Chapter 49

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The three lead a line of SAT units as they traverse through the morning swamp, weapons raised and at the ready as the growing silence between them begin to eat their nerves. However, despite being on high alert and having superior firepower on their side, none of them knew what was in store for them, nor did they understand just how prepared these criminals could be.

Despite being trained professionals, at the end of the day; they are still human beings as said before and one wrong move could result in domino effect of sorts, with everyone dying one after another because of mistakes that were made.

That's how dangerous their current situation truly is, with no knowledge on what lays ahead for them; it's akin to going into an unknown territory blindfolded and expected to survive against whatever lurks beneath the surface, or perhaps even worse.

Fortunately for them, it wasn't all too quiet; insects and birds chirped rhythmically in a constant melody, creating a rather relaxing atmosphere amongst them, calming them down in somewhat level. It reminded them that they are still alive and well, although that is only temporary as who knows what could happen next second, but nonetheless, they cherish these precious moments while it lasts.

The muddy water slows their movement slightly while trying to stay focused on their path, wanting to reach their destination as quick as possible and rescue Randolph Carter in process; not wanting to fail their mission and waste time on trivial matters, that is something which is not necessary under circumstances.

Walking through these murky waters is annoying to say the least as well, especially when trying not get dirty due to how unpleasant the smell can be. It reeks of earthy and damp odor which makes everyone feel disgusted at their surroundings; no matter how much they try ignoring it, it's still present nonetheless.

While this whole trekking through marshlands may seem pointless and monotonous; one mustn't forget that this is also part of their job, along with performing regular tasks which are assigned by doing dangerous missions like this.

It is why they are law enforcers after all, to serve and protect the public from all kinds of evil that roams in this world. This is exactly what makes them special from civilians and ordinary people, there is no such thing as boredom in their line of work when it comes to keeping people safe.

Within rows of the line, a twenty four years old named Ninsei with black hair, brown eyes and average height carrying AK 47, gazing forward with intent of doing his duty, "hey," whispering to the coworker in front of him, he paused when noticing him not responding, continuing onward like nothing ever happened. Then he whispered again, louder this time, "hey!" Yet still receiving no response whatsoever.

Frustrated, the person in front sighs deeply before responding in rather irritated state, "what?" He growled under his breath while shooting a glare back at him. "Does this place gives you the creeps?" Ninsei whispers back with soft tone in his voice, being nervous from all this unease that surrounds him; it's not like he can help it though.

Kobe felt annoyed of having to engaged a conversation with possible rookie, "you new here kid?" He muttered, rolling his eyes at him, taking a guess that he hasn't experienced much before since being a fresh graduate of the academy and all, "listen up rookie, if you want to succeed in this business; you've gotta learn to keep your cool and maintain your composure at all times," explaining calmly while keeping a stern expression on his face.

Ninsei frowned from being called rookie and kid, "I'm not rookie or kid," correcting the guy's assumption of him, "I graduated from training course a year ago and I've been working under this precinct ever since, so don't you go and assume things about me just because I haven't done enough tasks to prove myself to others yet."

He wanted to snort or snicker at this response, but knowing how troubling that would be; Kobe decided not to make a scene about it, "sorry, sorry, my bad," apologizing sarcastically as he continues walking while holding his weapon steady.


Raising his right arm with closed fist, Sebastian stops all members from advancing any further after taking a pause, having already seen what the future lies ahead of them if they continued onwards as he whispered to Misa and Koyoshi standing at his sides about the next plan of action.

Confusion emerged from the line of armed units, some begin to talk each other to pass the time while others remained silent for whatever reason. Among them, Ninsei whispers to Kobe, "what do you think is going to happened?"

Sadly for him, Kobe didn't even bother to respond nor give any indication that he heard his words, keeping his focus solely on the front in order to prevent potential distraction from occurring again. The last thing he needed right now was getting distracted while trying to accomplish the task given to him by higher ups, that would only prove disastrous for his capability of being SAT.

Sighing in defeated manner, Ninsei wonders if this whole rescue mission is nothing more than waste of time, lead by potential nutcase who shouldn't even be leading others to begin with, what do that blue clad officer see in this man anyways? Surely not anything worth admiring in his opinion.

Sebastian, Misa and Koyoshi suddenly dispersed from one another, moving towards the line of each SAT member as they quietly told them the next plan of actions by sending them to move at specific spots that is near in their group.

Ten SAT units moved and stood at their positions at each point of an octagon, forming shape like that of a diamond while each person waited patiently for their next of order, anticipating what was in store for them while the remaining twenty remained in their line, confused from this whole ordeal.

"What the hell is happening?" A fellow coworker commented in front of Kobe, wanting to know what they are supposed to do as this isn't going anywhere, "we have been walking in this place for fifteen minutes without even a word from them about what's going on or what we're going to do next, isn't that a little strange to you guys?"

No one really paid much attention to the person saying this except Ninsei who agreed this is becoming too odd and weird for their liking, wondering what the next steps of their leaders has in mind, hoping that this won't be anything big.

Another person tried to ease the tension by speaking, "look man, I don't know what's up with your attitude lately but calm the hell down, alright?" He reassures with soft voice in order to prevent conflict between them, "they have their reasons for all this and believe me, we should always thinks things through before deciding on his next actions. So chill out okay?"

