Chapter 43

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The rising morning sun illuminates the blue sky and snowy landscape, bringing new beginnings and a new start of a day for many. On the other hand, the three men stood around the pilot's crushed space ship; something that Adam regretfully was responsible for, but had no other choice on what to do. It was an unfortunate accident, and while the trio looked over the crashed spacecraft, the young man and Cain had no idea on how to even begin repairing it.

Except for Vesh; caressing his own blue chin with display of thoughtful expression on his face, watching the severely damaged ship he was forced to land, remaining silent about the entire situation, having not any interest in getting involved in such troublesome dilemma. "That is what happens when you crash-land a spaceship," sarcastically commented, glaring at the human for having them being in this mess to begin with.

"Sorry?" Was the only response Adam gave him, shrugging off with guilty smile as they continued to inspect the damaged craft, looking over every nook and cranny to see if there was anything they could salvage or repair. He knew he should be focusing on finding his daughter, but after seeing their only transportation being nonoperational, he just couldn't help himself.

Sighing from the lack of any success, Vesh decided to ask, "is there town nearby?" His question directed towards Cain, who had glanced up from his own examination of the wreckage, then pointing north to where they saw a distant town not far from the cabin, "good to know," said the pilot before walking to the direction.

Adam and Cain look at each other in confusion, not understanding why he didn't explain the details instead of simply leaving them in the dark, but nonetheless they shrugged it off in nothing of importance; following suit as they trailed behind him, making them wonder how much trouble Vesh was going to get into fixing the flying vehicle.

Vesh wasn't in good spirits when seeing his beautiful ship, not at all pleased that he was forced to crash-land because of the human's transformation, even if it was by Adam's hands, because now he was stranded and would have to deal with these primitives, even though they weren't too bad compared to some others he encountered in his travels. Still, he wasn't too thrilled to be here at all.

He had regretted of associating him with these humans, the blue alien should have left them to their own devices and continue his exploration of this world but alas, he had gotten involved with these savages and now his stuck in this frozen wasteland together. If he wasn't so polite, he would have thrown them into the snow when he got the chance.

Although, despite how severely broken the ship is; having lost many parts, most of the critical systems are still intact and the only things damaged are the cockpit and main engines, and there are several pieces that could be easily salvaged for the parts they need to fix the rest of the ship. The problem is the time needed to fix all of it.

Judging by the damages the human made, it would take two years or less if his lucky to fully rebuilt his beloved space ship to return soaring through the skies of this planet and beyond, even though he was reluctant to fix the machine; seeing how it is against his morals, considering he would rather not live on this frozen planet than to remain stranded in this primitive society, reluctantly in complying with task like this.

But if he had helped however, then things would be more simple and easier if his comrades would be able to fix the ship with little to no issues. That alone is good enough for him. They don't need to know of the full details, but at least he won't be completely stranded in this backwater of planet.

Glancing behind him, watching the two silently follow behind him, he wonders if he can ask them for his favor to fix the ship, especially when the human was responsible for his space craft. It is fair game and he can do it, considering how it would benefit them in the end. And what does he have to lose? It would just be a matter of time before the machine is fixed and they would be able to return home without issue.

Stopping from his tracks, he turn around and watch the confused expression on their faces, standing quietly with nothing but snow beneath their feet, "you two will help me fix my ship," the statement comes out as more of a command than a question, which is the truth in all honesty. He didn't really care what they say to his proposal as long they are willing to assist him.

Cain frowned from this, having no experience when it comes to engineering or manipulating machinery; something he isn't to the point of understanding. In fact, he had never touched an electrical wire, let alone repair one in his life, "I'm afraid I can't do that," regretfully answering to the creature from outer space.

This is getting more upsetting than he thought it would. Vesh had hoped these humans would be useful for him, and yet it turns out these savages are useless and he will have to do this alone. There's nothing to be done about it now, as there is no changing their minds once they've been made up on something. So, with a deep sigh, he decided to change his tactics and go after a different target, "you," pointing his finger towards the human.

Oh boy, what is it now?

Adam thinks to himself, trying to hold back a groan, not wanting to make huge scene for what its about to come and only cares about getting to his daughter. "You will help me fix my ship," his pilot states simply if it was a command, leaving no room for argument or negotiation.

