Chapter 2

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Standing on top of chair behind the wooden table was small and smiling pixie with short messy pink hair and bluish skin complexion at the height of human adult's hand. She lacks any clothing or dress, only the exposure of her breasts, stomach, thighs and legs. Her smile is bright and cheerful while she began to wave at Adam, which he did not return the gesture.

"Woohoo!" Pixie shouted with glee, "What's up buddy! My name is Garnet, its nice to meet one of our guests!" She explained while gesturing at herself, "I know, I know," Garnet crossed her arms proudly with confident expression on her face, "you must be surprised to see your savior," the pixie replied, "I had to go all out just to get you both to safety from that terrible storm."

Silence as Adam continued to stare at this...thing in front of him, frowning at what he is seeing and hearing; unable to comprehend what is happening. To his surprise, the pixie took notice of his frown and immediately started to panic. "Hey now!" Garnet raised her hands up in surrender with concerned expression on her face, "Is everything okay?"

He doesn't know what to say at this situation, could this small creature be seemingly part of his imagination or perhaps a hallucination caused by fatigue?

"Dude, what's wrong?" Garnet raised her eyebrow in confusion, "you lost your head or something?" Her lips then curl up into a wary smile, "hello, you there buddy?!"

"What...what are you?" Adam's cautious and quiet voice broke the silence as he continued to stare at her, not understanding what this strange thing is. He had seen all sorts of mutants and demons but he never physically saw an creature this small and tiny—he wonders if they have such thing in this world.

Garnet look up at Adam with bewilderment on her face, "what am I?" The pixie repeated while shaking her head, "well," Garnet fly to the air, buzzing like annoying bee around his head, "its a little rude to ask such things buddy!" Adam look up at her in annoyance, swatting her away while growling in frustration. "And for your information," she crossed her arms and glared at him with irritated expression on her face, "I'm not some fly you can swat away!"

Sighing tiredly, "whatever, thanks for saving us I guess," he wasn't sure what to say at this point but just go with the flow and wait for his daughter to wake up. However, the pixie didn't seem to like the response as she glared at him while speaking with bitter tone, "I did more than that," Garnet then flew in front of his face, pointing at him, "I saved both of your lives, and this is how you thank me?"

"Oh," Adam says sarcastically while crossing his arms, "sorry but I didn't asked for your help." Before he could say anything else, Garnet quickly flew away from him while yelling back at him, "that's not the point!" She then pointed at him again with serious expression on her face, "it's just that," pausing before shaking her head in disbelief, "you weren't appreciated for what I did for you."

Adam frown as he saw this small creature looking so serious as if it is a serious matter. Just looking at her irritates him even more and he felt like his speaking with annoying insect that seemingly wouldn't keep their mouth shut and knows no manners, "didn't ask for your help."

"And I didn't asked to rescue a jerk!" Garnet snapped back with bitterness in her voice, "just shut up and be grateful for what I did for you." She then began to fly around him while speaking in loud voice, "do you have any idea how much effort it took to save you both?" Effort she herself did all by herself without anyone's assistance.

His getting annoyed by the pixie as he had enough of her talking to him, and frankly didn't like the attitude she was displaying, "so what do you want from me then?" He wished for this to end, Adam sees this is becoming pointless and making enemies isn't his cup of tea, something he should have known by now after waking up.

Her expression soften from hearing his response, "apologize to me and sincerely thank me for saving you." Garnet answered with glee while gesturing to herself, "and if you do that," she smile at him, "I would help you guys live in this place," the pixie then pointed at the window, "you know? To give you both a warm welcome to our home!"

Adam was about to retort back at her but his eyes widen as he look back at the window and realized that they are no longer outside but rather in high building, giving him a weird feeling that this isn't the run down of the mill home, "where are we?" Was the question he spit out of his mouth instead of complying her demands.

She frowned, "yo bud!" Garnet raise her hand up to him, "I want to hear a sincere apology first!" And to make sure that he would properly say it, the pixie added, "a 'thank you' would be nice too," hopeful expression on her face as she stares at him, waiting for Adam to say the words in order to get what she wants.

Honestly, he wanted to simply say an sarcastic remark or something along those lines but that would be too stupid in doing at time like this; especially when this pixie saved their lives. If his wife was alive, Adam believes she would wanted him to be a nicer and better person than being the jerk he is.

Whether Adam should continue in being the asshole he is, isn't a good question to ask himself right now after the shit he had gone through just to live and see another day, the stress and anxiety were just too much for him to handle. Not to mention that this place is definitely something he had never seen before, and the sooner he would get along with this pixie, the better it would be.

Sighing in frustration, he nodded his head, "fine," he sat down at the chair, "I'm sorry," forcing himself to say these words to this tiny creature in front of him was not easy to do and honestly he didn't feel good about it, "forgive me for what I did and thank you for saving us," it was the best he could do.

Garnet flied down at the table before sitting straight at his direction, cheerfully smiling as she speaks with upbeat tone, "not a problem!" She then paused before nodding at him, "apology accepted!" Adam stare at her while giving her a questionable look, thinking about what to say next and deciding to get back to the topic.

