Chapter 45

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Did she make the right call?

Garnet left their hidden cave after agreeing with the offer they made, thinking to herself if this was truly the right decision to do so as the morning sun shined on her body. The young pixie flutters her wings in this open and desolate wasteland of snow, blinding her eyes for a moment after having exited the tunnel for an unknown period of time, though she is unsure of how long she had been there for.

Expressing conflict in her mind, Garnet tried to push through but couldn't help but stop when a thought came into her mind, making her heart race if leaving his daughter to these monsters in order for innocents to live is the right thing to do or not. She pondered the idea of letting her friend remain in that hellhole.

She felt horrible, guilty, and ashamed for simply allowing this to happen. Her magic had diminished when she remained in that place, unable to do anything but listen and fly away like a coward when they took her, the person she was closest to. And it hurts to even think about it when she had the choice to save her instead of simply watching the young girl be taken away, never to see her again.

But what can she do?

There was nothing she could do; as a lone pixie without any real power against such a threat, Garnet would have surely died if she tried to fight them.

So why didn't she do it? Why simply leave her? Is she truly willing to abandon Lilim like that, or is she simply doing what is necessary for everyone to survive? Or was it really out of desperation? Or something else entirely?

There were no answers, none that Garnet had discovered from the answer, regretfully sighing of her own uselessness to even do anything in saving them. It's so easy to blame herself for being kidnapped when she didn't do anything but watch and helplessly stand by her side, letting those monsters take her away.

Yet again, there was nothing she could do against them other than run away with her life, remaining unscathed with guilt in her heart for doing so.

Clenching her fists with her head down as the tears came, she tried to think positively about what was to come, but she couldn't. It hurts knowing that his daughter was forced to give up her own freedom just to let someone like herself live forever as a slave in those cruel hands. It's heartbreaking, and even worse to imagine how the girl must feel at this very moment, going through unthinkable things in captivity.

Do something?! Something atleast! Maybe go back and find a way to quietly break the girl free from prison. But what if she failed?

Then not only her and Lilim would get severally punished before innocent people would suffer their fate, possibly dying too from horrible deaths, leaving them to become objects for use by these lunatics.

But is that even worth trying to risk for them, or was it simply hopeless after all?

"Useless, useless!" Blaming herself for doing nothing at all, she flew into the sky with eyes filled with tears, not even bothering to look where she was going until noticing a lone cabin and small town not far from where she is now.

Perhaps the least of her concerns, but not at the same time. With a bit of hesitation and a sigh, she decided to go check the wooden cabin to see if there was anything or anyone that could help her with this mess she had gotten herself into.

Less than an hour after arriving at the place, her first act would be to knock on the door to alert the owner of this home, hoping that someone could hear her from outside. A minute passed and no one opened, comforting her suspicion that either they were out or currently asleep. Either way, she is desperate to get help for the trouble she is in.

Garnet doesn't want to feel alone, in fact; she hates the feeling of being lonely of any sort, not even in this very moment as she waits patiently for someone to open the door, wondering again if the owners were sleeping and had left the door unlocked for convenience, which it probably is but is not completely true as well.

Not taking any chances of waiting longer than necessary, she flew to a nearby window, seeing a kitchen filled with floors and walls matching the cabin's wood, as was expected when a cabin is made of, well, wood. Teleporting inside without much trouble, she took a moment to take in the atmosphere and relax from all the tension she had built up before making her way to search for something or someone that would help her rescue the girl, hopefully without much trouble to cause unnecessary conflict or confrontation to begin with.

Flying through the hallway, the pixie hears soft but distinct sobbing from the door on her left, where another door was also present on the other side of her shoulder. The unmistakable sound was recognizable; she knew who it was from the get-go, and there was no mistake that the room belonged to her young mistress, resulting in her pounding the door loudly, hoping to get the vampire's attention.

"Mistress! Open the door!" She said with urgency, raising her voice high to alert Alucard of her presence, "It's me! Garnet!" Nothing worked; her mistress remained unresponsive to her calls, "Mistress! Wake up!" It took a few seconds for her to receive any kind of reaction. Oh, Mistress..." The pixie's heart sank into the bottom of her stomach; she felt sick and nervous about how it seemed to happen right now, leaving not only Lilim behind but also the person she serves under.

It's all Adam's fault! He's the one responsible for this!

She thought as her fists shook with anger, biting her tongue to prevent herself from lashing out in fury at him if she ever saw him again. Everything would be fine if... Shaking her own head in disbelief of what she is thinking, she finds it ridicule to put her blame and problems on the very man that helped them.

The only people who should be blamed are the monsters that kidnapped her and his daughter; they are the ones who should be the most at fault, not Adam and his group of friends! And with that thought, she pounded the door with more force than she had earlier, causing it to rattle on its hinges to the point where the door slightly cracked and swayed inward, enough for Garnet to enter through.