Usually at time likes this, he isn't fond of helping strangers in general, especially those who he doesn't know and don't know the person that well. And here he is, forced in listening to Vesh because of his own doing.

The situation was ridiculous to begin with. How hard could it be to fix a machine that's in the shape of a flying saucer? Surely someone who came from space is smart enough to understand this simple task and figure out what to do with it.

"Why can't you do it?" Lilim's father asked, clearly not happy with his situation nor is he fond of doing this task in the first place, "aren't you smarter than anyone in this planet?" He wasn't really sure how the whole 'intelligence' thing works with them, but surely he knows anyone outside of this world is lot smarter than an average human being.

Narrowing his eyes, "of course I am," confidently stated by Vesh, not liking how the human doubted him, "but I need help from the likes of you, especially when certain someone caused my beloved ship to malfunction and crash," A small growl left his throat at the memory of this human,"see it as act of repayment for nearly destroying the only transport I have left."

The blue alien had point, deep down Adam wanted to scoff it off and selfishly leave him there to fend for himself, then again, their pilot not only saved his life but temporarily keeping his friends safe. He doesn't like the idea of having to be indebted to anyone and is prideful about that. Still, his adopted father wouldn't want him to continue this path and make himself a villain to society.

His father always wanted him to repay the kindness of the people that showed him any form of compassion, and now it's his turn to repay this alien's kindness, even if he didn't want to. There's a time for everything and now was not the time to show the least bit of spitefulness or greed, not to mention how it will make his father upset. Adam could already imagine the delighted doctor when he hears the news of his own adopted son in going out and repairing the ship because of him.

Smiling from the thought with his eyes closed, he face his head toward the sky; inhaling the fresh cold air that tickled his nose and mouth, causing him to slightly open his mouth as the wind gently pushed itself through the head, moving his hair strands on his forehead. Adam opened his eyes, seeing see the clouds drifting away in the blue sky, relaxing him further.

Bringing his head down towards the person in front of him, he released a long breath of white foggy air while seeing his exhaled mist slowly dissolve into the atmosphere, "alright," he said with crispy tone of voice, "in return, you help me find my daughter," crossing his arms, his brown eyes glanced at the alien to see what his reaction will be, "pretty please?" sneering the last part just to get on his nerves.

Adam watched as Vesh shaked his head with a loud sigh that was laced with agitation and annoyance,"as you wish," getting used to the human's attitude towards him after being with him for quite some time, "if we manage to escape this place without anyone catching us and leaving you and your friends behind, I will take you to where your daughter is."

Satisfied with the answer, Adam nodded from the agreement they just made, making the situation appear more optimistic for them than it did before, a sign of hope for all of them. If this was the right thing to do and his daughter really is here then maybe it won't be so bad to repay the kindness of others in a small way, it is something he could do and help him out in the end.

Perhaps his adopted father was right all along, trying to do good for others even though he doesn't enjoy it has some uses and benefits in its own ways, who knows, it may actually make him feel better if he actually start being kind to bunch of strangers, just to repay them for helping him in return. This will make him a better person in the future.

The path to goodness is hard and will only become harder if he try to be better to everyone all the time. Although, that doesn't mean he can't help other people out sometimes just to help them or to be better at his own means, this will show him being nice to others and making new friends won't be so bad if he continues to try, maybe he should do that in the future, even though he would never admit it.

But to form friendship with others is conflicted choice for him. While he is beginning to accept more people in his life; Adam greatly fears of their safety and losing them because of the choices he make. A decision he has to make himself as there is no way for him to change his mind on it, and will try to protect his loved ones as much as he can in this difficult times, even if it means having to sacrifice himself just to save them.

He loves them if they were his family to the point that he would be willingly to throw his life for them. He had probably said this many times before but now it is finally becoming reality and will truly put his life on the line just to protect them. They are the most important thing in life and nothing comes close to it, even death.

If it meant dying for someone he love, wouldn't anyone do it in a heartbeat?

Cain step in the conversation, "I apologize for the interruption but may I ask what sort of supplies are you intending to buy, Vesh?" He spoke in formal manner, looking at the blue alien in front, "the materials they have aren't made from your world," the old man replied with question in his voice.

"Yes I am aware of that and it is no problem at all," he explained to Cain with calm tone of voice, "what I require are parts from computers, electrical wires, monitors and steel. There are many other things that I require but I have enough funds to buy all of them."

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