Chapter 80

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Driving back to his boss's place after putting the large book in the passenger seats, Adam cannot help but watch the rising sun on the horizon, laying his head on the side of his window as the orange sky was beginning to light up brightly, making everything seem warm and inviting as it brought comfort to his heart. He knew that he was tired from his work, even exhausted.

Adam watched the sky; its peaceful and calming atmosphere made him feel relaxed and relieved from his stressful work. He couldn't help but stare at it longer than usual, letting out a yawn before closing his eyes. The sweet darkness embraced him, and he rested his head on the said glass window, sighing in contentment as he allowed himself to take a quick nap.

Sleeping was one of the best things you could ever do; it allowed their brain to rest and recharge itself, helping to keep them healthy by helping regulate hormones that affect their mood and energy levels. It also helped fight off disease because it increased immune system function.

It is well known that the body is constantly repairing itself during sleep. Therefore, it is vital for everyone to get at least eight hours of sleep per day, depending on their age and lifestyle. But something else is telling him to wake up, despite how much he wants to rest.

Exhaustion, nightmares, and everything in between—life is extremely difficult for him right now. Everything is confusing and confusing to understand; everything is either getting stranger by each passing hour or it's just simply too boring for his liking. However, he has no choice but to continue moving forward despite what obstacles or challenges await ahead; it is not like he had anything better to do.

His daughter—that is all he has left in this world. The sole reason he keeps pushing onward, even if he has no goal of reaching anywhere else, is for her sake. That is the reason why he continues to fight against all odds, whether they are supernatural or just ordinary people.

It is hilarious, actually. The worst thing is that he never knows when things might change or what dangers will come after him next. There are times where he ends up fighting off the paranormal or people that he wouldn't have ever thought he would face.

Psychopaths, killers, rapists, torturers, thieves, and greedy corporate assholes—all of them exist because why? He doesn't know; maybe it's because these people have experienced tragedy before. Perhaps it's due to their wanting power over others? Maybe it's just a combination of both? Whatever the answer may be, he just hopes that things will get better for him and his loved ones.

Even if that were the case, regardless of how much misery they experienced in the past, if the individual knows what is right or wrong, then their actions should be held responsible for their crimes. Self-control and remaining true to their humanity are the best ways to prevent themselves from becoming their darkest selves.

Regardless, this isn't his concern right now; he isn't some righteous crusader or hero to save the day; he is just a simple family man trying to make some sense in this cruel, confusing, and unhinged world filled with broken people suffering from their own inner demons and the battles they have to get through.

Calmly putting his head on the back seat, Adam imagined a magical place filled with happiness and joy—no more sadness or pain. A world where everyone is living their best lives and being able to achieve their dreams. Where human beings are good to one another by being the best versions of themselves.

He deeply wants to escape from all of the troubles he's facing; it would be nice as hell to live in a peaceful world like that. The only problem is that that kind of world is nothing more than a fantasy, a faraway dream. Nothing more than a beautiful lie to mask the ugly truth of reality, there is nothing more that he wants than for everything to change.

As the vision slowly fades away with the joyous laughter and beautiful green scenery that has no snow, the once instinctive animals that returned to their normal nature of eating berries and fish slowly vanish from his sight. And he knows that no matter how much he wants to run away, he can't.

Never will, never will, because there will always be good and evil being born at every moment, where there is always the bad to fight against the good and the good to fight against the bad. So now, he has to continue preserving no matter what, because the people he loved are still pushing him to move forward, never stopping him from continuing the fight for his wish to find happiness.

"Finally," Miller said, interrupting his partner's meditation, "where back home," smiling under his breath as he parks at the sidewalk where his front home is, "come on, man. We don't have all day," he says in a serious tone, opening the door of the car.

Adam blinked for a couple of seconds, turning his head to notice his partner, who was already out of the vehicle with the car turned off. "Might as well get this over with," he said to himself as he exited the vehicle before opening the passenger seat to grab the large book, prepared to finish the job.

Following his boss as the two passed through the growing bystanders moving on the sidewalk, Miller entered his home with Miller at his side, thrilled to know they could get a breather away from the outside world and be able to relax in the safety of their home even though this wasn't his.

Moving to the couch, Miller dropped his body onto the comfortable furniture with a loud sigh, feeling relaxed and pleased to be in the comforts of his own home while Adam stared at him. "Just take a seat," he said to the detective, and I'll help you with the reading," offering to assist on his own terms while continuing to sit on the couch.

