Chapter 10

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"I'll be calling off this day, Koyoshi," he says over his cellphone being held in his right ear as he paced around the bedroom, his footsteps echoing throughout the room. "I have to stay home today and get some rest; I'm not feeling well," Carter added, hoping his comrade wouldn't question him.

A moment of silence had passed before the other male spoke: "Are you sure, Commissioner?" He asked in slight concern, "The longer you wait, the more victims this monster will claim." His response was understandable; the threat of the recent string of murders is still fresh in their minds.

Sighing, he made his way to his bed, sitting on the edge. "I know," Carter replied calmly, "and I regret to say this, but I do need this rest. I hope you understand." Exhaustion was apparent on his face; he looked fatigued. "I will contact you if something comes up, alright?"

The officer was clearly dissatisfied with his answers but relented and acquiesced. "Very well then, goodnight, commissioner," he bid him farewell, hanging up his phone, leaving him alone in this quiet room as the sunlight pierced through the windows, creating a bright and warm atmosphere.

He remained seated and stared blankly in a fixed direction ahead of him, not moving at all, as if he were in a trance. He was too tired and just wanted to rest, yet his mind kept racing with thoughts he wished he wasn't thinking about.

Carter has to find a quick fix for relieving this stress; not only had he learned his childhood friend was a murderous psychopath, he also felt sick in his stomach at having to leave his men in the dark. It doesn't sit well with him at all. As a police commissioner, he is supposed to work for justice and protect the people working under him.

However, the overwhelming stress and lack of sleep he had last night were enough to tire him out, leaving him unable to afford the idea of facing his subordinates looking like wrecks because that would just add more problems for him that he didn't want to deal with.

An idea suddenly came up inside his head: "My cigars." Stating his thoughts out loud, he immediately searched into his pocket and pulled out a cigar from the pack. "Thank goodness," smiling in gratitude, the young man placed the stick between his lips and quickly ignited his lighter from the other pocket.

Taking a long drag from the cigar, he felt the familiar flavor of the tobacco fill his mouth and lungs, calming his nerves and elevating his mood before standing up. "Let's see the outside," he said, walking to a nearby window as Carter opened it, allowing the breeze to flow into the room.

A wave of fresh air hit his face, causing him to sigh deeply through his nose. The wind gently caressed his cheeks and hair; it was warm and refreshing, giving him a sense of serenity. "Good morning, Tokyo," he greeted, leaning his arms on the window sill while sticking his head out. "I have the day off," the young man chuckled, apologizing to the city he was supposed to protect.

Being a commissioner is hard enough as it is, but he is also a billionaire philanthropist, business owner, and researcher who has a lot on his plate. Which is the reason why he's overworking himself in order to balance his work life and personal life.

Don't get him wrong; Carter could simply quit and live in pure bliss, but he wouldn't want that. There is no point when conflict or problems aren't apparent in his life. He can't believe he's saying this, but the thrill of experiencing the worst and the best while being afraid of the paranormal at the same time is the main reason that inspires him to continue forward.

Without obstacles facing him, how could he find meaning in his life? That's the one thing that remains unchanged. He couldn't help but be grateful; he has a lot to be thankful for. Not everyone could achieve what he has.

Let alone be luckily born from very rich parents.

Continuing his smoke, he blinked his eyes before closing them, basking in the sunshine, the breeze, and the sounds of the city. All of it was beautiful, all of it was important, and all of it was his home. Even the long nights alone in his penthouse were enjoyable, giving him the perfect opportunity to reflect on his life, his decisions, and, lastly, the choices he has made.

"I won't lose another home," swearing himself at this proclamation, opening his eyes and raising his head to the sky, watching the clouds drift lazily above him, "I just need to be careful," he added in determination, taking a few puffs from his cigar before exhaling them into the air. "And as long as I'm careful, everything will be fine," he said, his expression darkening, "hopefully."

"You don't have to worry about that, master," her sudden voice from behind caught him off guard as he spun around in fright, "because Yumi will protect you!" She said this with a bright smile, completely kneeling on his bed with her legs stretched forward.

"Yumi?" He was shocked at never hearing her open the door or make a sound. Carter has really lost the ability to have his instincts protect him from impending danger. The price to pay after accepting that gift is, "How did you get in here?" Asking in surprise.

Teasingly placing her finger over her smile, she said, "That's a secret!" She tilted her head with eyes closed, appearing to be innocently cute; her face was flushed, sparkling with admiration. "The important thing is, I'm with you, and that's all that matters, right?"

Carter casually threw the cigar on the floor, looking down at it with deep contemplation before returning his attention back to her, saying, "Yeah, you're probably right, but..." He couldn't think of an answer as she clapped her hands together in cheery display.

"See!" Sounding triumphantly, she stretched her hands towards him with a beaming expression, saying, "I'm here, master! Just tell me what's on your mind, and I'll gladly fix any problem you will have!" Reassuring wholeheartedly.

Feeling hesitant at first, he glanced around the room with a conflicted expression and said, "Well...." Deciding to trust her, he went over and sat at the edge before being suddenly pulled down by the shoulders at her thighs, catching him off guard by this action. "Yumi? What are you doing?" He asked confusedly, "You don't need to—"

"Shhh," the girl hushed him sweetly while his head rested on her legs, caressing his hair in affection. "Tell me," she started in a soft, soothing voice, "what is troubling my master?" Her hands were warm, her touch was gentle and comforting, and he couldn't help but relax under her fingertips.

