Chapter 70

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Walking through the gloomy streets of this lonely night are Adam and his savior, carrying her behind his back as the person gently held the injured pup in his arms; both in silence after everything that had happened prior to leaving that ominous alleyway with the vile woman slowly regenerating herself in the cold and dirty pavement.

"The name's Miller," his brown smooth skin complexion and afro hair speak of how young he is. "I'm happy to get to meet you face-to-face." He then glances at Adam, seeing his attire consisting of a long black trench coat over his turtleneck shirt with a necklace-shaped clock, causing the young man to gaze back at him, wondering if he could trust this stranger to save him and his family.

How does this person even know him?

Never met him in his entire life, but something about his appearance differed from most people he had encountered throughout his life, giving him the impression that this individual is someone related to someone he knows. "You were looking for me?" Adam asked curiously, despite already knowing what was coming next by the mere glance of his body language.

Nodding in confirmation of this question, "I have; my father told me all about you," he answered calmly before gazing at the unconscious small dog resting on his own arms, holding him close near his chest, "poor guy, must be terrified..." Seeing the unconscious canine curled up against Miller's own body made him sympathize the situation before bringing his attention to the conversation.

"Father...?" Quietly repeating the word while looking down in confusion, he thinks deeply about who this person is referring to; he knows it has to be someone from New York, a friend or even a relative he hasn't met yet, while recalling a few individuals that have connections with him there, but he can't seem to find a person matching the description given to him.

Closing his eyes for a moment, he entered his mind palace, searching for the dozens of floating memories in his head until finding a particular memory containing a similar appearance of this man while viewing it play inside his head as if watching a movie, resulting in Adam finally piece the puzzles together within a minute.

"Chief Walker," turning his surprised expression to Miller, "is that why you were looking for me?" It all makes sense now, understanding how he finally knows who this person that saved him is. He questioned further, causing Walker's son to nod once again, even though there is more than a simple answer that he seeks.

"You sum it up pretty much," Miller smiled softly from this, "after my father retired, he explained how he worked with you back in NYC before I was transferred here, including telling me stories about you." A fond expression appeared on his face as reminiscing few things his father had shared with him regarding their former city before frowning lightly. "He also wanted me to find you." The answer caused confusion from this statement, making the black coat figure frown.

"For what reason?" Despite being thankful for having someone like him save his life and the family he has left, he is still in need of answers and the reasons behind them: "If he wanted me to go back into the police force, than I want to say no; I'm already over it." Adam firmly spoke those words, causing Walker's son to shake his head at this claim.

"Not entirely," he said, pausing for a moment as he tried to choose his words carefully while keeping eye contact with him, "but I wish to discuss these in a better place." Seeing Miller's gaze shift at their surroundings made Adam gaze around them, realizing they were still outside and understanding the potential danger of someone stalking them in the shadows.

"I understand," agreeing with this suggestion, "but first thing first is bringing my daughter and dog to the hospital." A smile appeared on Miller's face, and he nodded from this as they continued their peaceful stroll, glancing at the small sleeping pup once again before letting out a sigh of relief, knowing they were still alive in the first place thanks to this person.

Focusing ahead of them, there were barely any bystanders walking at this time, which is rather strange as most people are usually active at this time, regardless of how dark or sunny it is outside, making them assume they are staying in their homes or were busy with their own businesses until noticing a few pedestrians on the other sidewalk, staring at them before moving their sight somewhere else.

He decides to never go out at night with his family to never expose them to dangers, pondering what Walker's son wishes to discuss with him that couldn't be done here. Perhaps it's better to be patient in times like this than get the answer out of him after his heroic act in getting them out of that place.

Because of his kind act, Adam prefers to respectfully follow the wishes of this person rather than questioning him back. He also likes specific individuals who were incredibly nice or helpful to him whenever he encountered them. He will never forget him, of course, and has growing respect for Walker's son.

"Thanks for saving us back there," he said, breaking the silence between them, expressing his appreciation towards his savior. "If it wasn't for you, things would get a lot worse." A genuine statement came out of his mouth, knowing how one person can truly change another person's life with good intention by interfering in their lives.

Walker's son hummed for a moment, delivering a sincere smile from this remark as he awkwardly scratched his cheek from embarrassment of hearing it: "It was a coincidence, you see," answering truthfully from his own response, "we were searching for one of our missing men who were sent to capture this demon to be exorcised, but as you could see, the very person unfortunately ended up dead in that very alleyway of yours."

Memory flashed before his eyes of Lilith devouring the person's innards on the dirty floor. "Oh, him," he said, shrugging nonchalantly, "sorry to hear that," not feeling a sense of pity for the person that died as well; he didn't even know the guy to begin with. It's a random person that Adam would have barely cared about unless he knew him.

