Chapter 16

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When the morning came, Adam got up from his bed, yawning as he rubbed his eyes to see more clearly. Having awaken up earlier than he had expected, he wonders if he should eat something or not. Stretching his body, he noticed that his daughter is nowhere to be seen in the room, having almost completely forgotten about her after everything that happened last night.

Dread entered his mind and body as many worst scenarios enter his head, wondering where she had gotten to. He knows every morning, Adam would see his daughter sleeping on her comfortable bed, with her face at peace and not having to worry about anything in the world; but now she is nowhere to be found.

Could she be lost? Kidnapped?

So many negative things have happened in both of their lives and he doesn't look in the positive. If Alucard was responsible for doing bad for her disappearance, then there will be hell to pay for what he did to her and his sure to make it happened, no matter what it takes.

With haste, he left their bedroom and sprint around madly across the hallways and rooms, trying to find his lost daughter with his heart pumping adrenaline to keep him going as he look everywhere to see if she was in the castle, anywhere. Moving up and down in different floors, looking at every crook and cranny, even heading inside Alucard's throne room.

No one was in there except for himself, making things much worse for him as his stress and breathing became much heavier than before as he came to the conclusion that she isn't here. With anxiety attack coming on, Adam tried to keep his cool as he did deep breaths in and out, calming himself down while wondering if he should continuing to check.

"Where is she...where the hell is she?!" His raspy, loud and worried voice filled the room, with no one else to answer to him. No one was here and it only made his panic attacks even worse, having the feeling of getting sick with nausea as he gulped. With all this happening to him and with Lilith roaming around freely, his stomach churned in dread of what will happen next to him and his daughter.

Then he heard a loud scream, causing his eyes to widen in knowing who it belongs to. As a father, Adam is capable of regonizing his daughter's voice from simply hearing it once. And with that, he immediately dash across the hallway, ignoring the pain and discomfort he is feeling as he did whatever it takes to get to her and save her from whatever danger she is currently in.

More screams could be heard, rallying him to vomit before sprinting faster as the loud cries of his daughter could be heard, causing his fear to reach its maximum, pushing him to sprint with all his might as he held back tears in his eyes. He knew she is in danger, but he doesn't know what kind of danger she is in.

Its coming outside, he can tune the source with his hearing; whether that is good thing or not is up to debate. Either way, he had no time to waste, and is prepared to do anything to save his the only family he has from certain death. When he arrived at the first floor and outside; his expression relaxed from what lied in front of him.

In distance, was his daughter cheerfully laughing as she chased Garnet around with playful smiles on their faces, not noticing his presence. It is sight he has rarely seen before, considering how much lengths he has gotten to protect and care for her since the incident. The sight warmed his heart from her smile.

He stood there in front of the entrance, his exhausted eyes quickly watching the scene that is happening right in front of him, witnessing how his daughter is acting. Lilim look so happy and innocent, having a fun time with new friend that they both secretly without his acknowledge, but it doesn't matter.

Just seeing her happy was enough to remove any stress and worries he has. Seeing her smiling and laughing so much without a care in the world, Adam had no choice but to smile at the scene before him, not caring if anyone is watching or not. Its a blessing to see her this happy in such moments.

"Adam?" Alucard's voice snap out his thoughts, grabbing his full attention as walk to his side, "what are you doing?" The vampire girl asked, looking at him with a confused expression, noticing the sweat and vomit on his face. Adam gave her a pained smile, not really knowing how to explain himself.

Wiping the remains of his barf on the mouth with sleeve, "nothing," pulling another cigar before lighting it up, his voice was unsteady as he coughed from inhaling too much smoke, "I just had long workout, that's all," lying through his teeth while looking at her with a warm expression on his face, having said a full sentence without any trouble or hesitation in doing so.

After finishing his cigar and letting it out of his mouth, he turned his attention back to the scene before him, "you know," chuckling before responding with sad smile, "just seeing my daughter laugh and play is enough to put me at ease," this statement cause the vampire to raise her eyebrow in confusion before turning her attention to his daughter playing game of chasing with Garnet.

"How so?" Being curious about this, she asked, but Adam only gave her a exhausted look, "there is no greater joy than seeing your family alive and well," that was the last thing he said as he just kept his eyes on his daughter, making sure she doesn't hurt herself while doing such play, "human beings like me live for such short time in this world and we die pretty easily from simple injuries or diseases," he said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"In a way," putting down his cigar, closing his eyes to lessened the left over stress in his mind, "that forces us to appreciate the little things in life," his answer was enough to leave her with shocked expression on her face, "and that," pointing at the girl and the pixie chasing each other before running in different direction, "is one of them."

His words had affected her more than she thought, trying to understand more about the man that is standing right next to her. That he cares for his family above all else, even if it would mean he will go down for them and sacrifice himself to save them. To see how much he loves his family, Alucard couldn't help but to have guilty expression on her face from judging him so early.

So many humans care for themselves, forsaking others in a heartbeat to save their own skin. Humans are like that as any animal or species out there; but she didn't expect Adam to be the same. He is one of a kind, someone who she can't help to like him for what he stand for and the person he is. That is what she sees in him, his heart is more gold than any vampire she had met in her life.

"What do you see human being as?" Curious question she asked, wanting to get a perspective of her possible friend. Seeing how much he cares for his family, Alucard wanted to know more about him, learning the truth and how to deal with them according. Despite how much she hates Humans, their culture and art fascinate her; making her more interested in knowing them more than ever before after he entered her life.