"What is this place and who are you?" The obvious and predictable to say in this situation, he only needed to know where they are and what is happening to them, its not like he cared about the person's identity anyways. In the end, the survival of his daughter and himself is his only priority now.

Nodding understandably, "let me start," she paused while pointing at herself with her finger, "I'm Garnet," she then pointed at the door behind Adam before continuing, "this is Bartham Keep," she explained while gesturing to the room they are in, "and you two are guests here!" Proudly nodding her head with satisfied expression on her face.

Adam narrowed his eyes as he is not sure what is she even talking about, especially the name of it, an place he never heard or seen before; "what is this place again?" He asked, hoping that she would understand his question. Garnet quickly turn serious, "it is a castle," she began to gesture at herself with her hands while frowning at him, "and the name is Bartham!"

Ugh, its like his talking to retarded child; someone who is completely clueless and illiterate in this world. "What?" Adam tried to keep his cool but not really succeeding as he stared at her with irritated expression on his face, "a castle? Give me more details." The pixie narrow her eyes at him, clearly not happy with the response she is getting.

After a moment of thinking, "okay," she nodded before gesturing to the window, "Bartham Keep is located in middle of nowhere, with nothing but snowy terrain for miles around!" Adam continued to stare at her while silently listening to her explanation, "now," Garnet then point at him with a finger, "tell me who you are and why you asked all these questions!"

That wasn't fair, he thought. She decided to cut his question and answer her own, "well," he paused as he contemplates on what to say next, "my name is Adam." Hoping that was enough information for her to answer his question, shrugging his shoulders after a moment of thinking. Garnet look up at him with blank expression on her face while he stares back at her.

"Adam?" Looking up the ceiling with her eyes glued there, "strange name," she muttered quietly before returning back to the conversation, "you are human right?" Humans in general aren't liked by her mistress—and most of the inhabitants of this world, Alucard is rather distrustful and hateful against humanity in general.

"Yes, that is my name," answering her question and hoping that he won't have to repeat himself, Adam felt like his done with all this nonsense, wanting to be left alone in his own devices of simply spending time with his daughter. The only thing he wanted was to leave this place as soon as possible and not spend his time in pointless conversations with an inane pixie who wants nothing but to talk to him.

"Okay," Garnet nodded before pointing to Lilim, "and what about her?" Curious as always, she thinks about what to say next while looking at the sleeping figure on the bed, "she is human too right?" From the way this girl emit from doesn't appear to be anything out of ordinary and it is quite odd from the way she felt from looking at her.

Garnet is capable of seeing people's emotions and get a feel from them and she would know if someone is human, mutant or even vampire from first glance. But neither of these three was the case; it is like mix of vampire and something else differently that she couldn't fathom of what it is. While she can't identify her species, she could feel a strong connection between the two of them, making her wonder if they are related somehow.

"Shes my daughter," is the only response he can give her, not wanting to say much more than that, and Garnet took notice of that. "Wait a minute," she fly up in the air before pointing at him, "you are the father of this girl?" Surprised from hearing that, Adam only nod with confusion on his face.

"Whats her name?" She asked again, this time; its about Adam's daughter, something he doesn't want to talk about. "Lilim," he responded with hesitation in his voice, not knowing if he should continue this conversation anymore, "that is all you are going to get from her," the fatherly tone in his voice was loud and clear, "you want more? Go ask her when she wakes up."

Just as he said this, the sounds of Lilim waking up from her slumber can be heard. Relieved that his daughter is awake now, he was about to go to her side when Garnet suddenly flew in front of her with intrigued expression on her face, "heya Lilim! My name is Garnet, its nice to meet you!" The pixie waved her hand at her while trying to be friendly as possible.

The girl looked around in confusion with blank expression on her face before suddenly turning into surprised look when seeing Garnet in front of her, "gahh..." was the only response she could give as she tilted her head, intrigued and confused at what she is looking at.

"Lilim!" Adam's loud voice was enough to snap her back to reality as she look back at him with worried expression on her face, "Daaddd...!" She got out of her bed and moved at superhuman speeds, sprinting towards her father before giving him a tight brace, "daddy," the voice was soft and whiny as she continued to cling to him.

Adam wrapped his arms around her in return as he couldn't help but to feel thankful that she is still alive. Both of them didn't notice Garnet flied away from them, watching this tearful moment unfolding in front of her eyes as the scene was making her heart warm. It reminded her of being a motherly figure to Alucard.

As they embraced, Garnet couldn't help to notice something off about Adam's relieved face; the sight of it was normal in any given situation like this but something tells her that his extremely worried and panicky of losing his only daughter, despite the obvious contradiction in how he appears to be at this moment. The pixie couldn't help but to wonder about what happened to them, even though she wasn't able to understand their past, she can see they are suffering a lot of things from what she is seeing and hearing.

Regardless, she cannot wait to give them a tour and bring the both of them to her mistress. Garnet hopes that she would get along with them and set her hatred against humans aside to get to know them, but deep down, she can't help but to be skeptical about it and if Alucard would do the same thing as well.

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