Chapter 10

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Less than a couple of days have passed since then, having adjusted to living in their home while the young mistress herself is shown to never appear outside of her room or desire contact other than during times when she is hungry and in need of a supply of food to satiate her hunger. With this, it was obvious that the young mistress was isolating herself from others.

In fact, she prefers to have Adam deliver his blood rather than personally go in there, something that raised questions for him later. Aside from her isolation, Garnet tried her best to maintain a normal atmosphere, but it isn't helping when she is growing more worried when Alucard refuses to speak, only requesting blood whenever she is hungry or during feeding times.

While Adam and Lilim chewed down their breakfast in the early morning, sitting on their chairs in this kitchen, Garnet, on the other hand, was internally questioning herself about the young mistress's well-being as she casually sat on the top of the closed dish diner, watching the two enjoy their meals with her fixed, neutral gaze at them.

"What's wrong with the young mistress?" Concern is painfully evident in her low voice, unable to understand the reason Alucard is acting this way after the whole ordeal of them meeting each other for the second time. "Could she be feeling guilty?" A possible reason why she was feeling down in the dumps

She wanted to do something, anything, to cheer her up, but nothing came of her efforts to do so, making her feel useless as a best friend and companion of hers. Not only that, it was growing more uncomfortable with Alucard's refusal to talk about anything other than food.

It's been four months since the whole ordeal; why is she still like this? What is she hiding from them? Was there something else going on in her life other than what they have known about her so far?

The questions are coming in so much that it is getting annoying to be asked repeatedly, making it frustrating for the pixie as she wants to find out but not at the cost of causing further harm to their friendship. "She might go kill herself with this." Deep down, she has been feeling like this for some time now, but due to her overly optimistic personality, she tried her best to keep her mind in a positive mindset despite the growing worry and sadness.

Having seen humans at their lowest state and having done questionable things in their lives, such as self-destructive behaviors or even suicidal intentions, Most of them do not want to admit it, denying the possibility of them having such thoughts in the first place, but it is unavoidable.

And there she is, useless and unable to do anything about it, just like those hopeless humans in the past who were constantly struggling with their mental health. A thing that she never wishes upon anyone, feeling sorry for them and the struggles they have to face ahead just to live their lives and live on without turning crazy.

"You're making a mess, Lilim." Adam's voice brought her attention, and she observed him teaching his daughter how to use a fork and spoon in chewing down their meals. "Use the utensils like that, he said, pointing to the fork with his finger as he demonstrated how to do it. "It won't hurt, I promise." A smile formed on his face as the daughter tried to copy what he just did.

The poor girl struggled a bit with using the fork and spoon properly, but managed to get the hang of it after a few times, and Adam nodded with satisfaction at her improvement before resuming back to his meal. "I'm proud of you," he said under his quiet breath, still smiling to himself from this little achievement of seeing his daughter starting to eat properly.

"Could it be...?" It is possible for Garnet to think that Alucard wanted something like family. She had been with her even since they crossed paths with each other, and knowing for so long that this notion would be one of the things that any child wanted, a thing that a mere boy or girl wanted, as the mistress doesn't want to admit it,

"It all makes sense now." Even though she doesn't know the past of her young mistress, she herself believes in the good and positive of everything, and knowing how secretive Alucard is, there is no way she can actually know about it, but the pixie is certain that she had a hard time learning how to maintain her composure and emotions.

Even if she is a vampire, to Garnet, the white-haired girl is like a child or younger sister to her, hateful and arrogant nonetheless. Despite having sold her humanity and soul, the pixie can still see remnants of them within the deepest part of the girl's consciousness; she is afraid and spiteful of the cruel world. This is why Garnet wanted to help her out—to make her life a little bit better, to improve her troubled soul.

"Yo, Adam!" Garnet quickly flew to the table, standing on top of Adam's plate with her arms crossed over her chest. "I need your help with something," she asked in a rather commanding tone, showing seriousness in her expression as Adam frowned at the sudden request, especially when she landed on his food.

"What?" Not only she used her exposed, dirty feet on his meal; the pixie is also demanding help from him, "can't you see I am busy?" His tone is filled with annoyance and displeasure as he looks at the tiny fae before him with an evident frown on his face, displeased by her abrupt request at this time of the day.

Her expression softened before speaking, "Alucard...she...isn't feeling well." The mention of her name caused Adam to widen his eyes in slight surprise, "my young mistress hasn't been talking to me anymore other than requesting food. She's just in her room and refuses to open up to me," she says, a desperation in her voice that makes her sound helpless.

