Chapter 79

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Taylor stared at them with a cold and bored expression, looking at Miller first before glancing back towards his partner, who stood beside him. Her appearance seemed ordinary enough, but Adam knew better than that, as he noticed something odd about her body language that made him wonder.

His eyes widen from realization; this isn't a woman but a male cross-dressing as a guy. "You're a man?" Adam asked bluntly without thinking twice, causing Miller to quickly nudge his elbow against his ribs, making him flinch slightly before apologizing immediately afterward. "Sorry," he apologized for this rude question.

She narrowed her eyes at this response before sighing defeatedly, "I am; what is it, you?" Taylor replied back while crossing her arms together in annoyance, "Are you one of those people?" The crossdresser questioned her with a slight irritation present in her voice tone as she waited patiently for an answer from him.

Adam scratched his head awkwardly while avoiding eye contact. "Sorry again," he apologized once more. "Really, I apologize. I was simply surprised because of how you exactly look like a girl." It's impressive that men can dress up as women without anyone noticing anything different about them unless someone points it out themselves, like himself just now.

With keen eyes and perceptive attention to detail, Adam is capable of telling whether someone is wearing a disguise or not. He can notice even the slightest mistake made by them, such as putting their makeup on wrongly, which gives away their identity immediately without hesitation whatsoever from him, while others wouldn't notice it unless they knew what to look for specifically in order to figure them out.

He was the self-proclaimed world's best psychologist after all, having studied psychology throughout his entire life ever since Doctor Sol rolled me into this profession because of my choice to become one, and the fact that I'm naturally gifted with everything just made everything easier for him.

"Sorry to break the conversation between you two," Miller suddenly interrupted their exchange of words, "but we are here for something important." He said firmly as he walked closer towards her, who stood there quietly in a sign of impatience, "Can you help us catch The Deviler?" The retired police officer asked straightforwardly without wasting any time left unanswered, looking directly at her face with a serious expression written across his own.

Taylor frowned at this question before sighing tiredly afterward, shaking her head lightly. "You know I'm busy right now," she replied back softly. "If you want my help, then come back tomorrow morning instead," suggesting without breaking eye contact between them both.

Miller clenched his fists tightly as he gritted his teeth angrily towards her response, "This is important!" Anger was evident in his voice when he spoke out those words loudly: "You know damn well that bastard is hurting people and torturing innocent families!" Truthful words left his mouth while he stared intensely at her, who remained unfazed by this sudden change of attitude from him.

Observing how Taylor reacted towards Miller's words, she showed no signs whatsoever of being affected by hearing such a statement directed at herself but instead simply stood there silently without care of the world, almost like nothing mattered anymore except her duties.

Feeling a nudge of remorse and hesitancy, she lowered her head down while her eyes moved around frantically in almost panic fashion before sighing once more loudly afterwards. "Fine," Taylor replied back quietly without raising her voice tone above normal volume level, "but what does it have to do with me? I'm simply a librarian."

Smile lifted his lips, "good," Miller nodded approvingly, looking directly at her once again, "the person we are hunting down isn't some ordinary Joe," his expression hardened seriously as he continued speaking for everyone present here to listen carefully towards what he said next, "he has some affliction with the occult and paranormal," pausing momentarily as he added additional information, "we believe he is using some form of magic to commit these crimes."

"Magic?" She repeated curiously while raising an eyebrow questionably towards him, who simply nodded back in confirmation without hesitation from her part, "hmm, interesting," looking up in thought for a moment before turning attention towards Adam afterward, "do you have anything to add?" Asking politely.

Adam blinked several times and said, "Uh, no?" Shrugging confusedly as he scratched his head awkwardly at this question, "I really don't have any clue," he answered truthfully without holding anything back. although it isn't entirely true considering his own experiences with the supernatural.

The librarian narrowed her eyes towards his response, which made him feel slightly uncomfortable under her gaze. "No matter, I know a way we can track him down." She assured him firmly, without letting go of her attention focused directly at him, "it won't be easy though, so make sure you are prepared for whatever happens next," warning sternly with a serious expression written across her face when she spoke out those last few words that caught them by surprise.

" can actually do that?" Miller asked in shock at getting the sick fucker to jail, "How exactly do you plan on finding him? We barely even have any crucial clues on where to start looking for him, she said, expressing doubts about what she said previously and unsure whether it is possible to get their culprit captured by authorities or not due to the lack of evidence they could provide.

Everyone knows the guilty must have evidence to support their claim; otherwise, there's no point trying to catch them without solid proof, which means the only thing they currently have so far is nothing more than mere rumors. Rumors are useless if they cannot provide something tangible towards proving one's innocence or guilt in court.

