Chapter 9

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Alucard sobbed miserably for a moment, alone in her own personal room without Garnet by her side or anyone to talk to at all. This was how her life had been since she was left alone. "Garnet..." Her mind had such sweet memories with her best friend but having no one to confide in and talk to when she is not around, greatly hurts to think off.

Sitting on her throne, she cannot imagine how the feeling of being lonely for long time will be, as Garnet has always been there to give her company and distract her from the burden she had to endure by herself. Yet, every time she leaves, this lingering feeling always comes back, and no matter how much she ignores it, it still hurts her even more than before.

Despite being a vampire, the young mistress despises people and humans but longs for a relationship with someone to keep her company. Maintaining this side of her is very hard to deal with, as she has the urge to communicate with others just to satisfy her mental needs but is unable to do so due to being unable to trust them.

Her best friend says that everyone needs social contact to maintain the stability of their minds, seeing it as a necessity of life; however, she herself couldn't agree more when the feeling of loneliness is always present in her entire life after having a new home and losing her previous family, a thing that is impossible to forget or forgive.

She wanted her to agree with her that people are social creatures, but Alucard believes otherwise. As an immortal vampire who has essentially sold their soul and humanity, it was very unlikely to find someone that could be trusted in her current state of life, having few to no connections with other people due to being isolated from others and being generally hostile towards them.

However, even with her distrust towards others and hatred against humans, deep down, it didn't stop her from dreaming, hoping that one day she would find someone from the outside world other than Garnet to form a bond of friendship strong enough to overcome the obstacles she is facing.

Like a savior, a knight in shining armor, a man of purity and virtue who will help her conquer her own inner darkness that resides deep within her mind and heart. However, even with these dreams of what she desires, it was nothing more than just that—a dream that will never come true at all, and for that reason, Alucard has had enough of this cruel world.

Staring at the memorizing fireplace, she can't help but imagine what her life would be like if she didn't have these problems, how easy and relaxing it would be to live her life with someone she could trust and care about. Garnet is an example, but it isn't enough; the young mistress desired more than a single friend.

A parental figure of some kind or even a mentor, perhaps a surrogate parent, who will love her unconditionally, something that she had lost long ago when she was still young. While Garnet has acted like a mentor at certain times, it feels different; the pixie lacks the qualities of a parental figure due to having no family at all before they crossed paths with each other.

But the man with his daughter aligns with her own image of father and child—a strong, confident, and proud individual who is willing to do anything for their child's well-being. Not only that, he was considerate and protective of his daughter, and I wish she herself could have such qualities in her life. It was something she had all those years ago.

The nostalgic and pleasant memories when she was still that little girl who was with her loving parents, while having few friends to hang out with, but nothing compares to the feelings of having a family she could trust with her whole life, protecting her and seeing to it that she is safe at all times, where her father or mother will be there for her when she is feeling down or happy.

And it's all gone because of the unfortunate circumstances that led her to this path: horrible days of staying in her home most of her life without care in appreciating the outside world, even though the outdoors is simply filled with merciless, never-ending winter that continues to taunt her and remind her of how she had been forced to endure this lonely existence, where no one is willing to reach out to her, and to make it worse, the memories of her family are slowly fading away with every century passed, beginning to no longer have any sense of presence in her life at all.

It is terrifying to imagine if her sanity is slipping away from this notion. The side effect of this mental instability can be fatal, making her either aggressive or suicidal, but for now, she tries to hold on until the end of this horrible winter that is putting pressure on her already fragile mind and body.

All she has to do is wait for another century or more; it will pass soon enough, or she will find a person to bond with who isn't human like Adam. If she does, Alucard has dreamed of becoming a friend to him and having him as her family—someone she could trust, rely on, and be honest with in her own way. Someone she could have ever since she lost her parents.

While she trusts Garnet wholeheartedly, Alucard has yet to let out her vulnerable state in front of the pixie, keeping it all bottled up inside for so long, having no one to talk to about her problems, and feeling like she is a burden on Garnet's shoulders, which, in truth, the pixie likely feels that way too but is unable to do anything to make it any better.

However, this lonely feeling reminds her of being human; it was when she still had a family. Never before did she feel so vulnerable as a vampire with a very short lifespan, longing for someone to show her the true meaning of family. A warm, loving, and tender family that will cherish her and never abandon her, where she can express her inner feelings without feeling the need to hide them from others.

She can't—likely not anymore. Before setting up a home in this castle, she had ventured wide across the freezing globe, seeing these disgusting humans in action while further fueling her anger and jealousy by seeing them have families of their own, an ideal of what she is so desperately looking for. A thing that will never come to be.

During those times, the urge to kill them was greater than before, and she had a thirst for human flesh or blood. The only way to satiate her hunger was to go into town and see it up close, hiding in the darkness during this time of night to avoid detection from humans as she secretly observed them from afar before draining their blood from the corpses she killed.

Revenge felt so good at that time but had no relief in seeing the suffering and pain they were going through; it just made her feel hollow, having no one to vent to about it or even the chance of changing her ways. She felt like an outsider, relying on surviving the next day due to the inhumanity of what she had become.

That is until Garnet came into her life, pestering her like a flying mosquito before eventually they became friends, seeing the pixie as an older sister or motherly figure to her and even caring for her. This was something that she had longed for, something that she had lost a long time ago when her parents died, but now all of this was gone because of those madmen.

