Chapter 18

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Several police vehicles and ambulances finally arrived the scene as Koyoshi exited his car along with his men; entering the narrowed alleyway where they came across Yumi and blood soaked commissioner standing idly, still in daze of what just transpired.

"Carter?" Koyoshi called to him while the rest are investigating and picking up the bodies of their fallen comrades, "what happened here?" He asked, looking around to see a large amount of dead corpses scattered throughout the crime scene.

Blinking several times, Carter turned towards his old comrade with a blank, exhausted expression, "I told you to return to your posts," he responded as he glanced towards Yumi who stood beside him with troubled expression on her face, "leave, now. I have it under control," ordering firmly at the blue officer.

Koyoshi frowned at this, "commissioner, we heard call from someone in this neighborhood about disturbing noises coming near their home and we knew that something was wrong," explaining his situation, "we arrived here and found the bodies of our deceased colleagues murdered in cold blood," finishing his report of this tragedy.

The commissioner sighed tiredly, "fine, but there is also something else I need to show you," Carter said in hushed tone, gesturing him to follow him as they made their way in the narrow pathway until coming across corpse of Roza Inaba.

His eyes widen in surprise from the gruesome scene of this mangled form, "she looks...familiar," Koyoshi said uncertain, unable to remember where had seen this young woman with red bunny suit before, "who is it exactly? Do you know her?" He questioned curiously, looking towards Carter for an answer.

"Her name is Roza Inaba and she was the one responsible for all those murders," Carter revealed grimly, "she is The Killer Bunny or the Killer Rabbit...whatever the name was," mumbling the last words bitterly as he is getting fed back into confusion at this.

Koyoshi's mouth dropped, shocked at this discovery, turning towards Carter, "how is this possible?" Pointing at Roza's body, "how did you managed defeat her by yourself without any help?" He demanded to know the answer of this impossible task.

"I didn't kill her," he admitted with heavy breath, not feeling comfortable of taking life by his own hands, "she did," pointing out the cheery Yumi who was humming to herself happily, "my maid um...had to resort in self defense," truthfully, not wanting to reveal the whole situation of brutally murdering this woman in cold blood after having surrendered herself.

"Self defense?" Koyoshi asked suspiciously at Carter's story as his eyes traveled between Roza's dead body and then Yumi, "is that true?" He asked the girl, wanting to hear her testimony of what happened in this place as she only responded with innocent smile.

"Of course," nodding cheerily, "this woman tried to hurt my beloved master," she said before wrapping her hands around Carter's arm lovingly, "but then, she attacked me and that's when I acted accordingly," defending herself against any accusations.

Its a lie, both of them knew. But its the best for both Carter and Yumi as neither of them wanted to admit to the public of this crime. Carter was already in hot water for letting his men get slaughtered and the last thing he needed to add is having his childhood friend getting arrested by this.

Instead of furthering the troubling conversation, Koyoshi simply smiled in relief; "its finally over then," he said in happy tone, bowing respectfully at them, "its a shame that we couldn't bring this monster to justice," glancing at Roza's corpse, "but I'm glad that the victims she inflicted has been avenged for their suffering," sighing deeply with returning smile to Carter.

"I'm going to report to the rest that the killer had been dealt with by the great commissioner of Japan himself," He announced loudly, making sure everyone in the vicinity heard it, "they'll be very pleased to hear that the murderer who plagued our streets is gone forever." Everyone including the medics and forensics cheered with glee at this wonderful news, "and don't worry about the clean up and investigation," Koyoshi stated, "we will handle it from here, sir," saluting him proudly.

Despite his pride growing from this praise and adoration he received, the idea of lying to his comrades made him sick to his stomach. But it was necessary to keep this situation quiet otherwise, it would cause problems in the future if the truth comes out.

"Oh, uh, thanks," he said awkwardly, scratching his back neck with forced smile, "yeah, its a good thing she's gone," commenting casually, trying not to let his unease show on his face, "but, if its not much of a bother, may I return to my home and get some rest?" He requested politely, wanting to leave this place immediately.