Taking his seat, the young man sighed exhaustively at the kind offer. "I can finish it myself," he told his companion in a soft and tired voice, "so don't worry about it," responding by placing the book on his own lap, allowing himself to lay back into the soft texture of the couch.

God, it feels fucking good. Having his own ass parked in a soft place is something that he secretly enjoys on a daily basis, not in a sexual way, of course. "Come on, man, I am trying to help. You know how hard it is to read these types of books," his boss complained, showing annoyance behind his voice, so just let me read a page or two."

Seeing there is no harm in doing so, Adam sighed in defeat. "Fine, just do what you want," he said in response, allowing Miller to take it from his lap, resulting in Walker's son being surprised by the weightlessness of the book, almost in disbelief at how such a massive thing is nearly weightless.

"This is weird," Miller said in a bewildered voice, expressing his confusion at how such a massive book is capable of being this light. "I thought she was half joking, but..." He did not finish his sentence, instead choosing to open the book as his colleague's mind drifted somewhere else.

The incomprehensible content of this book is incredibly complex and difficult to understand, making it nearly impossible to grasp the concepts presented within its pages. It seems to be a combination of both written text and images that appear to be more abstract than anything else.

Its words were mixed of gibberish Latin; some unknown to him while the images were mentioned before, abstract but held deeper meanings he cannot understand, like hidden messages or clues. In the end, he couldn't get a bottom of this and decided to have his partner do the rest for him.

"Adam," calling out his partner in a low voice, "hey, man. Come back to me." Hearing the call of his name, the young man responded with a grunt after opening his eyes, "Can you read them for me?" Asking desperately from his companion, causing him to raise an eyebrow at this request.

Hearing this plea, he turned his head to the side, looking at him with an inquisitive gaze. "Didn't you say that you wanted to read the book?" It is reasonable enough of him to want to take a peek and get to the bottom of this, although in Adam's eyes, it is rather tedious; he would rather go to sleep than be here.

"Yeah, I know," Miller began in a calm voice, "but this is so hard for me to understand, man. The words and everything between, it's all nonsense to me," she revealed in an exhausted tone, "I know I offered to read, but I didn't know it would be this difficult to do."

He should have known this would happen, but he supposes there is nothing else to do but simply accept the offer to help him on his own terms. "Alright," Adam finally said, "I'll read them. Give the book to me," he ordered, as his boss followed with a nod.

Getting it from his lap, the young man breathed a heavy sigh as he prepared himself to read the unknown content of this compendium, ready for the long night of researching and deciphering. "This is going to be a long day," he whispered to himself as he prepared himself to read the closed book.

This is going to take a lot of hours and time, but it's better than nothing; at least he's going to get a fresh reminder of reading and understanding things on his own terms. "Get yourself comfortable because we are going to be here all night," Adam said, causing the others to groan in response to this long process.

"Thousand pages, man," stating the obvious, "couldn't you just read the last page and finish it?" Miller asked, raising his own brow in question as his partner turned to look at him, "because I doubt that's a good idea," he said with an irritable voice, not finding this believable or possible to accomplish.

Yawning tiredly, Adam shrugged without care of the world: "Didn't you want to find a better solution than sacrificing innocent people?" Reminding the other man of the situation that he himself is desperate to avoid. "Of course," Miller answered without hesitation, "but I still doubt you can completely finish it all."

"Watch me," he said, confident in himself in doing it as he opened the first page. "I know I'm a fast reader." That was the last word he spoke to him before diving into the complex content of this mysterious compendium, flipping the pages at lightning speed.

Time ticked by as the hours went by, and Miller's eyes were glued to his partner; the eyes were frantically moving and shifting with every turn of the page. It was surprising that Adam could read and comprehend the book at such a pace, although he is questioning whether he will get it all correct.

Forced to endure this time, the boss questions whether to simply sleep through all of this rather than watch him idly; after all, it is getting pretty boring as he waits for his partner to finish this one book. Yet his own curiosity kept him from doing so, resulting in him staring at his friend.

Taking a short glance at the window, he could see the sun was already up; morning light was peeking through the windows, illuminating the living room as birds sang outside. This made him sigh, wondering if this task was even possible for a mere human to finish.

But he supposes that his partner is capable of doing the impossible and is done with it; if he wants it, then he should wait further and further until the time comes. Taking his mind off, his eyes had already wandered toward the window, looking at the beautiful outside of this city.

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