Madmen that claim to be sent from the inquisition for accusations of witchcraft What they really were were corrupt bastards, toying with people's lives just for their own entertainment. After they barged into their home and killed her parents before brutally violating her after trying to escape from their grasp, Alucard wished for revenge.

During those moments, she asked God to come and rescue them, to show his miracles and benevolence. But not a single response came from him—just silence. A thing that infuriated her to no end as she waited for something, anything at all, but there was nothing at all, making her wonder if God doesn't exist at all.

Forced to lay there on the filthy ground after trying to run away, exposed and beaten before leaving her in that fate of some abandoned green forest; the cries of prayers and help reached the demon instead. It was this thing that granted her revenge and turned her into a vampire; it was that entity that made her feel relieved to finally have someone grant her wish.

It wasn't God that saved her; it was a demon, a cruel entity that sees humanity as playthings. And because of what they have done to her and what these humans have done to her family, she managed to find the corrupt men responsible for the act before ripping off their limbs one by one with her superhuman strength, making them suffer excruciatingly painful deaths in front of her.

As her mind continued to wander, the door suddenly opened. Snapping her thoughts as she gathered her bearings, trying to act professional and aristocratic in front of her guests, "it's you again," the young mistress's eyes were directed specifically to Adam, only giving him proper greetings that lack any courtesy in her tone.

"Yo mistress!" The annoying pixie flied around in the air while giving a simple wave to her, smiling brightly as usual while ignoring Adam's displeased expression. "I brought you food," said the mirthful Garnet, having such a carefree attitude towards her that is too strong for the mistress to handle at all, always acting like a child even though the flying fae is as old as her or perhaps older.

Hearing the mention of 'food,' the young mistress widens her surprise at the revelation, having forgotten something important. "Ah, right. I almost forgot." Clapping her hands in an act of remembrance while continuing to look at Adam with demanding eyes, she said, "Come over here," coldly instructing the human with an emotionless tone while he simply did as she said.

When he reached her, he said, "Now what?" Adam said, perking up his eyebrow, looking at the girl before him, waiting for what needed to be done to finish this deal of theirs. She was staring at him for a moment before requesting that he lift up his left sleeve, "pull your left sleeve, now, in a cold and strict tone of voice.

Adam did as she said, casually pulling up his sleeve and revealing only up to his elbow, "just get it over with," sighing tiredly as he waited for her to do what she had to do. Seeing him get impatient, Alucard felt offended by the rude behavior but ignored it, as her thirst for blood is much greater than her pride at this moment.

In a quick move, she snatched Adam's hand and went for his left arm, piercing through his skin with her sharp fangs before beginning to drink his blood. The thought of a simple sting equivalent to a bee is underestimated. The moment she started to suck the blood out of him like he was some kind of juice box, it stung as if a mosquito bit him, but the pain only continued to increase with each passing second.

"Shit, that actually hurts." He never realized that being bitten by this bat-like mutant or whatever the hell she is was a painful experience. He expected the sensation to be nothing more than a sharp pinch on his skin, but it hurt more than that. To make it worse, Alucard began to drain faster, wanting to remove his blood as much as possible to satiate her hunger.

His daughter was enraged, seeing the pain apparent on Adam's expression made her growl like dog; ready to pounce and kill the person sheltering them for hurting her father, viewing this an act of aggression towards them or even sign of hatred. However, she quickly stopped herself from doing so when Adam requested that she stop after sensing her growing hostility.

Snapping his attention from behind, "Lilim, it's fine," he says with a forced smile that looks more like a grimace than anything else as he endures the pain of being bitten like some kind of chew toy for a wild animal to satisfy its hunger. It didn't take long before she finished her meal and retracted her fangs from his arm as she casually pushed off his spot with one hand, throwing him in the air for a few meters before dropping on the ground, groaning in pain from both the impact and bite.

"Aw, the hell is wrong with you!?" Lilim quickly moved to her father's side, kneeling down with both of her legs out of concern and worry, wondering what she had done wrong to make him this angry. He looked at his arm, which was covered in blood that was stained on his clothes and hair, while clenching his teeth from the pain.

"Mistress!" Garnet frowned at this sudden act, saying, "You didn't have to push him!"

Ignoring her best friend, she casually waved at them, "You are dismissed; the presence of your kind makes me uncomfortable, in a snobby tone of voice and indifferent to what just happened as if it didn't bother her at all, making the whole situation worse between them as the growing tension grew to a new height.

Managing to stand up in his own two fists, holding his other bitten arm, Adam gritted his teeth in anger, looking at the person responsible for hurting him this way, "ungrateful brat." His words caught her attention and she heard them loud and clear, giving him an icy stare. She felt insulted by his words but nonetheless remained calm and composed, not wanting to give him satisfaction by losing her temper.

He left without any word or care at all, causing his daughter to follow suit from behind with apparent growing worry from the whole ordeal that happened in this very moment, leaving Alucard and Garnet all by themselves, the air growing thick with confusion and disbelief between them as she remained silent, looking down as if she were ashamed.

"Alucard...?" Garnet trailed off her words when she saw something unexpected.

The young mistress, sitting and looking down, is in fact sobbing with a stream of red tears emitting out of her eyes after the confused and then concerned pixie finally managed to see it for herself. And the sight was unexpected, as she had never seen her friend express such an emotion, making her believe that there was something wrong with her. "Alucard...?" She repeated herself again, hoping for an answer this time.

"I hate them...I hate them..."

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