"By all means, please take all the time you need to recover," Koyoshi insisted kindly, "go take the rest you deserve, commissioner Carter" saluting respectfully once again as he watches them take their leave, exiting out of the narrow path of the busy alleyway and then passed through the surroundings vehicles of this crime scene.

Carter began making his way down the street, dragging his feet heavily while Yumi happily hummed of what she had done with her arms still wrapped around his, not even noticing of how disturbed her master truly was from witnessing a crime being committed by someone he personally know and trusted.

How could she be so casual of taking life by hand and then smiling about it? Does she even have a single drop of remorse? Of sympathy for what she did? Or does she not care whatsoever as long as its all for her selfish desires? But to be frank, Roza did got what she deserved but it still doesn't sit him well at all.

His parents wouldn't want him like this, he promised them to become good man and live up their expectations by being successful police commissioner of Japan. He still remembers of what his parents said to him when he was child.

'Always try your very best and keep moving forward no matter how difficult life gets.'

Traversing through the still empty streets as police vehicles and emergency workers were busy dealing with the dead bodies in that cramped up, narrow pathway. Carter was trying to clear his mind and focus solely on getting him and Yumi back safely to his home without anyone noticing their presence.

They wanted him to be not only good man but help the needy and rehabilitating criminals rather than punish them as they were. He wasn't entirely sure why he choose to do things that he believed in because of those words his parents told him.

Was it because of the guilt of what he did in his past life that is why he seeks to be different person from who he was? Perhaps his simply have foolish heart in trying to make amends for past sins he committed. Whatever the case is, he felt ashamed of himself in not bringing her to justice and lying at his men.

"Master?" A soft, delicate voice brought him back to reality, realizing that Yumi was looking up towards him with concern etched across her delicate features, "are you okay?" She asked worriedly, pressing her chest against his arm for comfort as they walked through these cold, silent streets.

Sighing deeply, he rubbed his temples briefly, turning his head towards his trusted companion, "you killed her," he said bluntly without wasting any words, "why?" He asked with slight glare directed at her, trying to figure out what is going through his maid's mind, "I thought I told you before in using your talents in incapacitating them instead of outright killing them?" Carter said as he stopped in tracks.

He faced her head on, gazing at her sternly with an angry glint sparking inside his eyes which seemed harden into ice cubes within seconds, "that was not the right way to handle this situation," he reprimanded while his gaze hardened, "what we did here wasn't justice but retribution."

His life wasn't endangered anymore and she has already surrendered herself to the authorities. While the concept of justice has different meaning for most people and cultures, the result of such thing should be something that's far more palatable than this.

"But she kissed you!" Yumi protested defiantly, tightening her grip around his arm, "she stole you from me and that is unforgivable," arguing back passionately, "that woman has to die because I don't want her touching what's mine," hissing with possessiveness lacing in her voice.

That statement alone caused him to shudder as he understood the implication behind her words but nonetheless released a frustrated sigh in response. Shaking his head slowly in disappointment, " if we have caught her alive and handed her over to the authorities," Carter countered calmly in pause, "we would not only show how we are better than these criminals but also to give them reforming them of giving the worst punishment—Guilt," the last word caused confusion from the maid as he continued.

"When someone is punished for what they done, not only are they stripped from their freedom and rights but they are also tormented in their own guilt of what they did after realizing what they have become," he explained to his childhood friend, "temporarily losing their freedom and the feeling of guilt eating their soul is fate worse than death as it affects them in whole different level," clarifying himself in this subject matter.

"These people may have problems and need guidance of what is right or wrong and that is what I'm doing: Reform criminals to become better person," he spoke softly, staring at Yumi with tranquility, "it may seem sound childish at first but in the end, everyone has potential of change if they truly seek it," showing compassion towards those who have suffered injustice or pain by itself.

Letting go of her arm, she tapped her chin with her finger while trying to process everything he just said to her, "what if they refuse to change?" She inquired with curiosity, wanting to know if there is some loophole to this conversation they are having.

"Then, we will try everything from programs to therapy. If it doesn't work then the death penalty is the only option for these individuals," he answered truthfully with hint of sorrow, "its better than locking them forever like some caged animal," revealing this fact, making the maid frown slightly at this.