"As much as I want to help," he began as he placed down his knife before focusing on the pixie with an intense gaze, "what do you want me to do about it?" Indifference was apparent in his voice, almost causing the pixie to lash out at his uncaring and blunt attitude toward a person's distress, although she sort of understands the growing hostility between them.

Clapping her hands and holding them close, she begged for his help, "Please Adam! My mistress is my family; I don't want to see her like this!" Adam is currently having conflict with himself, a thing that he wanted to avoid because of how his time is beginning to become wasted over someone else's problems.

Adam doesn't want to help or save strangers, especially if they are troublesome, and if he could, he would abandon them, but this is different; she and the bat mutant are important assets to him and his daughter's survival. While he prefers to do his own thing and let others fix their problems by themselves, he is still indebted to them for the generosity they provided to him and his daughter.

It wouldn't be fair to refuse an offer after what they have to offer in return. " sighing in defeat as he stood up, causing Lilim sitting at his side to turn her attention to him. "I'll speak with her and solve whatever issue she has." Hearing this response, the pixie gave out a bright smile, flying up directly at his face and hugging it with open arms.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Adam!" Said the grating pixie with a cheerful tone before pulling away from him and looking at his daughter. "I'll stay with her here. You go ahead; I want both of you to have one-on-one talks with each other so you can be friends." She gave them a bright smile, expressing how happy she is.

He actually hates this; seeing the annoying pixie would be better than this, but after giving her the request, he can't really refuse it at all. Sighing once again, he massages the back of his neck and says, "Lilim, stay with this annoying fly for now; I'll be going to have a talk with the brat that pushed me off the edge."

"Ow...." Lilim's face shifted to one of uncertainty.

A smile grew on his lips. "Don't worry, I won't die or anything like that. Besides, he said, bringing up his hand over hers, "I would never leave your side," patting her head with his hand, making his daughter look up at him with expectancy and happiness in her eyes. The girl felt comforted by her father's gesture, giving out a bright smile of her own as she nodded in agreement, accepting his words as truth.

Retreating his hand and turning his attention to the pixie, his eyes narrowed dangerously. "Don't think of doing anything stupid while I'm gone, he said with a cold stare directed at her, giving her the impression that he was not joking at all. This made the pixie gulp nervously. "Good, keep her safe and protected; that is all I asked."

"You got it, boss!" Garnet gave a thumbs up, smiling nervously at this ominous threat before quickly flying off the table and then onto his daughter's head. "What are you waiting for? Go already, will you?" Her attitude and tone sound more like she is commanding a servant to do some menial task.

"Alright, alright." Shaking his head with an exhausted look, Adam left the kitchen and then into the spacious hallway, contemplating whether this was the right decision or not. This young mistress of theirs is causing him more headaches than it should be, as a matter of fact, but he needed to do this; the benefits outweigh anything he thought of.

Having allies is more useful and efficient than having enemies hunt his ass. Aside from that, if he truly wants to survive in this harsh world, he needs to adapt to it, adapt to the way of life in this frozen wasteland, and change his ways to combat it, as life is always changing, and if Mother Nature wants to play like that,

Then he agrees willingly to such a thing because he has no choice but to go along with it. While he is not giving up on surviving in this desolated world as long as his daughter remains alive, he is still a realist, a man who is willing to sacrifice others for the greater good and their own survival. It is after all a natural phenomenon to be willing to do such a thing if the situation calls for it.

At the same time, he can't help but wonder if he's doing altruistic things out of the kindness he has or simply trying to find a compromise with this brat. He just hoped this won't screw this up, thinking of anything that could go wrong from this and decided to put his faith on it, believing that whatever or whenever he goes; at the end, he eventually gets what he wants out of it.

Like a lone snowflake in the blizzard, his growing perseverance in seeing a better tomorrow is nothing but absurd, yet to be determined. Hoping that he could just shrug this off and be done with it, he moved forward in search of some kind of hope or relief from the difficult and unexpected situation he landed himself in.

Situation that was unpredictable and difficult to deal with, in the end, he is still the same as always, a man that is willing to compromise and make things better for himself and those he cares about. And his sure it will go with this third confrontation of this bat mutant, if anything; he believes the outcome will turn out good.

For being the self proclaimed, world's best psychologist; he sure as hell sound confident about it from the years of experience and people's impressions of him, it is not just some delusional fantasies he has but an actuality to be proven true in a moment of truth. But whether people would believe him or not is their problem, not his.

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