming his lustful plans to this woman with a wide grin of his own, wanting to tame her beauty like a trophy and making her submit to his whim.

He always gets what he wants because of his god, and there will be no exception for her. Even if she's going to resist, he will enjoy it even more from breaking her spirit until there's nothing left to save. He saw potential in this human but also deemed her unworthy of his attention.

She will be a great woman for him to play around with and not for anything else, though having offspring is not out of the question, but only after he broke her completely: "Submit or die! Your choice," he demanded in his usual tone, threatening her with electricity violently forming from his eyes.

Raising her right hand downwards, she formed a growing vortex on her open palm. "I'd rather be clean and have my dignity than go with old fart like you," she said bluntly to his face without care in the world of how he would respond to this, "and I'll show you why no one should mess with me!"

Seeing the incoming attack, Zeus returned his own by releasing an infinity beam towards it as the two clashed together; forces began to push each other, one trying to overpower the other, "insolent woman!" Shouting at the top of his lungs, he pushes his power to its limits as the beam grows even larger than its initial size, trying to overwhelm her own force of spiral projection in a purple hue.

Both struggled to win as neither one wanted to lose. The contest of strength continues when the winds begin to blow from their own clash; it wasn't until Karen exerted even more of her own energies, widening the vortex even more, forcing him to do the same.

They continue this dance, struggling as they bare their teeth, letting the intensity of their attacks do all the talking that is needed for them. However, the might of a god trumped the strength of a mortal; in the end, her force of vortex began to shrunk, decreasing in size, giving a satisfied and confident smirk to Zeus for finally defeating this pest.

Shocked by the thought of losing, he weakened his defense to the point that the attack was able to blast her away, knocking Karen a few meters from the air before dropping onto the ground, smashing through a broken pillar from behind and creating a huge dust cloud, burying the female idol underneath and injuring her severally.

Humiliated, hurt, and angry that she lost, "How...?" Coughing out blood, her eyes barely able to open from the injuries that had rendered her immobile, the battered woman can barely do anything other than curse her failure to lose to the very person responsible for her current condition in the first place.

She would have died from this impact, but her vanity and remaining power prevented it from happening, making her question to herself about where all of her strength, confidence, and glory are gone and failing to recognize her mistake of fighting against something beyond her comprehension.

Pleased to see this outcome, Zeus let out a grin of victory. "It seems as though the sisters of fate are still on my side," he said, walking towards her direction with anticipation. "Pity, but you would have been perfect bride for me; it would've been entertaining to see a wife like you obey me. However, I can use someone like you for other purposes." He wanted nothing else than to use her as a breeding slave for his monsters and soldiers alike.

Approaching the place her body was buried underneath, he grinned upon seeing the defeated woman. "You would make a fine addition to my collection, immortalized as a statue in my palace, pristine and flawless in every part of your body. And as much as I want to give you this fate, I still need you alive for my rule." Grabbing her neck, he raised her high in the air.

Gagging from his grip, he glared with a defiant look, refusing to be submissive to this tyrant that wanted her for his sick collection. "Ya... ghk! Can't.. brea...! Ahhhh...!! You bastard!!" Unable to struggle or breathe through this intense hold on her neck, Karen started to choke, slowly suffocating in his grip.

He wasn't going to kill, only knock out while giving some punishment for the thought of having to fight a god, let alone him in all places. Fitting for a woman like her who has little regard for thinking twice before crossing him, he must show her the consequences of disrespecting him—both the benefits and cost of angering thunder god. "It will be agonizing to see someone like you suffer from this agony," cruel words whispered through his tongue from this.

Karen didn't feel fear, just growing anger at losing her pride in this monster. "Bastard, I'll kill...!" She screamed when his hand was held tightly as strong electricity traveled throughout her whole body, experiencing excruciating pain and suffering that only he could bring through his power.

And yet she still persisted in trying to speak, "Will... make sure to ki...!" Her words were suddenly interrupted when the strength of the attack grew even further, increasing the intensity and level of voltage that hurt her and cutting through the nerve system with ease and without much restraint.

"Why can't you just keep that mouth of yours shut? It makes things even harder for us. For me, of course. Because, like it or not, you're mine now, the property of the all-mighty Zeus. But do not worry, my dear. For I will treat you like a queen, whether you like it or not," he laughed wickedly, taunting the enraged and desperate idol.

She refused to go into unconsciousness nor die in this spot, as her extreme self-importance is preventing her from being submissive and showing any signs of defeat, unwilling to yield to anyone, let alone a lowly tyrant like him, even if she is destined to fail in the process.

'N-No, not like this! Gotta get you...' She was on the verge of blacking out before unexpectedly placing her thumbs in his eyes, causing him to release his grip in pain as he fell backwards, holding his bleeding eyes and screaming from the immense pain he's currently receiving.


Zeus shouted from the painful contact. Momentarily blinded in the process, he quickly recovered himself with his superhuman durability and healing factor that prevents him from staying vulnerable for too long, slowly healing his sight, albeit slowly. "YOU DAMN WENCH!" Tears of blood kept dripping from his orbs.

Seeing this opportunity, she used all her power by increasing the impact of her fists to the max, punching him straight to the stomach with her full power, and throwing him a few meters away with the strength of an exploding supernova. The impact of this devastating strike causes him to crash into the pillars and walls while his body has caused huge damage at the impact of his crash landing, crushing his body beneath just as he did to her.

Wasting no time, she manifested a wormhole in front of her before stepping in, appearing next to the injured Zeus, who began standing up with his two own legs, holding his own innards that were coming from his ripped stomach, growling in anger for being this badly damaged.

Karen smirked at seeing this result. "You're not looking so good now, are you?" She said with a victorious tone, ready to finish him off, "I'll just kill you; letting you live is an insult to my existence and honor," glaring daggers at him with intense hatred of loathing him burns in her eyes.

Yet he refused to die at the hands of a mortal woman. "You speak the words of one who is still full of life," he replied back with a smirk of his own, even despite being critically injured. He knows that he can regenerate himself even from the most serious injury. "Unfortunately for you, you are fighting against a god; king among them, and you should have known your place!"

His eyes turned blue once again, more than ready to continue their battle. While Karen was unimpressed by his claim, she sighed, pointing her index finger at him, "Just shut up and die." Focusing her mental concentration, the mini black hole reappeared and began to swirl in maddening form.

Two powerful entities ready to engage in combat, their eyes focused on each other with the intention of killing each other. A god and a woman are facing one another in this match, one refusing to succumb to his whims while the other remaining as a conqueror in this world, one side wanting to preserve her dignity while the other seeks to maintain order.

Whirling, loud sounds came rushing down between them as Mace was crushed into the ground, making them step backwards from the sheer shockwave produced by the unexpected weapon. Their eyes averted from each other when they both glanced in the stranger's direction.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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