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Empty graveyard of peace and solitude. On the early mornings, it seems almost ethereal under the light mist, with the pale sun rising in the distance. The various shapes of tombstones and statues cast long, ominous shadows across the dew-covered grass.

Dozens of lives were killed from the onslaught of Adam's madness, where families of victims gathered here to grieve and weep over their lost loved ones that was taken so viciously. In truth, nobody truly understand what exactly happened as there are many conflicting statements on why the murderous person did such horrific act.

However, his friends only knew the answer as everyone he ever loved and knew surrounded his funeral as they laid his coffin in one of the holes, watching the workers begin to fill dirt into it. It was no longer raining but instead a normal day with nice blue sky above.

Everyone was dressed appropriately for this situation as Pumpkin whined and whimpered of seeing his human master inside the wooden case with flowers surrounding it. They never have expected this would come all of sudden after coming to this city.

Alucard couldn't handle it after Miller told everyone about it as she sat on the ground, tearfully hugging herself in denial. While everyone else remained quiet, solemnly grieving as the workmen continued their tasks to bury Adam in the grave he deserved.

"Mistress..." Garnet spoke, seeing that Alucard is mentally suffering from this. She didn't even turn to face her, continuing to cry her eyes out from what happened, "Mistress?" Calling her name only to be met with no response.

Vesh had also returned back after hearing the news of his trusted ally being killed and humiliated in such matter, having respect to the very man that showed him a different light on humans altogether, "I'm sorry that I failed you, Adam," lowering his head on the ground with further silence.

Cain could only watch Adam's daughter being comforted by Miller at this moment, even if they barely know each other. The poor girl could only stand near his grave; watching in distraught as the afro young man gently caresses her back for some reassurance.

He had seen far too many funerals from his countless years of living that it became normal for him, but this one truly hurts him because of how human Adam is despite the flaws he had down. The young man had struggled many unfortunate events but yet chose to keep on going.

Sadly, nothing can bring his old friend back as his memories of him will remain etched in their minds; knowing that this was something anyone could prevent if they were with him the whole time, but could not stop it because of their own incompetence.

The old man closed his eyes, feeling the wind blow his hair gently with the only sounds of the grieving loved ones and the shovel being used to bury a deceased man as the birds chirped in the distance. He could only pray for Adam's soul to find peace wherever he is now.

"There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery," Cain mumbled sadly, remembering what Adam have said to him with a remorseful expression; "I truly hope you find happiness, sonny," slowly opened his eyes and then look at the graves that surrounded him.

All of these tombstones represented people's lives; some innocent, some guilty and others in between. Every single person that died had ambitions and dreams, but they were all taken from them as a result of their own sins or the unfortunate obstacles that life threw them.

"Daddy..." Lilim was having hard time to stand properly, unable to hold back her tears anymore as they continued to fall down from her eyes, "I want... to go..." she began sobbing loudly, "home!" Miller gently rubbed the crying girl's head, "its okay, its okay..."

Her legs began to give up, causing her to fall down to her knees as she continued to weep in anguish. Miller knelt down to embrace her, "hey," he reassured gently, "we'll find a way to manage this okay?" His words didn't really help much as she continued her sobbing display.

"Human lives are rather disappointing," Vesh commented to his companion beside him, "don't you agree, human?" Asking the old man in which he shook his head in disagreement, not taking his eyes off the funerals before looking up in the beautiful sky.

"They're actually fascinating, don't you think?" he chuckled in amusement, "every single one of us has a story to tell and we will never know what exactly happened behind the scenes." Cain saw the view from his perspective, "we are fragile beings that struggle every day of their life until they get to the point that they reached the end of it."

Vesh hummed for moment, "is that so?" Sighing as he recalled the good moments with these people, "I have learned more about your species in such short amount of time," looking up to the sky as well, "I do wonder if life has a meaning at all."

"There is and you have to find it," Cain told him in reassuring voice, "everything happens for a reason."

Meanwhile in hell, where naked Adam found himself tied on dirty table, the screams of tortured souls everywhere and demonic creatures flying outside this castle; screaming in terror as the monsters on their flesh and bones. He can only scream in pure terror.

Grotesque demons in this very room were all surrounding him, their hideous forms dancing in joy as if they were celebrating this moment before beginning their feast upon the human mortal. One of the demon approached closer to him with grin; showing its large mouth full of teeth before opening it wide only to be silenced by the approach of someone else.

The demons disperse to allow one individual in their presence, making Adam struggle even harder in order to break free of chains that binded him, "let me go!" he screamed and pleaded while watching the shadowy figure slowly walking closer before revealing itself no other than Lilith.

But this time, shes different. Her appearance was no longer human but instead of humanoid female shape of twisted version of a succubus, standing taller than ever. Even her face appears to be similar of an goat's skull with horns, fangs and glowing yellow eyes. Her hands and feet resemble hooves with long black furry tail swaying side to side.

It was the most horrifying this he had ever seen but Adam can only cry miserably as he is going to stay here for eternity; being tortured in so many disturbing ways that will leave him insane if it were to happen repeatedly until finally passing out from exhaustion.

"Adam~" she greeted him with sinister smirk, placing both hands on the edges of the metal table right above his shoulders, "why don't we play?" Her question sent chills up in his spine as he shook his head in refusal. "Why do you refuse me, dear?" The monster purred sweetly as if trying not hurt her own pet.

"Where...where am I?"

"Hell," smiling even wider once her monstrous face leaned down closer to him; pressing her wet lips against his cheeks that caused his entire body shudder uncontrollably from such coldness and slime, "I dragged your soul with me," nuzzling herself against his neck while inhaling his scent deeply, "we will spend eternity together," licking up salty tears of his cheek and enjoying them.

"You promised..." he whimpered, struggling to breathe properly with his heavy breath becoming harsher by second, "please, just kill me already," looking at this thing that is known as his mother; lying flatly under her hold, "just take my soul. Anything but this."

Lilith narrowed her gaze for few seconds before suddenly breaking into a loud laugh, causing the rest of her kin to laugh in unison along with their own grotesque appearances, "oh dear..." she whispered while chuckling happily as if trying not offend him any further than what she is planning in store for him. "No," the succubus answered simply without hesitation.

"Because you will be with us forever~"

Having mouth, he tried to scream only to have his vision beginning to distort into maddening ways; sobbing miserably of what is going to happen as he realized his going to be tortured with never ending pain in this horrendous nightmare he cannot escape from.

For he has no eyes but he must scream.

My novels will always be accessible for everyone to read, no paywall or hiding behind locked content and any of that sorts. All of them are accessible to read.

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