Chapter 46

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"I'm sorry about that," Cain apologized once more, standing beside Vesh behind the counter as the confused siblings nodded silently after the incident they took part in. "Adam must be having a rough day." His voice is rather low and deep but also has some tone of gentleness as well, expressing regret and the same emotion they are having.

Bloom, the woman wearing a red dress, bowed with her hands folded together. "I should be the one apologizing here," she said, looking up to the man. "Me and my sister should have known better than to get into our customers spaces without acknowledging first." She lowered her head in shame while her sister joined her as well.

"Please don't accuse me of anything!" Bella said worriedly, not wanting any problems to arise from them, "My sister was just an idiot." The latter of being called an idiot didn't sit well with Bloom, causing her to give her a look that speaks of the argument between them: "So if anyone should be at fault here, it's her."

"Huh?! What is that supposed to mean?" Bloom didn't like the sound of being called an idiot and is already beginning to argue with her sister again: "What makes you think I'm at fault here?" She reasoned, finding the whole situation between them rather upsetting than amusing, with the exception of the blue alien standing in front of them over their counter.

Vesh watched as the two bicker, wondering how it came to this point. Although finding two dumb primitives accusing each other of their fault is rather entertaining, this display made him smile. Not to mention, seeing them like this shows how much his own race has grown to adapt and become civilized in their world full of reason and logic, unlike what his kind does, where they see the rest around them with negligence.

He pities them to some extent, finding their lack of social etiquette amusing yet pathetic, as well as ironic that humans like to consider themselves above other creatures. Nonetheless, he wonders if he should simply interrupt them and finish his payment or watch this circus go on for a bit longer.

It's not every time he could see humans fighting among themselves; the last time he did was when his ancestors were still observing planet Earth while humanity grew from the Stone Age to the Modern Era.

To his knowledge, that was many centuries ago, and he only saw how much humans evolved to this point, including having advanced civilizations all across the globe. It was interesting to see such progress and the will to survive after destroying their beautiful world.

Just seeing these made him feel a lot better about his situation, knowing that his homeworld isn't problematic and confrontational of the problems they shared, instead discussing them like civilized aristocrats, ready to understand their differing opinions without trying to make someone wrong for being different than them.

That is why he admires these primitives so much, because of how ignorant and stupid these humans have become—a real contrast to what his kind would do with such a difference, having advanced far faster than these poor souls can comprehend, seeing how their entire species has failed to create any lasting technology beyond what they call fantasy and religion.

It's really pathetic, especially seeing the world on the verge of ending from all this misfortune, with all of mankind to blame for their own ignorance and prideful actions. He could never understand why the other few advanced species have a keen interest in this dying world; if anything, it would be best to let humanity perish.

"Enough," Cain spoke up, breaking the tension between the two sisters with an authoritative and calm tone, "don't make this a bigger deal than it is." He paused to think of something, raising his hand up, "we are here to discuss our pay," reminding them that this is still a business transaction that should be settled.

Gathering their bearings, one of the two siblings spoke in an apologetic and understanding tone, while the other kept her expression stern. "Yes," the chestnut girl began with a slight pause before continuing on," you're right," looking over at Bloom to get her opinion, but her sibling simply shrugged with the same apathetic look.

Bella continued, "The package will be delivered tomorrow," she stated plainly while turning her attention back to Vesh, "now, about the payment. Based on the amount of materials you requested, it roughly cost around one hundred materials of gold," she explained while holding her chin up to the ceiling to calculate the value in her head.

Frowning at this insane price, "that is... absurd," exclaimed Vesh in disbelief, "one hundred?" He couldn't believe his ears. "That is a ridiculously high price, he argued, crossing his arms while glaring at the sisters for this outrageous sum of money and the audacity to even suggest such a price when he knew damn well how expensive materials were nowadays.

"Actually," shaking her head as she turned to him, "it's five hundred," Bella corrected, raising her brow in a skeptical manner as if it were obvious that there should be no mistake on this. Seeing his shocked expression with his mouth wide open from what he heard just now, she took the opportunity to intercept the situation from getting worse: "As you can see, we are in dire need of these requested materials, especially since it would be our last batch to deliver."

Trying to convince him otherwise, Bloom calmly argue against this claim by gesturing her hands: "It is a fair price, she stated while making a circular motion with her hand, "this is actually very cheap for our kind," pointing out with an emphasis even though it's not true, "especially considering our time constraint and what not," explaining the reasoning behind the cost and their need for haste delivery.

Growling under his breath in annoyance and disbelief, Vesh gritted his teeth at the nerve of these two humans to even dare to say that it was cheap when in fact it wasn't, "very well then," reluctantly agreeing with the terms of their negotiation, "you will receive your payment," promised with a frown while shaking his head, "however, I think this will pique your interest."