"I don't really feel like talking about it," he muttered in a whisper, letting out a sigh as his eyes darted away from hers. "I'm just really worried and tired of everything, you know?" Stating his problems honestly, he was being completely honest.

"Mhm," Yumi nods with understanding, rubbing his chest with her palm, waiting for his response, "it's okay, you can tell me." She gently rubbed his cheek with her thumb. He breathed deeply through his nostrils, trying to calm his nerves.

Closing his eyes, he dropped his head to the side, feeling a twinge of embarrassment at being physically close to someone like her. "Well, how do I put this?" Trying to find the right words, he paused for a moment and said, "I'm getting stressed again and... He trailed off, finding it hard to think straight.

"Please continue," she told him in a soft, reassuring voice. Encouraging him to continue, "don't be afraid; I will never betray your feelings or judge you, master." Yumi meant it; her words were sincere and true, to the point of helping him find the courage to say what he has in mind.

"Everything Yumi," Carter answered, finally finding the courage to speak, "life has not been easy," he admitted, "I sometimes wonder if there's a point to everything." He did not look at her; he was too caught up in his own world, "why do things happen the way they do? Why do bad things happen to the people I care about if I don't get involved in their lives?"

"What's the meaning of my life? What am I supposed to be? How can I be happy when so many people are suffering out there?" His eyes began to tear up from the flood of emotions. "I'm trying everything to make a perfect society where everyone can live in a better world, but," the young man couldn't hold it in any longer and began to sob, "it's so hard." His tears streamed down his cheeks.

He never showed his fragile side to anyone except himself or those he considered family until now. Carter has finally broken. He couldn't hold it back any longer. It was all too much for him—everything that had happened in his past and present to the point of breaking his own mind—he couldn't deal with it anymore.

"I don't know if I have the power to do this anymore," his voice broke, facing away in shame while covering his eyes with one hand. "I'm scared, I'm lonely, and I'm pathetic," Carter admitted shamefully. "I can't live up to my parents expectations! Everything I have ever done is fucking pointless," the young man cried. "Why does life have to be like this, Yumi?"

His crying turned into sobbing, and he wept miserably at his own bed. "Why is it that no matter how hard I try, no matter how many people I try to redeem and help, no matter how much I improve the system of the world around me, all of it is meaningless?" the young man desperately searched for an answer. "Why can't everyone get along?"

"Randolph Carter," stating his full as she raised her right hand up, "place your hand over mine, please," she calmly requested, looking down at him with a smile, causing him to not hesitate; he did not question her; he followed her. He trusted her; he trusted her so much that he felt this girl had some control over his own pitiful existence.

"Okay..." Carter said tiredly, sniffling his nose while placing his hand over hers, feeling their fingers intertwine perfectly together, "like this, Yumi?" He asked hopefully, wanting to hear what she was going to say next, "Why did you want me to place my hand over yours?" The young man inquired, "What are you trying to do?"

Her eyes were then closed, the warm smile still plastered on her face. "How do you feel when our hands are touching, master?" Yumi's voice was strangely monotone, curious yet calm and caring: "Does it make you feel secure, or does it make you feel safe?"

"Uh, yeah," Carter replied unsurely, "it makes me feel safe; it also makes me feel closer to you, like we have this special bond between each other." He couldn't quite explain it, but when he held her hand, he could almost hear his own heart pounding loudly in his chest, like he was holding onto her dear life. "It's strange; I can't describe what I'm feeling right now." His cheeks were burning.

"It's love master," she said with her smile widening as she opened her eyes to look at him. "It's the power of love." She whispered those words while cupping his hand. "The feelings you're experiencing right now are the most powerful force in the world; it's the connection you have with me." Yumi stated, sounding proud, "Love is the strongest, most powerful force in the world. Because if it wasn't for love, then there would be no point to any of this."

"Yumi..." Not understanding his own feelings anymore, he wanted to ask so many questions yet couldn't voice them out. "I-I...." He couldn't speak; he could only listen. It was overwhelming, but it wasn't a bad thing; it was something that he couldn't comprehend at the moment.

"Shh," she hushed him gently once more, "sleep master Carter," the pink-haired maid cooed, "you need rest." Her soothing voice echoed through his mind, resulting in his entire body to lessen from the tension, and he closed his eyes. "I will make sure no harm comes to you," she told him. "No harm will come to the master I love," she declared confidently, "because Yumi will keep the master she loved safe, no matter the cost."

"I will," she murmured in conviction; a single tear ran down her left cheek. "I will."

And in an instant, he was unconscious in his sleep, resting and breathing peacefully, appearing content with the world around him while their hands still remained intertwined together, giving him a pleasant dream of having someone to share his life with.

That's what this is, isn't it? They are bonded forever; the strong bond they have is proof that the gods have given them permission to be together. Couldn't help but accept that his life had become wonderful and beautiful, having more meaningful impact than ever because of this obsessive murderous, psychopath.

Life can be full of surprises.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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