Adam laughed at her question before giving her an answer that caught her off guard. With his eyes open and letting out another smoke, "I see humans as selfish and arrogant as well as stupid at times, having harmed the planet more than any animal known to man while committed world wide genocides, diseases and driving many weaker civilizations to dust. Its a sad fact that we made so much horrors in one little planet across the uncaring cosmos, I sometimes wonder if God himself curse us or given us a chance to redeem ourselves," he said with a hint of seriousness in his voice.

Inhaling and exhaling the last smoke from his cigar as he throw it away, Adam then gave her the most genuine expression on his face that Alucard had seen so far, "and yet, here we are; alive and breathing. No matter how much horrible shit we did to each other and the planet itself, we human beings still are capable of understanding the world around us, create art through our hands and tools. Most importantly, the ability to have empathy and to choose in whatever life we live," finishing with calm expression on his face.

"Is that what you think?" Clenching her fists angrily, she couldn't understand how he has hope for humanity, given their own history of brutality and violence to one another, "I see nothing but selfish, greedy, arrogant, corrupt and violent humans. Nothing more than lowlife animals with morals that keep these beasts in check," her voice was full of anger, having felt insulted by what he had said, staring him in pure rage.

He sighed tiredly, understanding what she has been through, "your right," sad smile graced his lips, "the world is cruel and unfair to those who are weak," rubbing his chin with a thinking look on his face, "however," the man continued, "no matter how dark it is, there is always shining beacon of light in this world."

"Whether it be small or big, that beacon will always exists and we can all appreciate it," turning his body to face her, he continued, "you may see humanity as an evil that had to be destroyed and I might agree with you that. But that small, burning ray of light that you see in them is proof that we could do so much if we work hard for ourselves," his eyes had firm gaze to the young mistress.

"Hmph!" Crossing her arms, she walk forward away from him, "coming from human, I had expect nothing less," sneering at the ridiculous claim, "they are vermin, nothing more than a maggot in the world that needs to be eradicated," standing in her spot like unmoving statue, "we both know that!" She stated if it weren't obvious.

Adam knew this was coming and had expected her to say something like that, seeing how she is very angry at humanity for their crimes in hurting her, he sigh with look of pity, "it hurts keeping those emotions in check, kid. I know how it feels," putting on his usual mask of impassiveness with gentle expression.

"I had long deal with these emotions too and they are quite exhausting to deal with," his eyes darted to his daughter before looking back at her, "but," giving her a weak smile, "if you do not feel them or even express them, you will never know how much good you can do for someone else or yourself," the speech finally broke her hardened walls as she turned around with red tears falling down her sobbing face.

"" She quickly ran up to him and embraced him tightly, hugging him in a tight embrace, crying loudly on his chest, allowing the built up turmoil the mistress had kept through all the centuries of her life to flow out, "its been so long," taking a deep breath, Alucard had finally let out everything she had been holding in, "I..." trying to get a hold of herself.

"Its okay," he rubbed her head, soothing her with comforting voice, "were social creatures, so crying and getting emotional isn't a bad thing," his calm voice had been enough to soothe her and make her feel better. After calming down from her crying, the vampire let go of him and wipe away the tears on her face, looking at him with tired eyes.

"Your a weird human," Alucard said jokingly, finally calmed down as she wiped away her tears, "I can see why your daughter like you so much," chuckling from his expression before giving her a confused look. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she then continue her words with more seriousness, "you care about your daughter's well being and safety and would do anything to make sure she doesn't get hurt," her voice was shaky but manageable.

He nodded with his closed, understanding where she is going with this, "and?" Giving her a blank look, she then let out another sigh before continuing, "and its what I like about you," said with no hesitation in her voice, surprising Adam from her words.

"Like you in what way?" He asked, not sure where she is getting this to him, "like," she began, blushing in embarrassment before continuing her words, "you are smart and you can see things others cannot," smiling at him, she continued, "its refreshing to see someone so intelligent in your kind," taking another breath to continue, "not to mention your ability to—"

"Yo! Whats up!" Garnet flew to them as Lilim followed behind, "oh dear," her cheerful demeanor was replaced with mischievous expression, "is my young mistress..." The pixie trailed off her words, preparing to say something that Alucard wouldn't like to hear, "being taken advantage by this handsome, strong man?!"

Alucard's eyes turned deadly, staring straight at her best friend, "Garnet..." The air became cold and stiff, causing both Adam and Lilim to look each other in confusion, not making sense in what is happening, "you idiot!" Extending her arms, she charged at her best friend with her face red from embarrassment, ready to squish the annoying pixie like bug.

"Catch me if you can!" Garnet pull out her tongue, dodging Alucard's attack before flying off and leaving the young mistress chasing after her best friend with livid expression on her face. Adam had looked at them in amusement as he chuckled.

"Grooo...." Lilim gently pull his sleeve to catch his, confused as he is, "gahhh?" Phis sleeve once more with her eyes staring at him, demanding for his answer, making turn his attention to his daughter that is looking at him with blank expression.

Small laughter escaped from his lips, "they are just messing around," giving her a warm smile that eased her troubles, "say, do you want to eat something in the kitchen?"

She nodded happily, excited to have some food to enjoy and eat.

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