Chapter 66

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Walking through the streets of Hope City, the bustling metropolis is more lively than the previous city he used to live and raise his family in. Although whether he prefers this city more than his former hometown depends on how much time he spends here compared to living elsewhere, even then, he admits Hope City has great hospitality despite being less corrupted than the other.

Strolling through the sidewalk with his hands in pockets, he admires the ambient sounds of moving traffic vehicles roaring throughout the road as pedestrians pass by in his direction, along with the occasional stares he receives from them. He can't help but think of how much people are fascinated by the presence of others.

Is it because of the way individuals dress and look? How handsome or ugly do they appear? Their wealth or poverty? Their jobs or careers?

Whatever the reason, people still gawk at one another regardless of how trivial such attention can be for their own individual selves. Be it out of curiosity or merely appreciating one another's existence, people will stare at others however they see fit.

Although he finds it still irritating whenever people give a peek at him without saying a word, he finds it uncomfortable how their eyes linger at him without doing anything about it, wondering what they are thinking about him in general. Nevertheless, he ignores these gawking individuals while trying not to feel disturbed by them altogether.

He shouldn't be disturbed by these curious stares. Adam has grown accustomed to these glances throughout his life of experiencing numerous encounters with individuals, but why is he so cautious around others?

Is he just becoming shy because he is meeting new people for the first time since arriving here? Or perhaps he is worried about them hurting him because they judge him in a negative light? No, he doubts these notions entirely, as he isn't concerned if others treat him poorly for no reason.

It is not their lives nor theirs alone that matter to him, but the way he wants to live: living freely as he desires without feeling forced or judged by others just because of being himself or simply wanting to have a lifestyle for himself alone. Moreover, he despises individuals who would mock others or bully them because of their own prejudices just to gain satisfaction for petty gains.

So many things are happening around him, from people entering into stores and having conversations, that he is smiling at how many people from different walks of life gather in such a place despite living in a chaotic world altogether. Yet, he doesn't consider Hope City his home just because of how prosperous this metropolis is; though he can't deny its unique nature, it's something else that keeps him attached to the city of New York.

Adam has learned so much here throughout his journey, like how individuals live by depending on one another while managing their own lives despite struggling against various adversities, being hopeless without hope to have a better tomorrow ahead for themselves, or even having hardships overcome throughout their own paths of life altogether.

They are all here in community, whether they are all good or bad; in the end, they are all individuals who strive for survival together regardless of being successful or failures altogether as long as they try their best for one another's sake just to keep one another going as one despite facing difficulties from time to time for having their own path of life.

Finding it rather amusing, he ponders himself; why does he consider Hope City his home when New York and the place he was born were his real homes? Even though New York had many challenges throughout his life, this metropolis is still new to him, and he hasn't fully lived here for a year yet to see all the beautiful scenery and experiences it has to offer.

In which case he did, from taking a long walk to heading into a small store up until being beaten up by a bunch of thugs and getting himself healed by an attractive sex worker. It's not everyday that someone goes through so many experiences just by walking on the streets without needing to fear for his own safety.

Remembering what he thought last night before departing from his hotel, he should have paid attention to his cautious nature of avoiding shady places like alleyways and abandoned buildings. Note to self in remembering such a mistake of overlooking safety just because he was relaxed from experiencing a few friendly encounters throughout his day.

Boredom entered his mind, knowing full well he is getting home safe and sound while thinking of something else to occupy him during this long journey from traveling in these busy streets. A certain view caught his full attention, stopping him in his tracks when he focused on what he was looking at—the sight that made him express sorrow and pity.

Sitting at the corner of the sidewalk was a small stray dog, a corgi, patiently waiting for someone to help or adopt the poor pup as passing bystanders simply ignored its presence due to their indifference, treating animals as nothing more than insignificant living things they couldn't care less about, making Adam ever more willing to approach it.

He loves animals, especially when it comes to dogs. Cute and innocent domesticated animals are what Adam adores the most. Poor creatures are unable to properly defend themselves due to being smaller than even toddlers, giving the impression of being helpless and fearful of the very people who tamed and raised them.

Kneeling in front of the cautious dog, the animal slowly lifted its head up, staring at him in hopes of being adopted and rescued from these hellish conditions it got himself into, seeing Adam as a potential guardian who can properly provide it a warm, safe home just to live peacefully with loving family that will give him lots of belly rubs, treats, and kisses.