Just then, a mysterious-looking artifact rapidly manifested on the counter, separating guests and staff, hovering just inches away from their reach while floating in midair, causing the siblings and his companion to be taken back by the sudden appearance of an object they had never seen before.

When they examined the strange, glowing, and flying object, it began to pulsate in rhythm with everyone's heartbeat, creating a mesmerizing light show of vibrant colors. The strange orb felt warm to the touch, and they could have sworn that they felt it growing warmer still as the moments passed.

"What...what is it?" Bella spoke in astonishment at seeing such an odd object as her sister tilted her head in confusion with arms crossed, waiting for an answer. They didn't know what it was, but it definitely looked important, like something that had some sort of power behind it, and based on its appearance, it might give them a fortune.

A smile crept across his lips. "Glad you asked," he answered with a short explanation of this floating mystical object. "This is an alien artifact from a faraway planet called Yr-134," he said as if it were obvious or he just read about it somewhere else, but that's not the case when the literal truth is right before their very own eyes.

"Deal!" Bloom wasted no time in agreeing with this proposition: "This looks like it will get us quite the cash!" However, when she made the deal, her sister objected to this notion and claims their customer had made, "you can't be serious about this?" Argued Bella, not believing a word, "we don't know if this is fluke or scam! There has to be some sort of catch here!"

"Alright, that settles it then," Vesh felt relieved of this, turning around much to Bella's protest, "the artifact is yours as long you two uphold the deal we made," his agreement brought bitterness and tension to Bloom's sister despite agreeing with this action. "It will be worth it, trust me, he assured him before moving to the exit.

"Hey, I haven't agreed with this!" She tried to bring him back in this conversation: "I still haven't said yes or no to this!" That only caused Vesh to laugh at her desperation. "It doesn't matter; your sister has agreed with this," he told them with a another short laugh, watching him leave their shop before Cain followed him soon after.

When the two finally left the shop, he could only sigh with relief from having this talk finished; happy in knowing he could get the needed materials to rebuild his beautiful ship, a craftsmanship masterpiece from one of the greatest builders on his planet, and sure his snob kin wouldn't mind having other materials brought from primitives to be insulted for it.

"Vesh," Cain interrupted their pilot's moment of clarity, "there is a crowd gathering." His concern expression grew by the second, looking to the direction the old man was facing, seeing a huddled mob whispering and talking among themselves in their own group, not noticing there were confused spectators trying to understand this situation.

"Let's go see what the commotion is all about," he said, moving toward the group of people before pushing them much to their annoyance as Cain followed before him. Cain apologized to every person Vesh rudely pushed in their way to reach for the source of this disturbance. As they did, it was their fellow comrade; sleeping soundly with eyes closed when the pair had approached, his peaceful and carefree face should have been seen more at home than outside.

Why the hell is Adam sleeping here?

It doesn't matter; he already has what he needs. "Its time to go," the pilot slapped the side of his head with one hand, much to the young man's shock when his eyes flashed open from the sudden force. He gasped in air from the jolt before calming down and sighing.

"What's your problem?" Adam angrily stood up and patted his clothes from the snow before glaring at his former ally, "And Vesh," his expression turning to indignation, "don't you ever do that again," rubbing the left side of his head, feeling pain coming from it if it were bleeding even though it wasn't.

Crossing his arms, he said, "I would say the same for you when you're sleeping in the middle of the road," motioning him to the confused crowd surrounding him, much to Adam's realization and displeasure, understanding the situation that he had gotten himself into.

Something they weren't sure about as their own friend now has a reputation for being weirdo in their new environment, Vesh and Cain, on the other hand, just wanted to leave this scene as soon as possible.

"Now, would you explain to them why you're sleeping out here?"

Adam awkwardly scans the staring crowd around them, mixed with many emotions on their faces, to the point of feeling embarrassment from having to get their attention by saying what he has to say. Knowing there is no choice, he has to use alternative means of forgetting this rather degrading moment. Hopefully, they won't hate him for it when his done.

Something that he is still uncertain of but has to try nonetheless. Sighing, "guess I have to do this then," he pulled out his necklace before taking a couple of steps forward, "stay behind," motioning his companions to move behind, "and close your eyes," instructing his allies to keep their eyes closed when Adam will show them something they might not understand for some reason or another.

Both men obliged without asking questions or complaining, shutting their eyes tightly and keeping it like that while Adam began to extend his hand, gripping firmly on his necklace, swinging it gently and harmonically as the crowd around them began to have their minds filled with fogginess.

Their minds became blank with no thought on their heads, the eyes following every swing of the clock movements.

"Sorry everyone, I have to alter your memories."

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