Raising an eyebrow, Miller frowned at the uncaring tone but ignored it altogether, asking, "Do you know that woman by any chance?" This very question catches Adam off guard, causing the young man to immediately stop as he slowly moves his face towards him, showing hatred and rage towards Lilith and glaring at him for asking this question.

"Don't, ever mention her," he warned him sternly with a low growl escaping from his throat, baring his teeth towards him as veins started to appear all over his skin, expressing the extreme displeasure he has against this succubus bitch and causing his eyes to temporarily glow blue from the passionate feelings he has against the likes of her.

"Sorry about that man," he bowed his head from apologizing on behalf of what he said, "I didn't mean to upset you," waving his hand just to reassure him there was no malicious intent from asking such a question, staring at Adam with a sympathetic expression, already getting the faintest clue of the reason behind this anger.

Taking a couple of deep breaths, he returned to normal; his once-hated display shifted into regret and guilt of almost losing control again. "It's fine, you didn't know." Shutting his eyes for a moment, Adam pondered if he still has the guts to fully hate her; deep down, he still loves her and the abusive father he once had due to being their parents.

But was it the right thing to do?

He doesn't know anymore; he's too tired to even think about it; all he wants at this time is to bring them to the infirmary. That is all he desires right now. Opening his eyes once again, he turned to him with a reply along the way: "How far is the hospital from here?" Changing the subject completely in hopes of diverting his mind from unnecessary thoughts

"We are already here."

Eyes widening, Adam turns to his side, seeing a tall building at his shoulder. The architecture design looks modern yet futuristic as he gazes at its sight, admiring how impressive it was and marveling at how magnificent this structure was before glancing back at him and asking, "When did that happen?" He asked in confusion, slightly smiling at this sudden change of pace.

He smiled in return. "You weren't paying attention," Miller explained while Adam stared at him blankly from his remark, finding this humorous that he missed seeing a tall building in the corner of his eyes, but to be fair, he was too exhausted and busy with the things happening to even care about focusing on the surroundings clearly.

Heading inside, they saw many patients, doctors, nurses, and families scattering around in this very spacious lobby, as well as a few receptionists sitting at their respective desks to handle check-ins or give information to patients. Walker's son guided Adam towards the front desk, approaching a young nurse wearing a casual uniform consisting of a light green collared shirt with a brown vest over it along with a matching skirt, wearing glasses on her face. She greeted them with a friendly smile on her face, "Good evening," nodding her head from seeing them coming her way, "Is there any—"

She immediately shut her mouth after seeing the unconscious girl and dog in front of her and said, "Please follow me." The nurse stood up from her seat and gestured for them to follow from behind, leading them through crowded hallways as they kept quiet in this whole ordeal, observing patients wandering around and the many staff members tending the sick or wounded.

The hallways were made of metal walls with many fluorescent lights illuminating their surfaces, while linoleum tiles below their feet made noise from every step they took. They saw nurses assisting some patients or checking vital signs from those laying on the moveable hospital beds, as well as doctors running through these same hallways, shouting orders or examining injured individuals for examination rooms nearby.

Adam isn't concerned about these individuals; his primary focus is the injured pup and Lilim, two important beings he swore to protect and care for regardless of what happens next, hoping nothing terrible will occur once they arrive at their destination. Making their way through another hallway before eventually coming across a blue door.

"Enter inside; the doctor will arrive shortly," she instructed before excusing herself away from them. Adam nodded from her command as his companion held the door knob, twisting it as the said door opened wide, revealing a comfortable and clean room with a bed against one wall and a cabinet nearby for medicines or medical tools they needed to heal patients, giving Lilim's father relief upon seeing this scenery in front of him.

As they entered, Adam gently laid Lilim onto the soft mattress while Miller placed Pumpkin on top of the sleeping girl—a wholesome sight if it weren't for the fact they were knocked unconscious and injured by the very woman who caused them this. "Are you alright?" His companion asked from behind, observing him from inspecting their unconscious forms in worryingly display.

"Its just..." The door quickly opened, causing the two young men to turn and see their supposed doctor: an older Asian gentleman wearing a lab coat over his dark green shirt,sporting short brown hair with a pair of glasses resting on his nose bridge; closing the door behind him once he placed everything on a table nearby before approaching them.

"My apologies, gentlemen," he greeted while Miller introduced himself along with Adam doing the same; shaking hands with each other as he finally gazed at his new patients before beginning his diagnosis; "I am Doctor Han; pleasure to meet you."

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