Chapter 71

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After exiting the hospital and leaving his daughter behind to be taken care of by the staff in the hospital, the two men, along with his still unconscious dog being gently held by his owner's arms, headed to a nearby restaurant not far from where they left off. Entering this small, peaceful, and quiet establishment with tables and chairs surrounding it, they took a seat, signaling to the waitress that they wanted to order something to eat.

Sitting across from each other, Miller began to open his mouth in display of his companion's inquiry, "So, what do you want to know?" He asked patiently, awaiting Adam's response, watching the young man gently caress the dog's furry back in a circular motion before gazing at Walker's son with a curious expression on his face.

"Just get to the straight point already," frowning in annoyance from having to waste his time asking such a redundant question, "you have another reason other than saving us in that back alleyway, and this wouldn't be about that woman, wouldn't it? There is more to it than that," he knew by the mere observation of the person's face. He was able to take a hint when there was something else afoot.

Sighing in defeat of being discovered, "you got me," putting his arms in surrendering display, "alright, you wanted me to spill the beans," he said in a resigned tone before pausing momentarily, debating whether or not he should reveal all about it but figuring the guy has a right to know given what had happened today, "first off," raising a finger while clearing his throat, making Adam lean closer from his chair just to listen intently to what he was about to say, "have you heard about The Enforcers?" Simple question, yet he waits for his companion's response eagerly.

Using his other available hand, he gently caressed his chin in a thoughtful manner as he recalled anything related to Hope City's local police organization but couldn't seem to remember anything; shaking his head from left to right, he asked, "What about them? Are they some vigilante organization or police force?" He questioned curiously, seeing Miller chuckle briefly from the obliviousness.

"Yes, but actually no," placing both his arms on the table; "you see, the city doesn't have an official police force, and being the son of a retired Chief, I decided to recruit a group of retired law officers, reformed criminals, and volunteers," smiling widely just to receive a dubious gaze from the young man as he explained further; "basically, we act as the city's own law enforcement for Hope City, but at the same time, we do good deeds," giving his companion a simple gesture with his fingers just to indicate he has more explanation to do.

"Like what? Abusing your power?" Sarcastically retorted, Adam secretly knew how individuals can be drunk with power, especially those who hold higher positions compared to those beneath them. Miller frowned at such an answer but otherwise shrugged in understanding of this statement before continuing what he has to say next.

"We aren't perfect by any means," clearing his throat while Miller went on with explaining further; "there are cases where corruption happens," admitting frankly before Adam gave him a judging glare; "but at least we do our best to uphold justice across Hope City." Walker's son saw Adam roll his eyes from this answer; "look man," crossing both arms in a defensive manner before proceeding with what he has to say next; "we help people when they are in need and arrest those who committed crimes."

Adam hummed briefly from this information, leaning back against his chair comfortably, pondering deeply about this organization while weighing both pros and cons of such a vigilante group, but figuring they have the right to exist regardless if they are corrupted or not. "Okay, and what is it for me? You want me to join your little fun club?" The sarcasm evident in his tone was amusing and humorous at the same time.

"There is a specific dangerous mutilator that goes around kidnapping innocent and guilty to cause as much pain as possible, leaving them fate worse than death," pausing momentarily just to gauge the young man's reaction from hearing this disturbing news, but surprisingly, receiving a blank expression instead, "his known by moniker: The Deviler," Walker's son shuddered only to see him snort shortly afterward, giving him a condescending gaze.

"So this is where I come in," Adam gestured both his hands just to indicate Miller what he meant from such a question: "you want me to use my deductive skills to arrest this Deviler fellow for you?" scoffing with an amused smile, "what is it for me? Money? Power? Fame? I don't need any of those; my only concern is living my life freely, he said, announcing his statement in a prideful manner, causing Miller to gaze coldly directly at him with a firm expression plastered on his face from such a proposition.

"What if this person begins to target your daughter?"

The response froze his blood ice, freezing Adam momentarily from hearing this possible outcome, taking a moment of silence just to absorb such a scenario if his precious Lilim gets targeted by this lunatic; swallowing dryly before turning back towards Miller; "so that's your play huh," giving him a knowing expression just to indicate what he means from such an answer; "if that was the case, then I could—"

"Could what?" Interrupting bluntly, "Fix everything? You know you're still human and cannot solve everything by yourself." Receiving a challenging gaze from Adam, both calmly looked at one another in an almost deathly stare as the atmosphere began to rapidly turn cold between them before the arrival of the waitress brought them to reality.

"Here's your order," she said, placing down two plates on the table, containing a steak sandwich with soda. Adam silently nodded before thanking her shortly afterward, while the other took his out as well, watching her leave just to continue where they left off, allowing them to also enjoy their meal in their long, heated conversation.