The fact that this person uses magic isn't helpful enough to use as evidence against him since no one would believe them unless they themselves saw it with their own eyes, so finding some method without involving magic altogether instead is necessary in order for them to gain legal authority over him.

However, Walker's son knows well enough that all this matters is bringing him to prison in the name of justice; the important thing here is catching The Deviler. All these questions can be dealt with later on when the time comes for answers. "That is correct," she replied calmly, nodding in agreement towards his question, "for I have a specific book to help you find him."

Turning around, she gestured for them to follow her, to which they complied without hesitation on their part. Leading them into a large library hall filled with various books stacked neatly on shelves, she walked straight towards a corner where a few tomes were resting peacefully in their places before picking up one of them without any difficulty.

"Here," holding the large book with her bare hands, "this contains many of the countless other tomes revolving around sitting-up ritual," she said in a matter-of-fact manner towards them, much to the surprise of what they were hearing right now, "it provides detailed explanations of how to perform different types of ritual. Including what kind of requirements are needed and so on, she said, glancing sideways at them briefly.

The compendium being held by her was massive, at least three feet long and two feet wide. It was bound in heavy leather and looked well-worn, indicating that it had been used frequently over the years. A sight like that would have been impressive if it didn't also look like it weighed a ton.

"How many pages are inside?" Adam asked, in a mix of excitement and shock from the sight, "How are you even able to carry it? I mean, look how huge it is," he said before pointing his finger towards the huge book being held in her grasp effortlessly without struggle whatsoever, which amazed him greatly while his boss silently agreed from beside him.

A small smile crept on her face upon hearing a question directed towards herself from him, "thousands," she replied simply without elaborating further than just a simple answer to satisfy his curiosity for knowledge of reading such a big book, "and as for your second question, because this item is naturally made to be carried easily," causing the two to look at her with bewilderment written across their faces, which caused her to chuckle lightly, "magic works in mysterious ways after all."

Walking towards her, the young man gently grabbed the book with his own bare hands, surprised to know how light it was. "It's..." He was speechless at what he was holding onto right now. The compendium felt like he was simply lifting an empty cardboard box rather than an actual physical object. "This is incredible..." Murmuring quietly, amazed to be able to hold a book at this size.

Adam has to admit that his excitement about reading a book is getting stronger than ever before, especially when it comes to studying the occult. This is perhaps one of the many things he likes about life, which is learning new things to discover. almost as if he were a young boy again, filled with curiosity and wonder about everything around him.

"Thanks, Taylor," Miller then moved to his partner's side, "but what page should we read in order for us to capture this sicko?" He inquired, "There are thousands of pages; how are we going to find them in such a short time?" Asking again with growing concern in his tone.

Instead of answering, she chuckled at the response she received from him, calming herself down enough for her to explain the situation better for him, "the very last page of it," pointing towards the end of the book as she did so, "but I must warn you," seriousness present in her tone, "performing and taking part in the occult always requires sacrifice, remember that," warning sternly without holding anything back for both to understand.

"Sacrifices?!" The boss couldn't believe what he had heard: "You know I won't allow that to happen," his eyes widening from the statement given: "Sacrifices aren't necessary when it comes to catching bad people!" This controversial statement of his was nothing more than questionable: "What the hell do you even mean by sacrifices in the first place? What exactly are we supposed to do in order for us to perform this ritual?"

Many questions were in their minds, all of them demanding answers without giving them any time to respond properly. "Simple," she began as she smiled faintly at them, "the problem is yours to deal with, not mine," her voice echoing across the whole library hall as she stepped forward towards them, "I am merely here to help you, to fulfill your objective, not solve it for you. You need to find him yourself through this method; if you have a problem with this, then deal with it by yourselves," she said, leaving without any further comment.

"I guess this is our best option," Adam sighed heavily, "let's see what the book has to offer; perhaps there is an alternative means of capturing him without the use of sacrifice," suggesting a possible option to his partner, who nodded back in agreement," causing his boss to agree with him, saying, "Let's hope you're right, Adam," said the other male before looking down at the book laying between his hands, "I'm not comfortable with sacrificing people just because we want something to be fixed.

The two young men understood the gravity of their situation; neither felt comfortable accepting the cost of having someone's life on their hands just for their selfish goals. So far, nothing had worked on stopping The Deviler, and all attempts had been met with failure except now.

Magic is their only option in these cruel circumstances—an unknown solution to unknown problems. Magic is the only way they can think of it, despite it being a last resort for them both. The book is perhaps the answer to their questions, for when they have to deal with the paranormal, this is the only path to stopping evil itself.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.

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