She shifted her eyes towards him, seeing the regret written in his expression, "but, you never were interested in these sort of things, master," reminding of the past in their childhood together as children, "so, why is it that you do what you do?" She asked hesitantly, thinking whether he would reveal this to her or not.

Shrugging with exhausted display, "I don't know anymore, Yumi. I'm just living up my parent's expectations, okay?" Answering with honesty before releasing a deep breath of exhaustion, "just forget about what I just said," he mumbled tiredly as he gestured towards the direction of their home.

"Master wait!" Running to his side, she grabbed a hold of his arm tightly and stared into his eyes, "would you...throw me to jail if I was criminal?" Her voice trembled with fear from uncertainty as tears welled up within them.

Carter gazed at her sadly before pulling away from her grasp, looking down at his own two feet for moment; thinking in whether to keep lying to her or reveal what he's been keeping inside him for long. The question is whether if revealing what he's been hiding would make her happier or will she hate him for hiding it until now.

"No..." Saying aloud, taking the risk, he raised his head to meet her gaze directly, "even if you were, I wouldn't want to send you away..." His words trailed off momentarily, swallowing hard, "because you are very special to me despite how..." how to put it without sounding harsh or offensive, perhaps by stating, "unhinged you are as in the end of the day, you were still the one person who stood by my side since we were kids," smiling sincerely towards his dear friend.

Yumi stared at him with astonished look on face, unable to comprehend what just transpired before her eyes until something warm trickled down onto her cheeks followed by a rush of emotions that made her eyes grow watery. Tears ran down her face, dropping onto the floor like tiny raindrops; her heart began beating wildly, pounding against her chest.

Then she finally broke down; collapsing onto ground on both knees while sobbing quietly with one hand over mouth. Carter immediately knelt down and embraced her close to his chest, rubbing gently as he allowed her to cry silently without saying anything else, "It's alright, it's alright," he whispered soothingly while patting the top of her head repeatedly.

After some time of embracing one another, "thank you, thank you," she muttered with heavy breathing as the girl pulled back and wiped the remaining tears from her face, "you always know what to say to make me feel better, master Carter," her lips curved upwards into a grateful smile, "please continue to stay with me no matter what happens, okay?"

Smiling back at her, he nodded in understanding, "sure, let's  uh, just go home now," he suggested, standing up and holding out his hand for her to grab and lift up from the ground as she took it without hesitation, pulling herself onto her legs while sniffling, "come on, Yumi," he guided her forward with tender smile on his face.

Their fingers intertwined as the pair strolled down the lonely sidewalk hand in hand, heading straight for their destination ahead of them; their home. It felt odd, to walk along the sidewalks like this while holding onto each other's palms.

He truly felt his not alone, feeling content with she being by his side. Sure, her craziness might scare him occasionally but nonetheless, she's still that special someone and she proved how much he meant to her when she saved him from time to time.

"When we get home master," Yumi started off shyly as her face reddened into crimson, "do you mind me sharing about my past with you?" Her words sounded timid as she struggled to speak properly at this point because of her nerves getting in the way, "if its not too much trouble of course," she added hastily afterward.

Glancing at the side, he spotted the cute, innocent look on her face and answered back with curious look, "yeah, okay," saying after brief consideration, "as long as its not that embarrassing stuff of me throwing mud on your face when we were little brats, then I don't mind at all," teasingly said with a chuckle just to light up the mood between them.

Steam exited her ears from this sudden confession as she squeaked in embarrassment while blushing brightly in deep scarlet color, "wait, that really did happen?!" She exclaimed, recalling memories of it happening to her, "and here I thought that I dreamt all of it after falling asleep back then," shaking her head in denial.

Giving her a cocky grin, "nope, its real alright," he replied smugly, making her groan in annoyance, "I remember how grossed you are when you thought I thrown poop on your face," chuckling at this fond memory of him humiliating the poor girl when his parents was still alive.

"Ugh, you're such meanie master," pouting while stomping her foot on ground with a huff, "don't remind me about that, please. My reputation as your beloved servant is at stake here," she whined jokingly while grumbling underneath her breath.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.
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