"Think about it," Miller finished half of his meal before gulping down his soda afterward, proceeding to what he has to say next: "This person isn't some normal Joe; The Deviler has been doing this for several years and no one has even managed to capture this prick, let alone getting the faintest clue of unmasking his identity," taking a deep breath to continue onward; "not only that," Walker's son spoke again, "he even manages to always be one step ahead of us."

Adam sat in deep silence, conflicted by hearing about the problem they were having. On one hand, he doesn't want to get involved in working for another group, especially when it comes to apprehending lowlifes, but on the other, letting this infamous mutilator on the loose could cause harm to Lilim and those he cares about if he targets one of them.

It's a choice he has to make; returning to his line of work is something he never wants to do, desiring only to live his life without troubles, but his daughter can be endangered by this.

If no one was capable of getting this bastard into custody, then what is the point of having the lingering fear that he could be next?

No, he needs to get involved in this. Lilim and his precious pooch are at stake; he needs to be part of this investigation so they can prevent further harm to society. It's do or die, and only Adam can decide which option he will take. Sighing shortly afterward, he then faces directly at Miller, saying, "fine,," announcing his response aloud, getting a pleased expression from him afterward, "I'll help you catch him An annoyed grunt followed shortly in dining his unfinished meal.

"But in one condition," he paused for a moment, "you have to do me a favor for getting involved with your mess." The young man's brow rose shortly, curiously waiting for elaboration of this agreement, but Walker's son remained silent in order to prolong his impatience in asking; chuckling shortly from such an act but obliged regardless; "name it," responding firmly in Miller's demanding tone of voice.

Satisfied with this response, Adam starts to nod with a smile on his graced lip, "Pay the hospital bills for my daughter's health and take care of Pumpkin while I help you in this problematic case." An obvious stunned expression came from Miller in hearing this bargain, but Adam ignores his reaction altogether, awaiting patiently for his response with a stoic expression painted on his own face.

Walker's son pondered such a bargain shortly but nodded regardless: "deal," finishing off his meal, "so your dog is named Pumpkin? Smiling with his eyes focusing on the sleeping corgi, laying comfortably on the owner's lap, he asked, "Does he bite? Is there anything I need to know before bringing him to my house?" Only to get a soft and adorable snore from Pumpkin.

"Bring him to the vet and have the professional check his left leg," a sad, displeased tone came from him, having remembered the cause of the injury, "and make sure to also give him lots of love and attention," he replied calmly while caressing Pumpkin's fur; Miller then proceeded to finish his soda.

He can never believe that Lilith would also show the capacity of her cruelty and depraved nature to not only humans but also innocent animals who are incapable of even defending themselves properly against her sadistic violence. Not understanding how much of an unrestrained demon she truly is, he pitied Pumpkin for enduring such a violent encounter with her.

She appears to never limit her actions to adults; it can be anyone or anything that could feel pain or sorrow, the boundless extent of her sadism never ending, seeking the thrill of experiencing such misery in order to experience euphoria through causing suffering to everyone who stood against her wicked deeds.

Adam wants to give her a second chance by actually having Lilith be the kind and considerate mother he always dreams of, including his abusive father, who has tormented him since childhood. He still and will always love them, but he couldn't understand their lack of genuine and affectionate compassion in providing good guidance towards his growth.

Instead, he was raised by literal heartless parents who never showed care or affection to him, even in their presence, causing him to develop several mental illnesses that he still suffers from. So why couldn't he return the hate to them? While he feels the rage of the terrible things they did, he can't outright accept his genuine hatred for them, even though there are some bits of it.

Is it because deep down, this Stockholm syndrome is preventing him from embracing this negativity entirely? Or was he truly incapable of hating them due to growing up with them as parental figures despite all the awful things they had done? Adam can never know or understand, but what he does know is that he needs to move forward no matter what.

Dwelling in the past shouldn't be his main concern now; he has to encourage himself once again to focus on the present, as he has mentioned so many times. Taking deep breaths and releasing slowly afterwards, it's finally time to start his new chapter of life by being him again. Another day to be the hero once again with him, nodding briefly from such a notion before continuing in dining on his delicious meal.

"That wouldn't be a problem, Adam." Finishing his soda, Miller proceeded to stand with his arms extending forward. "Your dog?" He pauses shortly as Adam nods briefly from such inquiry, following suit by standing himself too, holding Pumpkin carefully like a fragile infant being held by a protective parent willingly to provide warmth and care.

Taking one look at his precious corgi, he whispered words of empathy and hope: "Stay safe, okay, Pumpkin? Don't forget how much of a hero you have become," a small smile painted on Adam's face, delivering a gentle kiss on his head, bidding goodbye to the small and innocent animal that had occupied them in such a short time.

As Miller took the sleeping dog in his arms, he looked at it for a brief moment before returning his attention to his new colleague, "tomorrow at early morning, around breakfast. We will discuss bringing that bastard to justice," he firmly stated in full conviction, giving Adam a confident grin as he quietly departs outside from the diner, leaving him to the silent and small restaurant all alone by himself.

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