As she entered, Garnet was surprised at the strength she pulled out at this point, being unable to comprehend the sheer force and weight that broke the door open to enter. She felt dumbfounded in the act after realizing it for a moment, but this sense of surprise turned to speechlessness when her full attention switched to her.

In the corner of this bedroom was a curled-up mistress, sobbing while holding herself and hugging her knees tightly, staring down to the floor as red tears ran down her face. "Mistress!" Garnet yelled out without holding back, causing the poor girl to slowly look up; her mouth opened from seeing her again.

"G...Garnet?" The girl's voice trembled with surprise, not believing she was seeing her here in her bedroom and wondering if this was a hallucination in her head: "Are you really here?" Her tone sounded skeptical and hesitant; she had doubts about whether what she was seeing was real; "this must be a trick" was the more plausible conclusion to arrive at in her mind.

Before Alucard could ask more questions or answer any of her own, Garnet sprinted towards her as her wings extended to fly at high speeds, enveloping her arms around the young mistress head and bringing her into a warm embrace. "Oh god, I'm sorry for leaving you in the dark!" The pixie exclaimed loudly, surprising her mistress.

"Your are really..." Unable to find the words to properly explain how relieved and happy she was to see her best friend again, not knowing how to react but being completely taken aback by this gesture of affection, she said, "I thought I lost you," standing up slowly as Garnet let go of the embrace, allowing themselves to have a breather, "where were you?" I asked the girl with curiosity and suspicion.

"Well, you see..." Hesitance was apparent in the pixie's eyes. Looking down to avoid her mistress's sharp gaze, she said, "I just got lost," biting her lip from having to lie before sighing deeply in frustration. This caused Alucard to give her a perplexed expression while tilting her head, saying, "You were lost?" Repeated her mistress, confused at first but then understanding what she meant.

"So that means..." Her eyes widen from this revulsion; if what her servant is saying is true, then Lilim must be still alive out there, probably not far from here. She must tell him about this so he can reunite with his daughter and take her back home to their house. "We must tell Adam," said Alucard. The determined look on her face showed her confidence and desire to reunite them again.

This doesn't feel right. Garnet is not sure if lying would make things better than they already are. Even though she wanted to tell the truth about where her friend is being held up, if she did, innocent people would die because of her own validation in wanting to protect others who have nothing to do with their problems.

She is tempted to tell them; perhaps if she does, then they can probably save her and defeat those monsters. But how could she be certain if their victory would result in the deaths of these individuals? "Are you going to tell Adam?" She asked, still avoiding her mistress eyes. Alucard paused for a moment, confused by this question.

"Why not? Isn't it good that we found out she's alive?" The pixie shook her head at this answer. She wanted to explain her situation but decided against it since telling the truth could mean trouble for everyone. The thought of children dying is something she can't bear to see, let alone hear them screaming in pain while crying for their parents to help them.

Garnet knows what she has done is wrong, yet she doesn't know what to do about it now, having no way to simply find a solution without anyone dying. It's a difficult choice to make, a very difficult one for her to accept or decide for. Alucard doesn't like what she is seeing right now; this kind of behavior is completely new to her, especially when it comes from someone she holds dear.

"There is something I want to tell you, she said, breaking the ice between them. "If I tell you where she is, then promise me you won't be upset about this." Her servant just stared at her for a while, trying to think of a way to react to the information she was given.

Continuing to explain to her everything about what happened earlier that day, hoping not to receive any consequences or angry shouts from her mistress.

She told her everything, about being captured and kidnapped by The Serpentine Cult, using Lilim for unknown reasons while allowing Garnet to escape unharmed in exchange for not telling the truth to the likes of Adam, or else innocent people would be involved and hurt if they did not listen to their demands. She proceeded to give a warning to her mistress to keep this secret and to tell no one about it.

Alucard frowned upon hearing this: "It doesn't matter if innocent people are going to get hurt!" Arguing at her, "she is more important than those strangers!" She was confused about what her mistress meant by that: "How could you try to hide from that to us?! This isn't a game, you know!" Pointing at her while the pixie remained silent from her mistress's anger.

"Please, mistress," she begged, "don't you see how important it is?" The vampire gave her a blank stare. "They have families like yours and having to lose their parents or children due to our selfish actions? Can you even imagine having someone else going through where you had been in?" The pixie knew the answer to this question: "It's not only about us but others too!"

The vampire couldn't take it anymore. "Enough! Enough already!" Holding her hands in front of her, she said, "Do you think I care about other people?! Especially after everything I went through from these dirty humans?!" Arguing at her, she said, "It's just so fucking useless to care about others, and don't even dare to compare my situation with anyone!" Continuing her outburst, she said, "And if they die, it's just fine with me!"

"Mistress, wait—"

At a moment's notice, she left without word, leaving her servant and best friend to pound on about the events that transpired. "Damn it," Alucard sighed in frustration, expressing shame for what she did to her servant, "damn it," wiping the dripping blood on her lower eyes, "I can't believe I said all that to her."

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