"Hey there little guy, a soft voice whispered gently towards the puppy as it tilted its head just to curiously examine its potential new owner; Adam extending his hand forward, displaying a friendly smile just to assure it that he isn't going to hurt him but wanting to properly pet him. "Don't worry buddy, I'm not going to hurt you," he assured calmly. "I'm not one of those cruel humans that treat animals as nothing but a burden in their lives."

It was hesitant at first but decided to inch closer just to sniff Adam's fingers while feeling their touch, causing his ears and tail to perk up with excitement as he jumped toward the friendly bar, causing the young man to hold in time as he stood up while embracing the pup against his chest just to softly pat his head in a reassuring manner. "There we go," he quietly praised the corgi for trusting him.

"Want to see your new home, buddy?" Adam gently smiled, petting its furry little head and saying, "I'm sure you will love it." The level of empathy was astonishing to the poor animal, having never seen anyone provide a degree of kindness to those beneath them, making the stray corgi bark affectionately for the kindness he is showing.

Nodding, he turned and continued walking to the streets, intending to head home first before dealing with setting up his bank and going to the vet to adopt this pup officially and check for any diseases before spending the rest of his life living an ordinary life with his dog and daughter; meanwhile, the stray corgi felt comforted by being carried in his arms like a baby.

Glancing at the dog's sleeping form, Adam quietly stared at it with a peaceful expression before kissing its forehead just to show his affection, promising himself that the pup would have the best of life ahead of him, ensuring him happiness rather than sorrow and guilt, and silently wishing for good dreams for his pet just to allow him to escape from any horrors they might come across.

"I'll protect you, he says quietly to himself, and I will protect the both of you." He swears to throw away his life for the sake of letting his family live. He promised that no harm would ever come to them and would never allow himself to let anything hurt them, no matter what costs or lengths he needed to go through, even if he died.

At first, Adam almost got himself killed by placing himself in front of Alucard just to save the very person he deeply cares about, and he had doubts before about whether it was worth losing his life over those he loved. And now these doubts aren't even there anymore. Understanding what he truly needed to dorisking it all for their sake just so they wouldn't feel pain again—or worse, never seeing them again after death takes him away from this world forever

He loves them so much that he couldn't imagine living without the very people he loves. They mean everything to him, literally, as mentioned a lot of times, but he's going to think about it as much as it needs to make himself proud and happy for doing the right thing by choosing love over selfishness.

New pleasant memories will be invented starting from now, giving himself motivation to continue living despite facing countless hardships ahead; reminding himself that everything is going to be alright for their sake rather than thinking negatively just like what he had done throughout his entire life thus far; Adam swore that he will do anything for their happiness just so they will smile and laugh without worries again.

They will take pictures, celebrate holidays, visit friends and family alike, play board games, cook dinner together just like their favorite meal of cooking lasagna or watch movies; doing many things with loved one would do even if they will spend only few moments doing them just so they could remember all those happy times forever just as he would cherish these moments until they eventually pass away peacefully from old age.

Human beings and some animals don't live very long, but their time here is worth living no matter how brief or short it might be compared to everything else; just like he learned when he lost his beloved wife, living doesn't necessarily mean surviving, as it means embracing all the moments given to them regardless of what happens while keeping themselves smiling.

That is what he should be doing from the get-go: appreciating every moment given to him, whether good or bad, while staying positive despite going through unfortunate events throughout his life, using his inner strength to stoop when negative things consume him, and remembering how fortunate he is for having this life given to him as opposed to many people who died so young or hadn't been born yet.

Consider himself lucky to be here to begin with; he wouldn't have experienced the colors, sounds, and feelings around him otherwise, nor met Eve, who became his beloved wife as they grew together, seeing this world from a different perspective, making him value every second given to him in this short life he has.

So he continued moving forward with his two legs, persisting against the cruel fate of causality even if it meant walking against the harsh blizzard itself while accepting whatever trials were given to him regardless of how overwhelming or challenging they would be, enduring such a burden on his shoulders but remaining as hopeful as possible so he could overcome these hardships without having to compromise himself.

His wife wanted him to live, he knows that; she wouldn't want to him and let his remaining daughter to starve herself to death or live in a world where no one would take care. He must live and stop allowing the idea of finding an escape just to shield him from the horrors and cruelty people has to offer from their sleeves.

Its what life is, no one is going to bring himself together until he stood up and fight against whatever challenge ahead; its either walk with open arms or closed eyes even if it means accepting whatever misery waiting for him along the way, causing him more pain in exchange of seeking out happiness; knowing fully well that its part of living despite how agonizing it feels so he could embrace this one of lifetime given to him.

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