Everyone kept silent, letting the words sink in their mind while looking around each other as if waiting for something to happened or atleast pass the time of how long this will take, unsure of when will this situation conclude and go back to being normal once more.

Seconds later, Sebastian slowly pulled out a handheld revolver from his pockets; causing curious looks from the rows of people in the like as he aimed upwards with smile of his face, composed and calm demeanor radiating from him despite having six-shooter in his possession.

All of them wondered what was going to occurred after seeing him pull out a weapon out of nowhere like that, making them raise their eyebrows in confusion at seeing this display before them, seeing the young man with cyan hair grinning happily with such childish enthusiasm like a child playing with toys for the first time; it makes them feel uneasy from watching this unfold.


In cue, the ten SAT armed units who are positioned in their spots fired at the directions of where they were told, resulting many screams from far away as they hear their bodies fell onto the water with loud splash from their hiding spots, resulting the remaining line of them to be surprised from this.

They can hear loud shouting from distance away, presumably from those who got caught in crossfire with weapons blasting everywhere with unmatched precision and accuracy; pinpointing every individual within their sights.

Blasting loudly throughout the area as the hail of gunfire flew into the air with frightening speed and force that caused nearly all the criminals to ran away from having being discovered at this early of the game, panic surging throughout their ranks as many bad men and women had simply left their comrades to die.

Ninsei then finally understood why Sebastian ordered the ten guys to form in octagon, the cyan butler had already know where these thugs have been hiding prior to arriving in the area, simply having the men moved in octagon formation to cover each other's back while targeting every corner for any potential ambushes, that's how they succeeded in eliminating their now failed attempt of ambush.

Everyone can see them now in distance away of them, fleeing from the forest of trees with few unlucky souls having succumbed to injuries as they fall back to the muddy water. Unable to carry themselves due to blood loss and intense pain afflicted upon their bodies; struggling to move further due their bones either broken or twisted, or at least fractured.

"Color me impressed, Sebastian," Koyoshi approached the handsome butler with sly smile, nodding approvingly while folding his arms, "with all the ways of having been aware of the incoming ambush beforehand, I actually one hundred percent believe your ability to see the future," finally admitting this fact to him which he has been torn this whole time.

Misa had also intervened, intrigued at his revelation, "so it must be true then," he spoke softly, glancing at him with interested eyes, "is that really how it works?" Impressed of able to see the future in such manner, wondering if he should invite him to join the HPD.

Sebastian responded in low tone with faint chuckle, "why, yes, of course," confirming to the two as he turned his head to look at the distance of fleeing criminals that escaped the battlefield, "although, that isn't all what I can see. The future has many outcomes depending on what choices we make, the same can be applied to the people around us," mysteriously added before facing them again, "but I believe such a thing is obvious to you two, right?"

They didn't know what he meant by saying that until realizing his implication behind those words, understanding of what he implied immediately as realization dawn on them. That's right, if Sebastian's power can see all the possibilities of their futures through thoughts alone, then he could've predict that those criminals would eventually become desperate and resorted to sneak attacks if their enemies don't proceed forth.

"Why don't you join us?" Koyoshi said with pat on his shoulder, "we need men like you to increase our chances of achieving success in whatever task given to us, so if you don't mind; we'd appreciate a helping hand in maintaining peace in Japan."

Agreeing at his words, Misa nodded along with agreement, "indeed, having you working alongside us would most certainly improve our efficiency of fighting against the injustice that plagues society," smiling softly at him while turning around, heading towards the scattered direction of many injured criminals who are currently lying in pain and bleeding profusely on the mud, "we should bring them back to interrogation center for further questioning, I'm certain they possess important information."

"Perhaps next time, but indeed we need to bring those injured in custody as soon possible," Sebastian replied with gentle tone, "I purpose bringing only six with us while everyone else take care of the rest and clean up here, does that sound reasonable to you two?" He suggested before asking once more if anyone has any objections.

The blue clad officer was confused and conflicted at this statement, "bring six?" He repeated the words again to himself before repeating it louder for the other to hear, "isn't that to low for us to deal with those criminals on the loose?" Frowning as he raises his eyebrow in concern, "you saw how many they are," counting with his fingers how many numbers of enemies in total, "I'd say bringing fourteen instead will suffice?"

Misa scoffed at this, shaking his head slowly without changing expression on his face, "there's nothing to worry about, Koyoshi," he replied dismissively, "Sebastian can see the future, there shouldn't be any issues that he can't solve with that ability of his."

He found himself speechless at those words, having no refute against that statement; thus, Koyoshi let it slide. After all, they had a point about his ability, Sebastian can see the future, so there isn't really a reason why he shouldn't trust him on that matter, right? "You got a point there, sorry," he apologized, "guess I'm just worried that something might go wrong if we take action right now."

Smiling understandingly, Sebastian patted his shoulder in return at comforting manner, "everything will be fine, Koyoshi," reassuring him in his utmost confidence, "I promise you that none of you are going to die under my watch," promising firmly as he gazed into his eyes with calm gaze, "rest assured, it'll all work out in the end. Trust me on this."

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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